I had a set of 5 of those vtg. aluminum drink cups, you know the ones, in the pastel-ish colors that were popular back in the early '60's... Well I had sold them ( I had a small booth in a small antique shop)and now... that I no longer have the cups... I find/found these aluminum cup coasters! aacckk! oh well.. I will just keep my eyes open for the cups... I see them from time to time at Thrifts and antique shops.... I have also seen new/reproduction ones as well... rest assured,,, there will be a replacement set in my future! lol! They will go in 'Tin Cup' which we are doing in a Mid-Century modern~ish theme...
I haven't decided if the grapes will go in Tin Cup... I have 2 pink ones... so I might swap this gold one for a pink one for the trailer.
>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
I just saw a set of cups while out with hubby this past weekend. I wish I would have read this post before that. If I see any again, I'll buy them up for you.