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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 15 2016 :  10:35:26 AM  Show Profile
It's interesting how differently people can feel about teeth! Both my parents had full dentures before they were 35. They had grown up in Southern Indiana in pretty rural areas during the depression. I guess it was "normal" to have dentures, so they didn't think much about it. Daddy has had better luck, but Mother's lower gums are too flat and hers have never fit right. I went to high school in Southern Indiana and there were a couple of girls in school who had to have dentures about the time they graduated. I feel pretty lucky to have the teeth I have!

Yes, the new piano is a "wow," for sure. He was trying so hard to surprise me with it. He had been looking and looking for several months and ended up driving way over to New Jersey to get it. Then he was trying to coordinate the delivery of the new piano with the completion of the refinishing of the hardwood floors. He wanted me to walk in and see the piano sitting there on the shiny new floors. Then last Friday evening, we got to talking about "stuff" and he broke down and told me about the piano. He felt so bad that he didn't surprise me, but it was fine with me!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 15 2016 :  3:34:08 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I do not know why the chicken picture and post is twice. I am glad you had a good laugh. I was hoping you would.

Glad to hear form you Marie, I hope with the added income from the reading tutor job your money woes will abate. I understand that it is a ways in the future but hope......

I had a friend in high school whose mother was like your parents with regards to teeth. She went for the first time at 16. She had very soft teeth. Hearing the bits of your upbringing it tells why you lived with someone who was as abusive as the EX. I am so glad that you have found happiness with the cowboy.

Today was a lovely day in the fifties. Not a cloud in the sky.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 15 2016 :  4:12:36 PM  Show Profile
I am sad. I went to mass this morning and was talking to Monsignor afterwards about the issues I was dealing with...regarding a clergy person...he asked me "Did he physically or sexually abuse you?" and I said "No, the abuse was mostly emotional and psychological..." then I went home and screamed into my pillow three times cause I love a person who abused me. And I still do. It's been a rough day. I knew something was very wrong cause I was shaking so hard last night that I didn't go to my support group--was afraid to drive like that. And the relationship was never physical--I wouldn't let it go that far---but someone once told me that emotional scars are the worst, cause they never go away. And you can't see them, so no one really knows how bad you're hurting. And of course, I am the guilty one---having the least power. People always want to protect the inspiring leader--they never want to protect the follower who believed too much in the leader. Does this make sense? I blame myself for his leaving the priesthood. I guess he blames me, too. Seems everyone blames me. I am still off work and I doubt that I'll ever be able to go back. I am emotionally broken and can barely get through the day. It has been SO stressful the past couple of years and I just can't take it anymore. I'm so stressed I can barely remember what year this is. I do know it's spring. I don't remember if I slept last night but I remember who my friends are. Thank you for listening to my miserable rant.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 16 2016 :  05:42:39 AM  Show Profile
We are your friends, Cindy. And it's not "your fault." Not not not not. A grown-up clergyman knows better and does exactly as he pleases. They learn plenty about how to place blame, but very little, it seems, about how to accept it when they are the ones who cause hurt. It doesn't matter how many thousands of times this story repeats itself -- when YOU are the one hurting, it is brand new and awful. I would imagine we can all think of a story like this that has affected someone we know (or ourselves!). Thank you for sharing this -- I know it is not easy to say it outloud (or put it in print), but it is good that you did!

I have heard it said that the church is the only army in the world that shoots its own wounded. Sadly, I have found this to be all too true. (Before anyone goes insane, I am sure there are wonderful caring church groups out there and they do good work) So I guess unless you have physical bruises or a black eye or missing teeth, Monsignor expects you to carry all the hurt inside and pretend that everything is A-Okay while Peter the Perfect Priest gets condolences and a hug. Thanks a heap.

Hopefully you will be able to push through this wall -- sounds like it has been coming for a long time -- and emerge on the other side a stronger Cindy. In the meantime, we are here for you. Rant away -- we all need to do it sometimes.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 16 2016 :  07:52:26 AM  Show Profile
Okay -- people just never cease to astonish me. This guy -- he was a customer for a long while. Never made his payments on time. Always called and stopped by to beg and wheedle and try to borrow money from the Dude. We have had to refinance him 3 times and repossess 3 vehicles. The last car he got so far behind and owed so much money that he finally just dropped the car off on the lot one Sunday evening -- never called, never said "thanks," never said "here's the car." Now this morning he walks in the front door and wants me to sell him a car on "time payments."

Dude used to help the guy out because he had been a friend of Brother's, but I have limited out on this old creep long ago. He's got nerve, I'll give him that.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 16 2016 :  6:15:54 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Why do the most sensitive among us get taken advantage of the most? Hugs to you Cindy. I am glad to listen to you rant and work through your hurt. You could come and visit for the rest of your convalescence. We are not a quiet household.

I wish we could send sound over the internet. I would love to hear you play that new piano. The Dude has a kind heart and a plotting mind.

I would guess that your establishment is the only place that has been willing to deal with this irresponsible man.....ever.

Today was a very lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the low sixties. Very few clouds in the sky. I spent the morning pulling logs with my tractor. I am starting to make a huglekultur bed.. It is a pile of logs and debris covered with soil. As the logs and debris decay it releases heat and nitrogen. I am hoping the heat is enough to keep lavender growing. The bed will have many herbs on it. I am making the bed a crescent shape and am hoping the cut out center concentrates what ever heat is emitted. Just another of my science experiments to keep me amused.

We took the littles and ddK and her friend to Sushi Yoshi restaurant for supper. It is one of those Japanese restaurants with the hibachi grill. The boys were fascinated by the performance of the chef who cooked their food.
They all want to go back next week. We said we have to save up to do that extravaganza again.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 18 2016 :  07:14:30 AM  Show Profile
I came into the shop for a "minute" this morning to print some paperwork for His Dudeness. Then I plan to go have a mani-pedi and do some little shopping. That is IF I can ever get away from the shop. People keep coming in and he didn't have the deals ready for me to just print...I am about ready to leave, honestly.

Ladies -- I would appreciate your positive thoughts this morning. A good friend of mine, Manuel, lives in Ecuador, right in the area that seems to be the worst devastation -- He was a Rotary Exchange Student to our town out in Washington State several years ago and we have stayed in touch over the years via Facebook. We haven't heard anything from him since the quake. Of course, there is probably no internet or cell service anywhere -- really really hoping he is just very very busy, but looking at the devastation makes me worry. I know worry doesn't help, but that's all I have right now.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 18 2016 :  07:46:11 AM  Show Profile
I just received a message from Estefania the child I sponsor in Ecuador. She said that they are experiencing ashen rain but that they are not in danger. I will be watching this closely and contacting the agency to see what their disaster plan is.

The band is sounding very good lately. Vlad the drummer quit because he said he just doesn't have enough stamina to play. Dave the guitar player called an old friend he used jam with. Even though he hasn't played for 15 years, he is pretty good and is now a member. Now if they would only come up with a new name.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 18 2016 :  08:17:51 AM  Show Profile
Oh, Marilyn, thinking of Manuel right now, and all the other families affected in Ecuador.

I have several friends right now who are on a rant about the end times being close, because of the quakes. I don't doubt the quakes are a sign of "something," but it's the same story I've been hearing for fifty years. I've watched the "predictions" and explanations come and go. No man knows the hour, not even Christ Himself. In the meantime, it behooves us to not sit and watch the devastation with smug arrogance, but put hands to our prayers and help however we can. Jmho.

Cindy, my heart breaks for you. Anything that comes to mind to encourage you sounds trite and glib, so I will just say I am thinking of you. Rant and vent all you need. Please take care of YOURSELF. (I had what sounds like a similar experience.)

Speaking of dreams, and we were, correct? I had an odd one this morning concerning my 8 year old granddaughter that's left me unsettled and still pondering. But two mornings ago, I had a remarkable dream in which key players are all deceased. It was most extraordinary to have conversations with these people, some of whom were not so nice to me in real life, yet were kindness and gentleness in my dream. Amazing.

On Saturday, I went to the nearby town to a meeting of BC Angel Dresses. We dismantle wedding gowns / prom gowns / bridesmaids' dresses and make tiny gowns and "pockets" for miscarried and stillborn babies. We had a lovely group of ladies that came out to help, some were dress donors, some had stories of loss, and others were seamstresses like myself. I consider this to be my "ministry," to make these beautiful little dresses for hurting families. It is kind of a double redemption, double healing for me. I lost a little boy at full term, plus my own wedding dress was the first dress I remade into "angel dresses."

So my sister is ragging on me for not being more aggressive in phoning entities that she feels owes money to mom's Estate. She words it all very carefully so that it appears she is concerned about anything but the money, but it's very frail defense. One thing, mom did not qualify for Canada's death benefit, as she didn't work enough during her lifetime. (Minimum of ten years.) We can contest the govt's decision, but we must provide documentation (letters from employers and pay stubs) if we feel she qualifies. So my sister is coming up with random incidents, like the time she went home and dad was doing laundry. I don't know that that proves mom was working. In any case, it's hardly ten years, is it? Sigh.

I can sense her impatience to have her (very tiny) share of the estate snugly in her pocket, but I told her that mom may be deceased in the flesh, but it takes a long time for her to "die on paper," according to the times of Bureaucracy Land. There's a constant silent reprimand that I'm not doing this right. Sigh again.

I have a new great nephew, born Saturday, named Jaxon. I mailed off his quilt last week, just in time.

We are having record-breaking high temperatures.

Have a wonderful Monday.


My life on the ranch ...
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 18 2016 :  3:14:09 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I hope all is well with those you are loving in South America.

I think making little gowns and pockets is a wonderful ministry. Hugs to you for the loss of your son. Do you keep a candle in the window?

Strength to you as well in dealing with your siblings. I think Marilyn's by line is very appropriate each time I read it. Maybe you could tell your siblings as they call that as executor you will charge them lawyer hours for each call about the estate and that fee will be deducted from their share. I do not know if I could take my own advice but a lawyer certainly would charge them and you are better than a lawyer.

Dreams are important. Write it down if you can, I find them so fleeting that remembering what to write is so very hard.

We had a very lovely morning. It became overcast in the afternoon. In the morning we dragged up two more loads of logs for the huglecultur bed. I am moving the pile of logs from one place to another. I hope this works well.

The homeschool teacher came to check dsC's work. She will send the completed form to me and I will send it and the new registration form to the Department of Education. I could do testing or send in a portfolio of his work but this is so much easier for me. The homeschool year runs from July 1 through June 30th. We can report after March 1st. I like to do it early.

Some of the garlic has sprouted in the garden. The grass is starting to green up. The cow is happy to be grazing even if it is on stubble.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 18 2016 :  4:56:45 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn--I like your comment about the church shooting its own wounded. I know that all too well. When I was a kid, I LOVED going to church. My, how things change.
Ann--that is so wonderful to remember babies who didn't get the chance to be babies. My friend had a miscarriage, and looking back, I think that's when her depression started in earnest. I wonder if she even realizes it.
Marie--I hope your child in Ecuador stays safe. So many disasters happening around the globe and the climate scientists predict it will get worse. And I get tired of hearing "God is in control" when in fact, He pretty much left us in control and we are messing things up royally. And unlike the Old Testament, He doesn't strike down with lightning people who are doing wrong. wrong-doers usually orchestrate their own demise--with a little help from the Almighty ;)
I am feeling better today because I was FINALLY able to fit into the expensive jeans I bought back in November. Today is the first day I've worn them. I still have too much muffin top but I am slowly but surely losing weight.
Holly-how much garlic did you plant? I would love to learn how to braid garlic--to have a garlic braid hanging in my kitchen, next to the basket of fresh eggs, on the countertop where the homemade bread is rising....heck, I barely have enough countertop for my for three appliances. When I've made bread in the past, I put it on top of the fridge to rise. It's warmer up there and the dog can't get it.
I mowed the back yard yesterday. My ferns I planted last year are coming up. I had a dream about a week ago and there was a Gypsy Vanner mare in the dream, and she was beautiful. I walked into TSC the next day and staring at me was a miniature Gypsy Vanner horse on the toy rack. It looked just like the horse in my dream, so I bought it. Somehow it makes me feel better. Weird?

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 19 2016 :  06:48:44 AM  Show Profile
Cindy -- Not weird. We are too chronologically-enhanced for things to be weird anymore -- everything's good. And I am so happy to see that you're looking up!!!

Marie -- So glad you heard from your friend in Ecuador! What a relief. We still haven't had any word from Manuel, but his home is in some of the worst-hit area and he would probably be called upon to stay at the hospital around the clock in an emergency, AND they probably don't have cell service or internet readily available -- AND AND AND ... so I am trying very hard to keep positive thoughts.

We got a good start on the garden over the weekend. I got all the cooler weather stuff planted - the salad garden, mostly. Holly -- I planted garlic, but I have never tried it before, so I don't know what to expect. I guess I will find out. I think gardening is for optimists anyway! We made a few changes this year -- enhanced the soil and moved the salad garden down front. I will also be putting in some flowers. Dude dug out a whole edge surrounding the garden and he wants me to put marigolds in it. It will take some doing, but it will be pretty, and marigolds stay nice quite late into the year. There are so many pretty varieties to choose from that now I have room to go crazy. ha. So much work to do that we didn't make it down to the boat, but once the garden goes in we will have plenty of weekends for that.

I will be babysitting my grand-dog for a few days later this week. Miss Peanut. She is a chiweenie rescue. My daughter is absolutely nuts about this little dog and has to fly out to Seattle for a few days for a family wedding. The big dog goes to a home-stay place and loves it, but Daughter is afraid to leave the little one there. We don't mind -- we both like dogs fine, but just don't have the lifestyle for one right now. So Thursday and Friday I will have a helper here at work. I will probably spend the whole time just holding her on my lap! ha ha That's what she gets at home. She came over on Saturday for a test visit and went right outside and found a "spot," and just made herself at home, so I think we're good.

My phone is starting to ring, so I ought to make myself available. Some days it is harder than others for me to be the enforcer.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 19 2016 :  07:22:52 AM  Show Profile
Oh -- forgot to tell you all -- my SIL (the one in Idaho who lives near my parents) texted the siblings yesterday. She had gone over to take some more "stuff" to the parents. While she was there, she told them that if they needed anything, they should call HER and not my brother, and that she will see that they get it. She told them that Brother is working himself into sickness over their move, with all the paperwork, getting their old apartment emptied, running back and forth (and back and forth and back and forth) to take them every little thing they can think of, and that he is unwilling to let them know that he needs some rest. They have nothing to do all day but sit in their room and think of things they want (but do not really need) and my dear Eldest Brother just jumps up and runs to get them whatever they ask for. SIL said she has probably made waves now, but she has to advocate for my brother's health, too. I told her that I was glad she was looking out for his health.

My parents have refused to plan for their last years. Ages ago, when the insurance company my ex worked for offered Long Term Care insurance as a benefit, they said that immediate family members could buy it at the much-reduced rate as well. (Our company wasn't writing the insurance, just offering it as an employee benefit) We sat down and tried to convince my parents (who were just in their 50s) to buy the insurance, because it was soooooo cheap and would be such a great benefit to have when they got old and if they needed someone to come in to their home and care for them, or whatever. Well, they were too busy playing Little House on the Prairie and pretending they were 18 years old and did not want to spend the pennies on an insurance policy that they "would probably never need." Well now their chickens are coming right home to roost. I can't tell you the number of houses and trailers that they have bought and sold over the course of their retirement -- frittering away what could have been good investments against their last years. But they have always done just exactly what they wanted and have behaved like the grasshoppers that they are. I told SIL that they have made their lives and are in a perfectly lovely place now where all their needs are being taken care of, so she should not feel guilty and I thanked her for caring for my brother and making him so happy.

I told my daughter about what SIL had done and she said "Well, now Grandma will say 'They locked us up in this place and now L**** is keeping us away from E*.' She's absolutely right, too. That is just what she will say. But it won't be true.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 19 2016 :  08:51:50 AM  Show Profile
SISTERS --- I just got a message from a group check-in board that my Ecuadoran friend has been marked "safe!" I am beyond relieved.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 19 2016 :  1:43:35 PM  Show Profile
Originally posted by Marilyn Hartman Sullivan

SISTERS --- I just got a message from a group check-in board that my Ecuadoran friend has been marked "safe!"



My life on the ranch ...
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 19 2016 :  6:05:28 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Glad the Ecuador young man is safe and that you were able to find out.

I do not know about planting garlic in the spring. We always plant it in the fall. There are two kinds of garlic, hard neck and soft neck. One kind is good for braiding and one the stems go soft and disappear. I do not know which I have. I just plant what I am given or have left from the year before. Each time I read the catalogs I think that is the kind I should have. In one eye and out and ear and I still do not know. Last year I minced the garlic in the food processor and dried it in the food dehydrator. You are right the garlic looks really nice and smells good too hanging in the kitchen.

I like marigolds as well and they help keep the bugs away from your garden. If you plant chrysanthemums as well when the frost kills the marigolds you will still have the mum flowers in the fall.

Good for the SIL to care for your brother. Does he have guilt or is he just dutiful?

Took the little boys for their annual physicals today. They are all in good health and growing. Two may have mild allergies and if they get worse we will deal with them.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 20 2016 :  12:58:43 PM  Show Profile
Dental appointment was moved up to this morning, so I spent the first hour or so in the chair. Had two fillings replaced, which is about all I am having done these days. However -- these should be good for the duration! I really like this dentist, although I was anxious all night. Sigh. Just me, I guess.

Finished lesson 11 of 12 in the QuickBooks course today. Last lesson comes out Friday and then I can take the final exam then, as well. I will be babysitting my daughter's little dog, Peanut, for a few days. I wonder if I can study with a little Chiweenie on my lap?

I don't know how much guilt my brother feels about taking care of the folks -- he certainly has no cause to in MY book -- but he's the eldest and has always taken care of all of us. He hasn't made a plan in 30 years or more that didn't include some kind of provision for my parents. I am looking forward to seeing them in a couple of weeks. I adore his wife.

Holly -- Thanks for the idea about the mums! People just go crazy for mums here in the fall, and that would extend the garden, as well. I am thinking that our marigolds were good way into the fall, though.

It's about 4:00 and the sun is shining like mad, so I imagine we will be leaving soon. It was a nice quiet day. The mechanic has taken the week off to work on some of his own projects, so it has been extra extra quiet. I think I shall go home and have a glass of champagne and sit in my swing chair and watch the birds.

Have a great evening, everyone.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 20 2016 :  4:08:57 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It was 20 F when we woke up this morning. I lit a fire in the wood stove and then let it die out. It did warm the house enough to be comfortable and then the sun started to come in.

We took a walk up to the base of Hobart Mountain this morning. I thought it would take about an hour to get there but we did it in about 20 minutes. The boys did not do a lot of running off the path or turning over logs. We meandered bach down following a stream and them a series of beaver ponds. We did not see the beaver but there were plenty of trees that they had been gnawing on and in the water there were sticks with the bark gnawed off. It was a nice time.

I think we have a hundred or more garlic cloves planted. Someone gave us some last fall and then the ones I brought into the house to use some sprouted so I planted those as well. I want a lot to chop and dry for the winter.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 21 2016 :  06:50:52 AM  Show Profile
What a wonderful education "the littles" are getting!!! I think seeing beaver ponds up close and personal is much better than prepping for some standardized test. Of course, I spent so much time in the woods when I was a kid -- that's probably why it's my preference. I have GOT to get to Vermont someday, just to see. Living on the west coast for so much of my life, the New England states were never on the way to anywhere for us. My dream is to take a train trip up there in the fall.

We are still having some cool mornings -- in the high 30s this morning, but it will warm up later. There was frost on all the neighbors' roofs. While we were sitting on the sofa last night, we saw a fox come down the yard next to our house, trot across the road, and on up the hill into the woods on the other side of the road. Then there were deer up in there this morning. It is a nice wooded pathway for them all to get down to the creek. Buck Run is right at the base of our hill, and we always see lots of wildlife down there.

I had a good walk this morning. There was a group of kids from the high school out doing Earth Day cleaning uptown. They were looking mostly ineffectual, but they were OUT there! Lots of giggling girls -- they were pulling the tops off weeds along the curbs and scraping gum off the sidewalks. It is a gorgeous day for it.

Miss Peanut comes to stay today at about 12:30 -- I will have her until evening on Sunday. I hope that goes well. She is a sweet little dog and I don't mind holding her the whole time if that's what she wants! Mamaw -- that's me.

My brother texted us last night. He took Daddy to the doctor yesterday. His lung is not clearing up, as a matter of fact, part of the right lobe has collapsed. He is feeling fine, though. He has had all the radiation they can do, and the chemo is not helping (seemed to make him very weak, actually) so they are going to stop all that and just do palliative care. They have contacted Hospice, so that someone will be coming in to check on him every few days to make sure he has everything he needs. He is ready for this stage, he says. I am so glad that they are settled into their new place. No telling how long he has -- even the oncologists won't say, because there's no way to guess. I am hoping that when his time comes, he will go easily -- in his sleep or something would be great. Not sure how Mother will deal with it -- she has always talked a big game about religion, but has the least faith of nearly anyone I have ever known. Daddy fully believes that he will go to some kind of Heaven and see his father and mother and all his siblings, so he feels like he is ready. I'm glad I have already booked my travel. I hate thinking that I will be seeing him for the last time on this trip, but I am mostly doing okay. Everyone goes through the loss of a parent (if they are lucky enough to have them in the first place), so I know it can be done. We have been very very lucky to have them with us for such a long time.

Got to stop that. I am talking like he's already gone, and he's not.

The sun is shining here and it's a beautiful day.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 21 2016 :  5:31:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I hope your father passes easily. no regrets.

We had a more than lovely day here on the old hill farm. C took the day off from work. Since her job is being outsourced she found out that if she does not have another state job lined up she will lose all of her sick time and will be compensated for her vacation time. So, she called in sick today. She really is having major mental health issues about this outsourcing and the betrayal by the state government and the Union of these 8 employees.

We hiked Hobart Mountain today. It is out behind our last field. C went with the littles and myself. She is very out of shape and overweight. She was a trooper. She had some whining but kept going up.. We found a place that had many windfalls. All the same direction. If I could get my tractor up there we would have more wood than for two years worth. The property is not ours and I am not sure whose it is. I am not even sure how I would get the tractor up there or how to get the trees down. Such a waste to let them rot into the ground.

DsC and dsG played in the pond today. The ice went out last week. They put on their life jackets and paddled in the kayaks. DsC jumped into the water. Crazy boys.

I put two loads of manure into my strawberry tower. This weekend I will pick up my conservation district order and in it is a pack of 25 strawberries so I need to get moving on this.

How lucky you are to see a fox. DdK said she say a fawn at the beginning of the week. I thought it was early but who knows with this weather.

If you do come to Vermont I would be glad to visit. We do have a spare room right now. The train does stop in Montpelier. I am not a great housekeeper.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 21 2016 :  10:07:13 PM  Show Profile
Holly--IF I ever get to New England I'll stop by and oooh and ahhh over your beautiful property. I don't think I could jump in a lake--not even in summer. I am not a water person. I think I know how C feels. Employees of ANY organization are treated as expendable commodities. I just signed a petition to protest Verizon's decision to outsource many jobs--and their CEO makes millions in compensation alone. I hope these greedy people choke on their greed.
Marilyn--hoping your father passes peacefully. Good you have Miss Peanut to keep you company. My female parakeet attacked my male the other day so they are now separated. Skye is an old bird and Rainbow is young and I guess that's why she attacked him. If I hadn't intervened I think she would have killed him. It's the natural instinct of birds to drive the weak or sick members from the flock, as sick birds attract predators in the wild. Now I need to get a bigger cage for Skye. He is in the little travel cage. He is doing much better now.
Ann--I believe we are living in the end times, but I also believe it's not going to happen the way these writers of the "Left Behind" books have led so many to believe. I've read Christian fiction and I finally gave it up cause I feel like it takes all the mystery out of the way God works. I don't like to read about how God works--I like to sit back and observe for myself. You learn more about a tree by watching it change through the seasons and the years than you do by reading about it. Same with God. Church leaders don't want to hear that kind of talk cause if everyone thought that way, they'd soon be out of jobs. Yes, it's helpful to read, but people shouldn't read the Bible only for answers. It's created more questions than answers for me and I think that's a good thing. I guess I'm a PITA for the church.
Well it's almost midnight which means it's Earth Day. There is a full moon tonight as well. Saint Francis of Assisi often referred to Brother Sun and Sister Moon. He would give sermons to the wild animals he encountered on his walks in nature. I was talking to a rabbit that was in my backyard a week ago and he seemed completely unafraid of me. I asked him if the grass in my yard was tasty. He just twitched his ears and kept on chewing.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 22 2016 :  06:11:34 AM  Show Profile
Adventures in dogsitting. Miss Peanut cried quite a bit yesterday afternoon here at the shop. She kept looking for her Mommy and kept wanting to go out and walk around and sniff and see everything. Luckily it was pretty quiet here, so no harm done.

Last night at home, she was quite the clown. She played tug-of-war with Dude with her toys, did her business outside, was just a happy happy little dog and quite relaxed. My daughter does NOT like stairs, and had been so convinced that Peanut would not be able to navigate our stairs -- well, I came out of the bedroom right after we got home just in time to see the tail end (literally) of Peanut happily hippity-hopping down the stairs. She had a good investigation of the new rooms down there and then came back up and joined us. We were all pretty tired and we go to bed pretty early, so when 9:00 came, I started into the bedroom, ready to have some big-bed snuggle time before putting her to bed in her crate. Well, she walked right in to the room, made a bee-line for her crate and went right in. I just closed the door behind her and we all conked out! She cried for a couple of minutes -- just making sure we were still there -- and then slept all night. I woke up this morning and we went out for our "constitutional" and she did fine.

Coming to work was NOT a good idea today. Mamaw is very stressed and trying to get things done -- doesn't work with Peanut. She is a runner, and I am worried to death that she'll get away and my daughter will be undone! She hasn't learned to walk on the leash without pulling, and sometimes her little harness slips off, so walking uptown this morning was a very short-lived experiment. When we first got here, I set up my laptop so I could do my lesson (the LAST one of the course) and trying to handle two computers and actually retain any information was just not working. I have turned off the laptop and put it away. I will just work on my lesson at home. No sense in rushing through it and not getting anything out of it. They will have released the final exam today, too. I have I think 10 days to finish them both.

So Peanut is curled up on her little sleepy pad right in the middle of my desk where she can see the front door. She is very protective of me and won't let anyone come near me without knowing she's in charge!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Apr 22 2016 06:53:57 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 22 2016 :  1:54:02 PM  Show Profile
I am bummed. I had to stop by work today--I just needed to use a computer to change a password and my home pc couldn't do it--my boss took me to HR but the person she wanted to talk to wasn't there. Now why would she need me to go to HR to change a password? Never had to do that before. I know what's coming. And when it does, I'm sending out the flying monkeys.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Apr 22 2016 :  2:32:04 PM  Show Profile
Oh, I do dislike knowing my number is up at work and they are just trying to finish up the paperwork to get me out. At one job I knew I was about to go when I was the only one who didn't get a new fully adjustable, comfy chair. Best to always be prepared these days.

I have been selected to interview with the school for the reading tutor part time job. I am just waiting for a call on when the appointment is. I know one of the ladies who will be interviewing me and we like each other. She has helped me in the past with suggestions on how to teach reading. I am still hopeful and cautious. I am also trying not to make too many plans for the $544 I may be receiving every month but I'm thinking . . . accelerate payoff of credit card, accelerate payoff of auto loan (I'm the co-signer so it is in my best interest.), some bucks in the IRA, a serger . . .

I am at the game store and I guy just accidentally dropped his keys down the toilet. I'm thinking that if they can get a plumber out here right away, they can be retrieved. He lost his car keys and his new house keys. Phone calls are being made.

Many people here in Minneapolis, including myself, are wearing purple today to commemorate the death of Prince Roger Nelson. Apparently, preliminary results show that he was taking pain killers because his hip was hurting. He didn't drink or use drugs to excess. It has shocked a lot of people. First Avenue, the club pictured in Purple Rain has been open since yesterday and that is where most people have gathered to pay tribute. I haven't been downtown but I can just imagine the scene there.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Apr 22 2016 2:39:27 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Apr 22 2016 :  4:58:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I would like to talk to a rabbit. We have two dogs, we do not see many wild animals. Well, birds we do. We have found coyote poop. it has a lot of hair in it. But not the living animals. I am jealous.

Now why did the man at the game store flush?

Good luck in dog sitting. I hope you enjoy the whole time. and the Dude does too.

Today was overcast and very warm all day. Today was the first day I put on non flannel lined pants.Then in the afternoon I put on shorts. I was surprised I could not deal with what ever heat we had. C says that the weather guessers are saying 3 to 6 inches of snow for Tuesday.

The littles were in the pond today in the kayaks.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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