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 September Mail Art 2020
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True Blue Farmgirl

602 Posts

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Posted - Sep 19 2020 :  6:44:03 PM  Show Profile

Do glad ya liked it ! Very special to me that ya put it on your special wall....we DO love our bluebonnets !


w/ TEXAS SIZE Farmgirl HUGS !
Farmgirl Sister :
HunnysHen # 5876
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True Blue Farmgirl

54 Posts

54 Posts

Posted - Sep 21 2020 :  2:39:07 PM  Show Profile

Oh my goodness, is your mail art package wonderful! Thank you so very much! It's such a beautiful, heartfelt collection. We are very similar in what we like and do! I love the photos and notes of your pets, your cattle, very tidy crafting room, clothesline, frozen roses, bluebirds, and all of the beautiful notes you wrote about your life and about life in Texas. And on top of the beautiful booklet, you tucked in wonderfully spiced candles, ribbon, and handy little notebook. Thank you so very much for sending this to me - I just love and cherish everything. I'll get a photo up soon.

Big farmgirl hugs,

Julie Sister #8169

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." -C.S. Lewis
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True Blue Farmgirl

54 Posts

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Posted - Sep 21 2020 :  3:20:27 PM  Show Profile

Patsy's wonderful mail art!

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." -C.S. Lewis
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True Blue Farmgirl

1284 Posts

Deary ID
1284 Posts

Posted - Sep 23 2020 :  12:04:48 PM  Show Profile
Woo Hoo April . . . tracking says it's out for delivery TODAY. If I feel any aches and pains later today because you are sticking pins in that voodoo doll effigy you made of me, then I'll know you got it. LOL.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2770 Posts

Central Oregon
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Posted - Sep 23 2020 :  12:58:27 PM  Show Profile
Lol!!!! Jean, you are toooooo much! No voo doo practices in this house!

I'm sure I will love it and am excited to receive it! Will watch for it!

Farmgirl Sister #7038
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True Blue Farmgirl

2770 Posts

Central Oregon
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Posted - Sep 23 2020 :  2:35:47 PM  Show Profile

Ohhh, Jean!!!!! My mail art was just delivered and I LOVE IT! Lol!!! Sooooo creative and fun! I'm attaching a couple pictures, before and after for all to see !!! THANK YOU!!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #7038
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True Blue Farmgirl

1048 Posts

Port Orange Florida
1048 Posts

Posted - Sep 23 2020 :  3:33:50 PM  Show Profile
Don't panic if you are still waiting! Mine is going out this Friday!

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2

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Farmgirl in Training

10 Posts

Holly Springs MS
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Posted - Sep 25 2020 :  4:22:59 PM  Show Profile


Thank you so much for my beautiful pin and post cards! It was so exciting getting this in the mail and reading more about where you live and the type of things you do to enjoy fall. I live in MS so like you, it doesn't really feel like fall until Nov. We usually crank up the AC and watch fun fall like movies. Usually by the time the cooler temps arrive, everyone is gearing up for Christmas, so I make it a point to enjoy fall time as much as possible between Halloween and Turkey Day :)

Sarah Erwin
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Farmgirl in Training

35 Posts

Los Angeles CA
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Posted - Sep 25 2020 :  6:00:46 PM  Show Profile
I’m so glad you enjoyed it Sarah :) I truly loved putting this swap together
Stay Safe and enjoy Fall
Joanne Seruto
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Farmgirl in Training

35 Posts

Los Angeles CA
35 Posts

Posted - Sep 30 2020 :  11:27:43 AM  Show Profile

Thank you Angie !
It was so much fun to have received your mail art yesterday ! It now has a place of honor in my sewing room . You are absolutely correct in saying it morphed into a SUPER MAIL ART !
Your note card , SUPER CUTE !
So enjoyed you as my partner
Your farm sister from the OTHER coast :)
Joanne S
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True Blue Farmgirl

1048 Posts

Port Orange Florida
1048 Posts

Posted - Sep 30 2020 :  11:38:45 AM  Show Profile
So glad you like it Joanne! And I do hope all those shells made it in one piece!
Originally posted by JoanneMS58

Thank you Angie !
It was so much fun to have received your mail art yesterday ! It now has a place of honor in my sewing room . You are absolutely correct in saying it morphed into a SUPER MAIL ART !
Your note card , SUPER CUTE !
So enjoyed you as my partner
Your farm sister from the OTHER coast :)
Joanne S

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2

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True Blue Farmgirl

1048 Posts

Port Orange Florida
1048 Posts

Posted - Sep 30 2020 :  11:40:45 AM  Show Profile
dear farmgirl who is mailing to me. I am SO SORRY that my old address was still on file at the farm. I moved four years ago and at that time was not back on the forum. Cydnie let me know that she is working on it. I feel really bad. Please forgive my oversight. Angie

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2

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Farmgirl in Training

35 Posts

Los Angeles CA
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Posted - Sep 30 2020 :  12:37:10 PM  Show Profile
Originally posted by britchickny

So glad you like it Joanne! And I do hope all those shells made it in one piece!
Originally posted by JoanneMS58

Thank you Angie !
It was so much fun to have received your mail art yesterday ! It now has a place of honor in my sewing room . You are absolutely correct in saying it morphed into a SUPER MAIL ART !
Your note card , SUPER CUTE !
So enjoyed you as my partner
Your farm sister from the OTHER coast :)
Joanne S

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2

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Farmgirl in Training

35 Posts

Los Angeles CA
35 Posts

Posted - Sep 30 2020 :  12:39:13 PM  Show Profile
Originally posted by JoanneMS58

Originally posted by britchickny

So glad you like it Joanne! And I do hope all those shells made it in one piece!
Originally posted by JoanneMS58

Thank you Angie !
It was so much fun to have received your mail art yesterday ! It now has a place of honor in my sewing room . You are absolutely correct in saying it morphed into a SUPER MAIL ART !
Your note card , SUPER CUTE !
So enjoyed you as my partner
Your farm sister from the OTHER coast :)
Joanne S

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2

They sure did ! Perfectly packaged, not one was out of place :)

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True Blue Farmgirl

92 Posts

Walhalla SC
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Posted - Oct 01 2020 :  12:46:11 PM  Show Profile  Send ChikinsR4dinner a Yahoo! Message

Terri! Thank you so very much for the mail art!

I'm sitting here working away (admittedly it was such a beautiful day I took my work to the back porch!), and the mail chic pulls up with a cool looking package!

I loved your perspective on Ohio - it DOES have many beauties. I did not grow up too far from you (Wheeling, WV), and so love the buckeye (both kinds!!) and the sassafras leaves. The cardinal is a lovely charm. I've been told that cardinals are messengers from those who have gone before us, and hold a special place in my heart. It's now a permanent addition to my workspace!

Thank you for being so thoughtful and creative.

Farmgirl hugs!!

In laughter & hope,
Farmgirl Sister #8125
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever. -Jimmy Carter
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Clarington Ohio
528 Posts

Posted - Oct 03 2020 :  10:30:17 AM  Show Profile
D, So glad you liked it. I was in Wheeling after school yesterday picking up supplies for the next swaps I am involved in. When wereyou up here? I have a feeling it may have changed a bit since your last visit. It is a good place to find stuff for sure.
Have a great day.
Hugs from Ohio.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
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True Blue Farmgirl

602 Posts

602 Posts

Posted - Oct 03 2020 :  12:22:19 PM  Show Profile
Is there gonna be an Oct mail art ? Sign me up if so please

w/ TEXAS SIZE Farmgirl HUGS !
Farmgirl Sister :
HunnysHen # 5876
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True Blue Farmgirl

92 Posts

Walhalla SC
92 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2020 :  05:42:02 AM  Show Profile  Send ChikinsR4dinner a Yahoo! Message
Terri- I graduated HS in 84 so that was the last time I lived there. Been back for the occasional wedding early on, but not been back in......20ish years??? When I was on FB, was a part of a local group for Wheeling. Certainly seemed like a lot has indeed changed. Miss it tho!!!!!!!

In laughter & hope,
Farmgirl Sister #8125
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever. -Jimmy Carter
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True Blue Farmgirl

1048 Posts

Port Orange Florida
1048 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2020 :  3:40:54 PM  Show Profile
Pam Hulme! The package got to me! Wow. So excited. Look at the lovely book she made me. It's colored pencil drawings of all things Ohio. Each page is a wonderful piece of art. And a sweet little cardinal )state bird) that Ohio traditions says I must hang in my Christmas Tree and a box of buckeyes! They look delicious. Now, I had forgotten to update my address on the forum. So Pam's package went to my old address (4 years old!) Buy Cydnie and Pam got it to me here in FL. What makes me smile though is that Pam is originally from Rochester NY, (now lives in OH)which is only about 20 miles from my old address. And......she is from the same town (Henrietta) as my husband!! So, this is a fun story with a happy ending. Thank-you Pam for lots of smiles.

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2

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Farmgirl in Training

19 Posts

19 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2020 :  11:32:53 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by britchickny

Pam Hulme! The package got to me! Wow. So excited. Look at the lovely book she made me. It's colored pencil drawings of all things Ohio. Each page is a wonderful piece of art. And a sweet little cardinal )state bird) that Ohio traditions says I must hang in my Christmas Tree and a box of buckeyes! They look delicious. Now, I had forgotten to update my address on the forum. So Pam's package went to my old address (4 years old!) Buy Cydnie and Pam got it to me here in FL. What makes me smile though is that Pam is originally from Rochester NY, (now lives in OH)which is only about 20 miles from my old address. And......she is from the same town (Henrietta) as my husband!! So, this is a fun story with a happy ending. Thank-you Pam for lots of smiles.

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance" JUDE 1:2

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Farmgirl in Training

19 Posts

19 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2020 :  11:43:02 AM  Show Profile
Angie, I’m glad you received it ok. I didn’t see this until now. I hope you enjoy the buckeyes, they’re very tasty, as long as you like peanut butter and chocolate. And who doesn’t. I’m glad you like the little book, I had fun making it. I was so excited when I found out you were from Avon. So you used to live in Ohio too? What a coincidence! There are Farmgirls and wishful Farmgirls everywhere.

A hopeful Farmgirl, Pam
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