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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 13 2016 :  6:05:15 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am glad that people posted. It gets lonely when I check the board and I am the last one who posted. Not trying to sling guilt just saying I miss you when you are busy or overwhelmed.

I hope Cindy that your life finds an equilibrium soon. One day at a time and the worries pass eventually that is what gets me through the tumultuous times.

I joined VPIRG tonight. A nice young woman came and chatted me up about the environment and carbon gas emissions. VPirg is Vermont Public Interest Research group.

I think baseball season is over for the littles now. Neither of them have any innate talent for the game but they had a good time. The coaches were very patient and good teachers.

A story from a neighbor that she posted on her Facebook page. She looked down at her blouse and noticed a white blob. Thinking it was a piece of the feta cheese she had had earlier she popped it into her mouth..........only to taste he deodorant.

Marie have a good time in summer school. Our school gets out on Wednesday.

Jan has your dh found activities to occupy him? I can not remember his name. Sounds like you have boredom at bay.
Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 14 2016 :  04:06:10 AM  Show Profile
Our friend our friend Ginny whose daughter died at the beginning of the year and father died one month later husband announced he has bladder cancer. He hid it from her thinking she would have less stress. He is having surgery today.

Send her strength and compassion through the Universe.

Hugs to all,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2016 :  05:20:41 AM  Show Profile
Prayers are going out to Ginny. She has been such a strong person going through all that she had to endure so far.
About 2 this morning, woke up to a helicopter hovering over our rv park, then 3 sheriff cars came in with their lights on. They were in here for quite some time, but did not see anything. We are next to a super Walmart with a liquor store, so I think maybe they may have gotten robbed again. There is a gate from there to here so they could have ran into the campground here. I looked online and could not find anything about it yet. I am always afraid of a mad person running from the police with a gun. I do not want to see gunfire being exchanged.
Cindy, I hope you get your boss fired and out of there so things may work out a lot better for everyone. There is definitely something wrong if two of your friends have quit. Wishing you the best and hopefully your job back soon.
Holly, dh name is Bob. He has been keeping busy with lawn care and helping me with the gardening. We have a double lot here, so have a big lawn that we take care of ourselves. I do not like long grass, so we mow usually twice a week. A few months ago I planted seeds from lemons, oranges and pears and they are growing quite well, so we have been planting them into the ground. I have one lemon tree almost 3 feet high already. I am not sure if the pear trees will make it in the heat, I thin, they may need some frost to survive. I know apples do not grow here. It seems weird, strawberry season here is in March, blueberries in May.
Marie, Best of luck to you and your new classroom duties. How long does summer school last?
Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 14 2016 :  06:37:14 AM  Show Profile
Marie's got her job! Jan has a wonderful flower garden! Holly has found a way to make a difference! Seems to me that our group has enough positive energy going to help Cindy over this hump. It sure sounds like there's been some shady dealing going on there.

I had the BEST day off at home yesterday. It was cool and less humid, so I opened up all the doors and windows and let the breeze blow through all day. I got the laundry all done and the ironing, as well as quite a bit of progress on a sock I am knitting. Sometimes I think I am ready to be home all the time.

We took some friends out with us on the boat on Sunday. It was very windy, and Dude told them ahead of time that it would probably be pretty rough, but they still wanted to go. They are in their 80s, but are both very active and always seem to be up for anything. Well, there were whitecaps just outside the marina on the river, so we knew it was going to be bumpy, but OH MY GOODNESS! We bounced and bumped and got sprayed and splashed and were all thoroughly soaked before long. It was very warm out, so the water felt good. Every now and then we would have to slow down just to take a breather and before long we were all standing up, because it's so much easier to take the bumps that way.

We cruised down the NorthEast River and around Turkey Point into the Elk River; then up into the Chesapeake-Delaware Canal and into Chesapeake City. We got a spot on the city dock (No wonder, since there were not that many boaters out!) and had a nice lunch at a waterfront restaurant. We took a little walk around town after lunch, then headed back to the boat. By this time, the wind had actually picked up a bit, so we knew we were really in for it on the way home. It was still beautiful and sunny out. We idled along in the canal, where we were sort of protected, and I even laid down and took a little nap in the sunshine. When we got into the Elk, things began to pick up and Dude was motoring pretty good to see if we could make some time. Let me tell you -- when we got to Turkey Point, all golly Moses let loose! There are 3 rivers that come together there to form the head of the Chesapeake Bay -- the Elk, the NorthEast and the Susquehanna -- and the water can get really confused and swirly off the point. On Sunday, with all that wind blowing, we had 3 and 4-foot swells coming at us from across the Bay, and it was Mr. Toad's Wild Ride for a while. Dude was cranking that wheel around to head into the really big waves and then riding flat out to get out of them -- I was so impressed with the way he handled that boat. Our guests were laughing and enjoying the waves, but we were all quite happy when the water calmed a little as we got further up the river and away from the point. Whew!

Later on Sunday evening, as Dude and I were enjoying a glass of wine on the porch, he said "I have to tell you that's the WORST I have ever encountered on that river." I was glad he hadn't told me that while we were still out there. Our good boat handled the big waves well, though, so we were all okay. We won't be going out in that kind of sustained wind again, though.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 14 2016 :  11:57:04 AM  Show Profile
The phone has been very quiet today, so I have taken the opportunity to tie up loose ends on a bunch of oddball files. It feels so good to have them cleaned up! Usually, they are strange little "handshake" kind of things that His Dudeness does -- like the vehicles that came from Brother's estate and had to be disposed of -- or a friend wants to buy a car through us and pay cash, so they go to the auction...all those silly little deals that have some oddball characteristic that means they don't just go through the system in the normal way.

I HATE THEM! ha ha ha ha

His Dudeness is, first and foremost, a businessman -- which means that he is a big-picture guy and always knows what he's doing and what the ups and downs are. I, on the other hand, am a bookkeeper who just wants to plug the appropriate information into the appropriate slot to make everything nice and tidy. Therein sometimes lies a little conflict!!! I am finding that these accounting classes that I am taking are a real help. When I have some weird thing I am trying to work through in my head -- which account to debit, which account to credit, how is this going to affect the balance sheet, etc.....usually the answer comes to me after I step into a nice warm shower in the morning and am not even thinking about the problem. Sadly, the answer is generally quite simple and I wonder why on earth I spent so much time and mental energy trying to make it more difficult. I guess I am just wired that way.

We have company coming for dinner tomorrow evening, so I ran to the store earlier and did my shopping. As is the case with all of our meals these days, we will have a big salad from the garden. We are eating like rabbits, just to keep up! I think I may try sauteeing some of the kale, though. It is a variety called Russian Red and is not the thick curly-edged kale I have grown before and bought in the store. The leaves are flat and have many lobes -- almost a lacy look to them. The stems are kind of pink (must be why it is Russian Red). I have been throwing a few leaves in with our salads and they don't seem at all bitter, as the regular kale can be. Dude will grill tenderloins and zucchini spears and I will be baking a cherry pie for dessert. I am hungry just thinking about that pie. Tonight is grilled salmon. Boy, do we eat well around here.

My work seems to be caught up, but we have to wait for a customer tonight, so I may get some knitting in. Happy Tuesday to you all, my friends.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2016 :  2:22:44 PM  Show Profile
Summer school lasts until July 28. I have two weeks of no obligations before the Reading Corps training starts.

We have a tornado warning right now. The severe weather will come through here between 6 and 8. I will be at knitting tonight and hope someone can give me a ride. It is an easy bus ride on one bus for 15 minutes. The worst part is the waiting. Luckily, there is a good shelter at the other end. Not so good at the beginning. Guess I wear my rain coat tonight.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2016 :  6:41:01 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A very lovely day here in the Greens. Temperatures in the low seventies F with a light breeze. DsC and I worked in the garden some. Tomorrow is the last day of school for dsR and dsG. DsR is so happy he made it through the whole year. Tomorrow they do a step up to the next grade so dsR will go to third grade and dsG will go to fifth grade.

We are still reeling here from the shooting in Orlando.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2016 :  06:36:29 AM  Show Profile
Holly -- Congratulations to your littles! I often think how lucky they are to have found you (or you to have found them!). I cannot even process the horrors anymore -- I just can't do it. Sometimes I think "Oh, this must be what it has been like for people in other countries for so long -- never feeling really really safe." My daughter is an empath and these events always send her reeling.

Dude is on a clean-out tear these days. After Brother passed and he saw the mountains of junk left behind, he has vowed that we WON'T be leaving a mess like that for our kids. This morning he is cleaning out the garage. There is stuff out there from when his dad had the shop. So far this morning, he has brought me a window decal for the Indy 500 from the old open-wheel, open-cockpit days, (he knows I love the Indy 500), a letter from the principal at the junior high telling his parents that he was selected for the Junior Honor Society in 8th grade (1957), a rubber stamp that says "Bull****", and the hospital bill showing "Paid in Full" from 1943 when he was born. Heaven knows what other treasures he will find out there!

Last evening, we were sitting on the deck having a glass of something delightful while grilling some bacon-wrapped scallops for our "befores." The sun was pretty low already and slanting through the trees with that gorgeous pinky-golden glow. I looked over to the trail that leads to the springs and saw a yearling fawn standing just at the edge of our woods. She didn't seem to know which way to go. There was a mower up in the hay field at the top of the hill, and I guess when she came to cut through our place to miss that noise, she spotted us sitting there. She stood quite still with the sun lighting up the veins in her ears -- it was beautiful! We spoke to her quietly and she wiggled her nose a little. I told her we were having some venison steaks for dinner if she wanted to join us (we were actually having salmon). She stood and observed us for a while and we enjoyed watching her. At one point, Dude got up to adjust the scallops on the grill, and she still stood there watching. Finally she turned around and wandered back up the trail toward the springs. It made for a beautiful evening.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2016 :  06:36:49 AM  Show Profile
Marie, I hope you did not have too much bad weather. Hopefully no tornado was seen. What are you knitting?
Marilyn, Glad you made it off the boat in one piece. I would have a hard time going back on a boat if I was stuck on it in high winds like that. Very scary, indeed!!!
Holly, That was an awful thing in Orlando. We are only 40 miles from there and the news is nothing but the tragedy. I do hope that is not he start of more to come. Now last night there was a 2 year old boy who got snatched up by an alligator in Disney. They looked for him all night but have not fond him yet. I really feel for the parents.
Today it is already 83 degrees with the dew point at 75, which is really high. Very hot and humid, but the air is still much lighter than in Michigan.
Here is a picture of one of my Hibiscus plants. The flowers get so big, but they only last for one day, but they are full of blooms and usually bloom all summer long.
This is my son and grandson with me in 39648283" border="0">

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jun 15 2016 :  06:39:38 AM  Show Profile
The one picture did not show. Will try again.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 15 2016 :  08:07:53 AM  Show Profile
Jan -- It is so much fun to see actual pictures of our Over 50 Farmgirl Sisters!!! Makes it nice to have a face to go with the name.

We will be out on the boat again this weekend, I imagine. We are going to try to go out Saturday and run down to Fairleigh Creek and spend the night at Great Oaks, then take our time and come back up on Sunday afternoon. We did that a couple of years ago and it made for a nice relaxing weekend.

That is just awful about the little boy and the alligator!!!! I can't even imagine the horror that those parents are experiencing. I hope that they find the little guy and he has just gotten lost.

I finished my lesson (number 9 of 12) in my accounting class, so I am good for the day. Almost time to head to Rotary and then I am going home early because we have company coming for dinner. That was the deal I made with the Dude -- we can have weeknight dinner guests if I get to leave early to prepare. In the wintertime, I can set the table in the morning and throw something in the crockpot -- then dinner is practically ready when we get home. Summer meals are different -- we eat outside generally, and there is so much prep with fresh salads and grilling things. I am going to go home and bake a cherry pie, as well.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

77 Posts

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Posted - Jun 15 2016 :  08:53:05 AM  Show Profile
Wow, so much to catch up on! Please accept my congratulations, encouragements, and pats on backs, as needed.

We went away for a week, to our retirement home. Did some painting, mowing, and LOTS of visiting. We really, really, really to move down there!

It's raining here now. Torrential rain.

Can't work beyond the little bit of paperwork I did this morning, so will do some sewing... or reading... or napping...


My life on the ranch ...

Edited by - bramblerose on Jun 15 2016 08:55:06 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 15 2016 :  5:59:41 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Ann I am so glad to hear you are having rain. As depressing as it is after a day of it I hope it lasts long enough to put out the fires and fill your watering holes.
I despise paperwork and bargain with my self to get it done. I think of you each time I read Marilyn's byline. I hope your siblings are not harassing you about the will anymore.
The grandbabies are well?

How lucky for you to see the fawn. I would guess that its mother had left it sleeping in the meadow while she went to browse and the hay mower disturbed it. I did that once to a fawn. I am glad the fawn left the meadow to be safe. My mouth waters when I think of the meals you and the Dude prepare.

Nice looking offspring, Jan. Are they on the coast? I think of Texas as dry not having many lakes but I guess they must have some. I hope your son and grand keep in touch now.
I wonder what it would be like moving from the cold climate to the warm one as you did and being able to grow the pretty flowers that only grow inside up here. I am a little jealous but not enough to make plans to move south. hahaha

We have some pig suet on the porch in a feeder. We have a downy woodpecker come with her offspring. She pecks at the suet and feeds her baby. The baby is as big as she is. It looks bigger because the feathers are more fluffy on the juvenile. It is fun to watch.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

77 Posts

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Posted - Jun 15 2016 :  6:06:37 PM  Show Profile
And now we have flooding.

Highways are closed/washed out. Bridges out. Heavy snow at higher elevations.

All the grands are good. Saw four of them last week, and so I got plenty of snuggles and kisses.


My life on the ranch ...

Edited by - bramblerose on Jun 15 2016 6:07:59 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2016 :  8:18:22 PM  Show Profile
The tornados were southwest of us. I was out in some rain but it wasn't too bad. I brought a crochet project to the knitting club which I am sending to the June birthday girl in the Birthday Club.'

It was extremely easy to make. I used some crochet cotton from my grandmother's stash.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jun 15 2016 8:19:47 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jun 16 2016 :  02:12:35 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn--fawns are so cute. I saw two little ones today. I had seen an adult deer with a broken leg (probably got hit by a car) this morning at the retirement community where my parents live. I drove to the local wildlife center, and I finally located a couple people who were in the rehab room and there were two little fawns in there. I told them about the deer I'd seen but they said the adult deer "freak out" when you try to catch/help them and end up hurting themselves even worse. So I drove to on one of the township municipal offices and told someone and she said she would contact animal control. I don't know if they will find the injured one. It could barely walk. I had to walk around the wildlife center for about five minutes before I located anyone. There were cages inside, including one with a pileated woodpecker, and I saw eagles, coyotes, and hawks in the outdoor cages. I would like to volunteer there but know it would be impossible for me to get there in the winter as it is in the boonies and they don't clear the roads when it snows. Actually, anytime we have a bad windstorm, it's hard to get there because of trees and branches all over the roads. And when it floods you have to use an alternate route---it's a really nice wildlife center, just out in the middle of nowhere. which is really best for the animals they take in.
Marie--I am glad you didn't get any tornadoes where you are. It is very hot and dry here.
Ann--when it rains, it pours....sounds like B.C. is suffering from the effects of climate change.
Jan--it does seem like Orlando is getting its share of tragedy. I saw a facebook post where someone wondered if "God was angry" with Orlando--I felt like telling this person that what has happened there has nothing to do with God, but everything to do with...the opposite of God.
Holly--it is hot here. I wish I was in New England. Extremely hot weather wipes me out. I can deal with the cold (as long as it's not too windy). Brrrr.
My parents sold their house today. They got a little more than expected cause the people who bought it didn't close the deal on time and had to pay $50.00 a day to live there each day beyond the closing date. They were allowed to move in early cause someone had bought their old house and they had no where to stay...except a motel, which would have been very expensive. The wife is very pregnant and they have three other girls. My mom couldn't find the papers on the last time the septic system was cleaned but I know it's been a long time. The real estate agent knows the man who cleaned the system so he will contact him to get the records. I hope it doesn't become an issue....we never had any problems with it but I know it's OLD. If the people living there now abuse the system it could lead to problems....which they would argue were the result of its being old and not properly maintained....which isn't true, but they would argue that cause repairs can be expensive. And I know little kids often flush things which aren't supposed to be flushed (not that we did when we were kids--we knew better). we also learned quickly to conserve water cause we had a well for many years. We also learned early the proper way to pick up garter snakes and crawdads---dang, we were country! The thing we never seemed to learn was how to avoid poison ivy.
I see my lawyer this morning. I no longer have my old job and no guarantee that they can place me in a new one. My old job was the one I was best suited for--it was low stress and I NEED a low stress job. That is a non-negotiable. I am still very stressed out and my mind is reeling from what my boss did. She blatantly and maliciously violated corporate policy as well as the ADA. I think I'm going to stop mentioning much about this case as it could get sticky. I had hoped it would never come to this. I prayed that it wouldn't come to this. But as I mentioned earlier, there are some people in this world who do the opposite of what God wants....and my boss is one of them. And I really do pray for her, cause her soul is in deep doggy doo. And souls are something I take very seriously. And so does God.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 16 2016 :  04:11:06 AM  Show Profile
Good morning,

There is a letter on line from a mother of a little girl who died in Sandy Hook. She said, do not pay attention to the people who tell you God was angry and sent the man to punish you. Remember there is a lot of love out there hang onto that.

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 16 2016 :  06:09:22 AM  Show Profile
Sometimes I have to take a break from what passes for news coverage, and right now I am doing that. The ugly sometimes feels so overwhelming, and I can't fix it all, so I just try to concentrate on my little corner of the world. Still reeling over the family that lost their little one to the alligator -- I just can't imagine how that mother will ever sleep again.

Ann -- You just have altogether too much weather up there! I guess that's why cowboys are so tough, eh?

Glad that Marie dodged the tornadoes -- I like the bookmark. Crocheting is very relaxing.

We had some friends over last night and had a very nice time. I ate and drank too much, so today I am taking it a little easier. I told Dude this morning that today would be a "no alcohol day" for me. The couple that was over last night spent last winter on their sailboat, cruising down the Intercoastal Waterway. It was a trip they had wanted to take for years, but finally just took the leap. They told lots of stories last night -- it would NOT be the trip for me! ha ha They don't intend to do it again, either, but had a good time.

We are having rain today (actually forecast for the next couple of days), so the sky is grey. After I got to work, I realized that I had put on a grey T-shirt, too. The weather really does affect my moods. I checked the radar and figured I could get my walk in between a couple of big rain bands, so I got a nice walk and picked up my coffee. Had the trusty umbrella along, just in case.

Some days I wish we could all meet somewhere and sit together and really REALLY talk. There is always so much more to say than we have time to type.

Love to you all.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 16 2016 :  06:14:00 AM  Show Profile
It is so hot and humid here. We need rain, but getting it north and south of us. It completely misses us. It is supposed to rain hard Saturday, then drier air in on the way. That will feel good. We are going to freeze when we go to Michigan and it is only in the 60s there. Our lows have been in the high 70s. I am not complaining though, I can handle the heat, not the cold. Using the ac a lot more, but that is okay.
Cindy, I hope you can find another job with a greater boss. They are out there somewhere. Sending you a big hug and some good luck. You need it.
I gotta go, trying to get the lawn mower fixed, don't know what is wrong with it.
Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 16 2016 :  09:13:32 AM  Show Profile
Just got done fixing the lawn mower. I am soaked in sweat. We have a battery operated mower and it quit on Bob last week. Thought it was the battery, so I ordered another one. It came in yesterday, so we charged it up overnight, but the mower would not work this morning. Bob is not handy, s he gave up. I went out there and took the cover off, and sure enough, there was a broken wire. Took awhile, but got it back together and it works like a charm. I did not want to have to buy another one at $400.00. The batter alone was $149.00. Now we do have 2 batteries, so no excuse to have long grass anymore!!! HA HA HA!!!! I have never been afraid to dig into a project and get er done!!!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 16 2016 :  09:43:32 AM  Show Profile
Jan -- A true "farmgirl" response to the problem at hand!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 17 2016 :  08:01:00 AM  Show Profile
Well, we got the lawn all mowed, and the mower held up, so I will say that it is now mended. Another hot and humid day here today. It is supposed to rain and turn less humid out by Monday and Tuesday. That will be a nice reprieve from all this heat. When I got up, all the windows in the trailer were steamed up from having the air on all night. Before we know it, it will be autumn again. Time just fries right on by.
Hope you are all enjoying the start of your weekend. Hope you are all having nice weather. Back in Michigan, this would be the official weekend for planting without the danger of frost.
Have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 17 2016 :  08:17:22 AM  Show Profile
Oh my goodness! I can't imagine waiting this long to plant my garden. Pretty amazing when you think of how different our gardens all are!

We have been eating from the salad garden for a while now -- hard to keep up with it all. I may have to saute another batch of kale soon. What I call the squash garden -- the big side with everything but the lettuces in it -- is coming along nicely, as well. The pumpkin plants are ginormous and should be blossoming soon. Then we'll see if they survive. Last year, after they blossomed, all the leaves turned a dusty grey and they never set fruit. My neighbor's pumpkins did the same thing. The cantaloupes, cukes, yellow squash, zucchini, acorns and spaghetti squash are all thriving as well. The green beans have been chewed up pretty badly, so not sure how they will do. The Swiss chard is ready and I should be starting to use some of that. I don't even want to look at the tomatoes -- I fear we will have another bumper year for them -- and the peppers. We have some nice cabbages over there, too. Why on earth would two people need such a great big garden if I don't intend to can anything?????

Dude's daughter was in yesterday. She is the very very "green" one who recycles everything and can't stand to see the earth hurt. We got to talking about recycled fibers and she mentioned that she uses cloth menstrual pads at home (not while she's traveling), so we went online and were looking at patterns to knit and crochet them, as well. There's a whole group of folks who make the pads and send them to India, etc., so that girls will have them and be able to go to school during their periods. In so many parts of the world, girls are forced to forego school attendance for a week every month, because they don't have sanitary products -- can you even imagine? So I downloaded a pattern and may have to start crocheting some pads out of my leftover cotton yarn. Just what I need - another project, I know -- but girls have it bad enough in some of the developing countries without having to leave school for a week every month. We were reading about a man in Thailand??? who saw what his wife was going through every month and decided that he needed to invent a machine that would allow her and the other women in his life to manufacture their own pads. He experimented with lots of cast-off and recycled fibers -- went around with a bag of goat's blood around his neck, dripping into his prototype pads, to see which fibers worked best. Eventually, he developed a machine that works and is easy to build and use and utilizes fibers (I think they are plant-based) that are readily available.

Odd topic for the Over 50s, I know, but it just struck a chord with me for some reason.

I just finished lesson 10 of 12 in my accounting class this morning. So much fun -- I am anxious to take the next session!

We will be boating this weekend, of course. Tomorrow, the Alaska kids want to see how their German Shepherd does on the boat, so that will be interesting. They take this dog all over with them -- hunting, fishing, hiking -- and she does fine. They crate her and she flies back and forth from Alaska to Philly with them, as well. I expect she will do fine on the boat as long as she can see that they are there. Then Sunday we may stay out longer -- Father's Day and all.

Does anyone have big Father's Day plans?

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 17 2016 :  5:26:38 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We have no Father's Day plans. C's father receives a live plant from her via the florist near him and mine is dead.

I used a menstrual pad today to pad a wound, does that count? I know what you mean about women around the world not having supplies. It is curious to me that all those countries are older than ours and women still do not have adequate information. C's niece is in Ghana for 6 weeks this summer teaching women to read cervical cancer exams, She developed a prototype to teach medical people how to detect cervical cancer. Medical people in this context has a wide range of expertise.

Can you post the website to get the pad directions? I think there are crochet circles around here that would be interested in producing them. Maybe not as interesting as t he dozens of pairs of mittens they create each year but maybe more needed.

Congrats on fixing the lawnmower. A feeling of satisfaction surely.

A lovely day here inThe Greens. The children went to the pond to swim. I think it is still too cold but they had a good time.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Jun 18 2016 :  4:43:52 PM  Show Profile
Jan, its great to see a photo of you! It looks like the Florida is certainly agreeing with you!

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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