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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 06 2016 : 09:59:45 AM
Joyce, I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear what you think about it and hear how your first project turns out!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2016 : 1:47:39 PM
Hi everyone! It's been a long time, I know. I was just reading through the thread, catching up on everything I've missed over the last couple months. We've adjusted pretty well to our little addition. I can't believe he's two months old. He smiles at me all the time. He's the cutest thing. And such a good sleeper. I'll post a picture soon. My husband has been working on our garden. Sadly my little herb garden is completely over grown. I'll have to see if anything can be salvaged. I've just been in indoor home mode. I should spend more time outside, but it's not very convenient with my little guy. Most of our time this summer has been taken up by baseball, which is now over. I'm realizing, now that we're pretty much adjusted to the little guy, that my house is a mess! I mean chores have gone out the window! I had some printable chore charts saved on my computer that I printed out and started to try to fill out, but I'm not sure how I want to tackle this problem. We had simple chore charts for the kids, and they worked fairly well, but I need something a little more. How do you all do chores at your house?
I'm sorry for my long absence. I'm really going to try to be present more. I have my laptop back now (after months and months!), so that will make it easier for me. I've read through everything to catch up, and you're all in my prayers!
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2016 : 2:06:21 PM
Here's a picture of Rory. It's kind of a funny one, but it's the best I can do right now, lol!
.jpg?v 85234765)
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"It is... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth." - Madeleine L'Engle |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2016 : 10:13:35 AM
Oh Erin! He is a cutie!! I'm glad to hear things are well for you and you are all adjusting! As far as chores go I found a list that works great for me. Since I am the only one who does the chores I have to make it simple so I don't overwhelm myself. Typically I can complete my chore for the day during nap time and I use a little note pad to write down additional things I need to complete for the day and cross them off as I finish them. Here's my chart. Monday's- vacuum and mop floors Tuesday's- 1st Tuesday: clean appliances, 2nd Tuesday: clean furniture and cabinets, 3rd Tuesday: wash rugs and curtains, 4th Tuesday: yearly chore( July is clean carpets) Wednesday's- dust Thursday's- clean bathrooms Friday's- laundry Saturday's- catch up Everyday- morning: make beds, declutter bedrooms and bathrooms Evening: declutter living area, do dishes, sweep kitchen, wipe kitchen counters, take out trash
Hope this can be of some help!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 08 2016 : 11:32:10 AM
.jpg?v 98900255) Here is my start to my sons crochet lovey. It looks a bit rough so I'm thinking I will take it apart and start again. The granny squares are an easy project but seem a bit touchy with tightness.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Jul 08 2016 : 12:13:42 PM
Thanks for the list Krista. I might give that a try. I don't think your crochet looks rough, but I'm no expert. I can only do very simple crochet. I've been in the mood to sew lately. That's why I'm desperately trying to clean my craft room. Hopefully I can make that happen!
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good." - John Steinbeck, East of Eden |
True Blue Farmgirl
207 Posts
207 Posts |
Posted - Jul 08 2016 : 12:37:27 PM
For some reason when I make granny squares they always end up kind of weirdly twisty, like they are a square when they start out but morph into some kind of crazy four legged starfish. I don't know if I'm using the wrong yarn or hook gauge, but they always end up wonky, regardless of the pattern I'm using. I can crochet all kind of other stuff, so I'm not thinking it's my skill level, but maybe I'm just doing something weird with the grannies.
Rachel, #6992 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 11 2016 : 6:45:39 PM
Thanks Erin. Hopefully you can get around to some sewing soon!
Rachel, that's kind of what I was thinking. I'm no expert by any means but I felt like it was going crazy. I'll have to give it another shot and see if I can turn it around to look better. Thanks.
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 09:21:00 AM
Erin - He is absolutely adorable. Thank you for sharing!
Krista - It looks like the problem you're running into with the granny squares is with the chain spaces. I spent a lot of time making sure my chain stitches are consistent and uniform and ended up making a granny square blanket for a Christmas present last year. If you're making a blanket some of the wonkyness can be corrected when you stitch the squares together. Does your pattern call for more than one chain stitch in the spaces? I find that three chain stitches in the corners and one in the spaces can help it lay flat. Sometimes I just get in the habit of threes and forget to do just one chain stitch on the spaces and that's usually when they start to look weird (I hope that makes sense!) Let me know if you have other questions.
Nicole Farmgirl #6762 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 10:35:10 AM
Thank you for the tips, Nicole! I will go back and look at the pattern and see. I have had a bit on my mind I have forgotten already! But I plan on getting it out and starting over to make sure everything is consistent and looking right. I'll make sure I focus on the chain spaces. Thank you so much for the help.
Krista |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 11:38:17 AM
Erin - he is SOOOO adorable!! I just love his chubby little cheeks :) I really really wish I could come visit you!! I'd do all your chores/cleaning/sorting for you so you were all caught up :) My list is a bit different - On Thursday mornings I clean bathrooms, the porch (which is my laundry room) and downstairs. On Friday's I clean the main floor bedrooms. Every day, except Sunday, I sweep the main floor. I have all hardwoods. Except Tuesday, where I vacuum the entire house. I do laundry every day except Sunday (usually 2-3 loads).
Krista - I loved seeing your crochet!! I had my first lesson on Friday, and am just practising...I'll probably make it into a dish cloth :)
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 FGOTM April 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2016 : 11:27:20 AM
Joyce- Thank you! I'm so excited for you! What do you think so far? I can't wait to see your completed project. I actually got side tracked. I came across some crochet cowboy boots I wanted to make and started working on them. It's crazy how many things I want to make! Wish I had more time in the day.
Krista |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Jul 13 2016 : 11:28:57 AM
Well...I think it's easier then knitting, but I wonder if I'll get to the point of being able to make a small dish cloth in a short amount of time..haha!
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 FGOTM April 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2016 : 10:56:46 AM
Oh you will! You will get faster the more you practice!
Krista |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2016 : 11:00:16 AM
Thank you for your encouragement, Krista!
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 FGOTM April 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2016 : 11:45:32 AM
Crochet really does get easier and faster with practice. It took me forever to get it and then one day it all just clicked. I crochet much faster than I knit, so I like to use it for gifts or things that have a deadline. I crochet little scrubbies out of tulle every year for Christmas gifts for everyone. We used tulle as wedding decorations so every year I use up some of our decorations for people to clean their pots with! I'll have to make up a few more so you can see them!
Nicole Farmgirl #6762 |
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Jul 14 2016 : 12:00:17 PM
I would love to see them, Nicole!
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 FGOTM April 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2016 : 11:45:34 AM
Nicole, that's a great way to repurpose! I would love to see them too!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
626 Posts
626 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2016 : 2:40:32 PM
Joyce, you're so nice :) I wouldn't dream of scaring you with my house!
All I crochet anymore are dishcloths. I don't know the terminology for what I'm doing, so I don't know how to attempt anything else. I would need someone to actually show me how to do something instead of explain it to me. There's a book series called "Teach Yourself Visually" that has pictures showing each step for different knitting and crochet. I have one for knitting socks (Ask me if I've ever knitted a pair of socks...). I'm sure I could learn from those books. I wonder if the library has them...
Erin Farmgirl #3762
"And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good." - John Steinbeck, East of Eden |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2016 : 12:16:16 PM
Erin, those books sound amazing. I'll have to see if I can find some to help me learn some new things! Well I did get side tracked this weekend on my crocheting and made some cowboy boots for my son and then wanted to try a camo and pink design. They both turned out so cute! Considering I don't have a girl, I need to find the pink cowgirl boots a new home! Now I'm going to make some camo and lime green for boys!

Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 21 2016 : 11:10:25 AM
I made another pair of cowboy boots for boys! I choose lime green and camo. I now have a request to make an expecting friend some black and yellow boots! I love making them!
 Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Jul 22 2016 : 10:42:01 AM
I hope everyone is alright. It's been quite around here for awhile. We will be celebrating Pioneer Day here on Sunday. Tilton loves watching fireworks. Have a great weekend! Hope to hear from you all soon.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
82 Posts
82 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2016 : 5:45:02 PM
Krista, Those cowboy boots are ADORABLE!
For tips on knitting and crocheting I've found youtube videos to be very helpful, I'll just search for what I'm trying to do/learn and watch it until I get it, lol. Lionbrand Yarn also has some great instruction videos on their website (plus a ton of free patterns for beginners)
I've been in a funk lately, not being productive in anything that I'm doing. Living with my in-laws is proving to be a bigger challenge than I thought. Not that there are any big issues, just personality traits that don't always mesh well. Things are really much better for me than they were a few months ago before I moved. I've been having a hard time getting out of the house, so today I signed up for a 30 day pass at a local yoga studio and my mother in law and I are going to class together tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can get back on track with my merit badges and everything else I had been working on before I moved. What do you ladies do when you've lost motivation to be productive? It's typically an early warning sign of depression for me, so I'm trying to turn things around before I start to feel down again.
Nicole Farmgirl #6762 |
True Blue Farmgirl
54 Posts
54 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2016 : 09:16:10 AM
I just wanted to jump in here and say hello! I'm 27 and I loved reading through all of these posts! Xoxo |
True Blue Farmgirl
7379 Posts

7379 Posts |
Posted - Aug 01 2016 : 11:36:27 AM
Welcome Brianna! I'm so happy to have another fabulous farmgirl join us! How are things going for you?
Nicole, I am so sorry to hear that things have become a challenge. Hopefully the yoga will help out and make you feel better. I have been feeling large amounts of exhaustion due to the high heat, chasing a crawling baby everywhere, and pregnancy all mixed together, so I find myself lacking motivation do a lot lately, especially cleaning. So what I find that helps me is a plan a date with a friend. I find that if I get out and laugh I start feeling better. Also if I invite her over then I know I have to have a clean house, so it drives me to complete my chores. Make sure you take small steps. Don't overwhelm yourself. That seems to take away my motivation as well. We are all here for you. Email me if you need to talk!
Krista |
Gathered Up: 49 and under Farmgirls  |