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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 23 2016 :  07:37:41 AM  Show Profile
Apparently, this guy had been sitting down and when he pulled up his pants his keys fell out of his pocket and maybe he flushed before he realized the keys were in the bowl and watched them go down. I consulted with Lowell on these facts.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Apr 23 2016 07:38:19 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 23 2016 :  5:19:15 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

This morning I spent the day at the Conservation district volunteering. I did the registration table. I handed out the forms with the people's names on it and their order. Other people took them to their orders. I was glad to be inside because temperatures were in the twenties with a wind chill .

When I arrived home this afternoon. The littles and I planted a cherry, a pear, a plum and an apricot trees. Two blueberry bushes, two high bush cranberries, three raspberries and two black elderberry bushes. Tomorrow we have apple trees, grape vines and hazelnuts to plant. I filled the tractor bucket with manure and filled the holes around the roots with manure. That should give the trees a boost. The manure is composted for two years already.

Hope everyone is having a fine weekend. The sky this afternoon was a glorious blue.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Nora Springs IA
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Posted - Apr 23 2016 :  5:57:29 PM  Show Profile
Wow, Holly! I am always amazed at what you and your family accomplish. What you write here would be a wonderful blog. Do you keep a journal?

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 24 2016 :  3:53:25 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

No, I do not keep a journal. I have tried. Sometimes I only want to write down the sad things in my life and then I think I do not want to remember them so I don't. I have thought about a blog and then the responsibility of maintaining it overwhelms me. So, this is as close as I get by writing to my Iris sisters.

We finished planting the trees and bushes. There were two hazel nut trees, 1 fragrant sumac, 4 box elder, two striped alders, and a pot of milk weed. The elders, alders and mllkweed were left over from the plant sale and I took them home so they would not be thrown over the bank. Now I read online that box elders are trash trees that drop branches and have bugs that get into your house. Now I am glad that I planted them way out near the beaver dam We have many alders here already so I planted them way out by the beaver dam as well. In my herb class last year the teacher talked about them being used as fuel to heat houses because they can be cut down and they regrow to a mature height in three years. They are not very thick but with technology as it is a system could be created similar to pellet stoves but that do not require electricity to run that could burn chopped up alders.

We lined up the logs for the first layer of the huglekultur bed. I thought I had enough for the whole bed but the part that will be the horns of the crescent moon are still naked. If tomorrow is nice we will work on it. However, the weather guessers are guessing snow.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Apr 24 2016 :  6:57:00 PM  Show Profile
Holly--when does it officially become growing season in Vermont? I've heard you talk about the mud and such and we don't get that here. It just jumps from cold to very warm in one week. We have box elder bugs here and they are a nuisance. Big and ugly. I am glad you are planting milkweed. I went to an Earth Day event today and a speaker talked about the importance of milkweed for the Monarch butterflies. I have milkweed seeds that I haven't planted yet. I had some come up last year and I would blow the seeds so the wind could disperse them. I used to get in trouble for doing that as a kid. Now I'm saving the Monarchs! lol, how things change.
Marie--it is sad about Prince. I liked his music and I loved the way he dressed. So many rock stars dress grungy but he was always over the top when it came to style. I hope you get the position you want. I have had so many anxiety issues lately that it's scary. I was shaking so hard one night that I couldn't drive.
I have some pictures of my garden efforts on the garden forum. I am doing a straw bale garden since i can't dig. I mowed the yard yesterday and my arm was sore all night from pulling the string that starts the engine. I also got a water bill yesterday for.....drum roll.....$170.00. Holy Schmoly!The guy who worked on my sewer is coming in the morning to see of they broke the water pipe when they put some of that dirt back in. That's 30,000 gallons--enough to fill two swimming pools. Something is definitely wrong somewhere. Okay, I admit, I bought a pet whale. I'm keeping it in my bathtub. And it's VERY thirsty. There is no freakin' way I could ever use that many gallons in one month.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Apr 24 2016 :  9:33:28 PM  Show Profile
Please excuse me. I am in tears. I feel like I'm going nuts from all the abuse that's been heaped on me ever since certain people told lies about me to cover their own tracks. That;s what makes it so hard to live in this town--everyone assumes I'm guilty cause, of course, the people who have told lies about me are credible, are VIP's, and they never lie, right? And there are more of them than me. And they all have good reputations, though they don't deserve them. Two of them deserve time in prison. But it's me who gets all the blame, all the hatred. Cause everyone "knows" I'm the crazy one. I was screaming again tonight cause I couldn't find my W-2 form for 2015. I've looked everywhere. I have the tax form, but not the forms they send you in the mail, one of which you're supposed to keep for your own records. I have 2014 and 2013. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I keep my windows shut so I don't think the neighbors can hear me. I'm starting to realize that I have been badly abused by people in power, and I am furious and depressed and feel hopeless. I see my dr. on Tuesday. I've been keeping all this pain inside me for years and now I can no longer contain it. Thank you for letting me rant. I feel a bit better now. I know I need help. Just not sure where to seek it....

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 25 2016 :  04:25:21 AM  Show Profile
You can not be head off our hill either, Cindy. Scream and rave and rant is one of the reasons we moved here..... for privacy. (((((((Cindy))))))))

tell your "friends" who tell you these rumors that you do not want to hear them.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Apr 25 2016 :  07:42:42 AM  Show Profile
We are having a huge thunderstorm here. This means that the ground is now warm enough to start planting. I always wondered why my mom waited for the first thunderstorm of spring to plant. Now I know there is science behind it. One of the new tenant's girlfriend wants to help in the garden. I would love to have young body around to do some heavy work. For today, it is raining so hard that the dogs don't want to go outside.

Morgan was not rehomed yesterday. We were not getting answers to our messages so we went to the place on the North side to see if anyone was home. The place was shockingly shoddy. The outside looked okay but the inside looked as if it hadn't been tended. The 10 year old female pit bull's breasts were weighted and hanging down. She was really sweet and sniffed Morgan. They didn't want to take him without talked to Leilani, the girl. We got the address of where she was staying and went there to find an equally untended residence. Apparently, her dog was pregnant and very territorial. We all agreed that this would also not be a good home for Morgan. I feel relieved but I still have a promise I must keep. I will be researching places that will take elderly dogs. If I cannot place him by Wednesday, we will take him to the Humane Society.

The latest news on Prince is that he was addicted to opiates. This is not surprising. That he kept this a secret is not surprising either. He was very private.

Cindy, I understand the feelings you have. I always say that the best revenge is living well. Prove the liars wrong by being your own sweet self.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 25 2016 :  5:41:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Our growing season is usually determined by the last frost. Most years we are good to go by the first of June. Some years earlier but who can tell. This year we have had so many warm days but the weather guessers are saying snow tonight. We count on not having frost again by September 1 last year we had three more weeks before the frost came. Sometimes if you can protect the plants for that one night you can get another week or two out of the season. We figure we are zpne 3 growing some areas around here could be zone 4.

This morning dsC did his schoolwork while I folded the laundry and made a cake. I have decided I really do not like to fold laundry and that is why a procrastinate about it. Folding laundry to have the boys just dump it on their floor is not a good use of my time. oh, well.

We went outside this afternoon and cleaned up the front yard some and moved the wood to the huglekultur bed.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

77 Posts

77 Posts

Posted - Apr 26 2016 :  08:26:02 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, keep your head up, and like Marie said, live well to shame your enemies. Did you find your tax papers yet?

Our dry, mild winter and early, warm spring has brought ill events. Last Monday, it was 82 Degrees, UNHEARD of. We are fortunate to get a few days over 80 in JULY, but April? That's bad, very bad. That day, we also had high winds, 80-90 km/h. By afternoon, there were 48 wildfires within a 60 mile radius. The closest one to us caused evacuations along the road that is on the north end of the ranch, and included one of our workers who lives at the north end. The highway was closed.

Other fires threatened many of our friends. Only three buildings were burned, which is a testimony to the strong community, who stepped up to fight the fires.

Some of the fires were started by trees blown over onto power lines, some by brush piles on newly cleared land burned in the winter, but still not fully extinguished in the core and whipped up by the hot wind. (Usually a snowy winter will take care of that.) Some were human carelessness, burning grass or cleaning up their yard.

Not nearly in the clear yet. We had a bit of rain yesterday, in spite of a forecast of five days of rain/snow over the weekend. We need good soaking rains, intermittently, over the next six months. Not just as fire control, but our dugouts didn't fill up, rivers are low, and crops need rain.

Other than that, I've been busy. Followed the cowboy to town yesterday. He was driving the big feed truck, taking it to town for repairs, while I went in the company truck to bring him home. We get to repeat it when the feed truck is fixed.

When we were packing up mom's things and sorting through a pile of stuff she'd stored in a decrepit camping trailer, we found a photo album in the bottom of a box of old clothes. The photo album was WET. Photos stuck together. Mold. It was a MESS. I brought it home and have been letting it dry slowly for the last month. There were old pictures, most of which I'd never seen before. My mom and her siblings as toddlers/babies. Photos of my great grandparents in their early marriage and pictures of my grandmother as a toddler. My grandmother would have been 100 years old this year, so these photos, most appear to be originals, are irreplaceable and priceless.

The salvageable photos are all remounted / labelled in mom's photo book now. After they were dry, most "snapped" apart. I cut away molded parts of some salvageable photos. Some I had to toss, as they were indecipherable. That made me sad, but I am thrilled to have saved all I did. The album, the old kind with black pages, unfortunately needs to be burned.

Mom's photos / Dad's photos are now completely done, each in their own black-paged album. There's just a handful of "Mom and Dad's" photos that need to be sorted, but I've done 95% of those, too.

Then I need to start MY photos, from 31 years of marriage, my kids, etc. I will remove them all from those nasty old magnetic albums and file them in photo boxes, with labelled dividers. I did that with all of mom and dad's photos. (Except for the OLD photos which are mounted in mom's / dad's own photos albums.) Saves SO much space.

Just a note to the wise. Get rid of the magnetic albums. Do not glue photos into books. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL. My dad (and his mother) was meticulous. Mom, not so much.

I picked up some snapdragons, violas, and allysium (SP?) the other day. It's ridiculously early, but going to put them out into containers, as I usually do. I can move them to shelter if we get a late spring snowfall/freeze. I have some dahlia tubers (or corms or roots?) that need to be stuck back into dirt. I hope to get to that today, as soon as I get my needful chores done. The cowboy is out moving cattle on horseback. It's a lovely, sunny day at the ranch!


My life on the ranch ...

Edited by - bramblerose on Apr 26 2016 08:30:07 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 26 2016 :  11:55:31 AM  Show Profile
Back at my desk after being off. Not just my regular Saturday, Sunday, Monday off, but I was babysitting my grand-dog from Thursday to Sunday, and she sat on my lap most of that time, so I didn't get a lot done.

I have been catching up the paperwork today, with a little e-shopping in between for rest periods -- ha! We ordered a new bed for our guestroom, so I had to get sheets and a bed ruffle. The new bed is a Q and the old one was an F. I also ordered a little valance for the window in the guest room. I ordered all but the sheets from Country Curtains -- I think they are up in Vermont, Holly. I have always loved doing business with them -- very well-made items.

Today was loonies on the loose day around here. I wonder why it seems that the people who contribute the least always expect the most. Finally told the mechanic that when these people have worried and worked His Dudeness into a stroke or a heart attack, I am NOT going to be sitting around here for them to whine at! I will call all the overdue loans, repo all the vehicles, and sell them all at auction. Then they can go somewhere else and see if they can find someone to sell them a car for no money and no payments and be continually on-call for them to complain and expect them to work on the car for no money and pay it off a dollar at a time. On the way in to work today, I told Dude that I was going to institute a system of late fees. We just have to -- people are taking too much advantage. He likes to help people, but letting them run all over him is just not right.

Today is primary day here in PA. We always go and vote early -- before work. Our township is pretty sparsely populated, but today the parking lot at the polling place was FULL! It reminded me of a carnival! "Win the little lady a Kewpie Doll!" There were several write-in candidates who were hawking themselves, and one lady said "Do you want to see what the ballot looks like?" I said "Well, I would imagine they will have one inside for me to look at, thanks." I will be sooooooo glad when all this nonsense is over.

While I was e-shopping earlier, I also ordered a pajama set to take to my mother for a little Mother's Day present. It is a mix-n-match set, with capri pants, shorts, a tank top and a T-shirt top. Some of the pieces are solid lavender and some are a lavender floral print. I know she will love it, and it will give her something new for the warmer months ahead. So silly -- it's like I have sent her to camp or college and I want her to have nice things like the other ladies! ha ha

Which reminds me -- about a thousand years ago, a young lady from our church went away to college. She came home over Thanksgiving and was telling me all about her new roommate, etc. She said she knew her roommate came from a "rich" family because all her bras and panties matched. I must have internalized that myself, because that was always sort of a "thing" for me. When my daughter was little, I made sure that it was pink rosebud vests with pink rosebud panties, blue rosebud vests with blue rosebud panties....on and on. I guess I just want my mother's rosebuds to match! ha ha ha ha Seems I have given up on that myself, though -- if it feels good, then that's all that matters!

Here it is almost 3:00 and the sun is shining like mad. We are supposed to have some storms later, though. Marie -- I had never heard that wisdom of not planting until you've had a thunderstorm! I love that. So probably by this weekend, we ought to be good to go!

I am really looking forward to going home after a while. We are both trying not to drink -- I am trying not to drink at all, and Dude is trying to just drink less. We are in the habit of having wine every evening, and it's too easy for me to drink too much, so I am stopped for a bit. This time of year we can go outside and work until nearly dark, so there's not so much temptation to sit on our backsides and drink wine and eat cheese! Thank goodness.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Apr 26 2016 :  9:17:20 PM  Show Profile
When I was in college I had a couple sets of matching bras/panties. One was red lace, the other was black lace. Now I'm lucky if my socks match. and if I get dressed in the dark, sometimes I put on my undies inside out. My tastes now are eclectic so nothing in my house matches. But somehow it all fits together. I don't know what to do when people (men) take advantage of me. The guy came yesterday to see if the water pipe was broke and he didn't even check it. He just said it couldn't be broke. The water company is coming tomorrow to have a look.
Ann--your weather sounds scary. It rained hard today and the wind blew gusting. Supposed to get more tomorrow. It's such a treasure to come across old pictures of your relatives. My grandpa looked just like my cousin Mike when he was young. I need to finish the second scrapbook I started for Boxer before he died. Then I can work on one for Jaxon.
I appreciate everyone's comments about living well, but these people are bullying me. It wears a person down. And no one will stand up for me, even the ones who know the truth.
On the plus side, I only had to pay a $20.00 co-pay instead of $50.00 to see my psychiatrist. But I also had to get a new medication (actually an increase) and another has to be authorized by my insurance so I'm waiting on that. and a couple wants to buy my parents house. Everyone who had looked at it has said it looks fantastic for a house built in 1968 and lived in by six people. We never tore things up when we were kids---except when we were outdoors. Me and my brothers still have our favorite toys (their GI Joes and my model horses) and they still look good. We took care of our stuff cause we knew if we tore it up, it was gone. Period. Lots of people today don't get that cause we live in a throw-away society. There are two "Mount Trashmores" (landfills) within 25 miles of my house and they are HUGE. I wonder how many bodies were dumped in the trash and got buried there? Or how many toxic chemicals. They recently found some bones on the bluffs that they think are Native American but they have to do test to make sure. Could be a missing person. I hope not. WE had a woman in our town who murdered two of her daughters and threw one in a ravine and the other in a garbage can. She is now in prison and they made a TV movie about her quite a few years ago. How did I get on this subject? Probably from watching CSI. Time to hit the sack, my brain is drained.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 27 2016 :  06:34:08 AM  Show Profile
I will have an interview with Whittier School tomorrow at 3:10 CST for the part time reading tutor position. As I have said before, I am hopeful but it is not the end of the world if I don't get it. Everyone I talk to says that I would be a good fit.

Cindy - Bullies are more troubled than their targets - that's why they act that way. Hold your head up high and live your wonderful life. Soon the truth will out. And if you hear someone spreading these lies about you, walk right up to them and say "I can't believe that everyone still talks about this after such a long time." or something like that. Male professionals, especially car mechanics, will try to tell a woman that she doesn't know anything about mechanical stuff. Grab him by the ear and MAKE him take stuff apart, dig or whatever to make sure he has checked everything out. Do some research too and learn their technical language. They will be less likely to jerk you around if you sound like you know what you are talking about.

The weather here is cold but sunny. We will be getting rain again tomorrow then it will clear up. I should be able to plant my lettuce this weekend.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 27 2016 :  07:14:55 AM  Show Profile
We are planning to plant this weekend. My salad garden is already in and the lettuce and kale are peeking their little green heads up. We had a nice T-storm last evening and everything has had a good soaking. The Dude's experimental wildflower garden is going green, as well.

Our new guest room bed is being delivered this evening. Then we can finish up the room and have that done. The new kitchen cabinet is ready, too. Thank goodness, Dude is getting the neighbor to help him move that in!!! It has a huge thick butcher block top and I don't know if I could shift it. After all these many months of remodeling, it is kind of hard to realize that we are so near to done!!! I am still not sure why I am having no luck getting pictures to travel from the phone or the iPad to my computer -- but I will keep trying so I can post some here.

The Hillbillies from H*** are here today. They were here all day yesterday, as well. They have absolutely NOTHING to do but complain about everything. By the end of yesterday, I was ready to set fire to the building and never come back. The one bright spot for me is that I keep hoping these people will frustrate His Dudeness so seriously that he will decide to close up shop and retire. I am ready -- sign me up!!!

The sky is grey and heavy today, but the weather people say "no rain." I had to put on a sweater for my walk this morning, after mid-80s yesterday. Ahhhhh Spring!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 27 2016 :  08:55:01 AM  Show Profile
Good morning,

Yesterday morning I was going out to the porch to fill on of the bird feeders. There was a female goldfinch sitting on top. I reached my hand forward and it jumped onto my finger. I stayed still for a moment and said, you are a pretty one. She flew away. That was so cool.

We had snow yesterday. Maybe three or four inches. I have had two m\people complain to me that the weather was nasty. I reminded them it is still April. Then I said, I have an online friend in British Columbia and it was 80 there. I told them it is usually 80 for only a few days in July. I also told them there were many wild fires near her. Thank you Ann for hte story. It made people remember how fortunate it is to live here.

Today it is sunny and in the 40 F.

Cindy you are absolutely right bullying is very wearing. I am sorry that you need to keep running into these toxic people. I have no answers. I live at the end of a half mile dirt road for a reason. I am not emotionally thick skinned enough to deal with that nastiness on a frequent basis.

We heard that Ginny whose daughter just died has also lost her father in Virginia. Hugs to her.

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 28 2016 :  07:18:30 AM  Show Profile
I love that story about the goldfinch! That would make my month, for sure. We are supposed to have rain from this afternoon on for a day or so -- best watering method there is for the garden. Everything is starting to pop! And the best surprise is that most of the trees we got from the Arbor Day Foundation are actually showing little tiny leaves! I bought some dogwoods and they were a couple of feet tall with a few side branches, but still very very small. The free trees were just tiny little sticks, about a foot tall. Even the sticks are showing signs of life. We are going to really try to keep them alive. They sent white dogwoods, pink dogwoods, crabapples, hawthornes and a couple of crape myrtles.

Dude went out yesterday and picked up the new kitchen cabinet unit. Crazy man unloaded it and moved it into the house all by himself!!! It is huge and heavy -- I worry that he thinks he is completely bullet-proof and will hurt himself one day. Silly guy. But the unit is lovely. Hopefully this photo will work....

I think maybe I have to send them from my iPad instead of my phone -- whatever.

The new guest room bed arrived last night, as well, so now I am just waiting for the sheets and bed ruffle for there. I ordered some fabric from Mary Jane's Farm yesterday to make the fabric shower curtain for the guest bath. I got it from the chicken collection. I got the feathers in sort of sage green and pale purple and then the solid purple for the edges and the tie back. We needed some color in that room -- something to tie it all together.

Well here comes my old-timer. He likes to come in and just sit and jawbone, because he has nothing else to do. He expects the Dude to just be here all the time and gets so upset when he's not here to look something up on the computer or figure out some paperwork. I have taken over a lot of it, because I can just set my work aside, usually. It gets tiresome to have him around, but I just remind myself that he's 87 years old and we won't have him for that much longer and we will grieve him when he goes. Sigh.

The PJs I bought for my mom arrived. I think she will LOVE them! The solid color pieces are a very squishy stretch terry cloth. I just realized this morning that I will be out at their place over Mother's Day itself! Yay! I will be the "good daughter" for once.

Well, I should get moving along here. Dude will be gone most of the morning -- bid sale and then he has to go run some errands up that way. We are all getting tired. Me, him, the mechanic. I think we would all be happy to close up shop and take some time off.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

77 Posts

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Posted - Apr 28 2016 :  09:03:15 AM  Show Profile
That is LOVELY, Marilyn!

Sunny today, and warm again. Going out to water containers and put out my geraniums. I have a pile of paperwork to do for the cowboy, but playing outside is much more fun. And sewing. I've done two loads of laundry, showered, and got ready for the day. Supper planned.

Got some paperwork back for the estate. Bit by bit, it's resolving itself, so to speak. Touch wood.

Holly, that is amazing, the goldfinch. A rare privilege.


My life on the ranch ...
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 28 2016 :  5:26:36 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I love to see the hills with the red purple hue of emerging buds. They are so joyous to see after the long gray winter.

Very nice kitchen unit. so many cabinets and drawers.

Glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the estate.

A bright sunny day here. Our contractor came to fix a leaky pipe and to install a new bedroom door and frame, It is always nice to see him. He has a good heart as well as a lot of skill in fixing this old barn.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 28 2016 :  7:29:53 PM  Show Profile

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 29 2016 :  07:32:41 AM  Show Profile
I love the daffodil in the snow! Perfect picture of Spring. I had the A/C on in the office on Tuesday and the heat on yesterday.

I spoke to my mother yesterday evening. It sounds like they are really settling into their new place. They were actually sitting there with the door open to the hallway, and people were passing by and saying "hello." The fact that they are opening up even a little is a good sign, I think. She mentioned that everyone is very friendly and they had a sign on their door saying "Welcome, Jane and Ed." She says they know everybody there. She also told me that she is "doing okay with her driving." Shudder! She said they are going to keep their car until the insurance is due in June, and then my brother will sell it for them. She said she didn't want to get into an accident and have everyone say it was the old lady's fault, because "you know they would!" Well, yeah. I talked to my SIL this morning and she said that my brother has the keys to the car and has been talking to several people who are interested in buying it. They are letting things be Mother and Daddy's idea so it goes down a little bit easier. Daddy is too weak to drive anymore and everyone but Mother knows that she shouldn't.

We have grey skies and intermittent showers today. So much we would like to get done at home this weekend, but it looks like tomorrow will be the only really good day to do it. We may end up working in the rain on Sunday -- I guess that's what boots are for. My brain is tired --- just tired. Hopefully taking a few days to fly out and see my folks will help reset my mood. I don't know what I need. A sharp kick in the seat? Tonight we are having baby back ribs from the Amish BBQ -- that is something to look forward to!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 29 2016 :  6:00:20 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Losing the ability to drive is a big adjustment. I remember my friend who was losing her mind when I took her car keys away. She was so angry. She was so upset. How was she going to help people if she couldn't get there. The precursor accidents and misjudgements on her part were very dangerous for the people around her. For example she drove around the man holding the stop sign at a construction site on the road. She called me one night and said, I know I am mad at you tell me why? It took about 18 months for her to accept help to go places besides the grocery store. it was hard on everyone around her. I think you should give your brother and his wife a gift when you go out for taking care of them.

Today was a lovely. C stayed home from work to begin cooking for Seder dinner. She has taken my suggestion to cook the turkey overnight. Usually she makes a half turkey. This year we have a whole one available so she is cooking it on low overnight. She cooks enough for the masses. We will have 35 people at our table. Ten of the people are us.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 29 2016 :  11:08:48 PM  Show Profile
Supposed to get rain tonight. I had to have a new water line put in yesterday. But now the perpetually wet spot in my basement has dried up and there isn't any bad stuff in my water. I rarely drank water from my faucet, but after I saw what was in the pipes when they turned the water back on, I'm glad. There was gunk that came out. Now all the pipes are clean. They had to drill a hole in my basement wall and run a new line all the way to the water meter by the street. Which meant they had to dig up my yard all over. They did tunnel under the sidewalk so it wasn't damaged. I put some patch grass mix on the dirt that was left after they were all done and put straw over it. I hope it gets a good soaking tonight. And he said he would talk to the water company about adjusting the huge bill I got.
I went to my favorite open-mike night on Wednesday and this one woman kept looking at me like I was Cruella De Ville. I found out she was the older sister of a girl I went to high school with, but there's no way she could have known me from way back. I barely knew her sister and this woman is about 6-7 years older than me. I guess she had heard the lies about me. Sigh. I can't go anywhere in this town without running into people who have heard things about me that are based on lies. I feel sorry for her. If she knew the truth I'm sure she would have a whole new perspective on the situation.
Holly--how wonderful that a goldfinch landed on your finger. Birds are incredible. I saw a falcon on Sunday and it was a large one. I knew it was a falcon cause it had pointed wings. Usually I see hawks, which have broad wings. and vultures. They fly with their wings in a "V" shape, so you can tell them from eagles and other raptors.
Marilyn--I'm glad your parents are adjusting to their new surroundings. My parents have met some of their neighbors. My dad carries keys in his pocket but they're not keys to the car. He can't drive, doesn't have a license anymore. My mom can drive but she tends to meander from the lanes. I have an elderly friend whom I haven't seen in a while but I hope she's not driving. she ran into a bus as it was unloading a person in a wheelchair. Despite that, she bought another car after the accident. Insisted the bus didn't have it's brake lights on. I love the kitchen island in your photo. More like a kitchen continent, lol.
Marie--I don't know why that woman was looking at me that way. I know it had something to do with what she's heard but I'm trying to find out exactly what her reason was. Maybe then I can gently set her straight. Other people who were there know her so I've asked them about it. I'll find out eventually.
Ann--I've been dealing with a lot of paperwork recently. And spending lots of time on "hold" on the phone. I had to upgrade my phone plan to include more minutes.
I'm making a homemade fabric card for a friend who just got engaged. I looked at the cards at the store and they all s**ked. Plus they cost too much. I used all material and embellishments that I had here at the house. I embroidered the message on it. I have a weird sense of humor. It says: "God has a special porpoise for your lives." And I embroidered a dolphin on it. Plus I added "pearl" beads and some fabric roses and hearts. and I put their names on it. It's definitely one of a kind.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 01 2016 :  11:13:54 AM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

We celebrated Passover last night. At our Seder there were 31 people, ten of them our family. None of the outsiders were Jewish. C is a Jew, some of the children consider themselves Jews. Some of the people who come to our holidays consider themselves cultural Jews. For some of the participants our holiday dinners are the closet they get to an organized religion. We had a good time. If anyone would like a copy of the service we read let me know and I will snail mail it to you.

C just told me that we may need to put a new waterline into one of the apartment buildings that are in trust for our dead friend's will. She is not happy. She was told she needed to use the city's engineers and diggers. The city puts a surcharge on everything associated with the apartments so it can get expensive dealing with them.

I had not thought of a fabric card until you posted. I bet is it wonderful. I would be glad for a picture or two. You have a wonderful sense of humor.

It is raining here. We can use the rain. There are so many things I wanted to do outside that I did not make a list for the inside. Now I am fluttering around without any direction.

Have a good afternoon.

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 01 2016 :  11:22:34 AM  Show Profile

A family who appreciated their mother.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 01 2016 :  1:09:51 PM  Show Profile
That is a funny obituary. Sounds like there was a lot of love in that family. I don't know exactly what a Seder meal is. There used to be a couple who were Messianic Jews who lived nearby and they celebrated all the Jewish holy days and apparently some Christian ones as well. Speaking of religion, I was on Facebook with a person who kept attacking my religious beliefs, accusing me of all sorts of things that weren't true. she said I must think she is going to burn in hell, that i must teach little children that they have to be perfect or God will punish them, just all sorts of crazy stuff. All I said was it must be tiring for her to carry around that much bitterness. and she admitted she was bitter, then she changed it to mean she was anti-hate. Just kept projecting her own issues onto me. She asked me if I was a psychologist. I didn't answer that. I have a degree in psychology so I probably know more about it than she does. Or maybe not. Maybe she's just a nut case.
I would like to post pictures of the card I made, alas I've already sent it. I have been feeling a little off since I started taking Latuda, and my prozac was upped. Guess I'll adjust. I only got a month's worth of the Latuda, as it was expensive and I didn't want to be stuck with three months worth if it doesn't work out. My beans are growing like Jack and the Beanstalk and i will set out my tomatoes after Mother's Day. My parents have sold their house and the new family will move in by the 5th. But closing won't be till the end of May. So if for some reason, their loan doesn't go through, they'll have to move out. They would have to pay for any damages. The real estate agent believes everything will go smoothly, and he's a family member of a family member, so things better go smoothly. My mom's old 50's era bedroom set sold at the consignment boutique so we'll get 70% of that. I need to take Jaxon to TSC next Saturday cause the heartworm test is free during May and the medicine is 5% off. I need to mow my yard but it is still too wet. My head feels weird from the meds. Need to rest.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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