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1422 Posts

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Posted - Nov 06 2016 :  04:50:19 AM  Show Profile
Alicia - praying...and hugs...and praying.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

7389 Posts

7389 Posts

Posted - Nov 07 2016 :  09:53:18 AM  Show Profile
Alicia, your Halloween movie night sounds like so much fun! I'm sorry your kids were sick with colds. That's a bummer. Thank you for updating us on Shannon. I was starting to worry about her as well. I'm happy to hear they have a new home and hope all is going well with them and that we will hear from her soon. Keep us posted on anymore info you get from her. I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. So sad. I will be keeping your family in my thoughts.

Nicole, you are so close to having your own home! Only a couple more days. I can't wait to see pictures and hear how everything turns out. Will you be having Thanksgiving at your new home?

There hasn't been much going on here. Just taking life day by day. I am starting to plan my sons birthday party. We are doing a train theme and decided to do his pictures on some train tracks. They turned out so cute. I even dressed him in overalls!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 10 2016 :  11:48:14 AM  Show Profile
Alright! Here you go! Not bad for freezing weather! The one of Tilton alone was taken a couple days later when it was warmer.

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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2016 :  8:33:57 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Adorable Krista!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 FGOTM May 2016
<3 OUR FARM <3 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Nov 11 2016 :  07:50:06 AM  Show Profile
I am cheating and copying a post off the porch... But first let me say that your family is lovely Krista <3

Soooooo an update on us... We are officially living in Wyoming now :) It has been a bumpy ride up to this point! We took a couple weeks to get out here, visiting friends and family on the way. Got to meet Alicia and her family (DandeeRose)... been online friends for 9+ years, and just now met! We should have made it happen a long time ago! Moved in the house two weeks ago.... Had no internet until the other day, and terrible cell phone reception! But we are getting there. We have had to replace our hot water heater and refrigerator, the dishwasher leaks and the dryer takes two hours to dry. But the biggest issue has been our closing costs... We were instructed to wire them a couple days prior to closing, were sent wire instructions, and did so. Only to find out that the wiring instructions were fraud and we are now out $5k!!!! To say we are struggling is an understatement! Moving is expensive enough, without an added loss! We are trusting God to provide and let me tell you, He has blessed! We have received free deer and elk meat... not a ton, but a couple pounds here and there, that are keeping our bellies full. We also met with a gentleman the other day who said he has lots of deer tags left who said he will give us one of the deer he gets in the next few weeks. God is so good!!! Speaking of God, we are hoping to try a new church this Sunday. We haven't gone up to this point due to all of us being sick with all the climate changes. We love the area and and are looking forward to building our homestead here! We are still waiting on our belongings to arrive... they are saying by the 21st.

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 11 2016 :  10:46:16 AM  Show Profile
Theank you Alicia and Shannon.

I'm so happy to hear from you Shannon! Glad you made it safe and had a fun adventure getting there. I bet it was so nice meeting Alicia in person for the first time. I'm sorry to hear of the closing cost issue. That is really heartbreaking. Thankfully you have others who have been able to help out and hopefully you will get more meat. Let me know if there is anything I can help with. Where are you at in Wyoming? Wyoming is in driving distance from me. We could now plan a meet up once everything is all settled! Hopefully things will continue to look up for you and your family.

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1422 Posts

1422 Posts

Posted - Nov 11 2016 :  1:49:14 PM  Show Profile
Krista - ADORABLE family pics!!!

Shannon - thanks for the update!! Praying for you all :)

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 14 2016 :  4:16:44 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Joyce!

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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
102 Posts

Posted - Nov 14 2016 :  4:38:56 PM  Show Profile
Hello! I'm new up here and I'm twenty three so I fit the criteria for this thread. :)
Farmgirl Sisterhood Member #7232
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1422 Posts

1422 Posts

Posted - Nov 14 2016 :  5:24:05 PM  Show Profile
Hi Kiersten!! I'm thrilled to see you on here! Can you tell us about yourself?
I love Virginia - I'm from Canada, and we recently drove from Washington State to Maine. Virginia was my favourite state :)

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
102 Posts

Posted - Nov 14 2016 :  5:53:08 PM  Show Profile
Thanks! Virginia is a beautiful state no matter what part you visit. The geography is very varied so it's fun for even residents like me to explore the state on weekends. I hope you don't mind that I copied this from my post over at the Welcome Wagon. :)
Hello! My name is Kiersten and I live in Suffolk, Virginia. I am twenty three years old. I still live at home on my parent's farm (where I've lived my entire life) but I have dreams of having my own farm someday. I am dating a guy who builds submarines and we already have plans for a small hobby farm. We just need to tie the knot first! My parents raised me and my brother as farm kids. We raise ducks, chickens, dogs, cats, and horses. I also work at an agriculture retail store. In addition to farming, I like reading, writing, rescuing cats, knitting, cooking, having my friends over for tea, backpacking, hiking, camping, and practicing hygge. I am also a blogger! I look forward to getting to know everyone and earning some merit badges!
Farmgirl Sisterhood Member #7232
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1422 Posts

1422 Posts

Posted - Nov 14 2016 :  6:27:45 PM  Show Profile
Kiersten - what's "hygge"? Are you part of a henhouse? If not, the Wildflowers is a great little virtual group :)

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
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Posted - Nov 14 2016 :  6:51:14 PM  Show Profile
Hygge is the Danish art of peaceful living! There isn't an English translation for it but it's basically doing what makes you happy and brings you peace. I like to call it being cosy. It's become a bit of a fad among my blogging friends.

No, I'm not a part of a henhouse yet. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check the Wildflowers out!
Farmgirl Sisterhood Member #7232
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Nov 14 2016 :  8:14:36 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Welcome Kiersten!!

Glad to see you made it back Shannon! One step at a time.... So no chance you will get that 5k back? I don't guess I understood that in our texts!!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 FGOTM May 2016
<3 OUR FARM <3 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 15 2016 :  11:14:46 AM  Show Profile
Welcome to our group Kiersten! It will be nice having someone else for us to chat with! I really like the idea of hygge.

Alicia, thats a good question. I didn't even think of that. Will you be able to get any of the money back, Shannon? It's so sad how much fraud we have in this world.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Nov 15 2016 :  2:26:04 PM  Show Profile
Welcome Kiersten :) It is so nice to have you join us! I'm one of the "old" ladies in this group.... well older anyways ;) Technically I am too old to be in it, but hey, I'm young at heart ;) Virginia is indeed a beautiful state!!! We have really close friends that live in Norfolk News. Is your beau in the Navy?

As far as the closing costs... it looks like we are more than likely pot out of luck! The Secret Service/FBI will be getting involved, but more than likely we will still not see any of the money! We haven't quite figured out how we are going to handle that, but we are trusting that God will provide <3

Alicia - how is your aunt???

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
102 Posts

Posted - Nov 15 2016 :  3:05:22 PM  Show Profile
Thanks! No, my beau isn't in the Navy but he works at on of the local shipyards so he works closely with the Navy. He works for an outside contractor.
Farmgirl Sister #7232
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True Blue Farmgirl

82 Posts

Chicago Illinois
82 Posts

Posted - Nov 15 2016 :  4:14:07 PM  Show Profile
Hi Ladies - Trying to get caught up here after our closing and moving about half of our stuff into the house. I'm much happier in my own space and so are the cats and dog. I've already found out that the washer is broken, we have to try to fix the door lock to see if that will help. I ended up locking all of our towels in there for several hours today! Work has been very stressful and I'm feeling mentally exhausted all the time. I'm also tired of looking at all of our stuff. It's everywhere right now, haha.

Shannon - Ugh, closing is stressful enough without that added stress. I'm sorry you're having to deal with all of that.

Kiersten - Welcome to our little group! My brother in law is a nuclear engineer for he Navy - he goes out on subs 6 months at a time. I'm sure he appreciates all the work your husband does. I know the outside contractors sometimes have a tough job. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures in starting your own hobby farm.

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 16 2016 :  11:00:51 AM  Show Profile
That's a bummer, Shannon. I hope they find out who did it. Scary world we live in.

Nicole, I'm so happy your finally settling in to your house. I hated moving and dealing with boxes and stuff everywhere. That has to be the worst part. Just shove all your stuff in one room and close the door. Then take the day off work and sit back and relax! It sounds like you really could use a break!

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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
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Posted - Nov 17 2016 :  5:19:16 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Shannon- She passed away. Instantly. Funeral was last Friday, pretty well standing room only for 4 hrs.

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 FGOTM May 2016
<3 OUR FARM <3 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 18 2016 :  11:37:48 AM  Show Profile
I'm sorry, Alicia. How are you and your family holding up?

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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2016 :  05:25:24 AM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
I'm ok. She was my Mom's baby sister. I think my mom is doing better. I worry about my grandparents. I told them both that is hurts me more thinking that they have to be in the situation of loosing a child, because I know all too well how painful that is.

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 FGOTM May 2016
<3 OUR FARM <3 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
102 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2016 :  05:56:47 AM  Show Profile
I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for your family during this hard time.
Farmgirl Sister #7232
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1422 Posts

1422 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2016 :  06:34:43 AM  Show Profile
Continuing to pray for yo, Alicia.

Kiersten - I'd love to learn more about "hygge" - do you have a website or something you can direct me to?

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
102 Posts

Posted - Nov 21 2016 :  1:39:36 PM  Show Profile
Joyce, there are several blogs you could look at! Also Pinterest has some hygge information. My favorite hygge blogs are:,, and
Farmgirl Sister #7232
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