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Wanda Sue
True Blue Farmgirl
1357 Posts

Murrells Inlet
1357 Posts |
Posted - Jun 25 2023 : 4:44:59 PM
Oh I like June Bug, very cute!
A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.
Farm Girl #3677 FGOTM August 2022 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jun 26 2023 : 11:43:08 AM
Wow Heather you have been super busy! And your cherry tree is huge! Our neighbors have one they planted 2 years ago. It is very slow growing and is still shorter than me. I would love to have a cherry tree some day. My peas have come on super heavy right now. I picked 55 last night and will probably have some more ready tonight. Each year I add a little more to the garden and there are so many more peas this year compared to last and it's still not enough to keep up with my kids lol! I think I will have to grow a whole garden box worth next year!
June bug is adorable! Happy late birthday Nathan! I hope he had a great day.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Jun 27 2023 : 6:52:10 PM
I think that tree was planted over 20 years ago. There was a sweet cherry tree that was taken out in a storm a couple years ago. It was replaced with a baby tree that is like the one you mentioned - shorter than me :) It hasn't produced any fruit yet. There's also an apple tree, a peach tree, and a pear tree. The pear tree has never produced more than a handful of tiny pears. The apple tree does OK if we can get the bugs to stay out of it. A few years ago the peach tree had a gazillion peaches on it. So many that a few limbs broke from being too heavy! It hasn't recovered yet! It will produce a few peaches though. I've since learned that if there are that many blossoms on the tree you should pluck some of them off to prevent the tree from overproducing fruit. It's really hard to keep the bugs and raccoons out of the fruit. And the wind - it seems to do the most damage around here.
I love fresh peas. Those and cucumbers are my favorites! Unfortunately we had such a weird spring the peas didn't do so well. I wasn't sure they were even going to make it. I think I'll pick them tomorrow and we'll probably just get enough for supper and that will be it. I might try planting some again for a fall harvest. We'll have to see how it goes. Had my first yellow squash and zucchini from the garden over the weekend! It seems like everything is just really slow going this year. It's almost July and we're just getting a couple things to eat and haven't canned anything yet.
~Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701 September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month
"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2023 : 2:35:29 PM
I am hoping to get some fruit trees soon. I know they take years before they produce, so the sooner the better. Fingers crossed I will be ready for them next year. And I think because we had such an off spring is why my peas have been doing so well. This is our first week in the 80s which is not normal. I think the cooler temps have helped keep them happy and producing. I have been able to collect 3 zucchini already but I found my first squash bugs in them yesterday. So here starts the never ending battle with those terrible bugs. But nothing else is ready for harvest yet. Really is and off year.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Jun 30 2023 : 4:26:28 PM
Here was our pea picking last night. My boys wanted to count how many we had. We ended up picking 108 peas last night and there will be more ready today! I think I finally have enough to keep up with them lol!

Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Aug 04 2023 : 9:02:48 PM
How was everyone's July? I hope you are all having a great summer so far and you all have had some great weather. The last couple of days we have had some rain and then highs have been in the 70's. It has been wonderful. My garden is also doing pretty well, but I did lose one pumpkin plant to the squash bugs. I have been extra careful with my last pumpkin plant so that I can save it from them.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
1145 Posts
East Texas
1145 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2024 : 7:24:58 PM
Hey everyone, I've been out of pocket for so long! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. We were able to take a three week vacation (!) throughout July of this year and I got to see Utah, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming! I've never been to any of those states. It was amazing! (well, maybe not I-70 through Eastern Utah or the trek thru southern Idaho/eastern Oregon, but still...) So many new things to see and experience. We were able to take our (now adult) kids with us since they were in-between school and work. I still can't believe we actually did it. We went to visit friends in Oregon but took the very, very scenic route.
Hope y'all had a great summer and so glad it is now FALL! My absolute favorite season of all. :)
FarmGirl #1390 |
Edited by - msdoolittle on Sep 24 2024 7:26:57 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Sep 25 2024 : 1:23:38 PM
Hi Amanda! It has been awhile since there was a post on this thread. I am happy to see it up again. Your trip sounds amazing! What did you visit when you were in Utah? Which state did you enjoy the most? I went on a long road trip with my family when I was in high school. We drove down the west coast. It was beautiful. But it was a lot of driving for me. I tend to get car sick. Glad to have you back!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2024 : 6:04:05 PM
Sounds like an exciting adventure Amanda!
~Heather “I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” — George Washington
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