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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 01 2013 : 6:29:43 PM
Holly, it is hard to believe we are both having plenty of rain, but such different temperatures. We are actually very humid, unusual since this is on the edge of a high desert! I do hope you have plenty of wood for the winter. Funny how people relinquish control with a firm grip such as the woman in charge of the 4th activities in your town!
We are supposed to cool by Friday. It will still be mid-80s and above average, but a welcomed relief.
I finished cleaning the chandelier. 94 dangly things that I removed, washed, dried and rehung. It looks very pretty. It isn't a special chandelier, just one from either Home Depot or Lowes. I have a chandelier in my bedroom that originally hung in my grandparents' dining room (also the house I grew up in). They had it custom made and it is lead crystal. I call that chandelier special. I really enjoy having it.
Our town here outside of Spokane is one of the few crazy towns that not only allows the sale of fireworks, but also lets you use them. Such foolishness. This isn't a part of the nation that should have its citizens playing with fire in July...
Hope everyone is having a lovely evening, Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 02 2013 : 02:23:26 AM
Just noticed that our gal, Denise is FGOTM! How much fun is it to "know" the Farmgirl being feted? It has been a little while since we had that run of Over 50s being named. Denise, I hope you enjoy this special month. I hope your mailbox is ready for all the fun that is coming its way.
Gypsy, I want to join Bunny is encouraging you to post a photo of the two of you enjoying your adventure in Canada, as well as one of the landscape.
My zucchini plant has lots of flowers on them and a cute little yellow crookneck. Officially summer! Just can't wait for the tomatoes to have fruit on them! Holly, sounds like your zucchini plants aren't far behind mine. Bunny, did the bale garden completely fail? Or did a few things make it?
hope everyone is having a lovely day, mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2013 : 09:20:59 AM
Marianne, the garden is limping along. Squash is doing great. My tomato is finally getting some tomatoes on it. The lettuce is going good in it's traditional planter. All the other strawbale veggies didn't make it. I over fertilized the bales. I think next year I'll have it down. However, everything is being attacked by earwigs.....I HATE earwigs!!!
We have lots of fireworks here in town. The cats and I have a hard time. They usually last until way after midnight. I'm from the mountains where they were outlawed. I want to go back to the peace and quiet. Can't wait for the 4th to be over. It is suppose to get to about 105 today. I went outside this morning to put out the trash and it is already stifling. I'm staying in the basement today for sure!
Stay cool everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 02 2013 : 10:18:00 AM
Hey Bunny, what are earwigs? Are they those lobster looking bugs? Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 03 2013 : 07:32:14 AM
Thanks! I am enjoying this FGOTM honor.
When I first opened this topic all I saw was "Mar, they have pincers on their behinds." lol. Had to come back a page to see what I missed and who had them! By the way, I hate those little buggers. It seems they come out in abundance when we have a lot of rain and everything is damp. 
It has been raining here everyday since the first day of summer. Either storm rolling in fron the west or just overcast and steady rain. bleh.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 03 2013 : 1:40:36 PM
Denise, That would be an odd place to pick up this particular conversation! Am I the only one who thinks they look like lobsters? I "binged" it and we are talking about the same bug that is for sure!
We don't usually get a lot of rain, but we seem to always have some earwigs. The bugs I hate are those spit bugs. Last year, we had a very wet spring and no spit bugs. Loved it! This year we have them, but they aren't too bad.
My lavendar has blossomed. Time to cut! That is a back ache for anyone. Our temperature is about 5 to 8 degrees lower than yesterday. I'll take it!
have a lovely day, marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Jul 03 2013 : 5:21:42 PM
Marianne, I think they look like little lobsters too! We had a lot of stink bugs this year. Not as bad as two years ago but they are still quite annoying. I have never heard of a spit bug. They sound disgusting though. I always hate finding those stupid little earwigs around. Wherever it is damp. The laundry area seems to be a favorite place of theirs. The sun actually made an appearance for the better part of the afternoon. Hopefully it will stay dry tomorrow so we can get some of the grass mowed. My little doggies must feel like they are in the jungle and it is difficult for the Daschund to pee in grass so high. LOL! I'm sure ya'll wanted to know that little tidbit of information.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 03 2013 : 5:53:49 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had off and on rain all day. this morning I took T to the oral surgeon to find out when he should have his wisdom teeth extracted. The oral surgeon said there is no hurry so he does not need to miss any baseball games to have them out. We have scheduled a November date. Then we went to pick up the helium and balloons for the 4th celebration here in town.
Mar, you are very ambitious to clean off the chandelier by taking off all of the drops. When we moved in here the front hall had two chandeliers in the 22 foot cathedral ceiling. Someone told us to hold a paper towel underneath and spray the plastic crystals with window cleaner. The fly spots slid off. I would guess that your grandparents chandelier has moved with you from place to place and will move again.
A few years ago fireworks were made legal here. Most years fire is not an issue. The dogs are nervous wrecks around this time of year with all of the explosions.
We do not have earwigs. I think silverfish are disgusting. Luckily we do not have any in this house. When I was in college the woman down the hallway had cock roaches walk across her retainer. I would have had to boil mine if that had happened to me. She is a doctor now.
My BIL survived his prostate cancer surgery. It was last Tuesday. He was able to sit down yesterday. He had the catheter removed today. They had it taped to his leg. He is a pretty hairy guy. They were told the cancer was contained except for a tiny slit in the sack. We are hoping the cancer did not escape. My sister and I both recognize that it only takes one escaped cell to wreak havoc. He needs to have a PSA test in three months and if the numbers are going down then it is good. When it is 0 and the 0 maintains for 5 years he is cancer free. My sister asks questions. That is who she is. She asked the doctor how he knew something. He was rude and told her that he was the doctor and she had to believe him. She was caught by surprise. She will not be caught again. He is supposed to have this machine that measures this PSA level to two decimal places and it is the only one in the area. The rest measure it in whole numbers. We talked about the options and maybe her writing a letter or two. One of the nurses told her that he had made her grandmother cry. We talked about arrogance and it not being ok in a doctor.
Clouding up again. I hope tomorrow evening is not raining.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 03 2013 : 5:55:24 PM
Denise, so glad to see you are our new farmgirl for this month. Good for you!!!! I hope you enjoy your time. I have never seen an earwig. Maybe it is too cold up here for them? That would be okay with me. I googled it and did not like the looks of them either. We have been having picture perfect days lately. Cold at night, it got down into the 30s the last 3 nights, but the days have been high 60s with very low humidity. Now they say no rian tomorrow, so that would be great!!! I am grilling steaks, corn on the cob, potato salad, sauteed mushrooms, and a jello cake. I decorated our canopy today, put lights all around it with greenery. It looks nice. Will check it out when it gets dark to see what it looks like. Put flags here and there in the yard. We only live 3 blocks from the park, so we can see the fireworks right in our livingroom, but we are usually in bed by then. The dog does not like the loud booms. I hope you all have a wonderful 4th and great weather to enjoy it. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jul 04 2013 : 3:40:50 PM
Happy Independence Day everyone!
We are finally having a very beautiful day weatherwise! Hope you can all say the same.
Gypsy, have a safe travel day tomorrow and a lovely birthday while you are there!
Holly, hope your town celebration is another success.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2013 : 08:30:37 AM
Happy Belated Birthday Bunny!! Happy Belated Independence Day everyone! Hope your trip is safe and you have fun Gypsy, and Denise, Congratulations! Hope I covered everyone.
It has rained hard here for days, probably close to two weeks until yesterday! While I have picked 4 quarts of strawberries between rain drops, and see many more coming, most of my garden looks like I just planted it. Poor plants were literally swimming in water and I've still had to wear my mud boots out to the chicken coop. But finally it's hot, sunny, even hazy at times and I will take it over the rain. I just hope my garden has a major growth spurt. With summer, I live to be outside but I need to be busy all the time.
While David can walk some, he isn't fully recovered and of course he can't use his shoulder/arm until Sept. so it's only me doing most of the work. I've had to cut back on so many things this year. It takes me 3 to 3 1/2 hours just to mow the darn lawn! We can't use a rider mower since we live on a hill, so it's the one thing I hate. Normally I hire kids to do it, but thought I better save money where I can and get in my exercise.
I'm sure in the end we will do just fine. I know I am wicked strong, having been raised by 4 strong women, and since he's not at the jail our blessing in disguise is he is starting to be the man I married again. But the whole thing stinks on ice and all I can say is Karma's a ----- for someone.
Someone asked about parents. I think most of you know my Mother and Father (step father) are still alive. Mom's 85, Dad's 94. I talk to them everyday and we get along really well. I consider my Mom my best friend. The only problem with them is their conservative religious views but I just accept it as part of them and let it go. Life's too short to argue with them about it and it's not going to change their view so why bother.
You talked about moving too. I have moved 36 times in my life and the longest place I've lived is this current house for 30 years. You would think I would be officially a Mainiac but ask a Mainer born and raised here and I am someone "from away" and will be for the rest of my life!
I spent the 4th weeding some of my gardens, cleaning out a new chicken coop we bought on Facebook and we went to our local parade and fireworks last night. This weekend we will be installing the coop into one of our 12' by 12' pens. The older chickens did not accept the babies so I put them in a makeshift coop with George and Georgette, a couple that will not separate. They quickly became the doting adoptive parents and when I saw this awesome coop on sale for $100.00 I knew it would be easier to install it then build another coop.
I have only half of my garage front to stain still and put shingles over the big garage door and that's done. I hope to have the house completed by fall and have a new metal roof put on if we can get the $10,000 to do it. It will be like having a new house!
I did want to mention to Bunny and someone else I believe who has Fibromyalgia. I'm sure like us, you don't have insurance so it's probably not possible for you but before we lost our insurance the Dr. put me on Cymbalta for FM and I have to say Bunny, I have more energy, less muscle pain (almost none), I am focused, and I sleep through the night. It's like a miracle drug for FM. You may want to look into it. I finally feel like the person I use to be and I am getting so much done! My Dr. has now signed us up to get it and David's insulin from the drug companies. I hope we are accepted.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2013 : 09:56:59 AM
Ginny, sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy! Interesting about hubby and not working at the jail. Maybe being away from that mentality is helping. I hope so anyway. I don't have insurance so no medications for me right now. My fibro behaves itself most of the time. As long as I don't do anything strenuous. Although it kicked up yesterday.
I have been sewing everyday. I love what I'm doing right now. I just wish I could make some money! I know I need about 50 items in my Etsy store to really get noticed. I have found a few other stores doing the same thing as me and they are doing very well. One is making about $60,000 a year another about $20,000 a year in sales. Bt they have almost 100 items so the exposure is good.
I got a call from the college the other day. She said I wasn't picked for the first admin position but wanted to know if I wanted to apply for the second admin position that was available. I saw that as a good sign. Unusual for a HR department to call and ask you to apply for a job if they didn't want you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
The weather here has been hot. I don't do well in hot so I spend my time in the basement.
My mom is going to go to Utah next week to visit my sister. It will be nice to have the house to myself for a few weeks. I can't wait!
I didn't do anything for the fourth. I really don't have friends to do anything with. The fireworks stressed out my cats last night. Everyone huddled with me on my bed. It isn't as bad as New Years Eve though. That is terrible and the fireworks last until almost 2am around the neighborhood.
My son and his dad are finally looking for a place together to rent. If they find something, it will give me a place to move to in the future so I can eventually go back to Calif. keeping my fingers crossed.
Anyway, I have written a book here and need to head out to feed kitties. My one pet sitting customer.
Later everyone. Gypsy, thinking about you and hoping you are enjoying Canada and B.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2013 : 11:20:23 AM
Oh my goodness, everyone is certainly busy. Ginny, I am tired out from just reading all you are doing. I am not so sure I could keep up with it all.
Since dad moved in I have been his secretary. Appointments for doctors and the vet for his dog. I have one and he has two so they keep us hopping. Getting all of his accounts and paperwork in order for changing his residence and insurance, S.S. etc. to our address. There is more to it than I thought. I am going to Ohio with my dd's mil for a week to take care of the two little ones so they can have some time away together. I hope to get everything done for my dad by then so I can relax while away. My sister is coming for a visit three days before I leave. She will leave before I do so it is a very short visit. I know she misses my dad but with the cancer and treatments she is not in a position to help him.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2013 : 4:46:28 PM
Yep! I agree, everyone sounds really busy.
Ginny, your strawberries sound great. I bet your garden takes off soon. Congratulations on the new Coop! I think what you say about only living in Maine 30 years, so you are "from away" is so funny. That is a tightknit group there! I sure hope that your relationship continues on the smooth path and you both feel strong throughout the summer. You are going to develop some leg muscles mowing that lawn.
Bunny, my daughter moved to Portland during the heatwave. So, I know you are thrilled that the heat has subsided some. The fireworks were somewhat lowkey this year for us. Or else I was so tired I just slept through them all...The horses were very calm about it all. That's always nice. It would take some time to develop 50 or 100 items for your etsy shop. What is your goal? I would take the call from the college as a very good sign. Best of luck!
Denise, I took over just paying my MIL's bills. That took quite some time to make certain they were all coming to me. It is surprising that it takes so much time. You think, Oh I'll just change this address. And then it ends up SO involved. Good luck to you! I bet your dad will enjoy seeing both you and your sister together. I hope you enjoy yourself before you take on your grandma duties! (Which also sound like a whole lot of fun.)
Today we went to pick up some chain link fencing. It was about an hour and a quarter drive into Idaho. It was a really pretty day and a very pretty area. Dh and I were looking around and missed the street sign for where we were supposed to turn. As we continued, it seemed we were running out of town in which to find the fence company. He asked me what I thought and I replied that I thought we should "turn here." There was a tire shop and I suggested we stop and ask them how to get to the Idaho Fence Co. Dh thought that the men in the tire shop would rather give me directions (typical male about asking for directions). As I hopped out of the truck, I saw a car with "Idaho Fence Co." signage on it. I pointed to it and smiled at Dh. I went into the shop and saw a young man waiting in line with an "Idaho Fence Co." tee shirt on. I asked him for directions to Idaho Fence Co. and he looked at me like I had grown another head. But, he gave me good directions and made it back to work in time to load the chain link for us!
Nice hearing from everyone, Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2013 : 5:27:37 PM
Good evening everyone,
It rains everyday. We had rain last night during our fourth of July celebration twice for a total of 45 minutes. The children had a great time playing games in the rain, running and laughing. Before the fireworks a group of teens and pre teens asked for me to give them balloons with a couple of breaths of helium in them. they had a great time talking and singing to each other, their families and total strangers. I filled up balloons for the children. I only let go three. they are fast when they slip out of a grip.
Just as the fireworks started the fog rolled over the field. It grew thicker and thicker. Sitting on the field we only saw flashes of light like sheet lightning in colors. Apparently people who were down the road or up the hill had a magnificent show. We had a good time talking to people anyway.
I am glad I have raised beds so the plants are not sitting in the water. If they did they would all be rotted. I do have some Jerusalem Artichokes in the old pig pen that is plenty wet. Standing water in some places. They had a good head start before the rain started. I did plant some pole beans and morning glories among them but I do not know how to tell if they are growing unless they flower. It is hard to see in between the plants to see any one climbing. It will be a nice surprise.
Ginny your strawberries sound wonderful. I thought I would have plenty they were there green and gone by the time they turned red. Chickens or children or mice. I do not know. I will have to figure out a way next year to protect them. I am glad David is being kind again. I hope that whatever outcome you want from the relationship happens so it will be one worry off your plate.
Denise, sounds like you are getting everything organized well. I bet you will have a fun time with the grands. I hope you get on well with your dil's mother. HOt in NJ?
Bunny it sure sounds like a good sign when an HR person asks for you to apply for another job. would you live with your ex and son back in California? Do you like your ex enough to do that? You are a better person than me. I would not even consider living with either of my exes. I am glad you are having a good time in your basement sewing. I would like some of that uninterrupted time.
Chain link fencing is pretty heavy duty to put up to protect your flowers from those pigs, don't cha think? Desperate?
Our pigs got out three times yesterday. We believe that we have found their escape route up a little hill, under the barn ramp and out the other side. It is not easy to herd pigs. They do not want to go in anywhere but where they came out and that is not in anyway convenient.
In an obituary it was printed about a man who was born across the river and came home the day after his birth, " He was almost a Vermonter".
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

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Posted - Jul 05 2013 : 6:52:55 PM
Holly, It most certainly is HOT in NJ. I am looking forward to August as it looks like we won't be in for cooler temps until then. My daughter's mil and I get along well. We will be making the 9 hr trip together. Looking forward to it. It will be our second trip out there together.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2013 : 7:41:16 PM
Just got home a little while ago, I worked all day, then we ate down town and waited for the parade to start at 7. It is our town's 150th birthday, so we had a centennial parade that lasted almost 2 hours. It was wonderful!!!! We have not had that long or nice of a parade since the last centennial parade 50 years ago!!!! I took so many pictures, I ran my battery out. I hope they turn out, it is a new camera, and it was so sunny, it was hard to see. We have been having wonderful sunny warm days, a little on the humid side, but not unbearable yet. I thought we could see the fireworks from our house, but this year they shot them off low, and there was a huge tree in the way across the street. Oh well, because of the centennial, we are having 10 days of festivities and will have more fireworks next Saturday. I am sure we will go down to the park for those one, if we are not too tired. Denise, bless your heart for taking your dad in and taking care of his business. I did that for my dad. It was hard work taking care of him, he had a stroke, but I knew he would not last long if we put him into a nursing home at that time. He lived with us for 6 months, then he knew he needed more care than I could give him, and he was ready to go then. He lived for 1 1/2 years longer there. Also, my DH had to adjust to that, I love him more for that. He is a saint too. Ginny, you are such a hard worker. I know how hard it is to mow hills, we live on a hill also. I help, but cannot do the hills with my hips, but I do mow some of the flat areas. It helps my hubby from being too much at one time. Mar, Putting up fencing is no picnic either. Seems everyone is working so hard this time of the year. It kind of reminds me of squirrels hoarding for winter. Bunny, I am sure if you keep up your sewing and putting them on Etsy, that once you start selling, you will have steady sales. I know it is hard to get going. I have so much to put on my site and no energy to do it. It is time consuming listing the items. One good thing is that they are on there for 4 months. Wishing you good luck on the selling, and also the job at the college. Gypsy, If you see this, wishing you the best while in Canada, and also a happy birthday. Enjoy your time there and know that we are thinking of you. Holly, sounds like you had a nice 4th celebration. As I type this, I am hearing big bangs yet close to us. They seem to go on for 2 weeks after the 4th. I wish I had a dollar for every bang I heard so far, I would be able to buy a brand new motorhome!!! LOL!!!! Hope your rain stops for awhile and you get to enjoy some sunshine. Well, time to get ready for bed and call it a night. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2013 : 03:50:12 AM
I forgot one BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Holly regarding the Supreme Court decision. I know that is a major celebration for you and for the rest of us we are either ignoring the news, against it, or more likely just don't grasp living with the inequity since we haven't been. So I hope you celebrated! And why leave Vermont? It's one of the most beautiful places I've been in the US and I've been to almost all of it. The one thing I found amusing while there though was I felt like I was transported back to the 1960's, literally!
I can tell you're in New England by the obit!
Happy Birthday Gypsy, where ever you are.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Edited by - Oggie on Jul 06 2013 03:52:34 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2013 : 04:30:47 AM
Me again,
Bunny, can I take on finding out why some people are selling better on etsy then you? I don't want to offend you but I took business in high school and college and marketing as a minor (major was accounting), and one gift I have is being able to size up a situation and figure out the problem. Just a quick search and I find GrandmaDeDe on there and what she has sold is mainly handbags and her clothes are large and xlarge. Your clothes tend to run small. Could that be one reason she sells more or is it because she's had a shop since 2010? Who are you looking at to compete with that might be making so much money?
On the other hand, if you want me to bud out, just say the word. I'd just like to see you succeed since this is what makes you so happy. I wish I could find what makes me so happy to do it but I learn something fast and get bored with it. Or I love doing something but once it becomes a necessity to make money with it, I start disliking it.
Anyway, I just wanted to help but even that may seem like I'm a know it all and I don't want to overstep here.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2013 : 08:52:23 AM
Ginny, I welcome your comments! Check out Creolesha on Etsy. I just posted some medium sizes and have some large sizes in mind to work on this week. I find that most of these trendy clothes are in small sizes because that is who is buying them. Both of my new jackets are large and hardly get looked at. I'll take what ever advise you have to offer. I'm in this to succeed.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2013 : 5:20:05 PM
Good evening everyone,
Most of today was sunny with temperatures in the high seventies. the humidity was not too bad either. I am so glad it did not rain. I hung out the laundry and then what do I see coming over the mountains..... dark clouds... They did not have enough moisture to drop on us. I had just hung out the laundry. It is the first day in weeks that the laundry I hung out dried in one day.
I think I did not do much today or nothing memorable anyway. Some weeding. The tiger eye beans that I planted said they were bush beans and are now twining together so I need to figure out how to put up climbing string for them.
The littles played nicely all morning together. This afternoon K took G and C swimming in the pond. Our pond has four springs in it so it is quite chilly. They have life jackets now so they are allowed in the deep part. C did cannonballs off the dock. It seems like he may have tried some other kind of split jump and landed on his jewels and hurt himself. He was laughing when he was telling me about it.
Thank you Ginny. We did celebrate. I had been worried about retirement because I haven ot worked enough quarters at a paying taxes job to have social security. Being a foster parent does not count. While SS may not be a lot of money it is some so now I can get some of hers. I think that is how it works. I do not even know all of the 1138 benefits that are associate with being married.
Babe Ruth all stars starts tomorrow. T is very excited. He always hopes to win the tournament games. He always hopes to go on to the regionals and nationals, which has not happened yet.
The pigs escaped from a new place today. We tied tires to the bottom of the fence that they had pushed out to prevent another break out. One would think a two acre pen would be enough. They just like to be social. They have headed for the cows each time. they do like to eat and roll in the cow pies. If I could be guaranteed they would not walk down the road to visit the neighbors I would let the roam the land. One year I did that and we saved a lot on grain and had big pigs.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2013 : 4:38:44 PM
Good evening everyone,
Whoo eee do adolescent boys stink after baseball practice. There are twelve boys on the Babe Ruth all star team. They will have two more practices and then a tournament on Saturday down in Bennington which is about three hours from here. Wish them luck. Two years ago they played on these fields and the umpires seemed to be biased. T said the boys on the other team called names and the coach yelled a lot. I do not know how much of T 's complaints are genuine and how much because his team lost. The team shirts and socks and hats are all bright yellow. T is the only boy of color. I am sure he will look good in the bright yellow. I am not sure about all the light skinned boys but boys do not really care.
I weeded the garden and put up a trellis for the butternut/cup squash plants to climb instead of going across the ground.
There was a 60 to 80 per cent chance of rain today and we only had light sprinkles for a short while. Maybe we will have a summer after all. There was an article in the paper about some farms not having put in any hay yet, the fields are so wet.
The pigs stayed in the pen today. yippee
The littles put on their life jackets and went in the pond for a good share of the day. They do sleep well at night.
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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