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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 03 2015 : 5:45:52 PM
I'm here, Holly!
No baby yet, but daughter is feeling miserable. Her man had surgery yesterday, so we're all hoping he gets a few more days of healing before the baby comes.
One day of preg-testing left next Tuesday. Preg-tested today, then a two and a half hour safety meeting. If nothing else, I am getting lots of hours to pay for flight to daughter when the time comes, although if she hasn't had the baby by next Tuesday, we'll be driving down for our "pre-Christmas Christmas trip." Almost everyone in our family lives in that area. We've done this for a couple years now, going down and making the rounds to all the family early in December... everybody gets us for a Christmas celebration, since we can't get away at Christmas time exactly. Cows need to be fed, and The Cowboy is kind enough to let the families get away / have the day off... and we opt for the early December break.
Our weather is unusually, scarily warm and snow-less. Usually, -20 and colder by now (a year ago tomorrow it was -36)... and usually a few feet of snow. By contrast, we have NO snow and it was raining today.
I have decorated the house, put up the tree, wrapped all the gifts, got parcels ready to mail, written the Christmas letter, and the last few days, I've kept my antsy fingers busy by making stockings for two of the grandgirls, one for the new baby, and made some of those "no sew quilted Christmas ornaments." Surprisingly easy. One is for my sister, using scraps of her wedding dress... I belong to a group called BC Angels dresses. We make tiny dresses and outfits for stillborns and miscarried wee ones from donated wedding dresses / bridesmaids dresses. So I made the ornament for her as a keepsake from the last bits of satin and lace.
I got two articles done for the beef magazine and went to a day long seminar for information for another article.
I'm trying to stay busy, to help pass time before baby, and get ready for Christmas. But I'm tired. I need to let myself take some time off between work days... relax and enjoy the season...
My life on the ranch ... |
Edited by - bramblerose on Dec 03 2015 5:51:35 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 03 2015 : 9:53:54 PM
Bunny, it was a treat to see the photos again. The swapping out is beyond annoying.I've started deleting my photos soon after I post them. It does make me leery not knowing where they might end up. Disappointed the fix didn't "take."
Dh got great news today. He thought he was going to have to have another tooth extracted. But, the dentist said she could save it and just crown it. Yay!!! It has been a busy dental year for him.
Today was supposed to be a fun stay at home and craft day for me. But,I tried to make some soft foods for dh figuring he was going to have a sore mouth. Maybe tomorrow! I hope ddK continues to be comfortable. Mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2015 : 08:50:38 AM
Mar -- I have to confess -- I have been swapping them and posting your pictures on the "Hot Farm Chicks of the Pacific Northwest" website! I bet those tech support people are tearing their hair out trying to get this fixed. What an odd glitch to have. We had a weird oddity in our system a while back (actually it is still there but we know how to work around it now)...whenever I put a new vehicle into our inventory, there's a field that says "tires." I have to say that the car has 1 tire, or else when we print a sales contract, it will NOT print out if the customer is transferring their license tag from another car. One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other, but it's just a little weirdity in the system. Took us a while to iron it out! So I always get this mental picture of all of our cars driving around in circles on their 1 little tire.
I just ran a guy out of the shop. He's a nuisance of a guy -- not really an old guy -- probably only late 60s or so, but he's got nothing to do, so he wants to hang out here. Well this morning, Dude is trying to get half a dozen things done around here, plus his sister and co-executor of Brother's estate keeps calling because they are trying to get that settled, so he's obviously busy...and this dork comes slumping in and wants to just sit around. He sat in my room for a while and stared at me until Dude was off the phone. He says "Have you got anything around here I could do for you for nothing?" Dude said -- no...having you here would be more work for me! And the guy just keeps mumbling and mumbling -- then says "I am totally committed to you." SOO CREEPY!!! Then he wanted to go out into the garage and I told him no -- our insurance does not allow visitors out there. He insisted that he just wanted to say hello to "the mechanic -- I KNOW him." I got up and told him he had to leave. I am hoping he will get the message that he needs to not hang out here.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Forum Admin
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Posted - Dec 04 2015 : 09:31:43 AM
Hi Gals-
Here is a post I just made over on "someone is changing my posts":
"The IT folks tell me that this is a naming or renaming problem and that it has to do with how files are originally named, for example image.jpg or image.jpeg.
All images uploaded to the forum are loaded in to an images folder on the sever. Before the image is actually saved into that folder, the forum has a built in tool that looks for images of the same name that already exist in that folder and if it finds one then in appends the newest file name with a number, so that the names are not the same.
However, if an image that is too large for the forum is loaded, the forum has a built in re-sizing tool to downsize the image to a more suitable forum size...this causes the image to be renamed on the server.
It appears that in some select cases the original file name (image.jpg or image.jepg) is causing the system to forget to check for a same name image before re-sizing and then allowing the new, re-sized image to be saved as the name that already exists (therefore, replacing that original photo).
The IT folks tell me they have fixed the side of the problem involving the .jpg files, but are working on a fix for the .jpeg files (turns out very few files are named with .jpeg anymore)
One thing they have suggested is that if posters have the ability to rename their images before uploading, to name them something other than the default name generated by the device that created the picture. As well, if the file name generated by the creating device is .jpeg, it also might be helpful to rename that image to simply .jpg
I know this is a lot of IT talk, but I want you to know that I'm trying to get this fixed as soon as I can."
Marianne, rest assured that the photos you've posted haven't gone anywhere...they are still safely in the folder on our server where they have always been...It's just that the "pathway" to your picture was accidentally changed to point at a different picture.
I just spoke with the IT folks again and they feel that as of about 9 am PST, they have made the additional fixes and that this problem shouldn't exist any longer.
Sorry for all the frustration and hopefully this is fixed for good. Thank you for your patience. Lucas
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2015 : 11:05:50 AM
I have said it before and I will say it again -- God Bless the IT Professionals! I don't know how they do it.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2015 : 1:17:43 PM
Thank you Lucas. I will start giving my files a different name before I post them. I was also worried that my photos would end up in somebody else's files, so I'm glad for that reassurance.
Busy day today. As my grandmother always said "make hay while the sun shines". We have a few days of beautiful crisp weather and I am taking advantage of it. You gals behave yourselves.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2015 : 1:22:59 PM
Actually I can not change the names on my iPad. I would have to do it from my computer. Unless someone knows how. The pics are taken with my iPhone then shared with my iPad and Mac. I can look at the file name and "save as" something differebpnt but I don't see that option on the iPad. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 04 2015 : 6:00:30 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am glad I am not an IT person. My older brother was and he was one of those people who could look at thousands of lines of code and figure out where the error was. He has always been more than anal-retentive.
I think that mirrors and lighting do not do our faces the right justice. I think Bunny you need to get a different mirror and different lighting. I think you do not look as old as some of the people around here that I see that I know are younger than us. I think I look older and then I see these people and acknowledge that I look pretty good. Don't fret away worrying about it. YOu have a great smile and wonderful eyes.
Marilyn you are great. We almost wet ourselves when I read your post outloud to C.
Ann glad to hear from you. We usually have in the teens and several feet of snow by now. I wish we did have the several feet of snow. The people from down country would come up and spend their money and increase the tax base for the state. I have read the ski mountains are making snow and are open but how good can the skiing be when the day time temperatures are above freezing. It must be like spring conditions. I hope the beef magazine pays you well. I guess you are published nationally or binationally. That makes you a celebrity.
We had visitors from across town (like 2 miles away) who came to drop off chickens because they are going to Florida for the winter and she remarked that we had winter conditions (actually early spring with some mud season) and she had no snow on the ground at all. We live in a bit of a different climactic zone than the rest of town.
We have too many roosters. We missed them when we were doing in birds. They take turns chasing the hens. I think I am going to move them over to the pen we raise meat birds in in the summer and close the gate. I will give dsC the job of feeding and watering them. If i had a plucker they would go in the freezer last week. They are not mean to people but they are running the hens ragged.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 05 2015 : 3:41:28 PM
Good evening everyone,
A lovely April day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the fifties and the top two inches of the unpaved roads were melted and slippery. The ruts have gone deeper. We are experiencing mud season. A phenomenon usually reserved for late spring frost break up. Anyway I enjoyed being outside most of the day. Two of the littles were put out that I had them outside instead of inside playing games. Then they were on the dock of the pond. They are not to be by the pond without life jackets especially this time of year when if they fell in their boots and clothes would drag them down to the bottom of the pond. So, they had to come up and play in the field by the green house while I worked there. They were so annoyed.
So, ddK took the recycling to the transfer station this morning. We have a site that has big bins in it to collect the trash and one for the recycling. Both have these electric pushers to compact the refuse. DdK placed her wallet on the top of the recycling bin when she was loading it into the car. DdK dumped the recycling into the bin and drove home. DdK drove back to the transfer station and demanded that Ray get her wallet out of the bin. Ray had already pushed the compressor twice since she had been and gone. Billy a nice neighbor went into the bin for her to try to find her wallet. She came screeching back home demanding in her most entitled distraught voice that I go down to the transfer station and make Ray get her wallet out of the compacted recycling. I tried to commiserate with her but she would have none of it. She wanted that wallet back. Alas her mean old mother did not go and make the demands she wanted. Quite honestly it was all I could do not to laugh at her performance for her distracted irresponsibility. i did not laugh. On Monday we will call the main office of the Waste Management district and find out if when the sorters are sorting the recycling if the wallet is found could it be returned. It has her license in it and my debit card that I did not know she took among other things. Anything of any importance can be cancelled and replaced. Poor ddK she was so upset. She was much better later in the morning. She is so resilient.
I have seven rooster in the guinea house so far. I think I have three more mature roosters to catch. The hens should be a lot happier.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Dec 05 2015 : 6:59:53 PM
Wow Holly...looks like you are posting to no one had posted between your Friday post and today. Betcha everyone was lurking though! :)
Looks like the picture glitch is on the mend.
Bunny.....thanx for reposting your pics. Your kiddo is a doll....and you don't look as bad as you seem to think you do!! :)
Marilyn.......hope that fellow gets the hint so you don't have to deal with him. How annoying he must have been. Totally committed to you? That sounds scary....considering all the freaks out there.
Thank you, Lucas for your diligence concerning the recent Picture fiasco!! :) are a mean Mom for not rescueing your poor daughters wallet!! So funny.
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 05 2015 : 7:00:27 PM
I lost my post. Holly I am sorry you are all alone on here. I'll try again tomorrow. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 05 2015 : 7:41:05 PM
Not much going on here. I worked the last two days and will be in the sewing room the next two days. It is almost ready for my sister to move into the second room in the basement. There is a cement wall divider making it two rooms.
She has been sick with colitis. She eats and drinks things she shouldn't and then has a terrible flare up. She is out of work the next four days. I hope she doesn't lose her job. But trying to tell her her eating habits are causing this will result in a big explosion of attitude. So I'm staying out of it. My mom took her to the ER. Hopefully she will get tired of the pain and deal with it.
I have Gurd and some other swallowing issues. I have learned there are things I just don't get to eat any more. No bit deal. It isn't worth the pain to eat something I use to enjoy.
Weather here is a little warmer but very overcast and wet. It will be above freezing the next week. I'm very glad for that.
Holly, I'm afraid I would not have too much sympathy for ddk losing her wallet that way either. Live and learn. I bet she doesn't do that again.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 05 2015 : 7:49:54 PM
I promised pictures of my last creations. I just realized our photo glitch would have been a wonderful marketing tool if my pictures ended up on someone one elses post. I could just add my shop name at the bottom and let it go where it may. Good advertising. But noooo.... they had to fix it.
Anyway, there are the last few postings. The first one has a little bit of a Christmas theme going on. Pink and green though.

 And... one more.

The first two are plus size up to size 18 so no complaining I don't have anything that will fit. Hahaha!
Anyway, that is it for now.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 06 2015 : 03:10:10 AM
Holly, mean moms rule! And digging around in ick isn't very v fun for anyone. DdK is probably over being upset with you already. She really was just upset with herself anyway.
How are the hens adjusting to a roster free existence?
No news from Ann in some few days...maybe the new baby is keeping her busy!!
Bunny, the new creations are wonderful. Your inventory is great. I do hope you get a lot of holiday shoppers!
I have been busy the last few days making cards with mom. She used to stamp and decorate them with a friend and was missing her past time. She enjoyed shuffling thru her supplies over and over. Sitting at the table for the extended period of time made me very uncomfortable so I was much more careful the second day about moving about often.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 06 2015 : 11:48:35 AM
Just finished playing games with dnA. The weather isn't too bad, but our "usual" has changed to being inside having snacks, playing games and visiting. Basically, what every child wants. She and dh are outside now deciding whether they will drag the fields, groom the horses or just pick their hooves before taking Gracie with them to walk dnA home in just a few minutes.
Today, I hope to start Fritto's bed/sleeping bad for Christmas. Gracie's turned out great, but hers in for the floor and has a very thick, washable cushion that goes in it. Fritto is allowed on the sofa any time, so she just needs some batting in hers.
Yesterday, dh and I finished putting up the lights on the front porch. Everything else was done a week ago, then the weather turned and we said, "The rest can wait."
I think the day calls for pumpkin bread. How's that sound? I made up cream cheese frosting last night for some zucchini bread I had in the freezer. The zucchini bread is gone...leftover frosting shouldn't just be eaten on its own....
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Dec 06 2015 : 12:33:18 PM
Still no baby, but busy busy busy.
We will be done preg-testing on Tuesday, so hopefully baby waits until Wednesday when the Cowboy and I will be driving down anyway, saving me having to fly out in a rush.
I have everything wrapped now, have almost all the Christmas cards done. Yesterday, I made shortbread, an apple pie, cooked sweet potatoes (for Christmas) and put them in the freezer. I started packing this morning, much easier now, anticipating a road trip rather than flying down. (Though I have arranged the packing so I can take what I need on a plane, while the Cowboy brings the rest if he has to come by himself on Wednesday.)
We will stay at our cabin, just 45 minutes out of the city where my daughter lives. In fact, our cabin is located right in the centre of almost all the members of our family. We have renovated the "cabin" over the last three years to be house-sized, and it's where we'll retire, sometime within the next year or two.
Our "itinerary" is filling up for our trip... we usually do a pre-Christmas Christmas trip... going down and taking turns with different families within the family in early December, going to Christmas concerts, parties, birthdays, a Christmas celebration every day... This year, though, everything hinges on the new baby.
We are getting snow... it's beautifully white out now.
My life on the ranch ... |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 06 2015 : 1:30:05 PM
Marianne - Of course, cream cheese frosting may be eaten by itself. I do. I also get creative by using it as a dip for chips, crackers, vegies, chocolate . . . etc.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 06 2015 : 4:01:05 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am glad to offer all of you chuckles at ddK's expense. Yes, she is not longer angry with me.
I think cream cheese frosting on rye bread or any of the sour breads is tasty. I would enjoy a piece of that pumpkin bread as well.
Happy traveling to you, Anne. I think you have the right idea about pre Christmas Christmas. It seems like it saves a lot of worrying about disappointing someone or other. This is a good time of year for a baby to be born. Not much outside work happening and the baby will be old enough to be outside when the weather is good. One of our babies we used to put in the front pack and hang from the mirror of our F150 when we were working in the garden. I think it was ddK and she slept through the whole thing. Probably one of the few times she slept for a nap. She hated to miss anything and still does.
Today was an odd day as far as weather goes. I woke just before dawn to use the bathroom and there was snow on the ground. Just after dawn we had thick fog and the snow melted. The fog lightened but stayed until lunch time. Then it was a clear blue day in the forties and low fifties. Tonight the stars are gorgeous.
I hope you sell more outfits through the holiday season. I think you have the right attitude about your sister. Probably the healthiest attitude for you.
G sorry you lost your post.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Dec 06 2015 : 4:01:52 PM
Ann--sounds like you're busy, busy, busy. Hope that baby waits till Wednesday. How nice to have a cabin in the center of where your family members live. I'd like to retire to a cabin someday--if I can ever afford to retire. Mar--I hope you meant a sleeping bag for Fritto. No doggie wants a sleeping bad. Bad auto-correct. Bunny--those tops are CUTE. The first one is very festive. Mel--good to hear from you, even if you talked about everyone but yourself. What's going on in your world? Inquiring minds want to know. Marilyn--that guy sounds like he's ready to be committed alright--to a psyche unit. Holly--poor ddK. Losing a wallet in a compacter isn't so bad. Imagine losing your cell phone in one. G--glad the picture thing is all settled. I feel like I'm losing it. I couldn't get on-line and when I called my internet service, they said it wasn't the modem. So I tried calling the router service, only to be put on hold for thirty minutes. I finally hung up, after screaming at the phone. I paid an ungodly sum to get that problem fixed and it still isn't fixed and I can't even get ahold of them. And I have a limited number of minutes. So finally I turned everything off and walked away. (I'd already tried turning things off and then back on and it didn't work). Now it works but I have the laptop connected. Don't know if it'll work if I unplug it and I don't want to find out. I've had a nasty icky cold for the past few days and my lungs are still recovering. at least I caught it in time and saw a nurse and got medicine before it could progress to bronchitis. that's what happened last time--it all started with a little cold. I took my parents to the grocery store this morning as my mom still can't drive. She has a dr. appt. this week and she thinks she'll be able to drive by then. At least they have food now. I bought some Christmas lights and put them around the lamppost in my yard. I also put up a garland and some red bows. But I feel lousy and for some odd reason, my hips hurt. Can't figure that one out. I haven't been hula dancing recently (or ever). But my hips feel like I was in a hula hoop contest. And my ears hurt, but that's from the cold. My teeth also hurt, which happens when I catch a cold--does that make any sense? I've started taking zinc for the cold and it seems to help (read about zinc in the latest issue of MJF magazine). I hope everyone else feels better than I do. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Dec 06 2015 : 4:24:51 PM
Ann, I hope it is warm where your cabin is. You are one busy lady. I never thought about cooking and freezing sweet potatoes ahead of time. I just recently needed to use up some sour cream so I put it on a sweet potato and boy was it good. All these years I've been putting sour cream on my baked white potato and never thought to put it on the sweet potatoes.
I really miss breads especially the sweet breads with that wonderful cream cheese icing. It is so good with pumpkin bread! I agree it's good with just a spoon, ha. Maybe with a little Nutella on the side.
Mar, I think it is so good of you and dh to play with Dear little neighbor. My autocorrect absolutely wil not let me use the initials. Lazy me--I bought my pooches a new bed at the store that shall not be named. You know that store every body hates but we still go there.
Hey, Mel, good to hear from you! Hope you are doing well, I miss chatting with you.
Bunny, you look great. What the heck is wrong with your self esteem, girl? Poof up your hair and put on red lipstick, it will make you feel better --you've got the potential to look exotic! Especially because you can make yourself a wardrobe that most of us can only dream about. Get yourself some dangling earrings. And boots. There ya go. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 06 2015 : 4:35:51 PM
Cindy and Holly posted while I was writing mine. Cindy, I hate that you are sick again. You need to make yourself some elderberry syrup. It strengthens the immune system. I buy it at the health food store. You work at a hospital, dont you? Where every germ in the planet shows up sooner or later. Hope you were able to catch it before it gets any worse.
Holly, I don't know what it is that you hung baby on the mirror of. I have a mental picture of baby dangling (like the pictures) from a stork's beak, except she is dangling from a rear view mirror.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 06 2015 : 8:50:52 PM
Like a pair of fuzzy dice! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 07 2015 : 06:31:18 AM
Well, then it would have been a great big honkin pick up truck. The ones with those big wheels. Trying to picture holly and C in one of those. With loud music vibrating out of it. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 07 2015 : 4:53:51 PM
Good evening everyone.
The mirror was on the side of the Ford F150. The mirrors were big because the people we bought the truck from towed a trailer. We do have people who go mudding out beyond us. They have the huge tires that have a lot of clearance. I guess you have a great imagination to see us up in one. I would be more likely than C. She is less of a dare devil.
Today is Pearl Harbor day and the birthday of Harry Chapin. I saw him in concert when I was in college.
Sorry you are feeling poorly again. G is right the hospital is probably a worse place for getting sick than a public school. DsR has had a cough for more than a month. It is worse at night. He uses Vick's vaporub on his chest back and feet at night. The Vicks seems to make more of a difference than the cough syrup.
Today was in the mid 40's. I am enjoying the warm weather. I worked on closing in the eaves on the green house today. It will take me a little more time to finish. Then the building will be warmer inside. Now it is warmer than the outside temperature but you can still feel cold drafts.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 07 2015 : 8:50:45 PM
Today was another beautiful crisp day. We went to check on the country place and get the mail, bring back Christmas decorations, etc. got home just after dark and I made P F chang's orange chicken with jasmine rice. That's the sticky kind that you get at the restaurants to eat with chopsticks it's my favorite even though it doesn't come organic. I brought my baby lock tiara back with me this time. Don't know where I will put it. Have yet to use it. Have about 6 quilt tops to quilt, at least. One I have changed my mind about because it's in colors I no longer use in my house, so I'm going to quilt it up very lightweight and make myself a cozy bathrobe out of it. Think I'll do that first.
Holly I want to move into that greenhouse and do it all up with shabby chic style and lace curtains on the windows. Really , it would be so cool to put at least a couple of chairs in there among the plants and a place to have tea and just enjoy the peacefulness. |
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