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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 11 2016 :  12:18:22 PM  Show Profile
Thank you, Sabrina. Enjoy your weekend with your husband. I hope you can enjoy every minute stress free.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 11 2016 :  1:20:20 PM  Show Profile
I am in the process of finalizing my list of what I want to grow in my garden. Since this is my first time and I would like to be successful, do you have any suggestions on what not to grow your first year? Or something I should grow my first year?

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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Mar 12 2016 :  9:06:16 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Hmmm... Well, first, grow what you eat! :) We grow about everything. Check your soil, because what is easier for me to grow may not be so in Utah. Make sense?

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
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Posted - Mar 14 2016 :  03:06:12 AM  Show Profile
Krista, I wish I could give you garden advice, but I'm the last person that should. I have my little herb garden, but Jason is in charge of the veggies. It's best that way. I agree with Alicia though, grow what you like and know you'll eat!

How was everyone's weekend? Ours was pretty good. We got a lot done around the house, spring cleaning-ish stuff. Which is good, because we're having a birthday party for my son this weekend and family coming in from out of town. It'll take some of the cleaning pressure off this week. I love my house, but it's an old house. Over 100 years old, but not sure exactly how old. With the old house comes constant maintenance. Our upstairs bathroom is the project this week. Jason is taking a couple days off to work on it, then paint it. Hopefully we can get that done without any problems (that aren't already there... ).

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Mar 14 2016 :  05:03:56 AM  Show Profile
There is no way I am going to catch up on everything I have missed on this board, so I'm just going to jump in on this page...

Sabrina - I take it your hubby had off this weekend. Is he between classes or just a normal weekend? Was it an enjoyable weekend? Brad said the Easter markets should be going on over there right now. I LOVE their trees with Easter eggs, and am praying to one day have one. Oh to dream ;) Maybe one day... when all my kids are grown... he and I will take a hop over there. He has been multiple times, and I really would like to see and experience it!

Krista - hmmm that is a tough but good question. I agree with Alicia.. start with what you eat... I am all for trying new veggies, but growing a huge patch of beets, if you do not eat them, is just not the way to go. Since I am a list girl, here is my suggestions... write a list of your favorite veggies... then look at what will grow in your climate and soil. We do not grow as much as Alicia normally, and due to being in a rental this year, we will be restricted even more. Right now we have lettuces, spring onions (scallions), spinach and radishes planted, as well as two tomato plants. We will be getting more tomatoes and some peppers this year, and then I'm not sure what.

Erin - oh the joys of owning a home, no matter what the age!!! With the rapid construction that occurs nowadays, even the brand new homes need maintenance!!! When we bought the house down here, twelve years ago, we had a year warranty. I don't even remember how many times we had them come fix things. After that, it was on us - and it was constant repairs. The rental we are in is younger than that house (I think it is six years old) and oh the work that needs to be done!!!!!

Joyce - Ben received his letter on Saturday. I'll try to have him write back today. He was so very very excited!!!

So an update for here... oy! Aly is doing really really well! Her burns just look bright pink now. We bought some special long sleeve shirts for her (rash guard) so she can go outside, but we still slather her in sunscreen! With Spring fully here, if not summer, all of us are "dying" from allergies. I would normally have the AC on right now, not because of the heat (though it is in the 80s, but at least not humid yet!), but because of the pine trees sharing their pollen right behind our house, causing difficulties in breathing! Even Emi is having issues, which makes me wonder if we do not have a virus on top of it!!! Anyways, the AC is still broken and we are hoping they will get out here soon to fix it! Brad is still working his crazy schedule... leaves for work at 0430, goes from there to the counseling center, and gets home around 8... and it taking three classes on top of it! I know it is just for a season, but it is an exhausting one!

On a lighter note, any plans for St. Patrick's Day? Our family always has a spinach quiche for breakfast, and then dinner is something Irish... I'm thinking shepherds pie this year - yes, with lamb mince. I happen to love lamb :) We will also be reading a book this week about Patrick...

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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Posted - Mar 14 2016 :  06:45:10 AM  Show Profile
I had a busy weekend of Hospitality - two different shifts on Friday, one on Saturday and one on was busy but fun :) I like your idea, Shannon, of a book about Patrick...I'm going to see if I can get one from our library today! I will also try for something greenish to eat all day...

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 14 2016 :  1:28:29 PM  Show Profile
Thanks everyone. I know for sure I want onions and garlic because I use them all the time. Sometime in the future I would like to have a raspberry bush.

Erin, you are getting so much more done than me. I need to get my butt in gear! Hopefully your bathroom is a quick and easy fix.

Shannon, I'm so glad your back and your little Aly is doing better. Sorry to hear of all your allergies. That is the worst part about the spring season. I'm jealous it's so warm there. It's cold here again. We had a big thunder storm last night that was shaking the house and now it's snowing. Some weird weather we've been having. As far as St. Patrick's Day, we are having our first play date with a good friend of mine. She has some twin girls who are 5 months older than Tilton. I'll be sure to dress him in green. Shepards pie sounds delicious for dinner that night! I think that is what I will make.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Mar 14 2016 :  5:46:19 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Krista- Garlic takes 9 months to grow. You start it in the fall. Just a heads up! :)

So much busy work! We are all caught up with Spring, it seems!!!

Shannon, good to see you back!! I like lamb, too. Matt not so much...

My mom is in the hospital. She has Influenza Type A. She hasn't been hospitalized in 27 yrs and she is on night 2. Praying she is well soon!

We have a Patrick book for this week and also an Irish stories and poems book! Shannon and I have been talking "tin muffin" lunches most of the day via email. She gave me the great idea of a special lunch. I think I have decided on green (spinach) bread with tuna salad, green grapes, some sugar snap peas, and rainbow cupcakes. I had a hard time deciding on rainbow (food coloring, which we don't use much at all) and spinach cupcakes, but, since we have been doing a unit on weather for 2 weeks, we are going to splurge!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  04:44:10 AM  Show Profile
We always have corned beef and cabbage. It isn't really Irish, more Irish American, but it's what I grew up with going to my Irish grandfathers house every year for St. Patrick's day. I have an awesome Irish soda bread recipe I make every year. It's more like a scone than a bread. I always make an Irish whiskey trifle too. My sons birthday is the day after St. Patrick's day so for his birthday party every year I make rainbow cookies. They take a couple days because you have to freeze the dough, but everyone loves them so much. There would be a revolt if I didn't make them, although I'm not looking forward to it this year! There's a St. Patrick's day party at a parks and rec center close to our house that some people from our homeschool group are going to, so I think we'll do that. I have tons of Irish kids books, and just Irish books in general. I have the Irish Republic proclamation from Easter 1916 hanging on my wall all year. We're very Irish! :)

Alicia I'll pray for your mom.

Shannon I'm happy to hear that Aly is doing better.

Krista our weather has been weird too, but no snow in a while. I'm hoping we're really in spring now.

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  05:52:25 AM  Show Profile
Thank you ladies! It feels good to be back, as I slowly start catching up on everything :)

Joyce - I am being an idiot... what do you mean by shifts of Hospitality?

Krista - Alicia is right about the garlic... but what a treat when it is ready!!! Oh so yummy!!! DON'T be jealous of our warmth! It is miserable!!! It is still suppose to be cold!!!!!!!! By late afternoon I am fighting heat exhaustion... I always do when the temp is up when I am nursing! I get overheated and dehydrated so quickly!!!

Alicia - poor Matt has no idea what he is missing! Though sheep are flighty critters, I think we still want some eventually for both wool and meat. Sorry to hear about your mom - will definitely be praying! Had fun emailing with you.... I talked with Brad and we agreed on the bento boxes, so that is what we will be using every Monday. For St. Patrick's Day, since it is Lee's day to make pizza, I think we are going to add spinach to the crust, green peppers as one of the toppings, and serve with a green salad :)

Erin - my dad's side of the family is Irish, but also Cherokee Indian... so they always leans towards the latter and I know very little about my Irish ancestry. My parents are so fickle when it comes to talking about the past and their family. I really would like to learn more about Ireland!!! I'm hoping to find a good soda bread recipe that is gluten free or uses einkorn flour this year!

So today I have to finish up my grocery list :( Food is so expensive!!! Especially feeding this crew, hahahahahaha. But we have to eat! Last week and this week the younger kids and I have been reading "How to Make An Apple Pie and See the World." Basically a little girl wants to make an apple pie, but the market is closed so she she goes around the world to get what she needs, including Italy for the wheat, France for the chicken for the eggs, Sri Lanka for the cinnamon, England for the cow for the milk for the butter, the ocean for the salt, Jamaica for the sugar cane for sugar, and Vermont for apples, then home. So last night I made spaghetti to go with Italy. Today we will be looking at France. Aly and Ben get to carry around an egg in a plastic bag trying not to let it break (hence why the girl brought a chicken around with her) and for dinner will be Coq au vin and creme brûlée :) YUM!!! One day we are making apple fritters as well, but I don't remember what day, lol. Next week we have "off" for Easter :)

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  06:23:26 AM  Show Profile
Shannon-he is between classes and had a long weekend. We wanted to make an Easter market but didn't. Sydney ended up getting sick again. :( and then David. Will these germs never leave???? We did go to the castle in Nuremberg but only made it half way through the exhibits before Dan started getting mad. Oh well life with littles-I told hubby we just have to be glad for what we did get to see.

I've been promised a massage tomorrow at our homeschool class! The moms got together and have been spoiling the tutors, two weeks ago we all got flowers, last week we got manicures and this week we get massages!! We have awesome parents!!! And boy could I use it!!! I told syd if she is still sick she will just have to sit in the car while I get treated lol.

I've gotta run just had a few minutes to pop on here. I was back on track last week but with Syd down I'm quickly falling behind again. Plus we are at crunch time with school and the kids-Sydney wants to do memory masters (she has to have 24 different sentences or groups of facts for 7 different subjects perfectly memorized) and we have challenged the younger two to do a partial memory master where we give them only a few of them to do and then they are all trying to finish up their awana verses. All of these are things we reward them for so they are motivated to do it! But it requires a lot of work on my part drilling and reviewing with them. So I may be sporadic for the next few weeks!


Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  08:18:41 AM  Show Profile
Erin - would you mind sending me the recipes that you mentioned? corned beef & cabbage, soda bread and the trifle? It all sounds so delicious!! I would love to try and make it.

I have to be honest - I'm not Irish at all - I'm 100% dutch, so this is a new adventure for me and the family. We bought an e-book yesterday (thanks, Shannon for getting the ball rolling!) and we just loved it and will be reading it lots. I also found some games and activities for the kids to do for homeschool that we are going to print off and do as well. I do have green cupcakes in the freezer - so I will ice them and eat those too :)

Alicia - praying for you mom!

Shannon - it's OK - it's probably me :) I did the same with Erin the other day too...I must be having a hard time with my wording of sentences lately :) What I meant is that we had people come for supper at 4:30, and then we had another couple come at 7:30 for games. The people at 4:30 were the parents of the couple that came at 7:30. Tyson is leaving next week for 2 months, and last week was the only week we could fit everyone in that wanted to hang out with him before he left. This week is his birthday and next week Thursday is our daughter's birthday, and then Friday he leaves. We wanted to have him all to ourselves for his birthday on Saturday :) I get what your saying about grocery and menu planning. I actually just had a discussion last night with Tyson about that. I have stopped menu planning as we need to buy what's on sale - rather than pre-planning our menu and having it more expensive. We don't get flyers out here in the country, so I can't pre-plan that way either. I do have a relative idea of what we need though. I like to go every other week shopping, so I do write down how much meat I need and how much veggies etc. Our goal is next year we won't need to purchase meat or veggies that we'll be able to go down in our root cellar. Something super cool happened on the weekend - the previous owners had come over for lunch (they lived here for 50 years). They are the second owners, and they told us where an old barn used to be - and that it was a turn barn, so the cellar is still there because they never took that out. I can't wait to go exploring in those cellars when the ground thaws! They haven't been opened since they took the barn down years ago.

Sabrina - I'm so thrilled for you and your massage!! yay!! :)

Krista - I would plant beans :) They are so easy to grow and can and you can eat from them all winter long! We love them fresh too.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  09:27:56 AM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
I am mobile so I will probably have to answer each person and an individual post! First of all Aaron please share those recipes with me too! They sound wonderful!

Shannon that apple pie that sounds delightful! I'll have to look and see if the library carries it.

enjoy your massage Sabrina! I could sure go for one of those right now.

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  09:30:52 AM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Joyce ethnicities not important when you're trying to have a good time and still explore culture! I'm very little Irish myself but I love exploring different cultures regardless of if I am any of it or not.

I think Matt is really missing out to Shannon but every time he has had anything that was lame he hasn't liked it. Especially if it's Indian or Middle Eastern food!

thanks for the prayers for my mom everyone they're going to keep her again tonight. Also I don't know if I mentioned this on here but a very good friend of ours has a little baby who needed a liver transplant. He got his liver transplants a couple of days ago and yesterday was the day they close to Mall of. He's in a lot of pain and the poor little guy is only about 10 months old.

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  1:52:08 PM  Show Profile
Alicia, I hope your mom gets well soon and won't have a long hospital stay. Also, I hope your friends boy is recovering well. Breaks my heart seeing little babies having problems and surgeries.

Erin, your Irish food sounds delicious.

Shannon, that book sounds really interesting. I think I am going to look for it. I also like the lessons your teaching alongside it. I bet the heat really is miserable but it sounds so lovely when I'm balled up on the couch with a blanket and my toes are still freezing!

Sabrina, enjoy that massage! I would love one myself!

Joyce, I love beans. They actually are on my list!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  1:57:52 PM  Show Profile
Corned Beef and Cabbage

1 corned beef brisket, with spice packet
3 medium potatoes peeled and quartered
3 medium carrots quartered
1 small cabbage cut into 6 wedges

Trim fat from meat. Place in a large Dutch oven. Add juices and spices from packet. Add enough water to cover meat. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer covered for 2 hours or until almost tender.

Add potatoes and carrots. Return to boil. Reduce heat, simmer for 10 minutes. Add cabbage. Cover and cook for 15-20 minutes or until tender. Thinly slice meat across the grain. Transfer meat and veggies to serving platter. Serve with horseradish or mustard.

I like to serve this with whole grain mustard, however, I forgot to get that, so we're having good old yellow mustard this year!

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  2:00:32 PM  Show Profile
Thanks Erin!! mmmm...can't wait to make this!! Weird question - where would one find corned beef brisket with spice packet? I acuatally don't know what corned beef even is.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071

Edited by - GinghamGirl on Mar 15 2016 2:29:54 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  2:10:01 PM  Show Profile
Irish Soda Bread

2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup butter cut in pieces
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup currants
3/4 cup milk
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Preheat oven to 400. Grease a baking sheet.

Stir together flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and sugar in a large bowl until evenly blended. Cut in butter using a pastry blender or hands until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Stir in raisins and currants. Make a well in the center and pour in milk and vinegar. Stir with a spoon until dry ingredients are moist.

Turn dough out onto a floured surface and knead gently 8-10 times. Divide dough into two balls, and place on the baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes then reduce heat to 375 and bake until the top is golden brown, 15 minutes.

I've only ever been able to find currants at Meijer. If I don't have currants, I just sub for more raisins, and that works out fine.

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  2:12:01 PM  Show Profile
Joyce you can find corned beef at any grocery store this time of year around here. Most of them come with a spice packet. It's just a little plastic pocket that has peppercorn and bay leaves etc.

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

626 Posts

Monroeville IN
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  2:29:08 PM  Show Profile
Irish Whiskey Trifle

1 pound cake
Raspberry jam
2/3 cup whiskey
1 lb ripe fruit (bananas and strawberries)
2 cups whipping cream
4 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Sliced almonds

For custard:
Scant 2 cups whole milk
Few drops of vanilla
3 eggs
2 tbsp sugar

To make custard, put milk in a pan and bring almost to boil. Remove pan from heat. Whisk eggs and sugar together lightly. Gradually whisk milk into egg mixture.

Rinse out pan with cold water, return mixture to pagans stir over low heat until it thickens enough to cover the back of a wooden spoon. Do not allow the custard to boil. For a slower method, use a double boiler or a bowl over a pot of boiling water.

Turn custard into mixing bowl and add vanilla. Cover custard with plastic wrap laying right on top to avoid film forming and set aside until ready to assemble the trifle.

Halve pound cake horizontally, spread with raspberry jam and make a sandwich. Using a sharp knife cut into slices and line the bottom and sides of a large bowl or trifle dish.

Sprinkle with whiskey. Peel and slice fruit. Spread over the cake to make an even layer. Pour custard on top. Cover with plastic wrap to avoid film forming. Chill until ready to serve. Right before serving whip the cream, sugar and vanilla. Spread over the top and sprinkle with sliced almonds.

I'm sure you could make this without whiskey if you wanted to.

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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Posted - Mar 15 2016 :  2:30:16 PM  Show Profile
Thank you so much Erin! Can't wait to make these!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Monroeville IN
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Posted - Mar 16 2016 :  05:53:26 AM  Show Profile
Let me know how they turn out! :) I'm starting the rainbow cookies today. Not really looking forward to it... But I'll be happy when they're done! I might make the soda bread today too, just to cut down on what I have yo do tomorrow. We'll see how ambitious I am.

Farmgirl #3762

"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Mar 16 2016 :  06:19:03 AM  Show Profile
Sabrina - man I hope everyone gets better soon!!!! I know how frustrating it is when it goes around and around and around!!! Mutation at its best ;) I sure hope you were able to get your massage today!!!

Joyce - I completely understand now :) I find the differences in wording fascinating!

Erin - your recipes look yummy! I hated corned beef growing up, so am terrified to make it. I couldn't help but think you were crazy starting things early for St Patricks Day until you mentioned it is tomorrow. Yikes!

Alicia - definitely praying for the 10 month old! What a trial for the whole family!!! Brad does not like Indian or Middle Eastern dishes at all. I think the time he spent in the Middle East warped him ;) He says everything smells like stinky feet flavor-wise???? It must be the combination of spices, as he will eat them all individually in different recipes. I'm still trying to convert him ;)

Krista - what else is on your list?

The last couple days have been pretty slow as far as progression in home school! Between my allergies and the heat, I haven't felt up to par. We did look at France yesterday for the apple pie book, and made coq au vin for dinner and creme brûlée for dessert. They both turned out scrumptious!!! Today is Sri Lankan butter chicken :) We are a bunch of foodies, and enjoy trying different cuisines.

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 16 2016 :  1:06:08 PM  Show Profile
Shannon, I am also planning on doing cherry tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, potatoes (husbands must have), green beans, onions, garlic, and possibly squash and lettuce. I'm keeping it small to start. Next year I want to add corn and pumpkins. Then if I keep it all alive and well I will add more like watermelon, rhubarb, and radishes.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Mar 16 2016 :  4:35:09 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Radishes are SO easy! What zone are you in? Here in Zone 6, I will be starting lettuce, radishes, spinach, and spring carrots in the garden next week. Followed closely by peas, onions, potatoes, and chard. I have started inside, peppers, tomatoes, summer squash, and herbs.

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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