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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Jan 27 2017 :  7:14:33 PM  Show Profile
Hi guys! I updated this elsewhere, but am going to copy and paste... thank you for the prayers!!!

We serve an incredible God!!!! Last night I was up most of the night with a headache and throwing up. Then about 3, Emi woke up throwing up. In the process, it woke up my older two girls. The oldest could hardly walk, was nauseous and had a headache, and the other also had a headache and was nauseous. By that point I was only able to take about two steps before I hit my knees. Hubby and I quickly figured out we were probably dealing with carbon monoxide poisoning. We woke up the children and brought them to the sliding glass back door, which was wide open, and wrapped them in blankets (we still have multiple feet of snow on the ground!). After about 45 minutes, I could still hardly walk, so we decided to drive in to the hospital (45 minutes away). We left the sliding glass door wide open with a fire screen in the opening and the dog in her dog crate right at the door, opened the windows down in the basement where the wood stove is, and let the kitten run around free.

When we got to the ER, the hospital staff was a little overwhelmed. For those that do not know, we are a family of 9... and we wanted all 9 of us tested, though some of the children were asymptomatic. Only two of us had ever been seen there before, so they had their work cut out for them. We got through it and were brought back... they began drawing blood and talking with us to figure out what was going on (we were split into two rooms at that point). Suddenly the blood work started coming back and everyone began to panic!!! Normal CO levels are 0-1 unless you are a smoker and then it may be a 2. Aly (our 3 yo) had the lowest level - over 15. Mine, my hubby's, and one of the other children's were over 21. Had we been at 25 we would have had to be flown out to a hospital with a hyperbaric pressure therapy room. Thankfully we were all able to stay there together, though at that point in 4 rooms, for more than four hours on full blast oxygen masks!

God so blessed us!!!! I have never been so thankful for a child throwing up!!! We are all still fighting some residual headaches and nausea, but we are home and feeling SO MUCH better!

While we were at the hospital, the police came to visit (due to being "poisoned"), and the fire department came to check out the house... with everything open, all the testing they did came back alright, with the highest reading being a 10. They decided that the source was our wood stove! Apparently there was a small leak in the piping from the woodstove before it went into the chimney, and that was determined to be the source. So hubby came home, cleaned out the chimney and put new piping in place. God is so good!!!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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Posted - Jan 28 2017 :  04:45:45 AM  Show Profile
Shannon - thank you so much for the update. I'm so sorry you had to go through this - but so thankful to God for keeping you safe. Praise the Lord.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
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Posted - Jan 28 2017 :  04:55:51 AM  Show Profile
That is so scary, Shannon! I'm glad everyone came out of it okay.

Kiersten, Farmgirl Sister #7232
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2017 :  06:15:08 AM  Show Profile
Thank you Joyce and Kiersten <3 Today I am going to finish a few gifts for a birthday party (including a plastic canvas jewelry box and a pincushion), head to the party, and then grocery shop. Looking forward to a wonderfully fun day with my hubby and children <3

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

82 Posts

Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Jan 30 2017 :  11:07:30 AM  Show Profile
I'm so glad you and your family were able to get out in time and are on the mend. How scary! Thank you for the update, Shannon.

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 30 2017 :  12:14:47 PM  Show Profile
So scary, Shannon. I'm glad everything turned out good and your family is safe and on the mend. It's a good thing you had everyone checked. Thank you for checking in and letting us know how you are. We were worried. Can you guys put in a carbon monoxide detector to help out? Last year my carbon monoxide detector went off and I was able to call the gas company to check everything out. Turns out the detector was bad and we needed a new one. I'm glad we have one though.

We have had a very interesting weekend ourselves. We took our dog to the vet because of a sore she has and found out it is an infected cyst. It was checked for cancer but came back benign. We are super relived about that. She will have to go back once the infection is gone to have it removed. Then my husband broke his wrist. He broke a crucial bone to the hand and now has to see a specialist. His appointment is tomorrow and we will find out if he needs a pin or just a cast. This has made things hard for us because he now can't pick up the boys or help with anything else due to it being his right wrist. We also found out that our sweet neighbors had their baby but he is in the NICU. The mom has negative blood and the baby has positive. So apparently the the baby's body is attacking his blood. My heart feels broken for them. They are unsure when he will even be able to come home. I'm planning on making them dinner this week to help relieve some stress.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 07 2017 :  12:55:11 PM  Show Profile
I see this group has slowed down again. So sad. Hope all is well with everyone.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Feb 07 2017 :  1:39:08 PM  Show Profile
I'd like to invite all of you that are part of the Sisterhood to join the Wildflower HenHouse. We would love to have you!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

82 Posts

Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Feb 07 2017 :  2:53:38 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for checking in Krista. It is sad when we go quiet. Life has been very busy for me with work and all the yoga and dance classes I'm taking. I just finished a baby blanket for a friend of ours who had her first baby. We got to see her when she was 3 days old and I held her and rocked her for hours! We're starting to feel pressure to have kids now that we've been married for a couple of years. Some days I feel so overwhelmed with managing a house on my own that I can't imagine adding a baby to the mix. We're getting started on gardening projects and Lily has built one cold frame and started a second out of old windows the previous owners left in the basement. Once we get a little more work done in the yard I'll add photos!

Farmgirl #6762
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Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  03:34:36 AM  Show Profile
I'd love to tell you all something...but there isn't much to tell, I'm afraid! I'm teaching music twice a week, that along with homeschooling three kids and managing a house keeps me busy!! I'm anxious to sit behind my sewing machine today - it's been over two weeks since I've touched it!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  11:49:28 AM  Show Profile
Nicole, it is sad. We need some more ladies to join! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only chatty one! How did you make the baby blanket? Did you knit it? How is the baby process going? And trust me don't worry about always keeping up on the house. It's not worth the stress and a child will remember the time you spent with them. Not how clean the house was! Ha ha Can't wait to see some pictures!

Joyce, how are the music lessons going? What are you working on with your homeschooling? What are you planning on sewing today?

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Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  11:53:01 AM  Show Profile
Krista - they are going good, but I find it a lot. I'm thankful for it though, as hubby hasn't head a lot of work in the past few months. For homeschooling, we do a Charlotte Mason approach - so for science we do kitchen experiments one day a week, burgess bird book, and parables of nature, and a nature study (right now rocks and minerals and salt). For history, we are learning about the Old Testament, and for literature we are reading Swiss Family Robinson. I love this book!! I had no idea it was so fun.

I was hoping to sew my daughter some dresses, and work on some mini-aprons for the swap...but I had too much work for my studio to do :( Hopefully tonight I'll be able to sneak in a 1/2 hour after the kids are in bed, before I continue working on my studio work.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 09 2017 :  10:27:50 AM  Show Profile
Joyce, I like the idea of kitchen experiments! That sounds really fun. Do you by chance have any that would be fun for a one year old? Tilton is really interested in learning new things and does really well with new projects. I agree. I really love the Swiss Family Robinson book as well. I'm sorry you were unable to work on sewing. It seems like when my kids are in bed is the only time I can work on my crochet. Tilton likes to undo my crochet work otherwise! I finally finished a crochet project last night.

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Posted - Feb 09 2017 :  12:03:29 PM  Show Profile
Hmmmm....we did one where we put a toothpick in a marshmallow and watched our heart beat - if he's not into putting things in his mouth anymore, then this might be fun!! The other things we did was snow experiments - I'm not sure if you have any, but we put food colouring in the snow and watched it expand and dye the snow. That was fun, too :)

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 10 2017 :  11:48:57 AM  Show Profile
Thanks Joyce! I really like the snow one. If we get anymore this year I will do that one. We have had a ton of rain and higher temperatures so most of the snow is melted now. We are even getting some flooding here. Such crazy weather this year.

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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
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Posted - Feb 10 2017 :  2:21:25 PM  Show Profile
Hello! I love reading about the things y'all do in homeschooling. I have no children but I have thought about the education of my future children. Even though I went to public school my entire life, my mom always did educational activities at home during breaks and weekends so reinforce what we learned in school. She also took us to museums and the library summer reading program.

Kiersten, Farmgirl Sister #7232
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Feb 10 2017 :  2:37:42 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
The is awesome Kiersten! Homeschool is challenging, but so rewarding.

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 FGOTM May 2016
<3 OUR FARM <3 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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Posted - Feb 10 2017 :  3:54:36 PM  Show Profile
Kiersten - that is so neat!! I went to a private school - I wasn't homeschooled. I do truly love homeschooling!!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Feb 10 2017 :  4:05:16 PM  Show Profile
I went to public school... and now I homeschool :) A challenge it is... but even more so, it is a blessing <3

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
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Posted - Feb 10 2017 :  5:39:28 PM  Show Profile
My mom tells me now that she wished she had homeschooled me. It looks like it would be fun. It's something I am seriously considering for my future children but I guess I'll decided for sure when I actually have children.

Kiersten, Farmgirl Sister #7232
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True Blue Farmgirl

82 Posts

Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Feb 12 2017 :  10:06:52 AM  Show Profile
I finally got around to mending my skirt! Here's a before and after:

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 13 2017 :  12:50:13 PM  Show Profile
Great job, Nicole! It looks really nice and looks like it is suppose to be apart of it.

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Posted - Feb 13 2017 :  1:45:16 PM  Show Profile
Nicole - wonderful job!!!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Feb 13 2017 :  4:25:42 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
It has been busy at the farm today! New video up!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 FGOTM May 2016
<3 OUR FARM <3 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 14 2017 :  10:55:35 AM  Show Profile
Happy Valentine's Day ladies! May your day be filled with lots of love! And chocolate of course!!

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