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Nancy Joplin
True Blue Farmgirl

328 Posts

Ontario California
328 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2025 :  3:27:14 PM  Show Profile
Sadly, times are changing. People are more careful about stopping to help someone, and likewise, we are more fearful of those who do stop. It is sad. I ran out of gas years ago on the freeway. Some bad things were going on in our area, and I was really scared. I man pulled up behind me and asked if I needed help. I told him that I had run out of gas, but that I would be okay. He went back to his truck and put 5 gallons of gas in my car from a can that he had in his truck. He got in his car and drove away without another word. I have always been grateful for his kindness toward me. I try to help others when I can.

Nancy 8352

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