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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 30 2017 : 08:45:12 AM
Good morning,
As of 9:45 this morning my brother was waking up. The doctors were deciding whether to remove his breathing tube. So, far so good. Now the hurdle are infection and rejection. I hope he has neither. I am glad the doctors were rested enough to perform the transplant well.
Thank you for all your kind thoughts.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Mar 30 2017 : 10:36:44 PM
Holly--I pray your brother's transplant goes well and there are no complications. I know a man who had a liver transplant, after he almost died from being exposed to black mold. He now attends a support group for liver transplant patients and his is working out well. Modern medicine can be pretty amazing. I saw the allergy/asthma dr. yesterday and was tested. Found out I am SEVERELY allergic to different molds AND dust mites. Cats, too, but mildly. I knew abbout the cats and the mold, but the dust mites surprised me. I bought a dust mite protector cover for my pillow but need to get something to protect the mattress and box springs. I looked at Bed, Bath, & Beyond and they were EXPENSIVE. People have said Wally World is much cheaper. I also plan to get rid of the wool rug in my bedroom (I have hardwood floors) and get blinds to replace the draperies on the window in my bedroom. I bought a telescoping micro-fleece duster to get those areas (the tops of doorways and other places that are above my line of vision that I always forget to dust) and I will have to hire someone to clean my "dungeon" basement, as it grows dust webs overnight and I can never keep it clean. I have tried--I have worn two masks while cleaning it, and the dust still gets in my hair, my eyes, everywhere, and it is just so annoying that I can't deal with it. Plus the basement is damp, which encourages mold growth. I have a pellet filled bag thingy that absorbs moisture in the basement, which I replace about once a month. It is cheaper than running a dehumidifier and creates no noise. Our April showers started today and I was surprised to see water rushing under the bridge in a "creek" near my house--our creeks are bigger than many rivers out west. The Mississippi is starting to return to normal levels, just hope it doesn't flood. I drove up the river on Sunday and saw a bald eagle perched in a tree, so there must be some nests around. All the wintering eagles have gone back north. There is an eagle nest about two miles from my house near the river but I don't know if that nest is currently being used. Their nests are so awesome--big enough to hold a small adult. I have heard stories about frontiers men who holed up in an empty eagle's nest to protect themselves from predators. Sounds good, if you can climb the tree to get to the nest. I am breathing much better, the dr. gave me a sample (and prescription for) inhaler that I use twice a day and it relieves inflamation in the lungs and bronchial tubes. it is helping a lot. The dr. visit took two hours and they were very thorough. They only tested me for one food allergy (negative) but I still think there are some foods I am allergic to. I see the dr. again in one month so I can always get more testing if necessary. My forearms are bruised from where the allergen samples were injected--I look like a druggie who has been using needles. I am still having serious issues with feeling tired, I come home from work and nap till it is dark. This has been going on for over a week. But I am hardly coughing anymore and I can BREATHE. a wonderful feeling. I did a test that showed my lung capacity was reduced, common with asthma. So I have hope I can live comfortably with these issues. I may buy a special device to help keep the bathroom dry, since there is no exhaust fan in there. Contrary to what many have told me, I don't need a humidifier. The dr. said I need dry air since damp air breeds mold. I am planning to attend a retreat on Saturday and the weather should be nice. it is spring here. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2017 : 06:30:41 AM
I am puppysitting again at my daughter's house. There were severe thunderstorms yesterday and the dogs did not enjoy it at all. Holly, I am glad to hear that your brother is doing well after the transplant. I hope he recovers quickly and fully without any complications. Marilyn, sounds like your plants are really doing well. It's interesting how different parts of the country make plants act so differently. DH had many orchids in the sunroom off our livingroom in Texas and they thrived there. We also had several Christmas cactus that basically survived. So we bring them all up to Indiana when we move. Even though the orchids were in a greenhouse and pampered, everyone eventually died. The cactus live outside all year except during the winter months and they are so healthy it's amazing. They make huge amounts of flowers and rebloom two to three times every year. Cindy, glad you are feeling better and finding out what is causing some of your problems. Good to hear from you Marie. Enjoy your spring break. Off to do some shopping. Hope everyone has a great day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
899 Posts

New York
899 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2017 : 11:57:39 AM
Holly, thank you for the welcome.
Marie, thank you for inviting me to the UFO topic.
Not much going on here. It's quiet! We are expecting some snow. I love snow. Of course I cannot say this out loud around here .... people are hoping for spring. Seriously, we've has so little snow that I'll take what ever is given! I'm flexible like that!
Carole Farmgirl Sister 3610 - Nov 7/2011 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2017 : 2:27:38 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I spoke to my brother today. They were going to get him out of bed and walk later on. I do not know how much they cut his abdomen but I bet it was not a small incision. The OR nurse told him it was the biggest liver they had ever seen. (polycystic disease for you nurses) She took a picture and he gave her his email address so curious minds can have a look see. The nurse I spoke to said his vital signs were good, his liver numbers were coming down and his abdomen was distended but soft....all good she assured me.
Cindy, I have a friend who is allergic to mold buy only the kind that grows after our first frost. I am glad you have figured out some of the irritants. Soon you will be able to be outside and the sunshine will make life a little easier.
Carole we must live several hours apart. We have had snow intermittently and over the course of the whole winter we have probably had 4 or 5 feet but not all at once. We have maybe 15 inches on the ground now. It is snowing some and we are supposed to get 3 to 15 inches. That is the range of all the weather guessers combined. The snow is good because it can be absorbed into the ground water rather than run down the rivers.
I have read that Christmas cactus thrive with no artificial light because the darkness causes them to bloom. I know nothing about orchids. Enjoy the pups and the quiet.
I had small dsR and dsG's parent teacher conferences today. Both are doing better socially and academically than they were in the fall. Something happened around February break they both have been doing well since then. A little sigh.....
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2017 : 9:40:37 PM
Something very freaky and awful happened in St. Louis today. You may have heard on the news that a boiler at a box plant in south St. Louis exploded , and the explosion sent the boiler through the roof of the plant, hurled it five hundred feet through the air, and it landed, and crashed through, the roof of a nearby linen company. The linen company is the one that delivers linen to the hospital where I work. Three people were killed, and several are on life support. They haven't released any names yet, so I am praying that no one I know was hurt. It's just so weird that it almost defies belief. The box company has a history of violations. The neighborhood where it occurred is the Soulard neighborhood, it is near the brewery and home to a well known farmers market--a very historical area. I went to a retreat this weekend, and learned a type of meditation, which is available on-line, so I did the meditation tonight to send some positive and hopeful energy into the world. I felt better after I did it, the world seems so crazy sometimes, we need all the positive vibes we can get. I plan to start doing the meditation regularly, as I've been wanting to learn more about meditation, but just couldn't find a style i felt comfortable with. I am breathing much better with the new inhaler, but still not where I want to be physically. Still a bit of tightness in my chest, and I still cough sometimes. I bought a cover for the mattress to prevent the dust mites from getting to me, and i found out tonight that when i put on a polyester/rayon sleep top, which I've worn before, it made me itch so much that I tore it off and put on an old, ratty, but very comfy cotton t-shirt. Now i don't itch. It's strange, but as i become more aware of EVERYTHING, I have also become much more sensitive to things in the environment that are detrimental to our health. I feel there's a link. It's almost like my body can't handle artificial things like man-made fabrics, and I've become more sensitive to environmental pollution and irritants. I can't eat certain processed foods--even if i don't have an allergic reaction, it's like my body just rejects them as foreign substances. Maybe I'm allergic to the 21st. century. Today, I was joking about how the dr. failed to test me to see if I was allergic to Mondays---pretty sure I am. I hope everyone has a wonderful and peaceful day tomorrow. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2017 : 4:50:23 PM
Okay, big news Ladies. We have put in notice on this apartment and have to be out by the end of May. Here's the story. Lowell's 90 year old father moved down to Florida at the end of 2016. He bought a house and set up his housekeeping helpers and everything. He found out that it was too expensive for him and he really needed to live with someone. The only thing his insurance will pay for is a "care unit" which consists of a room with a kitchenette. He is not happy. So we proposed to him that we could get a 2 bedroom apartment and have him move in with us. Now we are looking for a place to live that pleases everyone except me of course.
I would love to stay in this neighborhood and be involved with it. The only place in the neighborhood that would work for us is on a busy street with old business facades and uneven sidewalks. I will be looking at a couple places tomorrow and I hope we can start to move in early so I do not die trying to move. Lowell's father is going to load up all his stuff in a POD, park it in his other son's parking lot, take out what he wants and move it into the new place, let everyone else pick through it and donate whatever is left. It will all work.
The best news is I am on Spring Break and Lowell is down in Florida. YAY!!! PARTY TIME!!! Probably not. I'll probably just sleep on the couch while the radio keeps playing.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2017 : 07:36:43 AM
Yesterday was sunny and in the 70s, this morning it is 39 and raining. Crazy spring weather. Wow Marie, sounds like some big changes coming your way. I hope you can find something quickly that will fit your needs. Enjoy your quiet time! We leave in the morning for Va to visit DS and his family. I can't wait to see everyone. We will be spending Easter on the Outer Banks at his wife's grandmother's house. This sweet lady always puts us in the bedroom that faces the ocean. The wall is almost entirely glass. Seeing the sun rise and hearing the waves pounding the shore is wonderful. We walk for miles with the grandkids and the dogs and everyone loves it. Cindy, I hope none of your friends were involved in the tragedy Monday. Holly, hope your brother is continuing to do well with his recovery. Carole, welcome to the forum. Hope to hear more from you. Have a great day all.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2017 : 4:27:42 PM
Good evening everyone,
I was thinking of you today, Marie. The elementary school here in town has just posted a job description for a reading specialist. I do not know what qualifications they want because I did not read that part. I hope you can get along with Lowell's dad and Lowell in the same house. I hope you find a lovely place.
I have never been to the Outer Banks it sounds quite lovely. I do love the ocean. Have a great time. Karin
Cindy I am glad you are feeling better.
We have had very overcast skies for several days now. I have been so tired and think that the lack of sunshine has a lot to do with how I fee. Today it rained a LOT. There are flood warnings out around the rivers until Saturday morning. We still have snow covering the fields. Today I spent the morning digging out dsR's closet. When he cleans his room he shoves everything into his closet. This morning before school he was having a major fit over not having any pants to wear. I found 7 pairs of his pants in the closet. 9 towels and many shirts and blankets. Community Lunch in town is having its spring clothing swap this weekend. it is a great time and deadline to clean out extra clothing. I took down 6 kitchen garbage bags so far.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2017 : 09:07:23 AM
I broke my arm last evening. I was napping on the couch. The cat was bugging me so I got up and was unsteady on my feet. I fell, knocked over the ironing board, bent a guitar stand and had a Stratocaster on top of me. I was unsteady because I had a low blood sugar. As I took the dog out, I met a neighbor coming in. They took me to the ER and picked me up 4 hours later. Luckily, I broke my left arm. I believe that I will be able to work. I have already cut back on some of my obligations in other areas. The meds have worn off so I am feeling achy.
This comes at a time when Lowell is in Florida and I am doing the leg work to find an apartment. I am trying to get Lowell and Roger to do the on line application for a really nice place. I think I can handle this but I'm not certain.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2017 : 10:28:18 AM
Wow Marie is the Stratocaster ok? Seriously are you ok? This sounds like something I would do.
The fun begins where the pavement ends! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2017 : 10:55:00 AM
The strat looks okay. Lowell will have to look at it when he gets back.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2017 : 1:28:05 PM
Did you pick a good color for the cast? Last time I busted myself up I had a hot pink cast from my foot to my high thigh. Weighed a ton but I wanted a color that stood out. I wanted to play the sympathy card. Didn't work. I still had to do the laundry and such. Just couldn't drive until it came off. Hope you heal soon Marie.
The fun begins where the pavement ends! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2017 : 1:53:12 PM
I didn't get a color. I may put a colorful sock over my fingers. They are cold.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2017 : 6:35:30 PM
Good evening everyone,
WOW! that was some fall. I worry that I will do some feat of acrobatics like that. I hope you heal quickly.
I am not remembering whether you actually get along with Lowell's dad or not well, should I ask whether he is kind to you.
So much for spring break. hahahaha
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2017 : 7:16:24 PM
Thanks Holly. Yep, real sweet.
Lowell's dad and I have reconciled. He really appreciates me now.
I have so much trouble doing any thing except sleeping. LOL I am typing with one or two fingers.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2017 : 7:54:00 PM
There is always a story behind a broken arm...I am glad you can see the humor in yours. I knew a woman who broke her hand when a toilet seat fell on it. I think she told me the details, but I was trying so hard not to laugh that I don't remember.(She was a supervisor and not a very nice person--as in, let's embezzle a lot of money not nice) Please be careful with that pain medication---not sure what you're taking but some pain meds. can make me uncoordinated and you don't want that. I hope it doesn't affect your job--don't see why it would. It is very stressful to have to deal with that and search for an apartment by yourself. Hopefully Lowell will return soon (with father in tow) you will move into a very nice apartment that you love. Meanwhile, if the cat was bugging me, I think I would hiss at it. I have often told Jaxon that someday he will kill me because he likes to sleep in places, like right outside my bedroom door, when it is dark at night and I can't see him, and if I get up to use the bathroom, I am likely to trip over him and break my neck. He also sleeps right in the entrance to the kitchen when it is dark--he is like a doggie landmine. I made a miniature fairy garden today and hired a company to mow my yard this year. Between my asthma flairing up, and being allergic to mold, and not knowing if either one of my lawn mowers still works (I put them outside under a tarp last December so I could get my car in the garage to avoid a monster ice storm that was predicted, but turned out to be very mild), I just think it's better to pay someone else to mow the yard. Plus, I don't want to risk getting attacked by yellow jackets again. Still need to call a pest control company to take care of outdoor pests. My mom is scheduled for knee replacement surgery on the 24th. of this month. NOT looking forward to that. It has rained a lot here and the creeks have risen. the river is still lower than normal. Guess it hasn't been raining up north. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 08 2017 : 10:12:03 PM
I made a specific request to not be given or prescribed opioids. I'm pretty tolerant of pain and they were all surprised that I didn't scream when traction was applied. I am being very, very careful always. My biggest problem at work will be carrying around this thick, spiral bound, paperbacked book.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2017 : 2:52:56 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
Our internet is on the fritz at home. I am at the library before Tai Chi class.
I hope Cindy that your mother has all of her thought processes. Having a knee replacement is a major process as you are well aware. She will have to make her self bend it and do the physical therapy otherwise it will be worse than it started. C has had both of hers done. A friend's mother had hers done in her beginning 80's and her health was not good to begin with. She can walk but not long distances. She was not tolerant of the physical therapy that she had to do. I know this is not in any way your decision. I hope it goes well for her.
We have very high rivers . We had five day sof rain adn now temperatures are in the sixties and seventies. Most of the snow is gone. Mud season is tolerable. The rain drew the frost out of the roads do when the snow started too melt it did not make deep mud.
My brother, Jon had another surgery three nights ago. The doctors did a CAT scan and found that some place in his digestive system was leaking. So, they went in to have a look see and found a leak in his large intestine. He has a temporary colostomy bag. I have not spoken to him . the nurses say he is resting comfortably and does not seem to have an infection. I would like to speak with him. Maybe he will wake up soon.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2017 : 4:30:40 PM
I will be having surgery on my arm tomorrow. When I have recovered I will tell you all about it.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2017 : 8:06:05 PM
Praying for you Marie!
The fun begins where the pavement ends! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Apr 11 2017 : 10:46:43 PM
Marie--praying that the surgery goes well. I am in a sad/angry mood tonight. A friend of mine told me today that her daughter had a miscarriage over the weekend. She has been working long hours (I work with her) and she has to be strong for her daughter. I hugged her, and she was crying as she said that I was the only person at work who had hugged her--even though others know. she said no one has offered to step up and help her with her job, and she just worked 11 days in a row. Maybe it's the full moon, but i am about to go nuclear with my anger. Another friend has a hearing tomorrow regarding her "dangerous" dogs---which aren't dangerous at all--but because they are big dogs with big heads (and big jaws), and because someone felt scared when the dogs got loose recently, they have been deemed "dangerous". I did some research and the LAWS regarding dogs are dangerous!!! They were both tested for temperament today by a kennel with a good reputation, and she had the male neutered, so I am praying for a good outcome tomorrow. If not, the city can seize her dogs and have them euthanized--all because someone THOUGHT they were dangerous. And the laws allow this. She is a disabled vet with PTSD and these are her emotional support dogs. Please pray. We shouldn't have to worry so about our furbabies, especially when we are struggling so hard ourselves. So I am feeling very angry about the injustice and the lack of compassion in this world, and I feel very sad as well. Plus I have been having issues with farcebook, due to a "friend" who was actually only using it to spy on me. She has complained about two of my posts--neither of which violated farcebook's policy--and both posts were quietly removed and replaced with a farcebook promotion, and all this was done without my knowledge. I never received any sort of warning, absolutely no reason was given for why they did it---none of my other friends had any issues with the two statements. Both were short, and slightly controversial, but my "friend" felt so threatened by them, due to her own unresolved mental/emotional issues, that she reported them. Farcebook will not give me a reason why; they will give me no answer at all. And now I am unable to post any of my own comments at all, because I posted something about how someone i knew was violating my boundaries.....I have just blocked this person, but somehow she has convinced farcebook that I need to be censored. Even though my other friends generally respond positively to my comments. I only have 26 friends and my posts are not public--shared only with friends. I think she must know someone who works for farcebook, as I have heard of people with "connections" who do things like this.The crazy thing is , she lives next door to me and has only actually spoken to me once in the past year.....this is not the same neighbor who made such disturbing statements about people with mental disabilities. I told my friend at work today that this world is not the same world we grew up in--and she agreed. I may just quit farcebook, as I have determined I am allergic to idiots---they cause me to make RASH statements, they make me ITCH to put a stop to their lies-these are allergic reactions. (Symptoms may include stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, and pain, aches, and chills). Yes, I must be allergic to idiots. And there are plenty on farcebook. My brother is supposed to come up here when my mom has her surgery. My SIL is in charge of arranging home health care (she has a lot more experience with it than I do). I need to go to the med supply store and get some safety items, especially for the bathroom. By the way, the most recent statement I posted on farcebook dealt largely with Jesus, and how he was put to death because people didn't like what he was saying. I noted how he still looked at Judas with love when Judas betrayed him. I really do believe in loving others. My "friend" believes in God,but she is threatened by my propensity to tell how the hypocrites are the worst sinners--and the regular "sinners" (tax collectors, harlots, adulterers, and those possessed) were the people that Jesus seemed to spend most of his time with. And the poor. Who in this country are somehow responsible for all our problems, at least according to the billionaire class. Somehow being "poor" has become equated to being "weak" and values like loving others are "weaknesses". I don't get it, I don't get lots of things, and I am "standing in the pouring rain/ All alone in a world that's changed/ Running scared now, forced to hide/ In a land where I once stood with pride". From Will the Wolf Survive, by Los Lobos. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2017 : 08:24:02 AM
Just wow.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2017 : 10:27:25 AM
Wow Prairie Hawk. I have to stand with you. Firstly big dogs aren't more dangerous just because they are big. Pomeranians can kill and have killed infants. I know it sounds ridiculous but it happened. I don't like FakeBook either for similar reasons. Sending you 10lbs of prayer. I am at work right now and my break bell just rang. Try to let your mind rest so you don't get sick yourself. Love the allergy analogy. Made me smile.
The fun begins where the pavement ends! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2017 : 2:10:20 PM
I am now home from surgery. I had to stay over night because I had no one at home to watch me. I needed it too because they gave me this stuff for pain that made me slur my words. I didn't dare stand up because my head was spinning. I had a nice long nap and just allowed the nurses to do stuff for me. I had someone take care of the animals. Mitzi really missed me. Now I have to find a way to keep my arm up and wiggle my fingers so my hand doesn't swell up.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |