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True Blue Farmgirl

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Wapakoneta Ohio
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Posted - Apr 08 2023 :  07:42:00 AM  Show Profile
Nice to see I'm not alone! I've never joined facebook either. Too much drama for me LOL!

We're having some wonderful spring weather for Easter. Chilly in the morning, but 60 for a high - I'll take it :) I'm kind of sad - my niece and nephew are growing up and there's no egg hunt this year. I always have fun hiding the eggs for them. One year I made it a scavenger hunt with clues in the eggs and did one for my in laws as well (we celebrate at their house) it was a lot of fun!

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 10 2023 :  1:50:20 PM  Show Profile
Heather, the scavenger hunt sounds like a lot of fun. My dad used to do scavenger hunts for us all the time. I am sorry they are getting too old for Easter egg hunts. Kids just grow up way too fast.

We finally had some warmer weather the last 3 days. I am so happy that spring decided to finally show up here lol! Now I can get out into my garden this week and get some seeds planted and everything else all ready for the garden. I feel so far behind already.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Wapakoneta Ohio
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Posted - Apr 19 2023 :  1:38:44 PM  Show Profile
Were you able to get any garden work done? We had a some amazing weather - in the 80's! I got a sunburn because I'm not in the sunscreen habit yet LOL! The cool season veggies are planted - potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, radishes, and peas. It's cooled back down and there were actually some snow flurries off and on Monday. That's spring in OH for you :)

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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Esk Queensland
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Posted - Apr 20 2023 :  12:10:49 PM  Show Profile
Well, I was getting very excited to see my bulbs emerging from the ground over the weekend & we had a lovely warm "teaser" day on Saturday. Then, low & behold, down came the snow again this week. Flurries here and there. To say I have a severe case of Cabin Fever would be an under-statement. I NEED SOME SUNSHINE!!! I am missing Australia right now...

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 21 2023 :  12:59:10 PM  Show Profile
Heather, I didn't really get anything done. I got all the leaves that had blown in over winter cleaned out and my raspberry bushes trimmed but that was it. It's been super cold with snow and rain again. Next week looks like we may finally get into the low 60s. That should be nice enough to get the seeds planted. Fingers crossed for some good weather.

Cindy, I have been feeling the exact same way. We had one weekend of almost 70 and it was so wonderful. And now we are right back to the cold and barely getting 40. I don't know why spring has decided to take so long to arrive. But I have had my fair share of the winter and cold.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 24 2023 :  12:22:07 PM  Show Profile
Yesterday was some nicer weather so I was able to get into my garden and plant my onions, peas, carrots, and new blackberries. I am so happy! We are supposed to have some rain today but the rest of the week is supposed to be nice. I am really looking forward to this nice weather. About 3 more weeks and I will be able to plant the rest of my garden!

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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
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Posted - Apr 26 2023 :  12:45:31 PM  Show Profile
So happy to hear you're weather allowed you to get in the garden! It's a bit below normal here now but there's no snow on the ground LOL! Blackberries sound so good! One day I want a big berry patch.

I'm trying to learn about medicinal herbs and wildcrafting. I've been collecting and drying wild violets, dandelions, and apple blossoms this week. I took some pictures of some things blooming in the woods to see if I can identify them and if they're useful for anything.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

1145 Posts

East Texas
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Posted - Apr 27 2023 :  10:29:10 AM  Show Profile
I honestly can't stand Facebook; ready for it to fall completely out of favor!

Weather has been so squirrely lately. We had a drought last summer, then another bad freeze, and then it got up into the 80s in February! Everything is completely confused and we have lost so many trees because of that (plus the 2021 bad freeze we got here in TX to boot). Had to remove our biggest and oldest pine tree as it died and just this week found that our gorgeous crepe myrtle has partially died. It's been with us since we've moved here in '08. Oh well. Also, lost my giant rosemary bush this year, too. Lots of changes.

Right now, we are about 60 something degrees which is quite cool for this time of year. Tomorrow is supposed to be 80 and then back in the 60s. But, I did plant eggplants this week and plan on my beans and corn and squash. I'm late on that but with these temps, it's just been silly. The tomatoes are coming up great so I'm happy about that. I planted them last month.

Love learning about medicinal herbs! It's neat to see what you have in your own yard. I do use Google Lens a lot to help me identify plants (not always accurate, but I can usually figure it out after a while). So many things have medicinal properties.

Hope y'all all get some sun and warmth soon!!!

FarmGirl #1390
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 28 2023 :  3:11:38 PM  Show Profile
Oh my goodness. The day after I got my seeds and onion starts planted we got a massive hail storm! It did hurt a couple of my onion starts but I had some extra ones to replace them with. My seeds should be popping up soon. I am hoping for a great seed turnout. We are finally warming up. Today we are in the 70s and it's perfect for being outside. Only about 2 more weeks and I can get the rest of my garden in.

Heather, that sounds really neat. What do you make with the apple blossoms?

Amanda, I am so sorry you have lost so many things to this crazy weather. We lost our brand new tree we planted last spring and our rose bush this last winter. It's just been way too rough and way too many changes. Makes me a little worried to plant any other trees this year. We would like to plant an apple and peach tree and also a shade tree.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 05 2023 :  3:32:32 PM  Show Profile
I got my 5th garden box put together and ready to go. Other than it still needs some rebar to hold the sides. I am getting so excited to get my garden in!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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East Texas
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Posted - May 07 2023 :  10:38:44 AM  Show Profile

There is a book called "Grow a Little Fruit Tree" is mind-blowing. Everyone needs it! Last year, we planted a lot of fruit trees, all with the idea of pruning them to stay no taller than 6-7 feet (or less). Summer pruning is key to keeping them manageable and small. And you can plant standard trees and keep them this way! Think of it (kinda) like having a bonsai in your orchard. Anyway, can't recommend that enough. Then you can plant lots of trees...I have found that fruit can be soooo hard; esp. fruit trees. You will find out about pests and problems you never even knew about. Ha! But you WILL find fruit that works for you. Here, it's figs, muscadines, and pears. You just can't kill 'em, which is perfect for me. Oh also, fruit trees do better with cross-pollination, so you will have to research what varieties do best in your area and also which ones cross-pollinate each other. The small tree method lady even plants trees 18 inches (!!!) apart and grows them as you would a single tree, in that you prune out any branching that goes to the center. I did this with a couple of apple trees this spring. So far, so good.

We just found out this week that the random 9 degree weather in addition to last year's drought pretty much wiped out a gorgeous crepe myrtle we've had since moving in. It is trying to make new growth at the trunk, though. Geez with this weather! Oh well.

I hope you are able to get your seeds up and going soon!!!

FarmGirl #1390
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - May 07 2023 :  11:14:46 AM  Show Profile
That sounds like an amazing way to grow fruit Amanda! I'll have to write down that book.

If you make a decoction (strong tea) of the apple blossoms it's supposed to help with weepy rashes such as poison ivy. Since I haven't figured out what the poison plants look like and end up getting it every year when I'm picking berries in the woods, I thought it would be a good thing to try LOL! I'll let you know later this summer how it works :)

My lilacs are starting to bloom so I'll be trying some lilac jelly in the next couple days! It's supposed to taste like grape jelly.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 08 2023 :  1:36:06 PM  Show Profile
Amanda, Thank you for the book idea. We talked about the yard and need to get some grass in place before we plant the fruit trees, so those will wait until next year. We have another chunk of grass that died so we are thinking about ripping that out and putting the shade tree in. There are so many different things you can do with your yards that sometimes it feels overwhelming. I am not very good with landscaping lol.

Heather, I need to come live with you for a summer so you can teach me your unconventional ways! I love the smell of lilacs. I had completely forgotten about them. I had a neighbor when I was growing up that had them all over her yard. I can still smell them lol! I may put some of those in the new plant/flower garden we are making this week. Let me know how the jelly tastes.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Wapakoneta Ohio
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Posted - May 08 2023 :  5:56:49 PM  Show Profile
LOL! I'm just learning as I go. I've always been interested in herbs and natural ways of doing things and I'm finally able to start trying some of it for myself. I have lots of books and lots of ideas just not enough time. My mom is a big lilac fan and got me a lilac bush shortly after we got married. It was damaged when the big tree fell on the corner of our house last year so it doesn't have very many blossoms this time. Sometimes it's covered in them and I can smell it all the way across the yard! Mine is lavender colored. I'd love to get a pink one sometime. Are you really dry where you live? Is that why your grass died? Unless it's sprayed with chemicals grass doesn't die around here LOL! It will go dormant sometimes in late summer if we get a drought but it usually takes off again when some rain comes in the fall.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 10 2023 :  2:25:20 PM  Show Profile
We were really dry last year. I think this year will be better though. But the main spot I am talking about gets a lot of heat from the sun hitting our house. We think the grass is just too close to the house so we are cutting it away. Everywhere else grows just fine. I will have to take some pictures of our progress and show you all what we do!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 12 2023 :  11:29:09 AM  Show Profile
We are about half way done with the side of our house. I tried uploading pictures but I keep getting an error. I will have to share them later. I am loving how it's turning out. I look at the large flower garden now and wish we would have put it in to start with lol! This is how we learn right?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 15 2023 :  12:53:48 PM  Show Profile
I still can't get any pictures to load, but I have reached out for help so hopefully I can figure it out soon. We are all done with the side of the house and have now moved on to the back. We need to put down some more cement, so we are prepping the ground.

On a very exciting note, my garden will all be in tonight! Once my son gets home from school we will be going out to finish planting everything. I could not be any more excited. It feels like I have waited forever for this day lol!

I hope everything is going great for you guys and your weather has been wonderful.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Wapakoneta Ohio
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Posted - May 15 2023 :  2:02:45 PM  Show Profile
It's great to hear you're making such progress Krista! I was super excited today - I plucked the first 2 radishes from the garden! I think I'm done planting as well. The beets and carrots never came up so the were replanted. I also planted a bunch of herb seeds so if they sprout I'm done, if not I may be planting some more seeds.

I made the lilac jelly - it's not as good as the wild violet, but it's alright. I need to get to dehydrating next.

I can't post pictures either - I tried to show you my radishes - so it's not just you Krista.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 17 2023 :  4:07:13 PM  Show Profile
Pictures are loading now!!

This is our before picture. Our grass went practically right up to the house and many places were just dead and not that great.

We also had this huge chunk of dead grass we believe is from the dogs.

This was after we took all the grass and metal lining out.

Our completed rock wall and dirt.

The new sod and stepping stones.

I even stuck a couple extra onions, peppers, tomatoes, and Brussels sprouts in the new dirt lol! We shall see if they grow alright. I'm so happy this project is done!

I'm sorry your lilic jelly wasn't that good. I'm making some rhubarb jam today. Hopefully mine turns out ok. What are you dehydrating?


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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 31 2023 :  12:08:12 PM  Show Profile
How has everyone's May been? Are you ready for June?

My garden is all in and growing. Other than a pumpkin and pepper plant. All the leaves are gone but the stem is still there. Something ate my leaves off. And each plant is in a different garden box at opposite ends. I have no clue what did it. We are also down to only 2 more days of school. I am looking forward to the summer break.

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Esk Queensland
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Posted - May 31 2023 :  7:27:54 PM  Show Profile
Hi Krista - So glad to hear that your garden is growing. That's what I like most about Spring - the new growth and the splashes of colour that highlight our environment. You guys did a lot of work to your yard and I bet it's nice to see the hard work paying off. Unfortunately, something else is also enjoying a munch on your garden!! Sorry to hear that - I hope you can find out what it is.

Our May has been nice. June is looking to be a busy month. I'm not sure how that happens. We had nothing much on the calendar and then, before we knew it, every weekend is full. So much to squeeze in while the weather is good, I guess. Have a great summer!

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2023 :  2:09:57 PM  Show Profile
I love the rocks for the boarder! Do you have deer or rabbits in your area?

I have no idea how it's June already. Time is going by way too fast for me. The garden is in need of weeding but we've been busy making hay:

This is only part of it - I haven't taken any pictures since we got it all home and stacked. We ended up with 356 bales!

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 02 2023 :  1:05:14 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, I know exactly what you mean. I didn't have much going on for June, but now that it's June all my days are starting to fill up. Both my boys play baseball and have 2 games a week and now my oldest will start having practices too. That itself just filled my month up lol!

Wow Heather, that is a lot of bales. You guys have been busy. Doesn't it seem unfair how quickly weeds will grow, but our regular plants take forever. My weeds are going crazy this year. We do have deer but I have a gate around the garden, so I am not sure how they would get in. So far nothing else has been eaten. Maybe it was a bird just plucking my leaves off.

We are getting some rain today so I will be staying inside. Hopefully I will get a chance to work on some crochet projects.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 23 2023 :  1:26:28 PM  Show Profile
We have been super busy outside again. We have been prepping the ground to lay more concrete. They are coming tomorrow morning. I am super excited. We will finally be connecting our back patio with the tiny bit of concrete that comes out from our back garage. This will be our last big project for the year. Next year we will finish off our sprinklers, lay more grass, and finish up the fire pit. The rest of the property is up in the air lol! We will most likely fence it off and give the cows more space.

What has everyone else been up to?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Wapakoneta Ohio
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Posted - Jun 25 2023 :  1:02:36 PM  Show Profile
That sounds like a perfect plan for the rest of the property LOL!

I've been busy with farm work - getting ready for baling straw is the biggest project right now. We're usually baling around the 4th of July.

Also been working on these:

Not sure how well it will show up, but the cherry tree is LOADED with cherries this year. I've been dehydrating a bunch and I made a pie. If there are any left within reach after the storms go through this evening I'm going to try and get some in the freezer. It's a lot of work to pick them and then pit them. I also need to get to the peas. And of course the rain means more weeds! The work is never done this time of year LOL! But I don't mind too much. I love having food I grew to eat most of the year.

We had another baby Wednesday:

It was also my husbands birthday so he named her. I suggested Summer (since it was the first day of summer) but he wanted June Bug. I think it's cute!

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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