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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 13 2017 : 5:26:05 PM
Good evening everyone,
It is nice to be waited on occasionally. I hope that you were awake enough to appreciate some of it. Marie
We have had several days of nice weather. Today I started to clean up the rosa rugosa garden. it used to have other flowers in the front but the roses keep spreading. A couple of years ago I thought I had dug up the extras but then I had oohhh so many nice new little bushes grow up. If I have the where with all to do it this year I will try to dig them up again and put them some place else.
My brother, Jon called today. He was sitting up and the doctors are letting him eat again. I hope he is on the mend this time all the way.
I spoke to the vet about the baby cow yesterday morning. He has a swollen knee. We have thought that he was hurt some how. The vet said that some calves and cows get infections in their knee joints that are very hard to get the infection out. If he can not move around then he will get pneumonia. If he can not move around he will not grow. So, I gave him an antibiotic shot yesterday. If he is not better in a week then we will have him put to sleep.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2017 : 8:26:51 PM
Ouch Marie....hug for you from your other side and a prayer for a speedy recovery.
The fun begins where the pavement ends! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2017 : 9:51:22 PM
Happy news! the dogs are no longer on the dangerous dog list. AND....the man who pushed hardest to have them declared dangerous is a city councilman who lives on the same street as my friend. The first time the dogs got loose, he saw them and didn't report it. Then he tried to count that unreported incident as a "strike" against her. How would you like to have him for a neighbor? Marie, be careful. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Holly--sorry to hear about the calf. Hope the antibiotic works. I am glad your brother is recovering. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2017 : 06:17:26 AM
Holly -- Such good news about your brother! I hope Baby Bovine fares as well.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Apr 19 2017 06:13:00 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2017 : 10:05:56 PM
I knew something was going to happen--could feel it. yesterday morning, mom took one of dad's blood pressure pills cause she was worried her blood pressure was too high. Not sure why, not sure she even knows why she took one of dad's pills. it caused her bp to drop and she passed out, hit her head---she says she wasn't unconscious for any period of time---because dad told her that she wasn't. he wouldn't know and wouldn't remember. All i know is, it was a long time between the time she fell and hit her head and the time the emergency cord in their villa got pulled. The ambulance came, she had a bump on the back of her head, but refused to go to the ER. My uncle arrived there about that time, as he had planned to stay with dad while she went to the dentist. she missed her dental appt.,and she missed two appts. today because she didn't feel well enough to drive. And her dr. told her not to drive. she doesn't know it yet, but i have her car key so she can't drive. Her judgement has been very poor lately, and she forgets a lot of things, so I took her key. Neither me nor my brothers were called by the retirement village, since my parents are in independent living. I found out today when I got a call from my mom's dr. at work. yeah, mom didn't call me either. said she was mad at herslef and didn't feel like talking. So she still hasn't been to a dr. to see if her head is OK. She may have a mild concussion, blood clots, bleeding in the brain--who knows. I called my brother in Texas since he works from home and is easy to get hold of, and hopefully my brother in St. Louis can convince her to go to urgent care tomorrow and get checked out. I doubt she will let me drive her, though. She was repeating herself today and her memory is still foggy. She had a TIA back on the late 90's so there is a possibility she has been having mini strokes. Anyway, the surgery is off for now. She finally said she would go to a dr. (when? who knows?) and get her head examined, because I told her she couldn't be given anethesia for any reason until she is checked out. I ordered hers and dad's dinnertime meals to be delivered to their villa for the next ten days--a service she has so far refused to take advantage of--so at least I know they will have some healthy meals for a change. The nurse's office at the retirement village will also be calling mom twice a day to check on her (my request).My uncle couldn't call me because he doesn't have my new phone number, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have my brothers' numbers, either. Mom still thinks she is going to have the surgery in the future but I have my doubts. She has been using her walker to get around the duplex(another thing she didn't tell me). She is not strong enough to have the surgery. My brother in Indiana is coming here on sunday and my brother in St. louis will be here. Mom thinks she is going to my brother's house in St. Louis for Easter as planned. I told her she can't make it up the steps leading to his house,even with help, in the condition she is in now. So my brother will be coming over here and I guess we will eat out for Easter. O am sure they have some kind of Easter dinner at the retirement village, and the food really is good. So we will see what happens. I have been sensing this Easter will be very....unforgettable, and not in a good way. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2017 : 12:46:16 PM
Good afternoon,
Cindy your mother is so very lucky she did not kill herself. Your dad would have been devastated and not known what to do. Hugs to you. Have you read _On Being Mortal_ by Atul Gawande. You should because it helps us figure out how to help people we love make decisions. I think you need to put a list of you and your brothers phone numbers in your parents apartment in an obvious place like next to where the phone is and tape it to the wall. Maybe several copies in different places so people who need to help your parents can find the numbers. Several places so when your mother cleans and takes one down another will be accessible. Just a thought.
The clouds are moving in. This morning temperatures were in the sixties and the sky was so very blue. NOw it is a bit gray.
The happy news is that the pair of hawks that lives in this area is back from where ever they migrated too. It is always a happy time for me to hear them and see them soaring in the sky.
My brother is out of ICU again. He does not know where they moved him too. The bed last night was more comfortable and he slept well. He called this morning and that was good for me.
Have a calm and peaceful day and the rest of the night.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2017 : 1:27:43 PM
We have been getting some rain here. Everything is so green. The temperature I comfortable. I will be taking Mitzi on for a longer walk.
I may be working on my taxes tonight. I will definitely e-file this year.
Lowell will be back on Monday. I will probably take the train to the airport to meet him. I so miss him. I have warned him about the messes he will have to clean up. I haven't had a proper bath in two weeks. Looking forward to help with that. LOL
My arm is hanging at my side and it doesn't hurt. It's all good.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 16 2017 : 3:46:56 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day. Two of the oldest boys came and spent the day. We brought over hay and clipped up the rosa rugosa bed. It has moved itself out of the area it is supposed to be in. I cut back the ones in the wrong place in preparation of digging them out. The last time I dug them out they grew back again. I guess I only cut out the top of the plants and left the deep roots so the deep roots sprouted again. I am hoping to be more successful this time. I have dug up three hunks of narcissus. I planted them in my raised garden beds. I think I will try to seed lettuce or top growing vegetables over them so I do not give up the growing space.
Remember the science experiment I did back in February when we had warm weather and I planted some seeds. Well, the spinach and mesclun lettuce is up. I have not seen the beets but the guineas have been walking and pecking in that bed so maybe they were eaten.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2017 : 05:18:21 AM
Hi everyone. I am still having so much trouble getting on MJF. I wanted to let you know what is going on here lately. We put a down payment on a mobile home about 10 miles from here in a 55+ park. It is a 2 bedroom, 2 bath, so it will give us so much more room, and I will finally have a craft room again. t has been taking so long because the lady that we are buying it from is waiting for her loan to be approved and closing is supposed to be the end of May. We are praying that it goes through and everything will be fine to move. In the meantime, we cannot give notice here until we are ready to move, or they will start charging us by the week, which we cannot afford. The people here have been so cold toward us all winter. We have not done anything to these people, but they treat us like dirt. There are too many clicks in here, and if they do not like you, they all gang up. Most of them are gone for the summer now. We are not letting any one know that we are moving. It will be a big surprise when they all come back and we are not here. Marie, I hope you heal up soon. Good that you are not in pain. Good luck on your moving. Hope you find the place you really want to live in. Holly, got your card yesterday. Thank you so much. You sure do take great pictures. Glad your experiment worked somewhat. It is hot here, in the high 80s. Well, must close now. I will post again as soon as I can. e will have better internet at the other place. Can't wait. Have a wonderful day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2017 : 06:22:31 AM
We're back from our visit to my DS. Had a wonderful time playing with my precious grands, going out in the boat, and spending Easter on the Outer Banks. It was hard to leave them. Marie, I was so sorry to hear about your arm. Hope Lowell is home and taking care of you. Thank you for the card Holly. Your pictures are beautiful. I hope your brother is continuing to improve. Good to hear from you Jan. I'm sorry the people there are being so nasty. Hope all works out for the new place. Cindy, so sorry to hear about the problems with your mother. It is supposed to be warm and cloudy here today. I'm going to clean up pots and planters and get them ready for new plants. Hope everyone is well and has a great day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2017 : 06:24:23 AM
Sounds like great news for Jan! I know you will love having a craft room again. And getting away from the cold shoulder will be nice. When my folks lived in an RV community full of snowbirds, there were lots of cliques as well, and it was like watching a bunch of junior high kids arguing over who would sit at "the cool table" in the lunch room. So silly. I guess some people never grow up.
We have had some wonderfully warm days and lots of sun, so everything is popping into bloom at once. This weekend looks like it won't be nice enough for boating, so we should get lots done in the garden in between rain showers. Seems like we wait and wait for spring to come and then POW!
Holly -- I loved the card. Thank you so much. Colt's foot is one of my favorites. We have May Apples coming up everywhere and that's what they remind me of. We never know where they will pop up from one year to the next. The little sweet violets are thick this year, too. A friend of mine is letting her toddlers collect them for making simple syrup.
All is pretty quiet at work, so I have been crocheting an afghan -- it will probably become a donation for some fund-raiser -- but it was so pretty that I just had to do it.
Happy Wednesday, everyone.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
899 Posts

New York
899 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2017 : 08:46:05 AM
Hello everyone,
Holly, I checked on google map and you are 2 hours away, south. I'm way up north near the Canadian border. The bridge is right there to cross over to VT. Glad to read that your brother is feeling better. I'm hoping the cow will make it. Never pleasant to lose an animal.
Karin, thank you for the warm welcome. I hope you enjoyed your trip to VA. Safe travels back.
Marie, so sorry to read about your broken arm. However, glad that it is mending accordingly.
Prairiehawk, I would love to see a picture of your fairy garden.
The Country Woman magazine had a small how to article on constructing a fairy garden. You can't miss the magazine cover, it has a picture of the garden. I decided that this year I want to make one. I haven't decided yet where I'll put it. For now, I'm waiting for the mud season to dry up! I don't see it happening anytime soon. We have been getting lots of rain, a good thing!
I've been working on a quilt that has over 5,000 pieces. I wanted to cut up my 1930's scraps and this was the perfect project to use those. However, I'm making more scraps because I needed more fabric! lol Fabric scraps multiply when you're not looking! It is a flying geese quilt and I have 1,700 flying geese to make. I have 1,000 sewn and trimmed with 700 more to go! I love to quilt! It keeps me sane!
Enjoy the day everyone! Cheers!
Carole Farmgirl Sister 3610 - Nov 7/2011 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2017 : 1:49:43 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
This week is school vacation. Yesterday, I took the littles on a hike up to the base of a mountain and then we turned right and walked down to a pond and then back through the woods. It took about two hours. There is no path back through the woods so it was a little tricky but any three ways we could have gone would have taken us someplace familiar. We ended up in one of our fields right where I wanted to end up. DsR was so relieved.
Today we hiked up Hobart Mountain. It is out behind our property and not too big of a mountain. It took us about two hours to hike up. We had a snack and then it took us 10 minutes or so to slide down the steep side. I was a little worried at my age that I would break my ankle or something but that did not happen. The boys had a great time sliding down on their behinds. DsR said now he had a good story to share when he goes back to school. There were no trails for us to follow to get to the top.
Carole you have far more patience than I do. I would get so frustrated with all of the little pieces. I bet it will be beautiful when it is done. Did you see the remains of the old fort when the bridge was being repaired?
I made a quilt last year and donated it to the school silent auction. It was single stitch round and round. It was maybe the size of a queen bed. I thought it was very pretty. Anyway they sold it for the cost of the yarn. The person who bought it was so happy. I am glad they received the money for it but geez the time I put in was a wash. How do you think when you donate something and it goes for a song? Do you know what I mean?
Jan, I hope you get the trailer. I hope you find a nice community who welcomes you.
Glad you had a good time on the outer banks, Karin. Do they have wild horses down there. We went to Assateague in Maryland and watched the pony run on Chincoteague in Virginia years ago. The ocean was great. We bought a pony at auction for the children's riding teacher. She was so very happy. She named him Misty even though he is brown. She was challenged to learn how to tame a wild colt.
It is raining and I am sitting in the winged back chair recovering from our hike.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2017 : 06:48:52 AM
Holly -- I hear you about the donated handmade things. I finished the afghan last night and I don't know what I will end up doing with it. I used to make a quilt every year for our Rotary Club auction. After the first year or so, they started to gain sort of a "following," so there would be 2 or 3 people bidding against each other and that would bring the price way up. One of my friends had donated some really lovely hand-stitched Santas and they went for next to nothing, so she just quit donating them. You never know. Looking at this afghan now, I am not sure that it would bring much, so it may end up as a gift for someone. Who knows? We are still trying to raise money for our inclusive playground, so if the afghan could bring in anything at all, that would be a positive. And I would have made the silly thing anyway. It really is pretty.
The hikes with the Littles sound like a great way to spend their week off. They never realize that they are learning on vacation, as well -- sneaky! ha ha
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
899 Posts

New York
899 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2017 : 07:43:56 AM
Good morning,
Marilyn & Holly, When you donate a hand made item to an organization you can have a price minimum on it. Meaning, that the object has to collect so much money before it is raffled etc .... Many have no idea the time and cost that goes into making a quilt or anything else for that matter. Myself, I only use quilt shop quality fabric, which brings the cost up. In my logical mind, I don't see putting the time and effort into something if it is going to fall apart in no time because of poor quality. Sadly, when my little Pumpkin was born, we received a cute quilt from someone. After the first wash, it had ripped at the seams at a few places. I couldn't even fix it!
Holly, quilting keeps me sane .... it allows me to work through difficult times .... I love to quilt .... so much so that I own a quilt shoppe! 
As for Fort Montgomery, I see it often especially when I cross the bridge to VT. I have also participated as a guide when the Rouses Point Historical society had a Fort day. Sadly, the owner is no longer doing those because of the liability that is involved. The history of that fort is interesting.
Not much to report here. It has been raining a lot ... a good thing. I don't mind the rain, the sound is so soothing.
Enjoy your day everyone! Cheers!
Carole Farmgirl Sister 3610 - Nov 7/2011 |
Edited by - ceridwen on Apr 20 2017 07:48:09 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2017 : 04:15:40 AM
Carole--are you close to Rouses Point? I knew someone from there when I was in college. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2017 : 05:40:19 AM
My feelings about donating items is that once I have donated them, they are no longer mine. Just like a gift I would give to anyone else, once I have given it -- it is no longer mine. Once I developed that mindset, it cut down on hurt feelings.
Some organizations do not allow a "reserve" or minimum bid, and that's up to them. A couple of times I have donated hand-quilted quilts, and those really need to go to an actual quilt auction, where the bidders will appreciate what's gone into them. For my regular charity auction donations, I do machine-quilted.
My sister-in-law made me a very nice quilt years ago -- all the blocks were airplanes, because I was a pilot at that time. She used a lot of gingham, which was pretty (and I love gingham for lots of things) but it did not hold up well to actual use.
Ahhhh well...we live and learn.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Apr 21 2017 05:41:17 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2017 : 05:53:38 AM
We had quite a thunderstorm last night. No damage and we needed the rain so it's all good. I picked up herbs and some plants for one of my fairy gardens yesterday. Hope to get them all planted today. I love quilting too. I made an applique quilt for my DS and his wife that had about 2500 pieces, but don't think I've made one with more than that. Carole,is your shop brick and mortar? Holly, I think you are making wonderful memories for the littles. Your home sounds like it is in a beautiful area. Have you started plants in the greenhouse yet? I don't think there are wild horses on the Outer Banks anymore, although quite a few people have horses. We gave our youngest granddaughter some riding lessons for Christmas and she has become a huge fan. Hope everyone has a great day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2017 : 06:29:19 AM
We were down along Assateague a year ago Labor Day and saw quite a few ponies. A couple of them wandered up along the beach to beg handouts from the tourists.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
899 Posts

New York
899 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2017 : 08:27:35 AM
Good morning,
Marilyn, so sorry to read that your quilt didn't last. How fascinating that you were a pilot. Janet Claire (a UK Quilt pattern/fabric designer for Moda) has gorgeous airplane quilt patterns.
Cindy, yes I live close to Rouses Point. My shoppe is actually located in Rouses Point on Lake street. It is right on Lake Champlain and such a beautiful town, sadly with no vision. They had a revitalization program going, but not many took advantage of it. Lots of run down building. It has so much potential. Wish I had the funds to own and renovate ... we do now have a beautiful B & B that was established a couple of years ago. The owners did lots of renovations ... stunning place called Au bord du lac.
Karin, I own both a brick and mortar and an online store.
Not much going on here. Quiet ... Cheers!
Carole Farmgirl Sister 3610 - Nov 7/2011 |
Edited by - ceridwen on Apr 21 2017 12:47:30 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2017 : 09:42:29 AM
I am enjoying my last day off from work. I go back on Monday to some observations and evaluations. I am a little upset I missed so many days because I had two kids close to exiting the program.
So I got up at 11:00 and am eating lunch now. I will be taking a trip to the office supply store to buy some 4 color pens. Some of my kids are fascinated by mine even though the blue doesn't work. I use the pens for the graphs and I let them use it. I will give them at the end of the year for gifts. I also need some clear packing tape. We haven't really started packing yet. I have done a little before I broke my arm and darn little since. Oh well, I guess I just won't stress over it and just go with the flow.
Today is the one year anniversary of the death of Prince. Two public radio sister stations (KNOW - news, CURRENT - music) have joined to do a show out by Paisley Park. People are telling all kins of joyful stories about his life.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2017 : 12:49:59 PM
Good afternoon,
When we camped at the National Park on Assateague maybe 13 years ago the park people said, do not feed the ponies, if the ponies come around gather up your food and get in your car, do not leave food out where the ponies can get it. The ponies are habituated to people but are still wild. So, the people across from us left out a bag of un opened chips on the side of their trailer. A stallion came and picked it up with its mouth and dropped it on the ground. The man of the trailer came out and yelled at the stallion to get away.He ran at the stallion. The stallion stomped on the bag of chips and licked them all up. Then sauntered away. We found it interesting that Maryland controlled the size of their herd by darting birth control into the mares and that Virginia did the pony round up and sale.
I have some brocolli and flowers planted in pots in the green house. They had not come up yet the last time I checked. I hope they grow.
I did notice that in addition to the spinach and mesclun that is up in the garden so some of the beets are peeking up. So, the science experiment I did during the warm days in February so far has worked.
It is raining a cold rain today. The boys have cabin fever.....bad..... Now it is after 3:00 the TV can be on and my time with them is easier.
The baby cow whose mother died when he was born and had the infection in his knee that we had been trying to heal caught pneumonia day before yesterday and died yesterday afternoon. I took him out to the woods and left him to continue the life cycles of nature. I wished this infection was not so entrenched that we could have cured it. I guess it was unusual for a calf to have lived this long. I guess it is common if a mother cow does not clean her calf up for some reason after it is born that an infection can enter its body through the umbilical cord and settle in the joints. The vet said, the calves eventually get pneumonia. I had thought maybe he was going to beat this infection because he had been walking better.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2017 : 7:21:37 PM
Holly--so sorry to hear about the calf. The lives of our animal friends often seem cruel. But as you noted, the death of one animal helps continue the lives of many other animals and plants. Marie--glad you are going back to work, must be frustrating to be off. It's amazing that kids can be so fascinated by things like four color ink pens. When I was a kid, I used to love the smell of fresh "ditto" copies from the ditto machine. We also had a lot of uses for Silly Putty. Carole--my town has lots of old, empty brick buildings, but lately, we have gained a reputation for having good craft beers. It used to be an industrial town, now it relies on tourism. Maybe someone in your town can start a business doing excursions to locate "Champ", the Lake Champlain monster. We have a ghost excursion business here that does very well. Looks like my mom WILL be having the surgery on Monday---maybe. Her head is OK, so that's a relief, but just found out today she has a UTI. So she will go prepared for surgery on Monday morning but if she still has the UTI---don't know what. Her planning for this is terrible. I have tried to help and been met with resistance so I have delegated all responsibility to my brothers.I am off Monday and Tuesday so if there is any drama, hopefully it will be one of those two days. She is not prepared for when they release her from the hospital and she has to go back home. Keeps expecting to rely on help from relatives. I think that is unfair. Other people have their own lives. I guess she doesn't realize that, since she doesn't have a life. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it is true. My parents have lived in their own little world ever since they retired back in 1993. I used to live in my own little world when I was in high school/college, and it was not fun when the walls came crashing down, as they always do. Little worlds feel safe, but they are actually terrifying. People stay in them because of fear and a false sense of security. oh well, enough of my playing psychologist for now. I have a lot to do this weekend--need to get to Costco, and I almost have my little greenhouse put together. I am missing three poles that go with it, so I had to buy some dowel rods. Just need to wrap tape on the ends of the rods so they fit snugly. I would like to post a picture of my little fairy garden but I now have a cheap flip phone, and it costs extra to send any pictures to anyone, including my own e-mail. I don't really miss Mr. Smartphone. He was very distracting, and it made me feel uneasy having ALL that info. on something that could so easily be lost or stolen. Life is simpler without him. I got a new CD yesterday by Bat for Lashes. The music is different than what I usually listen to, but I need a change. One thing I have learned--when old thoughts, behaviors, ideas, etc., no longer serve you, it is time to make a change. Many people can't, or are too afraid. I suspect that is responsible for most of the personal suffering in this world. there i go again, playing psychologist. I miss talking shop with other people. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2017 : 4:40:10 PM
Good evening everyone,
The broccoli and calendula are up in the greenhouse. The holy basil is not yet. The beets are peeking up in the garden. I planted carrots this weekend and some parsley root. Big dsR came and helped me prepare some of the garden beds for planting. I will not plant them until the last frost is past. It is good to have them ready.
I have two hives. One of the hives survived the winter and are flying and bringing back pollen from the trees. Only the colt's foot is up so I guess the pollen I saw in their baskets is from the trees. I am very glad the bees made it.
Temperatures were in the sixties and the sky was clear. It is so nice to not have clouds all day long.
I do not know if your mom has been like this since you were a child, Cindy. I hope she does well with the surgery and the physical therapy afterwards. I am glad your brothers are available to take care of her.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2017 : 07:28:06 AM
Good morning! Looks like today is going to be another glorious day. Spring here is beautiful, but it doesn't last long so I'm enjoying every nice day. I went to a garage sale at one of the antique stores Sat, got a big box of old sewing supplies, buttons, wooden spools of thread, and lots of needles and other things for $10. People were selling all kinds of interesting things. We got some of the planters planted this weekend and my herbs and fairy garden. Still have several to plant but I have to decide what I want in them. DH built a new raised bed for more vegetables and we need to go get a load of soil so we can get it ready. So sorry to hear about the calf. Losing animals was always hard for me when we lived on the farm while our kids were growing up. Marie, hope your first day back goes well. Hoping all goes well with your mom Cindy. Have a great day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
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