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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 24 2017 : 05:23:13 AM
It is a lovely sunny morning here. I have really enjoyed the nice weather, but it is supposed to get back to freezing tomorrow. My DS and his wife lived in Philadelphia while she was doing her residency and we would visit Lancaster County. I loved going to all the quilt shops and all the other wonderful stores. My son really enjoyed watching the farmers working with their horses, such a contrast to the madness of living in a huge city. Shipshewana, an Amish community in NE Indiana is another fun place to visit. They have a huge auction and flea market plus wonderful stores and restaurants. Marilyn, how is the spinning going? Welcome to the group Christine! Good to hear from you Dena and Janiee I'm going to my DD's house for another weekend of puppysitting. It's always fun. Hope everyone has a lovely day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Feb 24 2017 : 06:34:22 AM
Karin -- I am afraid that spinning has taken a back seat to some quilting and knitting projects. I am not ready to give it up, but when I sat down with my drop spindle the other evening, I felt like it was a brand-new activity and the results were NOT pretty! ha ha
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 24 2017 : 5:17:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
Cindy I am not sure what your weather looks like but planting snow peas will withstand snow and cold temperatures. I think the directions say, plant as soon as the ground can be worked.
We have had very warm temperatures and I have thought of planting carrots and beets and spinach. The weather guessers say the temperatures will drop back into the twenties day after tomorrow so maybe not. I get antsy this time of year.
It was overcast most of today. We did have some rain.
I made a yellow cake with smashed up candy canes in it. The frosting was store bought cream cheese in a plastic jar. The children really like it.
DsR has boo boo belly. C is a social puker so I had to make sure the floor was cleaned up before she arrived upstairs or I would have had two people to clean up after. hahaha
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2017 : 06:16:02 AM
I think we have gone through about three seasons this last weekend. When I got to my DD's house Friday it was 74 and sunny. Saturday it didn't get above 28. And Sunday it rained. She has two dogs, one of which is a Corgi Jack Russell mix. Madison is about ten years old and most of the time not very energetic anymore. On one walk she suddenly slipped her head out of her collar (she walks so slow we quit putting her in a harness) and took off. As she slowed down I reached to grab her and put her collar back on and she sped up again, she did this about four times, those little short legs just churning. I was laughing so hard at her that I couldn't get her until I finally ran in front of her and grabbed her. After we got home she slept for a couple of hours. May have to rethink the harness. Tonight is knit night, looking forward to a few hours of knitting and enjoying the company of friends. Hope everyone is well.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2017 : 06:30:58 AM
Holly -- Dude is after me to plant the salad garden. I keep putting him off -- I just want to get a couple more weeks of March behind us. I looked at last year's garden diary, and we didn't plant until mid-April, but we'd had a lot of winter last year and almost none this year. I always waited faithfully until "last frost" date, but now I just watch what the Amish do and go with that.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 28 2017 : 6:10:58 PM
Good evening everyone,
I succumbed to eagerness over practicality on Saturday. I planted spinach, beets, lettuce and radishes. Now they were old seeds and we have had freezing nights since Saturday but the packets say plant as soon as ground can be worked. So, what the heck? If they come up they come up and we are ahead and if they all die in the ground well the science experiment didn't work. I had a good time out there planting.
I am glad you had a good time dog sitting. We too have had many seasonal shifts this last week. I was thinking this morning that it seemed like April. Then I was thinking several years ago on Town meeting which is the first Tuesday of the month we had no snow and lots of ruts int he road and then we received 18 inches of snow the night before Town Meeting. I wonder what the weather will be next Tuesday.
I took the littles out this afternoon to take hay up to the green house. I am thinking of planting some brassica in pots to see how they do up there. They are hardy enough to live through changes in temperatures. Then we went to the hidden field which means the pathway to the field is not always apparent to look at the wagon I left down there last fall because the tie rod broke. I want to take it to the machine shop and see if Tim can make it hardy enough to use again. There is probably 10 inches of snow still in that field so I will not be getting it out any time soon.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2017 : 9:56:46 PM
I planted some spinach and lettuce seeds in pots last night. Figure they will stay warmer that way, and they like cool weather. The St. Louis paper recently had a big article on how the allergy season has started early and is messing everyone up. I have been about as sick as I've ever been but seem to be recovering now. Asthma, allergies, coughing....ugh. Went back to work today after being off since last Wednesday. Still having trouble breathing, but it is all in my throat area. Weird. I have zero energy. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 01 2017 : 06:53:24 AM
Everyone was disappointed when we didn't get the foot of snow we were promised last Friday. Everyone at the school was hoping for a snow day -- the first this year. We got about two inches over night and it is a perfect snow for snowballs, nice and wet. It feels nice to have the cool fresh air to breathe. I am just slogging through my days waiting for my 56th birthday this month. Not certain how I feel about that.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Mar 01 2017 : 07:58:40 AM
We had quite the storm last night, heavy rains and several tornadoes. The lightning and thunder went on for hours. I am really wanting to start planting my little garden, but I know it's probably still too early here. We did put in some new lilacs yesterday and I'm hoping the weather or the deer don't get them. I can empathize with C about the social puking. While I was working I really had a hard time not gagging when a patient threw up or had to be suctioned. It didn't exactly make them feel confident when I had to run out of the room  Going to do some spinning and sewing today. Have a great day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2017 : 4:04:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yesterday morning we woke to being in a cloud. It rained off and on all day. The weather guessers thought we might get thunder showers last night but it did not happen. Just a lot of rain. Most of the snow was gone when we woke up this morning. At 7 45 AM it started to snow, so much so that there was a white out. We could not see the garden fence fifty feet from the window. People told me the driving was hard because of the snow. We ended up receiving maybe four inches of snow.
We had the home school end of year teacher come to review ds C's work. The home school year runs from July 1 to June 30th. We can send in end of year assessments anytime after March 1st. I like to do it ASAP so it is out of the way and we are registered for the next year. We have to show progress not finish all of the work. We will still do school work so he can continue to progress. I like to have it done so if I want to spend the day outside I do not feel pressure to do sit down work. That guilt slinging is in my head, no one elses.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
181 Posts

181 Posts |
Posted - Mar 02 2017 : 7:19:39 PM
For homeschooling In PA, i usually wait till june to get my evaluation done - true procrastination! This month is testing month for our 16 year old. In PA we have to test in 3rd, 5th, and 8th grade. Seth has dyslexia and has not been ready to take the 8th grade test before this. Hopefully the remediation program he is doing will help him get an acceptable score on this test (that needs to be reported to the school district). These are some of the less attractive aspects of homeschooling, huh? Otherwise it is great!
Hearing about everyone planting something makes me excited for spring! Living in such a shady yard i do better buying started plants from the amish - that won't be for another few weeks or so.
Have a good night :-)
Dena Farmgirl 5620 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2017 : 07:17:06 AM
Dena -- We had a little dinner party last Sunday, and one of our guests brought me a beautiful healthy Lenten Rose plant as a gift. She brought it because she knows we have lots of shade, which it will love. They also bloom just about this time of year. Looks like we are in for a COLD weekend, but will try to get the plant in the ground anyway.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 03 2017 : 1:29:23 PM
Good afternoon,
We do not have testing requirements here in Vermont. although one of the end of year assessments available to parents who choose is testing. Nothing I have ever wanted to subject my children too. My 20 yo, Kethry is dyslexic as well. Her first writing she did was upside down and backwards. We called it spy writing. She is now enrolled in an online class for child care providers. She is finding it difficult but she is scoring 85's and 90's on her tests which pleases her to no end. I never tested so the tests for her are a new experience. Recently, she expressed that she was stupid because it took her so long to read something and to understand it. We have spoken to her and adult friends who have advanced degrees have spoken to her about the different learning styles and how difficult reading a paragraph can be. I hope she is getting a better view of what the general populace thinks of reading in general and improving her self image.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
181 Posts

181 Posts |
Posted - Mar 05 2017 : 5:59:31 PM
Marilyn, what a great idea to plant lenten roses - its so hard to find flowers that like the shade; i know they exist and i'm thankful you reminded me of this one. Each year i want to add at least one kind of plant/perennial to our yard. This would be a nice surprise each early spring! I know the ground has frozen again - hope you got your plant in before it did!
Holly, since we have a very relaxed homeschool style, we did not realize seth had dyslexia - in reading, writing, and math - until last year. When he wasn't reading or writing well by age 9, i started working with him using a variety of techniques - some which helped a bit but not completely. We finally decided to get him tested and bam! Since then he has been doing 'the barton' program. He's half way through, but i don't know what his needs will still be when he is done. I told him yesterday that he may always have to have someone proof read his work - he cannot get punctuation in the right places - periods, commas - it's nearly impossible for me to proof read his work!
Its so wonderful that you are able to give your daughter such positive support! That's really what matters - that they don't loose the self confidence to keep plowing through. I'm so glad she is doing well in her class! We didn't do testing outside of state requirements either - our older boys both started in community college before moving on to a 4 year one. They really needed that transition from homeschool to a more traditional classroom setting. Hope she continues to do well with her studies!
Dena Farmgirl 5620 |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Mar 06 2017 : 07:37:54 AM
We had a beautiful sunny weekend, now it is raining. Our Lenten roses are blooming. The colors are subtle and I think beautiful. Hoping to get some more as they do well on our shady property. Last Thursday I went on a yarn crawl with several of the ladies I knit with. Roving Indiana takes place every year. A special yarn is chosen by the shop owners, then every shop displays projects made with the yarn. Shoppers get 10% off their purchases. 14 shops are taking part this year. Including our home store we covered 6. This Thursday we will go again. It's a really fun day and you see all kinds of beautiful yarn and fiber. Had a nice chat with the grandbabies yesterday. Can't wait to see them for Easter. Hope everyone is well and has a great day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 06 2017 : 4:07:15 PM
Good evening everyone,
Temperatures over the weekend topped out at 8 F and were as low as -4 F in the mornings. Today the high was 40 F. Even the 4 degree rise from below zero to 0 made the house much easier to keep warm.
I did grocery shopping on Sunday and therapies for the boys today. Not much else happening.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
181 Posts

181 Posts |
Posted - Mar 09 2017 : 10:45:10 AM
Glad to hear others have shady properties as well; looking at all the farms around me, i feel like i'm the only one who struggles with shade :-).
Holly, what kind of therapies do your boys do? We do The Barton Program twice a week with a tutor for our son with dyslexia; for our 6 year old who has sensory integration disorder and major ADHD we do a variety of OT, a therapy called DIR floor time, craniosacral fascial therapy and homeopathy. I'm especially overwhelmed right now because our 21 year old - who helped with driving to some of these - just got a job at chick fil a (yeah!!!), BUT, now i have ALL that driving to do - makes a farmgirl miss being at home - gardening, quilting... hopefully, we will get into our new groove before planting season starts and i will have time for both.
Today we are actually at home (Yeah!!!) and just enjoying the weather, homeschooling , and a more relaxed pace. Tomorrow we hoped to pick up a new pet bunny for me and our 6 year old, Zeke - but, alas, the forecast is for snow and i have postponed the 1 hour trip to Saturday. I'm so excited about this new adventure - love to have more critters around, plus, such a good way to teach so many lessons to young ones! Our 21 year old, Jonah, had a rabbit for 10 years - he has high functioning autism and that rabbit was his best friend. She died 3 years ago and now jonah is helping me and zeke get ready for zeke's new friend. Nice connection there...
Just finishing lunch and hope to get some work done on a mother's day gift for my mom - a quilted table runner. After that, outside!!! Its a beautiful day here and i need to do a little prep for bunny coming - hard to believe we are in for snow tomorrow and lows in the teens for the rest of the weekend. I am so looking forward to spring - even though our winter has not been bad at all...i just can't wait to take the straw off of my berry plants and work on my new herb garden.
Have a great rest of the day,
Dena Farmgirl 5620 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 09 2017 : 4:09:49 PM
Good evening everyone,
The boys go to head therapy. They came when they were 6 and 7 years old. They have many trust issues and lack of attachment issues. They were both on ADHD drugs when they came. I think only the oldest is ADHD, The younger has more trust issues. We do not have so many opportunities for educational therapies around here. I think even in the school systems there are not specialized therapies for learning. There is OT and PT and speech.
I hear you about wanting to be at home. Sometimes we get going on doctors and dentists that we are out several days in a week and I count the hours until I can stay home.
Our weather is a roller coaster. One day it will be in the fifties and the next it is in the teens or twenties with snow.
I repotted two Christmas cactus. The cat had done her business in one of the them and the soil was nasty. I hope the repotting helps it grow again.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2017 : 05:16:57 AM
We had lots of fun yesterday on the yarn crawl. The weather was great and we all got lots of beautiful yarn. I also found some gorgeous fiber for spinning. This morning we are back to winter weather. Holly, have you started using the greenhouse yet? We have a small one attached to the house where D keeps some delicate house plants, but it's not big enough to actually work in and start seeds. I am really wanting to start planting herbs and vegetables. Dena, you certainly have a lot going on. I hope you are able to get in a little time for yourself occasionally. Hope everyone has a great day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2017 : 07:09:22 AM
Well, Old Dude Winter decided to stage a comeback today. We are having snow and it is sloppy out there. I drove uptown to the bank and to get my tea. It is pretty to watch it coming down, though. Glad my Dude got outside after work yesterday and got all the feeders filled and got some yardwork done. He is starting work on a new rain garden and wanted to get the foundation pieces in. He's got a huge boulder to move from the very top of our property to the very bottom and is still trying to figure out just how to get it down there without doing himself a permanent injury. I think there will be a truck and towing straps and much spitting and swearing involved. He loves this kind of project.
Our regional preservation people are starting to do a lot of community training in rain gardens and trying to protect our streams, and he is excited about building some catchment areas for the water that would normally just run down the hill, through the swale, and on down into the road. It would eventually go into the creek at the bottom of the hill.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2017 : 4:37:05 PM
Good evening everyone,
I would like to recommend a catalog called, Native Gardener's companion. It has plants for your shady areas. Well, it has plants for sunny areas as well but I was thinking of your shady yards. It has native plants that are beneficial to the insects and the people.
Marilyn have the Dude read about Hugelkultur. It basically is piling up yard debris and covering it with soil. It decays and makes great growing areas but as a byproduct it can absorb rain runoff. There is a person who lives in the next village from ours who had terrible problems with water runoff going through her barn. She made a huglekultur bed and planted berry bushes on top. No more water through her barn.
Cold here as well. Supposed to go into the teens with a wind chill below 0 F . Snow flurries off and on. Not much sun. I do miss the sun. The sky is such a glorious spring blue when it is not hidden by the clouds.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
181 Posts

181 Posts |
Posted - Mar 10 2017 : 5:59:19 PM
Good Evening,
Holly, not sure i mentioned it, but Zeke -6- joined our family through adoption as an infant. He was born 10 weeks early and was in the NICU without a main parental caregiver for that time. Its surprising what a huge affect it has had on him. He has many 'orphan behavior' issues, the biggest one right now being anxiety. At 6 he started throwing up when anxious (you know that butterfly in the stomach feeling - he took it to the next level.). So sad to see someone so young struggle in that way. It was suggested that we find a psychologist as he gets older to help with these issues. So hard to find the right one...
Thank you for your suggestion regarding Native Garden companion - always good to have help in the shady garden!
Marilyn, what a difference between today and yesterday's weather! Knowing this was predicted, i lingered outside yesterday, thinking it would be a while before we had that kind of weather again. None the less, zeke and i put on our winter garb and hiked our trails in the snow - a favorite pass time!
A rain garden and a hugelkultur sound interesting; i'd love to read more about both. Each may be helpful on our property, as we often have run off that pours down to our neighbor's house (we live on a hill). We always feel bad about it but have never known what to do.
Karin, yes, thankfully i was able to carve out some time wednesday and today to work on quilting - something that fills me back up! Our son cooked dinner wednesday and a beloved babysitter came today for zeke! Happy day!!! I have found it so so important to keep those personal times set aside, even in the busiest of times. If we deplete ourselves, how are we going to continue to care for us and our families. Its like putting your oxygen mask on first in an airline crisis before helping others - a total necessity (even though, i confess, i am the first to neglect this!).
A yarn crawl sounds so fun! I'm glad the weather cooperated and you got some nice yarn. What do you use to spin your fiber? I have tried a drop spindle and found it ok, but a bit challenging. I guess it takes lots of practice to perfect your technique. I haven't tried it for about 2 years but have always dreamed of having sheep and spinning fiber. We don't have enough acreage for sheep here, but i have considered getting angora rabbits. Maybe as the kiddos leave and i have more time...
Hope everyone has a relaxing evening :-)
Dena Farmgirl 5620 |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Mar 11 2017 : 05:57:56 AM
The snow decided to go south of us, so it is just very cold here today. The sun is shining thought so it's not too bad. The rain gardens and hugulkultur do sound interesting. Looking forward to hearing how the Dude's project is progressing. I have an Ashford Traditional wheel. I learned first on a spindle, but I find my spinning is more consistent on the wheel. I find it very relaxing. One of our knitting group's daughter has angora rabbits and she has spun yarn from their coats. It is incredibly soft. There will be several fiber festivals around the state in the coming months. They're fun to attend, you learn a lot and find amazing and beautiful fibers. DD and her husband are coming tomorrow so I need to do some baking and cleaning. Hope everyone has a lovely day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 11 2017 : 3:56:40 PM
Good evening everyone,
I forgot to say the Native Gardeners Companion is from Prairie Moon Nursery in Minnesota , that information might help the Google search.
Our youngest has anxiety with his ADD. He is also an empath. I sent him to school last year because I could not manage all three little boys at home and he was a particular handful. Just a month or so ago I started to give him a tablespoon of fermented fish oil three time as day. It is from Green Pasture. They are on line. It has made the world of difference in his acting out at home and at school. It is one of the least invasive nutritional additives we have found. He was not at all interested in taking any sort of prescription drugs. The fight would not be worth it. The fish oil has a lot of Omega three fatty acids that I read are good for people like Ross.
We woke to -10 F this morning. At 9:30 the temperature was 20 F and the wind blew all day long. As the sun set the temperature dropped to 0 F and the wind continues.
I made whoopie pies today. I made a custard filling. The children think they are very tasty. I am too full right now to try them.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Mar 12 2017 : 04:35:22 AM
I have not been posting much as I've been quite under the weather. Still coughing a lot--this has been going on for three months. I am going to see an allergist about possible food allergies, which I suspect are what is aggravating my asthma. I put myself on a special diet--mostly quinoa, and I add veggies and a light dressing. There are actually all sorts of possibilities with quinoa. I just know that it's a safe food cause no one is allergic to it, since it is still not well known and most people have never had it. I also make homemade soups with ingredients I know are safe, and I've been drinking bone broth. I've lost weight, but I need to lose weight so that's OK. I make everything from scratch so I know what goes in it, and I study ingredient labels on everything. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to corn and corn is in so many products---it's often hidden in the form of corn syrup. My cough has been loosening up, which is good. And I no longer have that awful feeling of stuff in my throat--I was coughing up gunk the other day, and I hate that feeling. The weather here got very warm, and now it's cold again. it was supposed to snow, and I think some areas got snow, but we didn't. I need to make an appt. to see the allergist, but I have to be off anti-histamines for two weeks before the appt. I can do it on-line, so I'm trying to figure out the best time to see him. I haven't taken any anti-histamines for five days, so I'm trying to time it for about nine days from now. I've never been this sick for this long in my life and it is starting to worry me. Really worry me. Today is the beginning of Daylight Saving Time and it is also the Full Worm Moon. I wonder if the worms are aware of that? Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |