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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 07 2015 : 9:02:17 PM
I'm doing short posts so if I lose one its not so bad.
Yesterday I made a delicious stew by cooking a turkey breast carcass for several hours for the bone broth then added a few veggies some rice and some chard from the garden. Thickened it with some mushroom soup, made gluten free biscuits and it was much like eating turkey pot pie with the biscuits just not in the stew. From now on I will use the gluten free mix only for rolling out into a crust as I've had no luck getting it to rise. It does make good pancakes too.
On the 15th we will plant onions in our outreach gardens and they ordered enough to give us at least 30 plants for our own garden if we show up to help. We have had a near perfect fall this year. I have beets almost ready and little broccoli starting to show. Cabbage ready to make heads. its fun to watch it grow. Very meditative.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Dec 07 2015 : 10:37:22 PM
Greenhouses smell so good. Damp earth!
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Dec 08 2015 : 05:24:59 AM
I have thought of putting a little platform in the back of the downstairs to have a place to stand without compacting the dirt. A fold down table from the wall and chairs would be nice. Something to ponder.
hope you have sunshine today.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2015 : 07:20:52 AM
Oh I miss being able to speak to you all while I am off work! Something weird with the MJF password on my iPad so I can't post from there. I need to fix that.
Wasn't even 9:30 this morning and I called the police to have Mr Creepy Creeperston removed from the premises. Geez. I had told Dude that if he came back again I was going to insist that he leave, and if he did not, then I would call the Gendarmes. Dude and Mechanic had left to pick up some cars and I saw Creepy creeping around out on the lot. He went down and banged on the garage door to see if he could get in. Then he came up here and came in the front door. I said "Good Morning." Nice lady that I am. He asked if Dude was not here yet, and I said that he had been here but was out doing some errands. So he starts into my office and begins asking me all kinds of questions about my day, how am I doing, is there anything I need him to do for me....blah blah blah. I told him that I was quite busy and that he needed to just leave. He said he just wanted to "be friends" with me and "why do you treat me this way?" Can we all spell S-T-A-L-K-E-R??? Yucky. I said I was working and had asked him to leave. He refused. I told him that I had already spoken to Mr Dude and told him that I would call the police to have him removed. He started to come further into my office. I dialed 911 and he stood right here at my desk and listened to the conversation! He was leaning over the desk -- so creepy. I can see the police station from my desk -- God Bless Small Town America -- and the first cruiser arrived while we were still on the phone. Mr Creeperston had schlepped out the front door and was meandering around between cars. Officer Doherty came in and said "This guy is nutty! He is saying that he and Dude are good friends. Is that the case?" I assured him that it was NOT. Anyway, they took down his license number and other pertinent information and escorted him from the premises. Told him that he was NOT welcome here and was NOT to return or contact us in any way, and that if he did, there would be an arrest. Then Office Doherty (who looks to be about 14, bless him) came in and talked to me for a bit. I told him that CC had gone out and was bothering newly-widowed SIL, and he said to call her immediately and let her know what had happened, and to have her call 911 if he showed up there again, as well. I think this goofball lives around town here somewhere, so now the police will be watching him. When Dude and Mechanic came back, they were both THRILLED that I had put an end to it (hopefully). They were both chuckling and grinning. I don't know why I was the one who had to do it. I think guys like to pretend they can handle anything, but I don't mind calling in some backup if I need it. ha!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2015 : 2:55:43 PM
Ooo, Marilyn, that guy is creepy. I've met that kind before--when I was depressed and a patient on a psyche unit. this guy left song lyrics on the bed in my room and told me I "didn't understand how women are supposed to act towards men". CREEPY. The staff put a stop to that guy's overtures. I hope the police have persuaded this weirdo to do his weirding somewhere else. We all get a little crazy at times unfortunately some people stay that way. Have you considered getting a dog? A Doberman or a German shepherd. they have strong guarding instincts. Boxer was very protective of me and people would look at him and they would just KNOW not to mess with me. I was walking boxer once and this mentally ill man was walking down the street and yelling at people on their porches. He looked at me, then at Boxer, and said, "Does that dog bite?" He stayed far from me and kept glancing at Boxer till we were out of sight. It's good that the police station is within your sight. Small towns are good that way :) Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 08 2015 : 5:44:39 PM
Good evening everyone,
Some people give me the creeps as well. It is good you got past the 'we need to be polite to everyone' mindset and called the officer. I am proud you could do that and did. I hope he does not return when he sees the Dude in the lot.
slow day here. overcast and in the forties all day long.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Dec 08 2015 : 6:53:11 PM
Slow day here as well. Beautiful day in the low 70's. Not a cloud in the sky. Meat loaf, Brussel sprouts and acorn squash for dinner. Everything cooked in the oven. I'm trying to set up the quilting machine and can not locate some of the accessories. Just annoying.
I think Cindy's idea about the dog is a good one. I sure would feel safer. You assume these crazies are harmless but you never know.
Tomorrow is supposed to be like today. Neighbors are out in shorts and sleeveless TShirts and flip flops. I had the house open, windows up to let in the fresh air. In December. It sort of makes up for the awful hot summer.
Wonder how Jan is doing, if she is still in Florida. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 06:21:14 AM
G -- I have a Grace machine quilting frame. My ex shipped it here from my studio and was so good about taking it all apart and putting all the pieces in boxes. Unfortunately, I have not had a place to set it up and am thinking about giving it to a friend -- hopefully now that we are getting our downstairs all finished I will be able to at least gather all the parts together so I am sure she gets the whole thing. The thought of trying to reconstruct it is daunting! I just don't think I will be doing enough machine quilting in the future to keep it, but then I think " never know!"
I used to have a German Sherpherd dog named Heidi. She was absolutely the love of my life. An adorable sweet intelligent BABY chicken, but she looked completely fierce. She loved everyone that we loved, but if my 7-year-old daughter was out in the back yard, I never ever had to worry about someone wandering in off the alley and causing trouble. One time I was walking her around the block, just working on "heel" and whatnot. We had stopped at a corner and were practicing waiting. A guy walked up (just a completely normal-looking person) and admired her and asked "Does your dog bite?" I said "I don't know." He just nodded and walked on. That was my standard answer to strangers after that! One day, my husband was out in the carport working on his bicycle and Heidi was sitting next to him, just watching the street. Some religious pamphlet-pushers came up the driveway...Heidi just sat and watched them. They started to push their papers and my husband, who was a minister, leaned over a little and said "Not yet," to Heidi. Those people were gone in a heartbeat. We laughed at that for years. I just remembered -- he turned 60 years old yesterday. Happy Birthday to my teenage husband.
I am a little edgy today -- hoping that Creepy McCreeperston doesn't come back. I think it's funny how happy Dude and Mike the Mechanic are that I called the police and hopefully put an end to this guy -- neither of them had the cojones to do it -- who's the weaker sex now, fellas? Don't mess with me. I have no hormones and plenty of coffee.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 07:28:35 AM
You rock, Marilyn! Good one.
I have tons of stuff that I probably won't use again, "but you never know". Got a good chuckle there.
Just bought some more stuff that I think I want to use now. DVDs, paints, etc. cool stuff. Yes, I'm crazy.
I've had this little house a year now and still no curtains because I just can't make up my mind.
Today we are putting Christmas decorations up outside but no tree inside because there is no room.
Have a great day everyone. |
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 07:39:55 AM
Leaving within minutes on our pre-Christmas Christmas journey. No baby yet, but it WILL be within the week. C-section booked for 16th.
We finished preg-testing yesterday and I managed to get stepped on and shoved by a cow going the wrong way. Just bruises.
I have limited data, so don't know if I can post much.Take care, all!
My life on the ranch ... |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 08:31:17 AM
Ann, have a wonderful safe trip!!! Baby on the way!!
Marilyn, I wish I lived closer!! I would get you using that machine in no time! I did own a quilt shop in California. Plus I might even book some time for my pile of quilt tops. I have a suitcase full lol..I make terrible whining noises when I have to do them on my regular sewing machine. G, you could designate the country house as the crafting house. Set it up with all the fun stuff and have a retreat just for yourself.
Part of me feels a bit sorry for McCreepy. He is obviously lonely. But being creepy doesn't help.
Went to one of my Bunco groups last night. We had a gift exchange and appetizers. Man those ladies can cook. Me.....frozen from the box. I ended up,with my own gift. I packaged it up in a rather plain bag and a ribbon and no one picked it. I had picked an earlier gift but I got stolen at the last person. So my gift was left and I got it. It was the best one there. Everyone was very sorry they had not chosen it. Serves them right for judging a book by its cover. Lol.
I have decided my news year goal is to find more social opportunities. Wish I didn't live so far away from Portland. There are so many wonderful groups I could join. But the weather is always unpredictable along the river and I don't do well driving at night. There is a ecommerce business group I may join when the weather gets better.
Time for work. Later everyone!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 08:56:59 AM
Life here is pretty boring. Nothing much going on which is fine by me.
Temperatures have been so warm that all the snow is now gone. I may have to clean up the yarn this weekend. Someone burned a large log in the fire pan and didn't totally consume it. I want to take care of that too. I have to borrow a rake from the neighbor.
Weather here can be tricky also. An Alberta Clipper can blow in here and change the landscape from brown to white in no time at all. The forecast doesn't predict snow for another week. Still, I stay prepared.
I play Dungeons & Dragons this week. Several things have happened all at once. The druid stole the artifact which provides water for this desert city and the officials are freaking out. The guy in the arena has escaped. AND . . . I have finally been rescued from my servitude. I have discovered something terrible about the political structure of the city. This week should be lots of fun.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 11:01:52 AM
Enjoy the trip and the new bebeh, Ann! Glad the cow didn't get you too bad.
We are just back from our Rotary Club Christmas luncheon. We always do a gift exchange and Dude dresses up as Santa to hand out the gifts, etc. I dressed up as his elf. We had a great time but are both worn out. Being jolly is hard work! Our little club has been growing these past few years and it is very exciting to watch.
We are working to put in an inclusive playground in our little city park. The Borough has given us the land in the existing Memorial Park. We have to take down some old playground equipment and prepare the ground, etc. Today we heard from the playground equipment people and he showed us a 3-D picture of the proposal. Everything will be accessible by ramp, and there will be lots of activities that the kids in chairs can do alongside siblings or friends who are not in chairs. There's even a big swing that you roll the chair right onto a platform and the whole thing swings! That was the one piece of equipment that we ALL insisted upon. I guess everyone loves to swing.
Today the Comunidad Hispana is opening a new satellite medical clinic here in town. They originally served the Spanish-speaking community, but are now seeing just about everyone. Exciting times in our little town.
G -- I would love to get back to doing some quilting someday. I have so many tops pieced and packed away. I have always said that I have to live forever just to get all my tops quilted. Before I moved to PA I was home all the time and quilted all the time. Now I have been knitting because it's so much more portable and all my quilting stuff has been packed away since I moved into Dude's house. He has set aside an area in our new downstairs for my sewing -- I don't know who is more anxious to get it done. He is probably tired of hearing me complain about not being able to sit down at my sewing machine! Some days I feel like I do nothing but work, but that's not really true.
We are having warm weather. Really odd for this time of year and supposed to be even warmer in a few days. I am really ready for it to just make up its mind!!!
I have been addressing Christmas cards today in between customers. I will try to post our Christmas card picture ---

Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Dec 09 2015 11:03:10 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 5:36:41 PM
Good evening everyone,
I will try one more time to post something. Our internet is inconsistent this evening.
Marie the game sounds like a lot of fun and great for the imagination. Are you back to school yet?
I have so many unfinished projects I believe I will not ever get caught up. I have stopped worrying about them.
Cindy I hope you are feeling better.
DsR had a good report from the dentist although I must say that it baffles me how the children who might brush their teeth a couple of times a week get good reports.
Temperatures are too warm here as well. It was in the mid forties today and the weather guessers say no real accumulation until mid January. This is not good for us because the income from the snow machiners and cross country skiers and snowshoers helps the tax base. The downhill skiers are ok because the mountains make snow. But if there is not snow on the ground elsewhere some skiers believe there is not skiing anywhere so do not come. IMO if we do not have flowers or leaves we must have snow to offset the gray all around us.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2015 : 07:26:44 AM
Here we are on Thursday, and Creepy Guy has not returned -- yay! It has been otherwise very quiet here, once I got all the statements done on Tuesday. I have been working on getting our Christmas cards addressed and have that pretty much done. Still knitting on a pair of mittens for me -- using fingering yarn that is very pretty, but a little too bright and pastel for sox for the Dude. Which reminds me -- I need to order some more sock yarn -- he just loves his handmade sox. I will need a small project for travel.
My daughter had to take the 13-year-old grandson to the ER last night. He has had a cough for several days, but was not running a fever. Last night he was having trouble getting his breath because the cough just would not let up. After some IV fluids and a steroid breathing treatment, they are back home. He handled it all like a trouper, of course. The doc said they are seeing a lot of this particular bug -- people who have never had to use an inhaler or have not used one in years and finding themselves needing them again. They sent Trub home with one. The symptoms are like bronchitis, so that's how they are treating it. We have had cold days, then warm days, then cold ones again -- I think that's hard on the system. This morning we have pea soup fog! It was worse here in town than the drive in. I was very very careful crossing streets on my walk this morning. Down below freezing in the mornings, and then the high 50s by afternoon. Tough to know how to dress for weather like this.
My parents left Idaho this morning on their way to Indiana. Daddy just texted me from Salt Lake City -- waiting for their flight to Minneapolis. He said they are doing fine. I know it's hard for him to keep Mother occupied. She has always been so afraid of EVERYTHING, and now that she is confused so much of the time, the world must seem even more scary to her. My brother sat her down yesterday and gave her a little talk about how she needs to behave on this trip. They are planning to stay an entire month (they didn't want to travel during Christmas rush time) and Mother has a tendency to get homesick and want to change plans. He told her that there was a large fee ($400) to change their tickets and that seemed to get through to her. She wouldn't spend a dollar to save twenty! They will be staying with Daddy's sister. My aunt is very deaf, so hopefully if Mother gets in one of her hateful fits, she won't be able to hear her. Sigh. We are flying over there for about three days after Christmas. My little brother will be there --home from Tokyo for the holidays -- so I will get to see him, as well.
Dude's Alaskan daughter is coming home for Christmas. She, boyfriend and big dog will be flying in Saturday evening and we will pick them up at the airport. Speaking of people being deaf -- a little bit ago, Dude was stomping through the shop muttering. I heard "I am going to have to stop taking that d***** Cialis!" I thought that was a rather odd thing for him to say, so I installed a context filter and reprocessed....what he actually said was "I am going to have to take the seat out of this d***** van!" He was trying to make room for a large dog crate for when we pick the kids up. Sometimes it is ALMOST humorous to hear us trying to communicate. I have some hereditary nerve deafness in my right ear and I think Dude just needs to have his ears suctioned -- anyway, we can really butcher a conversation and then get silly with laughter at ourselves.
South Carolina daughter and her boyfriend will be driving up later -- they plan to bring their horses up so they can ride. Mom has a horse farm and they will be able to get in some good rides over the holidays.
All my shopping is done except for a trip to the local Belgian chocolatier. I do not need the temptation of having those chocolates around any sooner than is absolutely necessary! My mother loves chocolates and he puts up a box of nothing but soft centers, which works well for her dentures. I will probably take a box to my aunt, as well. Everything else is wrapped and under the tree. Hooray!
I wonder how Ann is doing? I bet her daughter is happy to have her there at this time. Nothing like Mommy.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2015 : 08:22:10 AM
Wow Marilyn, the big migration begins! Hope all goes well with everyone converging on Christmas.
I didn't sleep well last night at all! Major restless whole body syndrome. Usually I can do some stretches and get back to sleep. Not last night. I ended up just sitting in bed and rocking for a really long time. I'm going on about three hours of sleep. Thankfully I'm working short days. I'll be taking a nap when I get home.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2015 : 09:55:49 AM
Oh Bunny! I hate nights like that. That's funny that you mentioned stretches -- that's my "go-to" solution usually. It generally really helps, but I know you have other issues at work (I mean at work in your body -- like health issues). I hope you get some good sleep tonight. Our alarms go off at 6:15 on work days. This morning at about 4:30, I kept hearing this chirping sound in my sleep and it finally woke me up. I knew immediately that it was the sound of a "low battery" alarm, but I couldn't for the life of me tell where it was coming from. I finally got the Dude up and we found the culprit -- the smoke detector at the bottom of the stairs. We are both of the "less tall than would be handy" height, so there were two naked sleepy people teetering on the bottom step trying to reach up and get the batteries out of the smoke detector. He would reach as far as possible without stepping off that bottom step and after a couple of tries we got tickled and stood there freezing and giggling at the picture we made. Finally got hold of it, thank goodness, and had about an hour to get back to bed and warmed up good before we had to get up.
Our fog is finally gone and it is a gorgeous clear blue day. I had a little "I love you" text from the youngest grandson. Sounds like he is feeling better. I guess that's why they call them "wonder drugs." Actually, probably only older people call them that these days. It is so quiet here! We had lunch and then I walked uptown to the bank and the post office. I will probably get some good knitting in this afternoon.
Good luck with your nap, Bunny. I hope you can sleep all the way through!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Dec 10 2015 12:06:35 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2015 : 4:20:35 PM
Good evening everyone,
I hate it when I am spinning on nothing and none of my go to relaxing works. The books recommend getting up and doing something and then going back to bed. The only thing I manage to convince my self to do is read a story or play games on my kindle. I have not yet convinced myself to get out of bed. Of course the exception to that is to pee.
Ah Marilyn I am glad your smoke detector is not wired to the police station for automatic responses. They would have gotten an eyeful. lol Glad your grandson is feeling better. DsR has had a cough for more than a month. It is mostly at night and in the morning now. It does not bother him during the day. Amazingly enough putting vicks vapo rub on his feet with sox is the most effective treatment we have found so far.
We are having similar weather to you, Marilyn. We were talking today that it would be good sugaring weather, freezing at night and warm during the day.
My big accomplishment today was folding the laundry.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2015 : 4:45:47 PM
I went to work rather bleary eyed. Lasted until 1:00pm thankfully my boss was keying up to ask me if I would work Saturday for her. So she suggested I go home early and make up the hours on Saturday. Win win for both of us. I did get some sewing in at work. I'm working in the most beautiful red velvet scarves. Should keep me busy on Saturday if no shoppers. I came home and took a nap. My RLS comes and goes in a wave. I think last night was the top of the wave. It should be much better tonight.
Holly, I also heard a slice of onion in a sock works too. Vicks is probably the better choice though. I also have read that keeping a slice of onion next to your bed each night (a new one) will help keep the cooties away. Onions absorb all the crud apparently. If they weren't so stinky, it might be fun to try. I don't get virus sick very often. I'm such a hermit that except for work, I don't come into contact with many people.
It's raining here. Temps are in the 50's. Just right for me. Just want the freezing stuff to stay away!
Tomorrow I will be reworking one of my dresses to fit a larger customer. I finally found a top that should fit her.
I'm realizing my main customer is over 50 and very plus size. much for cute stuff for the younger crowd. It wouldn't be so bad except for all the different body types and what does and does not look good on them. It seems I cannot get the apple shape to understand that a dress with lots of layers and an uneven hem will look like she tied a bunch of rags around her waist. Great until they want to return it because it doesn't look so good.
Marilyn, wonderful picture in my mind now with the smoke alarm story. I hate those things. They always go off when my mom cooks. I'm afraid we removed ours. Too much damage to the ears.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2015 : 06:45:05 AM
I saw a bit on facebook recently that someone thought if they invented a smoke alarm that would say "It's only my cooking!" they could make a bundle. I know that's why a lot of people remove them. I used to live in a house where the smoke alarm had been installed right over the stove -- so annoying! That one came out in a hurry, I can tell you.
Had a great walk this morning. I do love my little town. Got my cup of coffee from the Amazing Heather and a fresh cinnamon scone for second breakfasts! She was out of the bacon ones, which are my usual, but the fresh cinnamon sounded too good to pass up. Saw several wagons in town -- the whole family bundled up in blankets. Must be a visiting day or an auction day. Otherwise, we usually see more buggies. There was a young man here within about two minutes of our arrival this morning. He was paying off the loan on his car and having the payment reminder device taken off. He was so proud! It has been a struggle a couple of times, but I am glad for him. He worked really hard to get it paid off.
I have been working on getting my financial picture as clean as possible since Brother passed this summer. All the talk about final expenses/wishes and executing the will -- made me realize I needed to stop cutting bait and get to fishing. So I got a complete credit report and have started working my way down it one item at a time. My stuff is all in good shape, but there are a couple of accounts on there which went to the ex when we split, and he's a spend-thrift, so I want to get those cleared off and out of my name. I know the man (oh boy, do I know the man) so I have taken a very structured approach. First I gave him a complete list, very itemized and specific, of what needs to happen. Then I have been working one item at a time until it gets completed. We have been making good progress, but still have a ways to go. He is the BEST procrastinator in the world, so I have been going to the whip a little more than I like to, but it needs doing.
Yesterday, Dude hustled and hustled around to get a Jeep Cherokee ready for his SC daughter. She was going to be driving her Range Rover up here at Christmas so we could put it back in the shop, and would take the Cherokee back with her so she would have 4WD for the wintertime. He hurried and moved things and got our detail guy to come get it --- big rush. So she called her dad last night and when he mentioned it she said "I'm not driving the Rover up. We are coming in the truck because we are bringing the horses. That whole thing was Mom's idea, not mine, and I told her I wasn't going to do it." She told her dad she thinks her mom is "losing it." Dude was so upset, but my personal (but unexpressed!) feeling is that maybe he shouldn't be so quick to ask "how high" when The Great Lady says "Jump." If he had checked with the source, he could have saved himself a lot of extra effort and hurry. I DID say that I think Mommy ought to land that particular helicopter and start letting those "girls" (who are 29 and 31 and both have advanced degrees and are working in their chosen professions) live their own lives. She just tries to orchestrate everything and everybody and sometimes we don't all want to fit into her big production. The daughters are both getting fed up with her constant hovering and arranging of everything. They are lovely intelligent women -- let them be! I think it's sad when mothers hang on too long. Goodness knows, there are always going to be times when they need us and ask us to help or advise -- but otherwise, I think we have to let them go at some point. Anyway -- nuff preachin.
I finished the hand on my first mitten last night. Hopefully I can get the thumb knit today if it's not too busy. We are going to go to a wine tasting this evening, so will probably run have an early dinner. It is such gorgeous weather that we hate to waste it, and this winery is right outside of town.
My parents got to Indiana okay. I bet they were tired! My brother picked them up at 5 in the morning yesterday to take them to the airport, and they are NOT used to being up that early. They probably neither one slept. I am sure they made up for it last night. So glad they made the trip, and I know my Aunt Melva is glad, too. She and Daddy are the last siblings remaining and they have become closer as the years have passed -- 86 and 84.
Speaking of my mother -- she sometimes gets leg cramps in the night and somebody told her that she should slip a bar of soap (and kind at all) under her fitted sheet, down around the foot of the bed. She swears that it helps and that her leg cramps go away as long as she keeps the soap under the sheet.....hmmmmm She IS an old wife, after all!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Dec 11 2015 07:35:31 AM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2015 : 10:55:36 AM
I do get so terribly tired of dealing with people who just don't seem to understand how to make their lives work. They come in and promise payments that they just aren't financially able to make, or they have extended themselves so far that they can't afford anything to help them out of their situation, or sometimes they just do dumb things over and over or are plain old lazy. Everyone has their own story and their own circumstances.
But sometimes I run into people who I really would love to help, but who look just awful on paper. It's just so hard to make rational decisions sometimes with regard to financing them. I just finished a credit application for a guy -- even after I manipulated the figures a little bit, the best I could make it come out was a "C". But he looked right in my eyes and said "I really need a vehicle." A guy nearing 60 years old who just can't make it. Just can't. Just can't. I feel sad.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2015 : 12:22:01 PM
One down -----

Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2015 : 5:10:11 PM
Good evening everyone,
Nice mitten and I really like the long cuff.
I received a winter holiday card from a woman in Delaware today. She must have been in the post card swap. She put her farm girl number in and like Marilyn is in the 6000. I thought wow I look old my number is so much lower.
Maybe some place on your etsy site you should write what you told us Bunny, that if you are shaped like an apple these outfits will look good on you. If you are shaped like a pear these outfits will look good on you and if you are shaped like a bean pole try these outfits. I hear bananas work for cramps because they have potassium. I do not like to have spiders in my knees but they do not run up and down my legs like yours do. I hope they go live someplace else for a while.
Off and on clouds all day. Temperatures in the forties. House is really easy to heat. We woke up this morning too warm. Worked outside some today putting insulation in the green house.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 11 2015 : 6:13:11 PM
I like the mitten too. It was 80 degrees here today so I don't know if I will get a chance to wear gloves or caps this winter at all. We will be in the Caribbean for part of January. So it should be a short winter for us.
We planted onions today. I learned how to plant them properly. we put down rock phosphate near the row, and then sprinkled organic miracle grow in the row, then planted them about 3 inches apart. the idea being to pull every other one for green onions, leaving every other one to grow to a mature onion. I think they are fertilized every three weeks with 20-0-0. These people have gardening down to a science. We planted three beds of them for the charity that we support. I think they said 1800 onions. We were supposed to get free ones for helping but there were not very many left. I had already planted shallots anyway. now I know how to fertilize them.
Bunny I think the larger size women have a hard time getting things to fit, and your creations are mostly a loose fit so they are comfortable and stylish at the same time. If the style doesn't flatter, well you can't have it all. Ive been wearing the top I got from you as a lounge top with sweatpants. It is so comfy.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 5:35:08 PM |
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