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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Aug 17 2016 :  11:09:40 AM  Show Profile
Hello Ladies! I keep coming and going these days and am stopping by between calls at work! I also have a fitbit that I use to track my steps. My goal is lower at 7,000 steps a day, but with the daily yoga I'm doing just fine! I also found an aerial dance studio in town and I want to take the class that teaches me trapeze, aerial hoop, and silks - so all the fun circus stuff! I figured it would really help me build my strength and sounds like a ton of fun. In other happy news I ordered enough yarn to knit two sweaters, one of me and one for my wife. I've never made a sweater before, so I'm really excited to learn something new. I'll definitely share my progress with you all. While it's been a rough transition to living with my in laws I do feel like things are starting to get a little better for me. I really hope that starting aerial dance classes will help me make some friends here too. I hope everyone's having a great day and I'm sure I'll be around a bit more regularly now that school is back in session and I have more down time after work!

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 18 2016 :  11:30:41 AM  Show Profile
Nicole, that aerial class sounds like so much fun! I would love to try those classes out. Let me know what you think of them and I'll see if we even have one near me. I can't wait to see how your sweaters turn out. Good luck with trying something new. I'm happy to hear that things are going smoothly for you and that living with your in laws in turning around. Hope to hear from you more!

We just gained two new little boys in our family. My two sister in laws gave birth a week apart. Both little boys are doing good and are super cute. Once my little guy arrives we will have 4 boy cousins all born within a year! Crazy how that happens.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 25 2016 :  11:20:15 AM  Show Profile
How is everyone doing?
Shannon- how have your walks been going?
Joyce- how are things going for you?
Nicole- have you taken any dance classes?
Erin and Alicia- how is everything for you guys? Getting better?
If I missed anyone how has things been for you?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Aug 25 2016 :  1:53:22 PM  Show Profile
Krista, thanks for checking in with all of us!

I haven't taken any dance classes yet, but I did go to their open house on Sunday to see demonstrations and learn more. I have to wait for a spot to open up for the aerial fundamentals class, so I'll be trying some other classes there first. This weekend I'm trying one of their pole fitness classes. I thought it wouldn't be my thing, but all of the women there were really nice and encouraging - they're VERY body positive and seem to be a really supportive community, which is exactly what I've been looking for. I never had a desire to learn pole dancing before, but it really did look like a lot of fun, haha! I also tried out the other yoga studio and I signed up for 12 classes. They teach you the Sanskrit names of the positions and you progress through them, so it's more traditional which is exactly what I was looking for. I've also picked up my knitting needles again and will be trying my hand at sweaters this fall!

How is everyone else doing?

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 26 2016 :  1:11:35 PM  Show Profile
I love dance studios like that! They Lways make you feel better about yourself and bring out the fun in each class. Hopefully you like it. Let me know what you think of pole dancing. I have considered it before but haven't made a commitment to try. I have heard it really builds body strength which would be nice!

We have finally started cooling down weather wise. It's so nice. Now I don't feel like I'm melting anymore. I love summer but this year was way to hot. I can't want for fall.

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Posted - Aug 26 2016 :  6:59:47 PM  Show Profile
Krista - thanks for checking in :) Things are BUSY! :) I'm in the midst of planning a baby shower for tomorrow, and I'm in charge of making decorations, the cupcakes, and I'm making a diaper cake and a quilt as a gift, so I have my hands full...along with making sauerkraut and canning blueberries this week :) We went on a camping trip this weekend to the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick - we took the kids tenting and it was so fun!! Next week Tyson (hubby) and I hope to get away just by ourselves for one night.

Nicole - I can't wait to see your sweaters! I'm a wee bit envious of people that can knit sweaters :) They all look so beautiful and warm!

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Aug 27 2016 :  3:35:41 PM  Show Profile
Hi all :) Still waiting for orders :/ But the house inspection went great! Walking has all but come to a complete halt. We've been fighting a stomach bug. I think the mono killed our immune systems, because now it seems like as soon as we get just something small, we are wiped out!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Aug 29 2016 :  11:11:23 AM  Show Profile
Joyce - That baby shower sounds like a lot of fun and I know you must be so happy to have your family reunited. I really hope you and Tyson get some much needed time away together.

Shannon - You've all been having a rough time will illness, I'm sorry to hear you're still fighting off things. I know how exhausting that can be. I'll be keeping all of you in my thoughts.

Sweater progress is slow but good. I have something that resembles a sleeve, so YAY! I'll have to get some photos up soon so I can share the progress with you all. This is definitely my most challenging knitting project yet, but I feel ready for the challenge.

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Aug 29 2016 :  11:35:46 AM  Show Profile
Joyce- you sure do have your hands full! How did everything turn out? Camping sounds like so much fun. I'm glad your family enjoyed it. Hopefully you and your hubby can have a great night getaway!

Shannon- I feel like I'm missing something! Did you end up buying a house? Sorry about all your sickness I hope you guys can kick it soon and get feeling better! Tell little Emi happy birthday for me. I'm a little late. How did that go?

Nicole- I would love to see how your sweaters are turning out. I wish I could make a sweater.

This weekend I was able to finish another hot pad and start my third one. I am getting faster at making them so Christmas gifts won't take that long! I am also doing some sorting out of things in my house. I decided I have way to many unused items and way to many clothes that simple don't fit and never will. I have a few boxes full and it amazing seeing how much space I am clearing up! Getting somewhere!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Aug 30 2016 :  3:20:21 PM  Show Profile

Sweater progress. It looks like the start of a sleeve! This is my first time making a sweater and my first time doing the magic loop method for circular knitting (I usually prefer DPNs). We're camping this weekend so I'll have plenty of time to work on it over the long holiday!

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 01 2016 :  11:59:08 AM  Show Profile
Nicole, your sweater sleeve looks great! I really like the color you chose. It goes perfectly with fall colors. Have fun on your camping trip and make sure to share your progress when you get back.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 09 2016 :  11:05:08 AM  Show Profile
Hope everyone is well. Seems our group struggles to stay in contact. Hopefully with the colder weather it will bring everyone back in!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Sep 14 2016 :  5:45:42 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for checking in, Krista. I forget to check my email when I get my hands in too many projects at once, lol. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind for me. I'm not knitting like I wanted to, but I am reading a lot. I have another camping trip this weekend and a cyclocross race to go to, so I plan on bringing the sweater to work on. I'm LOVING my new yoga and dance classes and I'm starting to feel less pain overall in my body. I have more good days than bad with my fibromyalgia right now. In exciting/scary news, we started applying for a mortgage, so the whole house buying thing is starting to get more real. We're looking at a house we like on Friday, but I don't anticipate getting it, I'm trying to stay very realistic in our home buying adventure!

Krista - the weather hasn't cooled off here yet in Central, IL. It was 81 today and I'm really ready for the temps to drop. We have a flea infestation in our house and our poor cats and dogs are miserable.

I hope everyone else is well and enjoying the final few days of summer :)

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 15 2016 :  2:20:33 PM  Show Profile
Nicole, thanks for stopping in! I'm glad to hear from you. How exciting that you are looking for a house. Let me know how it goes on Friday. I personally hated looking for a house. It was super stressful and our real estate person wasn't the most helpful. I had to do all the work finding houses. I hope you have a better experience. It's good to hear that your fibro is doing better with dance classes. Hopefully it keeps that way. What have you been reading?

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Sep 15 2016 :  4:53:12 PM  Show Profile
Krista, right now I'm reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King and I'm really enjoying it. I also read But What If We're Wrong?: Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past by Chuck Klosterman. I really enjoyed it. It examined our culture today from the perspective of someone from the future. So all hypothetical questions about how this era in human history will be remembered long after those of us who lived it have all died. I love that kind of stuff so much, lol.

Farmgirl #6762
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 16 2016 :  11:12:16 AM  Show Profile
Nicole, that sounds really interesting. I have never really thought about the future like that. I do wonder how things will be in just a couple years from now but nothing that far into the future. Stephen King writes some pretty scary stuff. I did attempt to read on of his books at one time but never made it far. I will have to try again sometime. I really need to find a book and start reading again. I just have other stuff I want to do first with my free time! My crochet list is huge!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Sep 20 2016 :  4:51:06 PM  Show Profile
Krista, so far this Stephen King one is less scary and more about weird time travel and changing the past. My mom has always been a fan of his so I grew up reading a lot of his books. I'll never forget the time I wrote a book report on Christine (about a car that has powers and kills people) in the 4th or 5th grade and my teacher didn't know what to do, haha. A couple of years ago I reread all the Little House on the Prairie books and loved them just as much as an adult as I did a kid! They also motivated me to rethink about how I want to live my life and the importance of reconnecting to my rural roots :) Sometimes I also take breaks from reading to work on other hobbies, I have too many interests! My knit/crochet list is out of hand. My cousin recently found out she's pregnant and due in January, so I'm making a blanket and stuffed monster for her. I'm going to have to buckle down and get started on that UFO badge soon, haha.

Farmgirl #6762
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Posted - Sep 21 2016 :  10:10:53 AM  Show Profile
Hi Everyone :) Things are a wee bit crazy here :) I have had lots of harvesting from our garden - we were blessed with a prolific garden, despite us breaking the sod in the garden plot this year. I *think* I'm all done except apples - we'll go the apple orchard and I'll make applesauce, apple pie filling and apple chutney with those. My favourite thing this year was making's SO delicious when it's fresh, not canned! That took up so much more time then I was expecting this year.

I also have three kids in school this year, and I will admit, it's tricky with three. Because we moved to another province, we no longer get any funding (In BC we got $1200 per year per child) so I've tried to be resourceful in our purchases so I could buy everything for under a budget. However, I'm really not happy with our math or with our history, which makes me second guess that I should have gone the route I did, so I'm not really feeling that good about it right now. Our math is easy enough to switch as I can exchange it for another program. The history not really though.

I also have quite a few more piano/flute students than I had anticipated. Originally, I actually let three students go with the plan of downsizing - but things have changed, and with my husband not finding work yet, he felt it was important for me not to stop teaching, but to take whomever I feel would be a good fit in the studio, without advertising. So...I got quite a few new students, but now I feel bad for the three I let go. I wouldn't have wanted to teach them regardless though, as they are online students and I don't enjoy it and I felt that they were taking advantage of the online lessons, even though we are now in the same province. I am full now - as we had a set time frame I could fill before I started putting students on a wait-list. I'm curious - what would you do? Would you contact those students and explain the personal situation that led you to taking on more students, or would you leave it?

It's been a bit of a rocky couple of weeks with our internet/phone connection. The repairman came today, so hopefully it's all fixed! That's the reason I haven't been on here lately, coupled with everything else :) And lastly - my youngest has chicken pox. It started Sunday, and so far, no one else has I'm praying no one else will!

I am truly looking forward to getting back into a routine, and hopefully figuring out everything. I really miss working on badges, so I hope to get back into that soon!! Hope you are all doing well :)

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Sep 21 2016 :  10:58:16 AM  Show Profile
It sounds like we all have a lot going on lately! We are still in SC, awaiting our orders. Not knowing when they are coming is causing quite a bit of stress, chaos, and havoc! But I am trusting that we will get them when God has it designed! The bank that owns the house we are trying to buy has agreed to give us until the end of October to close :) If it doesn't happen by then, our contract with them is over and we will be restarting :( But again, it is all according to God's Great Plan <3

Because of so many questions, without answers or time frames, I have stepped back from quite a bit. I am no longer in charge of the penpal program i started with HSAMF, and honestly have enjoyed the reprieve. Not knowing how it is going in a little hard on me, as it was "my baby," but it was time for me to walk away! With that said, I have taken on a couple projects as well. I want to become certified in permaculture, so have started a year long course that will include a hands-on project. I am also still working on getting certified as an herbalist.

I have five fully in school this year with the sixth doing some. Can we just say - chaos! We do Geography completely as a family and history is for the 13, 10, 9 and 7 yo. Science is the 10, 9 and 7 yo together, FIAR are the 7, 5, and 3 yo together. And then they all have their individual courses as well. Thankfully, my 13 yo is pretty much independent... we work together to figure out her schedule for the week and month and she just does it. The others... not even close!

Joyce - I found it interesting that you are not happy with your math or history, as Sabrina was saying on another thread that she wasn't sure what to use. We are really really fortunate in that our math curriculum has always worked for us, at least this far... we use Math U See and love it! With that said, I am pretty strong in math, so if there have been any questions, I can easily answer. I sure hope you find something you love! What history are you doing??? As for feeling bad for the students - DON'T! You did downsize! You downsized your online students! Enjoy what students you have and don't worry about them! There's my two cents :)

Nicole - My older sister loves/d Stephen King... I watched one movie - Kujo - in Middle School (they played it as a "reward" during school!) and I have never read any others or watched any others!!! He scares me, lol! I am not a scary or horror book or movie watcher! I get too jumpy and have nightmares! STILL! I think that is part of the reason I dislike Halloween so much! Funny story about how "pathetic" I am... I went to a haunted house with a bunch of friends while in college. One of the actresses (is that what they are called?) picked up on the fact that I wasn't liking it and started following me around. One of the guys finally told her to leave me around that she had taken it too far! He stayed by my side the rest of the night, lol.

Krista - I wish I could learn to crochet! I am getting the hand of simple square washcloths, but that is it! A friend was suppose to teach me, but she is so busy with her own kiddos, that she hasn't had a chance, and we will be moving soon... well hopefully anyways ;) I saw on another thread that you crocheted hotpads.... how did you do that??? Is it double thickness? How are you feeling??? When are you due with this one? Name? So excited for you!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016

Edited by - hudsonsinaf on Sep 21 2016 11:02:30 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 22 2016 :  10:19:27 AM  Show Profile
Nicole, that book sounds really good! I'm going to have to check it out when I get time to read again. I totally agree with the crochet list. Mine is so long I can't even see the end!! But I love it. I like knowing that I will always have something to work on. Good luck with your blanket and stuffed monster. I can't wait to see how they turn out. How did the house viewing go?

Joyce, I'm glad to hear from you! Sure sounds like you have been really busy. Hopefully soon things will calm down and you can catch her breath and start back up on merit badges. In my opinion I don't think I would contact the other students. Unless there was a way for them to find out you took more students on. You are the teacher and should be able to teach the best way that fits for your family.

Shannon, I'm not a big fan of scary Halloween either. I like cute Halloween! I still get nightmares from scary movies myself. So you're not alone. It really does sound like everyone has been super busy. Hopefully everyone can catch a break soon. You will get the crochet soon. I have basically just been teaching myself and then asking for help if I get stuck. There are many fabulous ladies here if you ever need help. Yes I have been making quite a few hotpads. I have about 8 hot pad orders right now. Yes they are double thickness and are super easy to make. Basically the whole thing is single crochets all the way around and once it's big enough it folds over on itself allowing for it to be stitched together. I can show you a picture of what I mean. I have been feeling good. Thank you for asking! I am just staring to get nervous. I panic that I'm not ready. I am due on thanksgiving so we are down to 9 more weeks. Not very much longer. Ha ha names! Heck no we haven't even started talking about names. We used the two boys names we liked on Tilton! I guess we better get to deciding! I just don't even know where to start. Thank you! That means a lot!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 22 2016 :  10:32:02 AM  Show Profile

Do the pictures help explain what I mean? Let me know if I'm confusing you!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Chicago Illinois
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Posted - Sep 26 2016 :  08:14:42 AM  Show Profile
Stopping by for a quick update: We're putting in an offer on a house today :)

Farmgirl #6762

Edited by - BellaSticks on Sep 26 2016 09:42:51 AM
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Posted - Sep 26 2016 :  09:16:04 AM  Show Profile
Neat pictures, Krista! Fun to see :) Praying for the safe arrival of your little one - so precious!!

Nicole - yay!! Give us an update when you can!!

Shannon - I feel adequate teaching the math - it's the actual programs that I'm struggling finding - one that is solid, but not a lot of busywork intended for the school system, but also one that helps the children relate math to every day life. :)

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Sep 26 2016 :  11:58:17 AM  Show Profile
Nicole- Ya!!! How exciting! Let us know how it goes!!

Thank you Joyce! I wish I could help you more with home schooling but I don't know anything about it.

This week I plan to put up my fall and Halloween decorations! I am getting so excited to take Tilton trick-or-treating! We are planning on just going down the road because he is still so young but it's still super exciting. I am also starting to make a few lists of things I need to get done before baby arrives. We finally bought a car seat so that's a start!


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Posted - Sep 26 2016 :  2:15:45 PM  Show Profile
It's always so much fun planning for a new little one, Krista!

In response to the students...I do think they could find out, as they are only about an hour away from for thought.

Joyce Hein
Farmgirl Sister #6071
FGOTM April 2016
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