I love photography and since the digital age arrived I can shoot picture till my heart is content and not cost anything but batteries. Yesterday the weather was beautiful and the leaves are turning. We live on a creek and the colors were awesome. I was in town earlier and shot some picture there too. Love this time of year. I would love to see other peoples photography. Please share. Here are some of my shot yesterday.
Tried to post another and couldn't get it to work. DANG!!!!
Edited by - Cozynana on Oct 19 2016 07:31:32 AM
True Blue Farmgirl
4451 Posts
4451 Posts
Posted - Jan 13 2017 : 10:35:08 AM
Beautiful indeed!!! I too love photography but it's very hard for me to 'leave' a good picture alone!! I have to 'paint' it and create a piece of art out of it! ;) But I do so love to capture my birds and critters! Happy shooting and enjoy your beautiful weather 'sister'!!
Farmgirl #7703 Dianna "Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts
Fulks Run
1252 Posts
Posted - Jan 13 2017 : 4:05:20 PM
Very nice use of light. I like to take pictures also. I try to take them from a position that is different from the norm.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017