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Official Farmgirl Sisterhood Members: Outstepping  |
True Blue Farmgirl
94 Posts
94 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 12:33:03 PM
Has anyone completed the intermediate level of the Outstepping badge? There are a ton of fire-towers, caves, and historic locations near me. Photo documenting them all within 100 miles would take years.
Farmgirl Sister #4915 |
True Blue Farmgirl
942 Posts

942 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 1:36:46 PM
How do you even determine the locations within 100 miles? Do you take a map and draw a circle or is there a way to web search it?
If you can't feed one hundred people, then just feed one. -Mother Teresa
Star - farmgirl sister #1927
Master Food Preserver
True Blue Farmgirl
94 Posts
94 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2014 : 2:45:14 PM
I would assume you'd draw a circle on a map. I live near two separate state/national forestries, a large caving system, and many historical landmarks. It would be a lifes work to see them all.
Farmgirl Sister #4915 |
Honorary Farmgirl
521 Posts

521 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 11:13:20 AM
Howdy folks! Great question. I think we might need to revisit the language on this particular badge a little bit.
This is one of those instances where Elizabeth lives is a "target rich environment" and that's causing some issues. For some of our Sisterhood members that live in more urban spots i'm sure the amount of places to find is much more limited. Do you think we can brainstorm a way to make this work across the board?
My initial thought is that that we set an amount of places to photo document and another line for our Sisterhood members to mention other places within 100 miles that would fit the bill. With everything in life it's not so much that we expect you to find each and every place within the 100 mile radius. It's more that we want you to put effort into earning your badge.
What do you think would be a good number to have folks actually visit and photograph? How many places should members "find?" Keep in mind that this is an Intermediate level so there should be a fair amount of leg work involved.
Since I'm a sci-fi kinda guy I like to think of the merit badge program as a living thing that is always able to adapt and change over time. The wisest evolution occurs with input from as many folks as possible building towards a better system. A little bit cylon and a little bit Tardis. If you don't know what I'm talking about, that's ok, it's awesome for Dr. Who and Battlestar Galactica fans.
If you ever have any questions about existing badges please feel free to email me ( |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 11:56:49 AM
I think it's more like The Prophets but I love Deep Space 9.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
94 Posts
94 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2014 : 3:27:52 PM
I absolutely understand that each badge is meant to stretch us and have us experience knew things, and I agree with that whole heartedly. As for the specific number, I'll have to muse on that a bit. Like, I'd be able to do 20 places fairly easily, and 50 would be doable but a bit more difficult. For example there are around 30 firetowers just near my house in Indiana. Not even getting into old mines and historical places!
Farmgirl Sister #4915 |
Allison Clark
Chapter Guru / Farmgirl Guide / Sharpshooter
76 Posts

76 Posts |
Posted - Jul 18 2021 : 11:49:30 PM
I was wondering the same thing how many? I spent the whole day driving to just 4 lighthouses. One of the lighthouses I went to was a mile hike to get to it and it was closed so I did not get a picture. I did get the lighthouse part done. I live in California there are so many old mines also I have already gone to 5 of them that was another day. So would it be that it depends on the time to complete it? Or when you reach a certain amount.
Allison Clark |
Allison Clark
Chapter Guru / Farmgirl Guide / Sharpshooter
76 Posts

76 Posts |
Posted - Jul 19 2021 : 12:19:24 AM
O and Dr. Who is the best
Allison Clark |
Official Farmgirl Sisterhood Members: Outstepping  |