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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 01 2016 :  3:54:29 PM  Show Profile
I spent most of the day at the Minnesota Zoo with the 2nd graders. I am tired, my feet hurt and my back is sore. I am so ready to sit and play Dungeons and Dragons tonight. We let the kids play in this cool park inside the zoo for about 20 minutes before we left so they were rather quiet on the way home. I got so many good pictures. I will sleep well tonight.

This is the fountain in the central plaza.

The prairie dogs are so cute.

I love these warthogs.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jun 01 2016 3:58:29 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 01 2016 :  6:11:53 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I stop and move turtles across the road. Even snapping turtles.

Today was the pick of the week as far as weather. Temperatures were in the low seventies and the sun was shining.

Glad there was a little humor in the solemn occasion of putting the ashes on your baby's grave. hugs to you.

The growing season is still on Marie, try again.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 03 2016 :  05:43:15 AM  Show Profile
It's a sloppy warm rainy morning here. The garden is loving it, but I wonder why I bothered to dry my hair.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2016 :  11:49:12 AM  Show Profile
Maybe I am feeling a little peevish, but why oh why do we still see "plus size" as a category of clothing? Would "minus size" be just as insulting to people who wear a smaller size than a whatever-constitutes-plus-size? I am 5'2" tall and have a very large bust. So, even though the rest of me is not actually very big, I have to shop carefully for my tops, just so that I can be comfortable and not look squeezed into my blouses. Gapping button plackets are a constant headache. I have found that I can buy tops in "plus size" shops online, and they look nice and fit comfortably, but why do they have to say "plus size" like there's something out of the ordinary and odd with being a certain circumference around the chest, or waist, or hips -- or the HEAD, for that matter! I can understand if you are taller than average you need your pants to be longer, and if you are shorter than average, you need your pants to be shorter -- duh. But when most of the women in America are actually a size 14 or so -- I'm not sure what the statistic is this week -- it just doesn't make sense to me to call that "plus size."

How about just here's the number of this size and be done with it? If you are a clothing company and you don't carry a full range of sizes, just let us know that you have only size 0 through 12. No problem. If you have only 14 through 22 -- let us know that, as well. No big deal and no judgement attached -- just let us know what sizes you offer. We know what size we need. We are us!

And on a side note -- if you offer only sizes 14 and up -- please have the clothes modeled by ladies in that size range. It doesn't do me any good to shop for a size 38G brassiere or 14 blouse and see it modeled in your catalog by a person who is more of a 34B and a size 8. I need to see how the style looks on someone nearer to my size.

There's my rant for the day, I guess. Just sometimes seems awfully silly to refer to "plus" as a size.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 03 2016 :  2:11:44 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn--I agree. I've never liked the concept of "sizes" anyway. If I buy something online, which I rarely do, I want to know the measurements of the clothes, not some number that designates a supposed size. One designer's "8" may be another designer's "12". tell me how many inches across the top is when you lay it flat and measure across the bust. Then I can compare it to something I'm currently wearing and I'll know if it's gonna fit.
Marie--it looks like you're having perfect weather right now.It is hot here, then clouds up, then pours, then the sun comes back out hotter than before.If one doesn't like Midwest weather, wait twenty minutes and it will change. I have not been to the zoo in years. My favorite is the lorikeet cage, when you walk in the birds land on your shoulders, arms, head, etc, waiting for food. The first time it happened to me, I instantly felt like I'd been "lifted" from the ground. I love parrots and lorikeets are so colorful. Messy, but colorful.
Holly--I considered moving the turtle across the road but I know someone who did that at a wildlife refuge and they were charged and fined. Besides, it was a little used private road and cars go slow on it. I've moved turtles before, one time I had to backtrack to get to the turtle and cars were going sixty miles per hour was too late. that really bothered me. I also had this horrible co-worker who once spotted a snapper crossing the road, and she stopped and put it in the trunk of her car. And made turtle soup. But I didn't find out till much later so I couldn't prove she's done it. Snappers are an endangered species. I also saw a great blue heron fly right in front of my car and land in the water. In the picture of the lock and dam, there are white pelicans near the dam, but you can't really see them in the picture. Too far away.
I feel bummed but don't know why.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 03 2016 :  6:13:05 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I do not like the way they number clothing either. I find it very discriminatory. Are 0 people flat? I have written one company and told them the pictures were not true depictions of their product. I received a thankyou for your interest letter in return.

I woke at 6 this morning and walking up our road were four male wild turkeys. They are about knee height. Crossing the road near them were two of our guineas. The turkeys turned and chased them. The guineas enjoyed the game of tag it seemed.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 05 2016 :  5:12:37 PM  Show Profile
Where to begin? Dad was very agitated and upset on Friday evening when I called mom. I could hear him in the background. She was wondering what she should do. I called the main desk and asked if the head nurse could check on them, but it was suppertime and the nurse was handing out meals to the assisted living residents. The lady at the desk said that the nurse would just tell her to call 911 so the desk lady did and I hurried out there. By the time I got there, the ambulance was leaving and dad was fine. I talked to one of the firemen paramedics and he said dad was very confused (my mom as well) but that he didn't see any reason to take dad to the ER. He said this is frequently the case with Alzheimer's patients. They can get extremely upset and angry and then calm down just like that. I wondered if he was having a bad reaction to the medicine but by then the dr. had left his office. I called the exchange and a dr. who was filling in for dad's dr. told mom to "just stop the medication." This dr. has never met dad before. And dad's regular dr. specifically told us to NOT just stop the medication, as that can make the person worse. So he is till taking the medication and the weekend has been uneventful. I will call his dr. tomorrow and fill him in on details and express my concerns.
I went out there this afternoon and a visitor stopped by. It was the retired priest who is one of their neighbors. He had heard about the ambulance being there and was checking to see if dad was OK. He said some prayers and gave dad a blessing--a really nice man. This priest also writes editorials for the local paper so he is well-known locally. I've always liked his columns in the paper.
My brother agreed that the dr. filling in for dad's dr. had no business telling mom to just stop the medication.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 05 2016 :  6:51:02 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Cindy I would like to tell you that it gets easier, but, it doesn't it just changes bit by bit as the disease progresses. Strength to you.

DsR had a tantrum yesterday morning. He climbed out his bedroom window and slid down the roof of the mud room and fell about 15 feet to the ground. He has a compression fraction near his wrist and his elbow is swollen and bruised. He will live. But, at the ripe old age of 8 will he remember not to do the same thing when he gets in a twist again?

Much needed rain is falling.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 07 2016 :  06:36:34 AM  Show Profile
Oh my goodness -- what a weekend you all have had! I hope the little learns a lesson, but we won't hold our breath, will we?

Cindy -- I am glad you all were paying attention and did not discontinue your dad's meds. It is so hard to watch this ugly disease progress. I am glad, though, that your mom is getting some help and support. I know it has made a world of difference for my dad to have someone else watching out for my mother -- it has taken some of the emotional load off of him.

We had Dude's daughter and her boyfriend out on the boat with us Saturday afternoon. We came in early because of the weather forecast -- wanted to get the boat in and under cover before the bad weather started. Then on Sunday, Dude's son and his wife came over in the afternoon and daughter came over. I marinated some chunks of chicken breast and beef stew meat and we skewered them with mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, pineapple chunks, onions, peppers -- all of that good stuff. I baked some brownies and we had them with ice cream and strawberries. We had a very nice visit and then later on the bad weather hit and it blew like mad and the rain came down in sheets. It was pretty wild for a while -- our neighbor lost a big piece of a tree, but we got off without any damage. It was pretty wild for a while!

I got to spend yesterday with my daughter. We had a tentative plan to go to the beautiful botanical garden, but it was pretty warm, and she didn't want to do the heat. We went up to a buffet place for an early lunch (it was unbelievably HUGE) and then over to our favorite yarn shop up in Amish country. I bought a couple of balls of sock yarn for His Dudeness and then we went to another shop and I got a new rug for inside the front door to protect the new floors. We stopped at the soft pretzel place -- too yummy -- and then came back home so I could do up my laundry and we sat and knitted and talked. It was a good day.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 07 2016 :  6:05:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

sounds like you had a good time visiting with the offspring. Do the Dude's children treat you kindly? I hope so.

Hot and overcast today. Not much happening waiting for everything to start growing in the garden.

I like shish ka bob.

Ann are you out there. Has the Cowboy's daughter returned to her house yet? Does she have a house to return too? Maybe she is your daughter. I can not remember.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2016 :  6:45:40 PM  Show Profile
Yesterday and today were the last two days of school. Yesterday, the teacher planned a brunch for Grandmas Raisa and I. We are the two volunteers in her room. We had treats and handed out awards. I handed out awards to 8 kids who read over 100 words in one minute in the reading program I run and to the most improved. The kids who improved the most had growth rates of 11%, 9% and 8%. I was so proud. The most improved reader in the whole class was a kid who came in at the beginning of the year hardly knowing the letter sounds. Now he is reading simple books on his own and boy does he ask questions! He is the most curious kid in the class. The teacher had them work in teams to pass out work papers to take home and the clean the room. They all really enjoyed that. Today we spent some time autographing yearbooks and getting more papers together and in the backpacks. They were to clean out their lockers and have everything in their backpacks ready to go. I was the locker inspector. Lastly, we laid out the welcome poster for the next class. It said WELCOME TO 2ND GRADE! in big open letters with designs on them. The students were asked to write a piece of advice on it and sign their name then the color in the designs on the letters. We set it up out in the hall and brought them out 6 at a time while the rest watched The Bee Movie.

I sat with Mrs. Pendleton and another teacher who is taking a different part-time position. WOW! Did I find out a few things about some of the other staff. The last principal at the school, who was asked to leave because she was spending school money for personal stuff, was at a conference in Atlanta dressed and acting really trashy. She had had sex with most of the guy teachers in the Special Ed program. Woof! One of the other second grade teachers is power tripping. She is threatened by anyone who she believes is more accomplished than she is. This woman cannot seem to separate a professional relationship from a personal one and has bullied one of the most experienced teachers on the team. This is good information to store away for next year when I will be in the school with these people. I have also learned that the assessment of a child's reading ability at this school is based on the words they can read and ignores the comprehension aspect. This means that the child are rated at a higher reading level than they should be. I am concerned about this and will be pushing for comprehension as much as I possibly can. I guess I have to school myself up. I will be helping with incoming 2nd graders in summer school starting next week.

The days are lovely here and I have been too busy to get out into the garden. The afghan I am knitting is not going well because I come up short at the end of the complicated ripple row. The only way I can get it correct is if I have absolutely no distractions. When does that ever happen for anyone?!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 08 2016 :  4:53:19 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I took dsR to the orthopedist this morning. He took some more x rays of his elbow and put a cast on his arm He has a splint that covered 3/4 of the way around his arm and up past his elbow. It was held on with two ace bandages. He was supposed to wear a sling. He has a solid cast now and does not need to wear a sling. it wraps around his hand and goes up past his elbow. He can get it wet. This is very good for a boy who loves to shower and showers to calm down.

It is cool and overcast most of the days.

I guess if there is not oversight by the parents and the community on the learning of the students then the abuses you speak of are easy to get away with. One of my sons came to me knowing how to read phonetically and did not know what he was reading most of the time. He also did not read between the lines or intuit was the author intended. He does have some significant learning issues but that outcome is what I see for your students. I hope you can help some of the students.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jun 09 2016 :  10:32:33 AM  Show Profile
Glad dsR can still shower, etc. I have always thought that would be the toughest part of having a broken wing! Why is it that kids always seem to break something and be in a cast right at the beginning of summer vacation?

Huge weird newsflash from my house. Dude has been making noises about the possibility of getting rid of our boat! I never thought I would hear it! He loves the water and the boat and the river, so I figured it would be part of our lives for as long as we were able. Just the past couple of weeks, though, he has mentioned it more frequently. At first, he just said he would get a pontoon boat -- "a party barge for us old people," he said. Over the weekend, I asked him how he would decide when it was time to give up the boat -- he said when he couldn't put it on the dock anymore. Well that's like a natural thing for him -- he does it like walking or riding a bike. But last night he was talking about how much he LOVES being at home and just spending time there with me and he said "M - I could give up the boat for our house." I must have looked shocked, because he said he wasn't quite ready, but he thought he was getting there. It does always seem like the weekend goes by so fast -- he works Saturday mornings and then we have Sundays on the boat and it's time for him to go back to work. Of course, I would love for him to dump the business completely, but he's really not ready for that yet. Anyway, it will be interesting to see how it all develops. This Sunday we are taking a fellow Rotarian and his wife out with us. He's a retired minister and a real hoot! His wife is nice, but gabby, (and she looks exactly like Mel Brooks -- I swear to you!!!). They are in their 80s somewhere, but youngish 80s. We are planning to take them down the North East and around Turkey Point, then up the Elk and into the Chesapeake-Delaware Canal and over into Chesapeake City. There's a nice quiet restaurant over there and we can walk the town a little bit and look at the cute shops.

Okay -- I just deleted a whole bit about Dude's ex. She is driving me crazy and I have to stop letting her do so. It's tougher when the kids are in town. She is always trying to put together some big "family moment" extravaganza to prove that her family is some big happy success and I am NOT buying into that. I don't like to be around her and I don't have to be. End of that.

It is sunny but cool here this afternoon. We delivered a pickup truck this morning and the gal who bought it was so excited. Another customer came in to make a payment (partial, of course) and was telling me all their miserable health issues. The gal had gastric bypass last summer and has been deathly sick about 3/4 of the time since. She has lost a lot of weight, but has stomach ulcers and blood clots to go along with it. Then when she got home from the hospital, she found out that her 14-year-old daughter was pregnant. Yikes! As they were filling out the paperwork for her medical care, they were so concerned that her 17-year-old boyfriend would get into trouble if they named him, since the girl was underage. Well, they found out that he was actually a 28-year-old repeat sexual predator!!! Do people not even pay attention to what their kids are up to? So the father of this baby is back in jail, where he obviously belongs. The girl had a very pretty little baby girl over Memorial Day weekend. The grandmother, my customer, is in and out of the hospital with severe stomach pain that they can't pin down. And the whole lot of them are several thousand dollars in debt to us. But this is all our problem. Sigh.

Time for me to push some more paper. Has anyone heard from Bunny lately? I e-mailed Marianne and she seems to be doing okay. Miss the old gang.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 09 2016 :  12:29:01 PM  Show Profile
I miss the old gang too especially G. She is such a hoot! I hope Bunny, Marianne and G come back again.

I just spent about 2 hours filling out all the paperwork for my new job this fall. It was all online so it wasn't so bad. I took care to read all the stuff in the employee handbook. One thing gave me pause. It said that a person employed by them could not perform or have an abortion or even suggest the someone have one. I had better watch my p's and q's. I do the ID stuff and fingerprinting on Monday. I am scheduled to attend the initial training August 15 to 18. I will be getting a t-shirt, polo shirt and hoodie from the program to wear. I have another training on August 23. School will start shortly after that.

Summer school starts on Monday. Right now, I am getting a few things put away and cleaned up. The weather here is so nice and I want to get out into the garden.

Grandma Raisa, Mrs. Pendleton and me.

Summer school

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 09 2016 :  3:12:58 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

MMMMMMM written in the handbook? Seems illegal to me but is it a private not public company you are working for? I guess since the Supreme court said Corporations are people and the Hobby Lobby decision that private companies can discriminate.

Maybe the Dude is feeling a bit overwhelmed and now that the house and gardens are getting in shape he wants to slow down his life. Maybe he has noticed that you have problems with prolonged exposure to the sun and he is trying to be compassionate.

Overcast and chilly all day long. I lit a fire in the woodstove even though we could have lived with out it. The fire took the chill off the gloom.

DsC and I planted some beet seeds. The root can grow to 10 pounds. I am hoping to get some roots to feed the cow this winter. Another science experiment in progress.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 09 2016 :  10:32:25 PM  Show Profile
At the hospital where I work, I know they used to have a policy that you can't take time off from WORK to have an abortion or plan/assist in a right to die case. It never said what you could or couldn't do when you were off work, and it's a Catholic hospital. I don't know what the policy is anymore, but Easter isn't even a paid holiday anymore. Besides, how would they know if you had one?
Dad had to go to the ER last night--he was very confused and talking irrationally. A social worker did an evaluation but dad refused to be admitted. So now mom is going to talk to a lawyer about getting POA. I feel stressed so I am trying to chill. I was also cleared to return to work yesterday and I went to the hospital today but my supervisor, the HR staff and lots of others were at an all day conference. So I will go back tomorrow and find out if I still have a job. Oh, it's past midnight so I will go there today. Wish me luck, whatever that means. I am so fed up with the discrimination and prejudice and bias that I never want to work there again. Get those negative people out of my life. Over the years, my bosses and co-workers have insulted me (you're crazy!), violated my privacy, denied me the chance to learn new skills and they've probably been paying me less than my peers for a long time. And I've worked hard and gotten good evaluations. If they terminate me, I've talked to my lawyer and he is in his office on Saturday. This year started off wham! bam! and hasn't let up since. When will my life return to normal? I don't even know what that means anymore.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 10 2016 :  04:43:14 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

Hugs and strength to you Cindy in dealing with the people at work.
YOur Dad has enough of himself left that he can remember who he was and very angry that he can not be that man again. Compassion.

May your day have moments of joy.

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jun 10 2016 :  07:08:09 AM  Show Profile
Holly -- I had that thought about His Dudeness, too. I would feel badly if he gave up the boat on my account, but I do need to make sure I have some shade in the future. We will work out some sort of compromise, I am sure. But he is making conscious choices that put him at home more, as well. We just really like being there.

Cindy -- Gird up your loins, Girl! You will be ready for whatever they throw at you -- sounds like kind of a snake pit. I like the idea of an attorney who works on Saturdays.

I woke up with a backache this morning. No idea where it came from, but I don't usually have back pain. I think this is nature's way of reminding me to have empathy with people who have chronic pain. It is a good lesson for me, but I think I have learned it -- now let's just take the quiz and hopefully the Advil will kick in because this HURTS! ha ha ha I went and took a good walk this morning, and it didn't fix it completely, but it does seem a bit better, so I'll take it. I really do not know how people live with constant pain.

I would like to see one of Holly's 10-pound beets. My brother lives in Twin Falls, ID and they raise a lot of sugar beets around there. It is pretty amazing to drive out through the countryside and see the mountains and mountains of beets piled up outside the sugar plants. They use front-loaders to scoop them up and take them to the vats. As the sugaring season goes on, the mountains get smaller and smaller.

Dude checked his debit card account this morning, as he always does -- he uses the account for the business, buys lots of parts online, etc. Well, the account was nearly $400 overdrawn! He couldn't imagine how he had missed something that big, so he opened the account to see what the activity was. Earlier this week, his widowed SIL needed the tractor people to come out and service her lawn tractor, so Dude had called the company and set the service up for her. He asked them how she could pay and they said she could write them a check when they came out to do the service. Fine. The tractor guy came out, did the service, but never went up to the house to get the check from her. She looked out later and they had left. At some point, they got hold of Dude's debit card number and charged the service to HIS account!!! It was $463 in charges! I sat right here and heard him make the arrangements for her, and he never gave them his card number -- just her name and her late husband's name, as he always had them do his work. So he called the bank to let them know that those were not his charges and then called the tractor company to have them remove the charges and try to find out HOW they got his debit card number. The silly little clerk said "Well, why don't you just have your SIL write you a check to pay you back?" "I'm not sure our accounting office can reverse the charge." I won't type what his response was, but I think she is checking on the account now. It's kind of scary. It's actually kind of a new card, because he had to have it replaced a few months ago, so the number can't have been on any old records. Something weird going on and I am anxious to hear how it turns out. Anyway, the bank has removed the overdraft charge and he put some more money in the account. And I am fairly certain he will be calling the tractor company until they get it fixed on their end and explain why they charged it.

Time for me to get to my lesson. I am really enjoying the accounting classes! Happy Friday, everyone.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 10 2016 :  5:43:53 PM  Show Profile
????? My mom is confused again. she is upset because her property taxes for last year and the first of this year are being deducted from the sale of their house. I tried to explain to her that all it means is that the real estate agent is paying the taxes and deducting them. But she insists that she is being short-changed. She thinks she should be given the money that is going to pay the taxes, so she can pay them herself? I don't get it. it's the same amount no matter how they do it. But somehow she insists that having that extra money NOW is going to put her ahead. Even though she would just have to pay it all later. With interest rates being as low as they are, it's not like she's going to earn very much on it if it sits in the bank for a few months. Compared to the total amount she's getting from selling the house, it's inconsequential. But you can't reason with her. Today dad was talking about seeing mules outside and he asked me what I carried my ashes in. "I guess you just dump them in the garden?" "Yes, dad." So I asked him to tell me about being a little boy growing up during the Depression. He knows he was born in 1930 but he thinks this is 1965, or friend texted me and her dad recently had a stroke and now he has pneumonia. I think this world must be a very scary place for the elderly. It's scary enough for me, but at least I have the internet and a smartphone and can use them. Have smartphone, will survive. It's sad when your survival depends on whether you know how to use the technology.
My old position has been filled (I'm pretty sure my boss offered it to the new girl even before my FMLA time was up. Heard a rumor to that effect. I remember back in april when I thought I would be going back to work and I talked to the new girl and she seemed upset. The next day, she told someone:"If that woman (me) ever comes around here again, chase her off! I don't want her back here!") Turns out there is an opening in my dept. since two experienced people recently left. (Gee, I wonder what drove them away?) The HR person couldn't get hold of my boss so we will see how this plays out on Monday.
The water company cancelled my $303.00 bill due to the water line break. So there is justice after all. Gotta keep that in mind....

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2016 :  6:25:36 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I thought all the back taxes on a property had to be paid at the time of the sale so the deed would be clear. Is that not what the real estate agent was doing? Your poor mom wanting to maintain any sort of control over her life she can.
Good for you talking to your dad about something he can remember.
I am interested in hearing how your job situation turns out. I hope they give you a position with higher pay.

I read the tractor story to C. She thinks a call to the Better Business Bureau is in order. She says if it is the same number with a different expiration date they are allowed to run it. If it is a different number they are in deep doo doo. Seems to me someone was being lazy or doing a CYA because he did not get the check.

I might say that your back ache could be mid cycle cramps and then I would duck and run fast so you could not hit me with the shoe or stapler you would throw at me for cursing you. hahahaha. C always thanks me with total sarcasm when I make those sort of remarks to her.

Started out cold and rainy ended up sunny and warm.

It is Spirit week at the boy's school. That means everyday has a different theme like Super heroes or favorite book character or Mathlete or athlete. The children are supposed to dress up everyday. The mothers are supposed to create different costumes everyday for their child. Another mother said, I hate Spirit week. She said a pink wig with a pink sword and a pink shield? Her child is demanding the costumes. or crying for lack of one. Lucky for me the boys are not so into remembering their roles so I am getting off easier than some mothers.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Jun 10 2016 6:32:34 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 12 2016 :  11:41:46 AM  Show Profile
Hi girls, it has been a very long time since I posted on here. I lurk daily, but have not had the energy to post. Seems you all forgot about me anyway. Too many people left with no return.
We just got back from visiting my son in Texas. It has been 14 years since we saw him, or my grandson, who is now 22 years old and all grown up. It was wonderful. Son rented a cottage at the resort that he lives. It was right on the lake. The day before we left, he hired a fishing guide to take us all out to fish. We had so much fun, caught 13 gigantic fish. My son and grandson both took time off work to spent time with us. I hated to leave. Next month we are heading to Michigan, then down the east coast for some site seeing.
I have been experimenting with gardening here, finding out that it is too hot for most vegetables this time of the year. We built a raised garden bed and planted peas, beans, squash, cucumbers and pumpkins. The only thing growing good right now are the wax and green beans. I have beautiful tomatoes and green peppers in the early spring. I got 1 zucchini just a couple of weeks ago. I have some gorgeous flowers, but some it is too hot for now. I am known as the flower lady here in the rv park.
Glad you are all doing pretty well and living your lives as usual. Cindy, I wish you good luck to get your job back. I know what it is like to be without. No fun at all, but look up, things are about to change for you. Glad your shoulder is doing better.
Holly, busy as usual. Love hearing about the lives of the littles.
Marie, so happy for you to get the job you were hoping for. I am sure you will find lots of satisfaction there. You do not get much time off in between spring and summer school.
Marylyn, Your home sounds like a piece of heaven. Glad you are now finished with the remodel projects and are able to enjoy the summer there. Your gardens sound so nice.
It is very hot in Florida with lots of humidity, but we are getting used to it. We just spend more time indoors in the summer. I have some sewing projects that I have been working on. We did not get too much out of that tropical storm that went through. Lots of rain, but we needed it. The rain does soak in pretty fast here, so no worries about flooding, yet, anyway!!!
More later,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jun 12 2016 :  12:14:30 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

Jan, I had not forgotten you and wondered what your summer plans would be. I am glad you were able to see your son that had been out of your life for so long. I remember that was a hurt for you. I thought about you last craft fair season and wondered if you were crocheting away or had found a new interest in your life. I hope your physical pain has subsided since you are in the warmth now.

We have had rain off and on all day. The temperatures outside are not too cold but the lack of sun and the stiff breeze make it not pleasant to be outside.

Have a lovely afternoon,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2016 :  10:37:56 AM  Show Profile
Hi all,
Holly, I did knit a lot during the winter and donated to a church back in Michigan. A lady by me here took them home for the church who makes baskets for the needy. She was so happy to get all those items, and I was happy to get more room in our rv. I keep busy with all kinds of crafty things. I taught a class here on making a Christmas tree out of coat hangers. I also taught water aerobics and subbed for the other class during the winter. I do need to get back into the pool, but this time of the year, the water is too warm to be refreshing.
My pain is a lot better now that we are living here in Florida. I just cannot take the cold anymore. Hope it is warm when we go to Michigan next month.
We love it here, even though it does get hot in the summer. We are very glad we decided to make this our permanent home now. I got a washer and am able to hang clothes outdoors. Could not do that fro quite a few years.
Have a great day!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2016 :  1:00:55 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I have also thought about you from time to time. Thank you for the kind words. I am so excited about my first real job in 5 years. I have a few meetings and trainings to do before I start. I just had my fingerprints taken today.

Summer school started today. Three boys got out front with the "I'm special" race by over participating. They weren't bad just over zealous and one was attention seeking. One little boy is autistic and has attention seeking behavior. All the girls are quiet. I believe they are scoping each other out to see who they will choose as friends. Most of the students got right to work and didn't fool around. This is a good sign. There are four adults in the room - Patricia (licensed teacher), Maggie and Josie (student teacher) and me so we will have plenty of adults to lead the lessons. The student teachers are going to handle all the science curriculum. It will be a good summer.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jun 13 2016 1:03:10 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2016 :  2:34:58 PM  Show Profile
Jan--I am glad the warm weather is to your liking. feeling cold and stiff in your joints is a lousy feeling. I think Michigan will be warm when you visit--Greenland had their warmest day ever recently. I liked the coolness in northern Michigan when I was there in August as an eleven year old. In fact, by morning, it was downright cold (we were camping).
Marie--congrats. on your new job! It must be exciting to have new kids. What is their age range?
I am feeling stressed right now. Everything feels like it is in limbo. I found out today that the rumors I have heard are true. She also told people that I was no longer employed and that I would never be back. Guess what? I'm still here! I have to do something about the way I was discriminated against---if I don't, they will do it again. I don't want anyone else to go through what I've been through (am still going through). This could be a long journey....
What bothers me most is knowing that I am on very shaky ground right now and knowing how easily my mood can shift from "things are OK" to bleak despair. I also found out that if an employee has a restriction on them, they can ask the head honchos in Peoria to consider an accommodation. I was never given that option. The two women who worked in my dept. and were my friends have quit. The atmosphere in that dept. is truly Machiavellian.
In a way, I feel sorry for my boss cause she is smart but stupid. But I don't really feel sorry for her cause she is also mean. And I don't like mean. neither does karma.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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