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Nifty Thrifty: How did you save money this week?  |
Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
831 Posts

831 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2016 : 05:50:00 AM
Amy that's awesome! Denise Ann |
Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl
831 Posts

831 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2016 : 05:50:59 AM
Amy that's awesome! Denise Ann |
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
South Bend
569 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2016 : 06:20:20 AM
Love it, Amy! It was a win-win-WIN! :)
I juiced a bag of limes last night that I got on sale recently - froze the juice in ice cube trays and the rinds were frozen in a ziplock bag for the day when I either dehydrate them or just pull them out to zest as needed.
Have also taken to doing something I should have YEARS ago, when I bring home berries, grapes, etc. I'm soaking them in cold water and a generous spash or two of vinegar for about 10 minutes. Then I rinse, set out to dry and then store in sealed containers in the fridge.
The berries last MUCH longer this way! No mold showing up the day after I buy the silly things - I HATE that! |
Edited by - AuntJamelle on Mar 18 2016 06:21:51 AM |
Song Sparrow
True Blue Farmgirl
1010 Posts
1010 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2016 : 04:35:02 AM
Wow Jaime, what great tips,both of them! I'm always trying to learn more ways to decrease food waste and also be able to take advantage of fresh produce sales. Jackpot! Thanks!
Happy Day! Peace in our hearts, peace in the world Amy (Sister#6098)
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
South Bend
569 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2016 : 05:43:25 AM
You're very welcome! :)
This weekend I made up two big batches of chili (one red, one white) and froze it all in 1 cup amounts in ziplock bags. I use these for my lunches everyday at work. A bag taken out and put in cooler bag in morning is thawed enough by lunch to easily take out and heat up in bowl in microwave. I bring along a small dish of toppings (Sour cream, shredded cheese, onion) to put on top! Keeps me out of the drive thru lane!
For the white chili I used most of the dried Great Northern beans left from my garden last year. Cooked them in the crockpot this time (after soaking overnight) and it worked great!
I also mixed up a batch of chocolate chip cookies and flash froze the dough - will use these for DS's lunches (and will try not to eat them all myself!) lol |
Farmgirl in Training
20 Posts
20 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2016 : 10:10:42 AM
Regarding freezing buttermilk... Did you also know this comes in a powder form in the baking aisle? No need to buy the liquid. Just mix up the powdered as needed.
How do people freeze milk? I thought this would be good at our cabin that we usually go to every other weekend. I tried just freezing the milk in the container when we left. But, it took awhile to unthaw to reuse the next time. Any tips? |
True Blue Farmgirl
287 Posts
287 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2016 : 04:52:53 AM
Mary, I freeze milk all the time. Just my DH and I so we don't go through it very fast. You do have to allow defrosting time. When I start to get low I just take it out a day or so ahead of time.
Farm Girl Sister #6566
The road of life is made smoother when traveled with someone you love. |
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
South Bend
569 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2016 : 06:02:04 AM
Another tip on freezing milk or buttermilk is to consider measuring it out into containers instead of just leaving in the original one.
I know I use 1.25 cups of buttermilk (or milk) for a batch of pancakes - so I'll freeze that amount in appropriately sized plastic Rubbermaid containers with snap on lids. Then I write the date and amount, etc. on a piece of masking tape and put it on the side of the container.
This allows me to thaw only what I need for a particular recipe at a time. Thawing overnight in the fridge usually only gets me a partial thaw, but a few seconds on defrost in microwave seem to fix that. I dump the partially thawed block into a glass bowl and put in microwave. I just do a small amount of time, stir it, another small amount of time on defrost, etc. until it seems ready.
The drawback to this method is tying up your containers! I happen to have a fairly good selection but will be watching for deals on another set just for this purpose! |
Edited by - AuntJamelle on Mar 23 2016 06:03:18 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
7239 Posts

7239 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2016 : 09:23:40 AM
I saved $18.32 at the grocery store this morning. What I am really proud of is the two cartons of four each Starbuck's Frappuccino for 2 for $5 - which means I paid an average of 63 cents per bottle. I only drink them occasionally in the summer so I am set for afternoon treats.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth. |
True Blue Farmgirl
5216 Posts
Bruce Crossing
5216 Posts |
Posted - Apr 09 2016 : 06:49:01 AM
You girls are doing great! I have been MIA for a while, just business :)
Here is what is going on in frugality over here :)
~We have been able to barter soaps for heirloom seeds, eggs and milk kefir grains. Have been bartering books also :) ~We continue to purchase wheat bran from our local milling company, the bags we bring back and receive 20 cents back per bag, every little bit helps :) ~I was able to get some free address labels (well, only pay the cost of shipping) through Shutterfly. ~We had some grilled salmon, I had some left but none of us will eat it heated up so I made some Salmon Hand Pies using the leftover salmon, leftover mashed potatoes, peas and herbs. I flash froze them, so we now have a dozen of these pies for a quick meal. My honey and mom love them :) ~Received samples in the mail of Twinings Tea and BioPure contact lens solution. ~We make Kombucha and often have scobies (starters) available so we started using them in our hog food. We already ferment the food it helps our pigs digest better. They are really loving it :) ~Scored at the Thrift Store: 2 pairs of jeans for me, a pair of shorts for my honey, and a couple of tops for $3.00. I also found a frame for $1.00 that I have been wanting to get but not pay brand new prices for. ~I learned to use my pressure canner! I canned some Vegetarian Chili, Spaghetti Sauce, Mulligatawny Soup and British Beans (more of a tomato based bean). This has not only saved us money but has been so convenient. ~I purchased some Meyer Lemons and grated what I had left for zest. I also made juice and froze it in ice cube trays. ~I added Clementine Peels to White Vinegar for cleaner. It is still steeping but smells so good. ~Made some scouring powder using equal parts Borax and Baking Soda. I added Eden's Garden version of Four Thieves essential oil blend. It smells and works great :) ~My honey and I like to take the ATV or walk the field behind us. Up against the other side of the fence (neighboring property) there has been some older fencing. We found out who the owner of the property was and inquired about it. He said that we could just have the fencing, so I am all set for our garden now :) ~Another neighbor gave us some ceramic pots which I can definitely use. ~We received a free 6 pack of tomato plants with a purchase that we needed to make at the feed store. ~I was ready to throw away a gardening catalog until I saw $25.00 off a $25.00 purchase. I perused through it and found a Burning Heart Dicentra. Something that I have wanted for a long time. The cost was $18.00 shipping was supposed to be $4.95, my final cost using the code was $2.28 
I am sure that there is more, but that is all that I can think of right now :) How is everyone else doing?
Farmgirl Sister #5392
By His Grace, For His Glory ~Sharon
True Blue Farmgirl
7239 Posts

7239 Posts |
Posted - Apr 09 2016 : 07:01:09 AM
Shannon you did good. I saved $30 at grocery store with sales and marked-downs.
I have seven re-useable shopping bags and my grocery store gives me a nickel for each. I don't notice the thirty-five cents but it adds up to around $20 a year.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth. |
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
13705 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
13705 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
5216 Posts
Bruce Crossing
5216 Posts |
Posted - Apr 09 2016 : 1:05:35 PM
Good for you Sara! That is a significant savings!
Exactly CJ!!! Not silly at all, and I would like to add not perusing shops on the internet too ;)
Farmgirl Sister #5392
By His Grace, For His Glory ~Sharon
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
13705 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
13705 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
South Bend
569 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2016 : 09:31:22 AM
I made a birthday card for a friend instead of buying one. :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
5216 Posts
Bruce Crossing
5216 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2016 : 11:44:06 AM
Good for you Jaime! I can't believe how expensive cards are nowadays.
Farmgirl Sister #5392
By His Grace, For His Glory ~Sharon
True Blue Farmgirl
1123 Posts
1123 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2016 : 8:15:26 PM
My husband and I have been fixing up a 1954 pickup. The glove box had two holes in the back corners. I looked at the price of a new one and it was too pricey for me. I got out the good ole duck tape after I cleaned the glove box as well as I could. I removed the box so I could work on it better. I duck taped the outside and inside and then I took oil rubbed bronze spray pain and sprayed it. I had both at home so didn't spend any money. Now that it is back in I don't think one person will figure out what I have done AND I have a like new sturdy glove box. I love the process and creativity. I have my seats recovered and working on painting the interior, doing the ceiling and also the floor with some tips and hints from a veteran vintage car mechanic. There are so many things to use instead of what the vintage car catalogs want to sell me for a huge amount of money. I can hardly wait until I can drive it. Can now....without brakes. They come next. |
Song Sparrow
True Blue Farmgirl
1010 Posts
1010 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2016 : 04:31:20 AM
Wow, sounds like a great project, Kem! I've been combining food shopping for my daughter and me since she's so busy with grad school. I'm finding that I can use more coupons because a lot of them require you to buy 2 of the item, which might not make sense just for me. But it does make sense when you're shopping for two households. This week I saved over $20 just with coupons!
Happy Day! Peace in our hearts, peace in the world Amy (Sister#6098)
True Blue Farmgirl
5216 Posts
Bruce Crossing
5216 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2016 : 08:28:48 AM
Perfect Kem! What a fun project you have going on :) I just sprayed a planter this morning with Rubbed Bronze paint instead of buying a new planter :) A good color to have on hand.
That;s great Amy! Alot of good sales do require that you purchase multiple items for savings. What a blessing to your daughter :)
Farmgirl Sister #5392
By His Grace, For His Glory ~Sharon
True Blue Farmgirl
5216 Posts
Bruce Crossing
5216 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2016 : 5:01:01 PM
I found out about a website called I checked it out and found out that I had some unclaimed money. Instead of going through that website to obtain it I went directly to the state's revenue department. I received the money and was able to purchase items for my garden: Lumber for fencing, trellises and raised beds along with some plants.
I went to online and spent $60.00 (including shipping) on:
~25 Strawberry Plants ~10 Mary Washington Asparagus Plants ~3 High Bush Blueberry Plants ~5 Elderberry Plants
The order came in yesterday and everything looks great!
Farmgirl Sister #5392
By His Grace, For His Glory ~Sharon
Edited by - Calicogirl on Apr 15 2016 5:02:47 PM |
Moderator/Farmgirl True
639 Posts

639 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2016 : 09:44:39 AM
I've heard that there are hundreds of thousands of people who have unclaimed money floating around out there. What a windfall, just in time for spring planting!
Kristi Farmgirl Sister #6
True Blue Farmgirl
3977 Posts

3977 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2016 : 12:41:03 PM
I have some money from that site I am trying to get. The co-owner is my ex-husband who, I have learned, died in 2009. They want me to round up the heirs which will not be easy because the last name is Johnson.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
287 Posts
287 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2016 : 3:59:01 PM
I haven't been on lately either. I have saved up $36.39 on my Walmart app. have another $5 gift card and $10.00 e-Gift from giving blood. Now I want to research crock pots and get a real good one, hopefully for nothing but gift card and savings. Looking at digital ones! :) Marie, you might want to go to something like and see what comes up. That might help you narrow down things a little.
Farm Girl Sister #6566
The road of life is made smoother when traveled with someone you love. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7239 Posts

7239 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2016 : 4:08:24 PM
I saved money today by shopping on line for an extra large doggy bed for my new puppy instead of shopping at Pet-Mart. I don't know how much I saved I just know I didn't buy any other item like it's so easy for me to do when in a store.
Saved $29 at grocery store.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth. |
Song Sparrow
True Blue Farmgirl
1010 Posts
1010 Posts |
Posted - Apr 18 2016 : 1:07:25 PM
Great going, everyone! I really wanted to make the egg gathering apron Mary Jane designed for the Jubilee. I splurged and bought the pattern, but didn't want to spend any more. So I salvaged fabric from two pairs of pajama pants my daughter gave up. She's nice and tall, so there's a good bit of fabric. It's all cut out, hope it looks good when it's sewn up!
Happy Day! Peace in our hearts, peace in the world Amy (Sister#6098)
Nifty Thrifty: How did you save money this week?  |