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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 12 2017 : 11:10:05 AM
Its a quiet, windy and rainy sunday here in PA. Need to go outside but just don't want to :-)
Holly, i agree with Karin, biscuits and eggs sound wonderful - my guys always want something more substantial for dinner. I find i'm just not as hungry as i used to be; i find i over eat alot because of this difference in appetite - need to problem solve this :-)
Marilyn, i couldn't be more in your camp about the cold! Every year i yearn more and more for milder winters. I don't like putting my garden 'to bed' and would love to be outside year round. I do get out daily to do chores and walk, but its very limited due to the winds and cold. However, i love where we live and really don't want to move. I try to deal with it by quilting more; which i miss during the warmer weather. I guess there really can be a balance to every season.
Karin, the boys certainly do keep me busy :-). Hearing you say you are going to do a little spinning sounds heavenly! I've always wanted to learn to spin and spent some time at a living history organization a couple of years ago. I hung out with the ladies who demonstrate carding/spinning and it was quite an experience. I've always had dreams of owning sheep and learning to spin. We don't have the acreage now, but perhaps someday... enjoy!
Dena Farmgirl 5620 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2017 : 12:08:03 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
After trying to help my friend move this morning. Yes, he is still at it. We made one truck full of totes to his new place. I am sitting on my bed watching the snow fall and trying to find something interesting to watch on the internet. I am giving up after this post. We are predicted to get 6" - 18" of new snow. I hope we are on the higher end of the scale. It is falling fast and steady.
DsC is trying to correct the spelling in his story he wrote. It is always a chore for him. I think he does not hear the sounds in the words until someone points them out to him. He is 11. DsG is reading. His favorite occupation. DsR is walking around saying he is bored and everyone is ignoring him. (9) I think taking a nap sounds delightful. I think I will be going to cut people's hair instead. Not a hard job at all, I just need to pay attention.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Feb 12 2017 : 5:52:39 PM
Yesterday was warm but today was windy, though still fairly warm for this time of year. My friend was supposed to come over today to haul away the straw bales (from last year's garden) in my backyard for compost, but her truck seems to have a dead battery. I feel like I have a dead battery this weekend. Don't know if it's because of the extreme temp. fluctuations but I have been quite sleepy. I got some potting mix and seed starting mix so I hope to get my seeds started, at least. I think spinning sounds neat, but I don't know if I would have the patience for it. Especially this time of year, I start to feel antsy from being cooped up all winter and I want to get outside and move around. It feels like it's getting cold again, and I still haven't gotten over this bronchitis. The weather doesn't help at all--cold one day, then warm the next, then freezing the next. I did do some house cleaning this weekend, so at least I accomplished something. But I had to wear a mask while cleaning cause the allergens that are stirred up aggravate my breathing. I have been reading "The Essential Rumi" and it is so incredibly thought-provoking. And written with such beautiful imagery and symbolism. I am going to fix my granola tonight. Still trying to decide what to put in it. I also need to get some bananas and almond milk to make smoothies. I found some maca powder at Target today and want to add it to smoothies. it is supposed to help those of us who are energy-deprived. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Feb 16 2017 : 06:05:47 AM
Just back from my morning walk -- coffee in hand. It started to spit snow on me before I got back to the shop! Enough, already. I cannot complain of the snow, however, seeing what some of the folks in the northeast have had to put up with. I am just cold. Wearing a layer of thermals under a heavy sweater today.
I got my first freelance bookkeeping client, so I will be working on that on Saturday. Trying to get ahead of things by starting to build my business before I really NEED it. For now, I am just trying to keep my feel warm.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Feb 16 2017 : 06:47:47 AM
It's supposed to be sunny and about 50 today. We take care of one mile of the country road that our road comes off of and today we will be cleaning up the second half. We picked up the first half one nice day about a week ago and had two of the big black trash bags full. I don't know why people think it's all right to throw trash out on country roads. My DS called the other night and asked if we could come and visit over spring break and spend Easter at the beach? We sure can! It's always so much fun to stay at his wife's grandmother's home on the Outer Banks. Marilyn, congratulations on your first client. Hope you get warmed up. Have a great day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Feb 16 2017 : 06:58:28 AM
Our Rotary Club does Adopt-a-Highway 4 times a year, and His Dudeness coordinates it, so whenever we are driving out and about and we see lots of trash alongside the roadway, he asks the same question. I just don't understand why people think that's okay. When I was in my early teens, we all got excited about "the environment" and "ecology," etc. There were those TV commercials with the old Indian with the tear rolling down his cheek, and we took all that to heart and would NEVER have thrown anything out alongside the road. This was out west. Then at age 15, we moved to Southern Indiana, and I would be out riding around with friends and would just be horrified when they threw a pop can out the car window, or the paper from a hamburger wrapper!!!!! I became quite the irritant.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
181 Posts

181 Posts |
Posted - Feb 16 2017 : 07:35:48 AM
Marilyn, I know; this wind today is going to be brutal - i have to be out all day with the boys - we're just going to bundle up and brave it!!! The next week looks like it could warm up - Yeah!!! Karin, how great you can play a part in keeping your area beautiful. Sometimes the boys and i will just take some time and clean up the trash people throw out of their windows in front of our home and along the road. I'm with you ladies - i can't imagine throwing trash out of my car window! I do remember that commercial and think about it as i see junk along the highway too Marilyn :-)
What kind of business are you starting marilyn? So exciting getting a client! I'm toying with starting an Etsy shop, again, with the future in mind. Still in the planning stage though. I also have considered opening a counseling/consulting business for families with special needs children. I have a degree in social work/counseling and we have had 3 boys with special needs - seems like a good fit. Still praying on it all and hoping for guidance before i waste time/money on the wrong thing.
Stay warm and have a blessed day.
Dena Farmgirl 5620 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Feb 16 2017 : 07:50:59 AM
Dena -- I am a bookkeeper and would like to be able to do freelance work from home as my retirement occupation. Just a few clients.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Feb 16 2017 : 10:23:56 AM
I remember the commercial starring Iron Eyes. He has an interesting history. Apparently, he is not an aboriginal American. He denied his Italian-Sicilian heritage until his death. All that said, it doesn't make the PCA's message any less important.
I am home today. I have been feeling ill for the last 3 weeks and have just had enough of feeling crappy. I still have to send reports on all my students to the classroom teachers by 4:00 this afternoon. So, of course, I am on here and playing games.
I am listening to the press conference with Mr. Trump. I am a little amazed by the hyperbole ("I will be honest, I inherited a mess.") and his condescending tone ("We discussed many things which none of you would understand.") This would be entertaining if he wasn't the president of our country.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Feb 17 2017 : 05:16:16 AM
Beautiful sunny morning here and I am getting ready to go to town to run errands and buy groceries. We picked up a large black trash bag full yesterday on the road. Felt like we were taking our lives in our hands the way some of the drivers zoomed by. It's a windy country road, but people still seem to think they have to drive 60 miles an hour. Everyday I expect to see someone wrapped around a tree. Marie, hope you are feeling better soon. Hope everyone has a lovely day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2017 : 3:30:41 PM
Good evening everyone,
Yesterday was a very lovely day. The sun was bright and the sky a brilliant blue. I went for a snowshoe in the woods and took some pictures. I was surprised at how out of shape I am. The snow was heavy. All of the snow that had fallen as light fluff compacted and wet right up with the heat of the sun. I should have made a big snow sculpture the snow was so ripe. Oh, well maybe next time.
Today the clouds moved through swiftly and out again. As the sun was going down the clouds were low and dark.
On the first Saturday of May we have Green up Day. Everyone goes out and picks up the trash from the side of the roads. The bags are dropped off at the transfer stations without cost to the picker uppers. Usually all of the snow is gone by then.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 06:32:13 AM
Monday -- wonderful Monday when I get to be at home. Not much solitude on tap for today, however. The clock repairman is coming to take a look at Grandfather and Nick the piano tuner will be here before lunchtime. I have already done the floors and have laundry in. It is a gorgeous day again and I have every window with a screen in it OPEN!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 07:20:19 AM
We had a beautiful weekend and it is a nice morning. Got my workout done and will be going to knitting this afternoon. We meet at the library and on the last Monday of the month we meet downtown at the tea shoppe and enjoy afternoon tea while we knit. I've always wanted to try snowshoeing. It is so hilly here though that I'd probably last about five minutes. Hope everyone has a great day,
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 09:03:00 AM
I am feeling almost normal again. I have to go to work tomorrow so I had better be ready. Lowell is selling his E-150 van to a junk dealer for $3200. He can't believe they will give him that much money for it. He keeps telling them about every little thing wrong with it. Now he is worried that the company is criminal. Such anxiety! Lowell is going through a box of junk he brought in from the van making comments about every piece of trash he takes out of it. It's a running commentary. Pens, pencils, old insurance cards, chip bags . . . It's and archeological dig. I'd just take the money and not even say "thank you" but that's just me. Because today is rainy, I will stay indoors and do housework.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2017 : 5:26:48 PM
Good evening everyone,
The sun came out in the afternoon. I let the fire in the woodstove go out. I like it when the sun comes around the mud room and warms the house. We have a lot of big windows on that side. I opened a couple of windows yesterday but closed the doors to those rooms. Not warm enough here yet to air the whole house and not regret the heat loss.
Tonight was the winter concert at the elementary school. Ds G participated. DsR did not. He only likes to do activities he knows he will be good at. He does not like to do group activities. DsG sang and played the drums with his class. The drums are tires that are wrapped in saran wrap. It makes a deep sound and is affordable for the school. The children wore white cotton gloves and they had black lights to light them up. The children were so excited to be in the show with the white showing up and the rest being black.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2017 : 06:37:52 AM
Well my nice Monday at home was very productive. The piano is all tuned up and pretty again. The clock doctor had to take Grandfather's guts out and take them with him. We will probably end up just getting new works put in, because I think the repairs would run more than a new clock brain.
It was another gorgeous sunny day, so I had some windows open and I heard some dogs kicking up a huge ruckus. I thought at first it was the two labs down the hill getting into some deer or something, but then I could tell it was more than just the two of them. I got up and looked out the window and saw that a fox hunt was underway and the pack of hounds was racing through my backyard on its way up the hill. I looked up at the tree line and could see the riders and horses silhouetted against the sky. It was all rather surreal, but very exciting! They had a lovely day for a hunt -- if you're not a fox.
Every day I am thankful for whatever series of events brought me here -- I am so happy to live in a place where I can take my morning walk and see a young Amish farmer driving a huge rattling empty wagon through town behind a pair of Percherons, stop for coffee and sit for a bit with friends, cross the street to the local bank and make my deposit and be greeted by name. I feel so blessed.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2017 : 6:34:17 PM
Hello gals, just checking in. Been sick and still looking for a job and going thru old mary janes farm mags. They are just so comforting to me. Weather here is warm, warm, warm. Still going thru getting rid of stuff so I can eventually downsize. Good to meet you Dena! Hugs to all?Janiee Farmgirl 390
True Blue Farmgirl
181 Posts

181 Posts |
Posted - Feb 21 2017 : 7:04:52 PM
Thanks Janiee; hope you feel better soon; enjoying old MJF Mags is a great way to spend time healing!
Marilyn, glad your Monday was so productive! I couldn't agree more; i love where i live - so thankful for the chance to see all the beautiful farms so close to our home. Buggies go by our house daily - such a window back in time to when we all traveled in a very different way. Great for a homeschool family that loves history!
Good evening, ladies.
Dena Farmgirl 5620 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2017 : 08:12:31 AM
Dena -- It just helps remind me to slow down a little bit. I love it. This afternoon I need to do some shopping, and part of it will involve a trip to the Amish dry goods store -- I just love that place! They have everything under the sun!!! It's out in the country -- toward the farms -- and I would never have seen it except on the way to the Amish metal fabricators that are out that way. They have fabric already cut and folded to sell in dress lengths, straw hats, craft supplies, toys -- downstairs is the kitchen area -- huge stainless steel bowls, canning jars, pots, pans -- don't get me started on the garden area!!! I am already excited about going out there. I always find things I didn't know I even NEEDED! I need to pick up some cloth diapers for dust cloths today, and hopefully some burlap for the new head that our scarecrow needs. They have lots of handmade stuff, as well -- those hand towels that you hang in the kitchen, tablecloths, pillows, quilts. I am getting myself stoked!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
174 Posts
Christine Marie
174 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2017 : 10:13:36 AM
Marilyn...that place sounds divine! I don't know how far where you're going is from Lancaster, but my husband and I LOVE it there. I wish I didn't just have to visit and could move there! So peaceful.
Sister #7295 |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2017 : 12:13:35 PM
We get up to Lancaster from time to time -- that's the next county from us. We have some friends up that way -- went to their December First Friday and the galleries were delightful! A little more often, I get up to Intercourse, which is in Lancaster County. Lots of great quilt shops and fun stuff to see -- great farmer's markets in season.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
174 Posts
Christine Marie
174 Posts |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2017 : 5:14:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
The couple of feet of snow that we had on the ground has melted and compacted down to about 6 inches. Today the high on the yard thermometer read 66 F. Pretty warm for here and now. I planted some onions earlier in the week because the weather guru on the radio said now is the time to do it. Today I planted leeks in little pots as well. Last year I planted my seeds in a flat and as soon as I took the cover off the cat decided it made a grand litter box so I lost all of those plants. This year I am using three inch pots.
I have such mixed feelings about fox hunting. I understand it is great sport but the fox......... Even with the fields that remain around here it would be a brutal ride to try to keep up with the dogs. The only book I have read about a fox hunt was written by Rita Mae Brown and I do not remember the name of it.
Just up north of us are communities of Mennonites. They are only a little like the Amish. They do bring up peaches from Pennsylvania in the fall. Maybe I could figure out how to make a trip during peach season. Ate they at all reasonably priced near any of you? Canning or freezing up some in the fall would bring back memories of my childhood when my mother and grandmother used to freeze them for birthdays and special occasions.
Welcome Christine, I hope you stick around.
Marilyn could you send me the link to the sock battle. A man in my Tai Chi class' wife is an avid knitter and I would like to send it to her to see if she has an interest in competing. It must start soon if not already.
Glad you are feeling better Janiee, stick around some.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2017 : 6:08:51 PM
It was warm here today--I think it got to about 80 degrees. Way too warm for this time of year. I've heard it's like this all over the country. We've only had one snow so far this winter and it wasn't very much. I've thought about planting some peas but i know it will get cold again and they would probably die. There are some Amish that I know of in eastern and southern Illinois, but none around here. There is a Mennonite church in some nearby county but I don't know exactly where it is. I know of a couple of furniture stores around here that sell Amish goods, but I think they get them from the ones in the eastern part of the state.When I was a kid there was a neighbor who had an Amish buggy and sometimes he would take it for a spin---couldn't do that now, there's too much traffic on the lane where I grew up. I have been sick since December, first I had a cold, which turned into bronchitis, and now my asthma is terrible. I went to Urgent Care today and found out the inhaler I have been using is expired. No wonder it didn't seem to be helping. I got a new inhaler, some cough syrup and two medications at the pharmacy---it is expensive to stay alive in this country, is all I can say. I have insurance and I still had to ask my mom for money to pay for the prescriptions. Don't know if I will be able to work tomorrow or not--depends on how bad my cough is. Last night it sounded like I was barking. I have some little pots of chamomile and thyme started in my kitchen. Haven't gotten around to starting my seeds yet as I have felt so awful. I bought some curcumin capsules, as they are supposed to have anti-inflammatory a nd anti-depressant qualities. My joints don't seem to hurt as much since I started taking them, but can't tell yet if they are helping with my depression. I feel so lousy from coughing for the past two months that I'm probably not a good judge right now of if they are helping. My friend at the UM Village where my parents live may not be able to keep her dog since he keeps getting loose. She can't afford to put up the type of fence they require (wrought iron, decorative, etc.) They are worried the dog (he weighs about 50 pounds) might jump on someone and knock them over when he gets loose. I bought a harness for him (a special mesh harness that fits very snugly) and he managed to slip out of it. I know it was tight enough cause I put it on him. Jaxon has one and he's never been able to get out of it. The dog is about 13 years old and I told her that I would take him if she can't keep him. He wouldn't be able to get out of my backyard--the fence is five and ahalf feet (with chain link wires sticking up at the top) and reinforced with concrete. She said she would continue to pay for his care since he needs a special (expensive) diet. I know Jaxon would like the company, and I could still take "Bob" to visit her. We'll see how that goes. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Feb 23 2017 : 08:48:50 AM
Holly -- Sorry, but the lady who was running Sock Sniper gave it up after last year. I am sure it was a LOT of work keeping everything organized.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |