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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 26 2015 :  8:18:03 PM  Show Profile
It's hot here. I mowed the yard yesterday cause I was afraid it was going to rain and the grass was getting tall. I got sick from the heat. I know the meds. I take make me more susceptible to heat stroke--this is the second time this summer I've gotten sick. So I stayed in bed most of the day. Feel better now--had a big slice of watermelon. If that doesn't cool you off, nothing will.
My mom keeps saying how there are so many bills to pay (she's had to take over paying the bills). I've been telling her for years that I have trouble paying my bills cause I don't earn enough--my parents have the money but my mom never realized how many bills there are each month to pay, plus the ones that only come a few times a year. She always has tended to turn a blind eye to
reality--till it hits her in the face.
I have lots of beans from my garden. I'm going to try making pickled beans. Michael's had pint canning jars for $1.00 each so I got some of them. They have Halloween decorations out already. Does anyone really pay nearly $50.00 for a fake vulture?
I feel run down so I hope I feel OK tomorrow. Work can wear me down when I'm busy running around for eight hours.
This old gray mare ain't what she used to

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

130 Posts

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Posted - Jul 27 2015 :  06:55:26 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:15:47 PM
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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

130 Posts

130 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2015 :  07:09:57 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:16:09 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2015 :  07:56:23 AM  Show Profile
Dear Iris Goddesses,

The weather is hot and humid here. The garden is full of chamomile and grass and it is too unpleasant outside to do anything there. On top of that, the sewers in our neighborhood are being worked on and sometime today our water will be turned off. No flushing, no washing, no showers. UGH!!! I am taking naps every afternoon in the worst of the heat.

I can't think of anything else to say. My brain is too hot.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 27 2015 :  12:50:21 PM  Show Profile
We finally got a break from our heat. It will be back in forty eight hours, though!

Pickled anything sounds very adventuresome! Good luck.

Bunny, sorry about the crazy with the review...

Chalk up another trip to the salon...always glad to have it done for the week. What a colossal waste of time. When I think of approximately two hours a week..including travel..times fifty two weeks...times fifty eight years (if she started getting her hair done when she was say thirty years old). Then add in the four or five permanent waves she has done a year...that adds two hours onto the appointment. My mind is blown.

Mt Hood looks very different without all the snow cover. Not as majestic in my opinion. I hope it recovers this winter.

Dh is barbecuing veggie burgers for lunch. Yay.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 27 2015 :  7:10:50 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 07:44:20 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  06:24:30 AM  Show Profile
Holly - Thanks for the reminder -- I have always loved the "What on Earth" but haven't seen one for a while. They have some of the best shirts. And I agree with G -- the "eyes" have it!

G -- When I was a missionary (about a thousand and 12 years ago) I was at a public market in Guatemala and saw these big jars full of what looked like horrible big eels or something. Well, I went over to talk to the vendor lady and she told me that they were worms that she had coaxed out of her clients using her special treatments. Ick ick and triple ick. If something like that is living inside you, then I am all in favor of getting it out! Sounds like something I should look into, for sure. (Not the jars! ha ha ha)

I had a nice Monday off. Got the house cleaned, all the laundry done, ironing ditto. Feels so good to be caught up.

We had a great time on Saturday at the Rotary picnic. Had between 25 and 30 people there. Dude noticed that the throttle/clutch was acting up a little when he was trying to get our boat up on the lift at our friend's dock. Kept acting like it didn't want to go into neutral. Well, Sunday morning we went down and got the boat (we had left it on the floating dock overnight) and took it around to pull up by the fuel pump. As he was maneuvering to move the boat in close, the whole contraption came loose and it wouldn't respond! Boat was trying to go forward and Dude wanted very much for it to NOT!!! Mr Quick Thinking just switched off the key and the dockboy had the spring line in his hands already and was able to horse us in. Whew! We don't think it's anything down deep in the works, just the physical nuts and bolts of holding the throttle in place in the helm. Quite a bit too much excitement for a Sunday morning, though. Anyway, we covered her back up and they will be working on the issue this week. When Dude the Younger and his family met us at the marina, we decided to drive down to Chesapeake City for a birthday brunch and really had a good time. His daughter needed to be back home by 3:00 anyway, so it all turned out for the best.

My mechanics are making noise, so I ought to get moving along. Enjoy your Tuesday!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  09:28:00 AM  Show Profile
Nice surprise. Dude's SIL stopped by and brought me a big tub of cream of crab soup. We had picked up some crab cakes for them from this little hole-in-the-wall pizza place just outside of town a week or so ago. BEST all lump crab cakes I have had. So they were by there today for lunch and she thought we would enjoy some soup. It is really yummy but very filling. Dude is up at the auto auction today, so he'll be hungry and have a roaring headache when he gets back. He will love the soup.

I just heard a loud screech from out in the garage where the big lift is. Whenever I hear loud noises out there, I worry that the guys have hurt themselves. So I ran out to see and come to find out that a wee tiny field mouse had run out from somewhere inside the old truck they just pulled in. Two big strong greasy mechanics dancing around like women!!! I wish I had a video. About the time I turned to come back in, another one ran out. Hard telling how many there will be -- the truck has been sitting in tall grass under big trees for quite a while, and mice are notorious for nesting inside transfer cases. Should be an interesting afternoon!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  12:35:38 PM  Show Profile
You paint a great word picture, my dear Marilyn. If only the mechanics had frilly aprons they could clutch as they titter about the mouse. Of course, I'd be knocking them down on my way out the door.

G, I don't know what to say. A bad haircut is the worst. The last one I got,I ended up calling the salon and telling them to tear up my check (back when we used to pay by check!) I'm so sorry. But, you wear hats well... I know you are cringing every time you pass a mirror. I don't blame you. I had the same misconception about upscale salons. Thought they were selective about the stylists they hired...nope.

Got my peek and looks over with. All's fine. IUD is out. Funny how happy I am to be rid of it. I've had four over my reproductive life. Never a problem. I know ddK was talking about it...

Tomorrow is dnA's birthday. 12! She is very excited, of course. We got a few gifts and balloons...and cupcakes...and special treats for her to give the horses... Like I said SHE'S very excited.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  12:37:01 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I do hope the boat fix is easy. And I'm glad your kindness was reciprocated so quickly. It makes you feel like your effort was really appreciated.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  1:24:27 PM  Show Profile
I wouldn't have paid for a chop job like that. Lowell got a haircut once in which the guy just shaved all his hair off. I gasped and the owner, who was working on another head, asked me what was wrong. I told him this is not what we wanted. He told Lowell the cut was free. We never saw that barber again. Lowell looked like a serial killer.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  2:06:56 PM  Show Profile
You are right, Marie. They should not have charged me anything, but they did. Said when I come back they would give me a different stylist and a discount. Not likely!

B is afraid of bugs and spiders and such. Particularly scorpions. I hate to think what he would do if a mouse ran at him. Its all part of the fun of living in the South.

Mar, you are being a good neighbor--hope everybody has fun on the little girl's birthday. As I recall, she might not have many more of them? Can not remember now what you said she suffered from.

Wondering how Mel and Jan are doing. Guess Jan is on her way back by now?
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  2:10:22 PM  Show Profile
Mar, do you make the veggie burgers or buy them? I'm looking for something tasty and I don't care much for meat.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  3:10:54 PM  Show Profile
So strange...I just came from the dentist and I still talk funny and I am having a hard time typing as well. Can't type the words if I can't speak them....weird.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  4:55:18 PM  Show Profile
Oh G, I think we all have those hair salon stories. I once had one burn my hair with a curling iron. I went to another salon to get it fixed. The poor lady keep making a bunch of "oh dears" and " oh my" sounds. She did the best she could at the time. It does grow out and you do wear a hat well. Maybe in a few weeks it will be better. However, I would never want to cross you! I bet she was shaking after you left.

Mar, so wonderful of you to make your neighbor's birthday such a nice event. I'm sure every birthday is a big deal for her family too.

Marilyn, aren't boats fun? So glad the dude was able to wrangle it under control and you weren't hurt. I do love your story telling.

Cindy, my son said there is actually something they can give you to counteract the effect of the novicane when they are done. Ask next time. They don't do it automatically.

Well, I think my sister will be here this weekend. I was really hoping she would change her mind. But she doesn't have medical insurance in Utah and they don't have medicaide like they do here. She needs to deal with her heart issues. I'm trying not to worry. I'm hoping she gets a job quickly and can move. She has a few ideas. It will just take some money.

I made the cutest little top this weekend and have two more pinned up. I needed a break from the chenille quilt I am making. It is some boring sewing. Just back and forth every half inch . I'll have to get back to it this weekend to finish it up.

I'm almost back to my old self thankfully. Today is my last pill.

Time for dinner. Later...


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  6:47:05 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We, too, are having in the high eighties and low nineties during the day. I am glad that it cools down at night. I am able to get out in the garden during the morning but by afternoon I am wiped. I have spent the last three afternoons lying on my bed reading. Such decadence and I do not feel guilty in the least.

On Sunday evening we went to our contractor's wedding. It was very nice and the food was delicious. Best food we have had at a wedding yet. One wedding we went to in Austin said they hired the best barbecue chef in the city. To us the food tasted like it was cooked over a wet campfire. We stopped at McD's on the way back to the hotel.. That experience was many years ago.

DsR has a retainer now to wear at night to hold the spaces in his mouth where they pulled molars that were to come out when he was around 12 because his 6 year molars were digging into them as they were descending. It is pink with purple sparkles and a basket ball decal in the roof. He is happy it is so pretty.

The green house is to extend the season. It will not be hot enough to grow orchids although I am hoping that it will be warm enough to over winter lavender and some other less hardy herbs. I have been thinking that last couple of days that I could get a little gas stove that looks like a wood stove to put in the greenhouse to keep it above freezing starting in February to extend the season a bit more. I'll keep thinking on it as I close in all of the holes that will let in the cold air.

I have been thinking about cutting my hair from shoulder length as it is now to short like Mar and Marilyn's. My last experience at the hair dresser was after my mother chopped my hair off when I was in junior high school and we went to the hairdresser so she cold fix it so I could be seen in public. So, I am still working up the courage to have a change and to see myself differently. I want a doo that is cooler and will keep the ends from blowing in my face when I am outside. i think I was about 12 when it was that short last.

Moments of joy Mar remember? I think that MIL must have at least one when you take her to the hairdresser each week. and you sit at the parlor the whole time while she is being primped? YOu are a wonderful DIL. Is living with MIL easier or harder than you thought about before she moved in?

I hope DnA had a great birthday.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 28 2015 :  6:56:32 PM  Show Profile
OK, I'm back to normal. It was hard typing words cause when I type, I "hear" the words in my head. Bud dey soundeth like thith. Now they sound like they're supposed to.
G--so sorry about the hatchet job. I went to have my hair trimmed at one of those budget places once and the woman was new. She kept picking up strands of my hair and then letting go of them. The "trim" took at least 45 minutes. I was ready to bolt out of the chair. I hope it grows back quickly. visiting Scotland sounds wonderful. I've always wanted to wander through the highlands. I just saw an article today about the Scottish "stonehenge". It was on the cover of a magazine at the dentist's office but I didn't have time to read it. Maybe you can include it on your visit.
Steph--the castle wedding sounds wonderful. And the murder mystery sounds like fun. There is a new movie out, "Mr. Holmes", about an aging Sherlocke, and it's gotten good reviews. I love a good mystery.
Bunny--breathe deep and let it go. I don't remember, what are your sister's heart issues? I can understand why she wants to move but hopefully she won't be there too long before she gets a job and moves on.
Marilyn--that's scary about the boat. Glad the dude is a quick thinker. The crab soup sounds delicious. I can see the mechanics running away from the little Mickey and Minnie. Gosh, what if a snake crawled out? There was a guy here who parked his truck in a wooded area and then he got in to drive it, and a garter snake slithered out onto the floor. Caused him to wreck. The police gave him a ticket. Said he was dumb to have parked it there for so long.
Mar--you are so kind to dnA. I know she'll have a great birthday. To be twelve and horse crazy again...and I hope Mt. Hood gets lots of snow this winter. It's so majestic to see a snow-capped mountain.
Marie--hope you get a break from the heat. I watched the weather tonight and it looks like a cool front is coming down from Canada. Supposed to drop temperatures here a little.
After I got out of the dentist's office, I had to get the oil in my car changed. so I went to the place I've been going. They have a nice waiting area with a coffee maker, TV, and vending machines. I was sitting there and this little boy comes up to me with an open palm and asks, "Can I have some money?" I was so startled that I blinked and said, "Uh, no." He said, "Why not?" He looked to be about four years old. I told him that it wasn't a good idea to ask strangers for money. He wandered off and soon returned:"Can I have some money?" Again, I told him no. Then I told him he shouldn't ask strangers for money cause he had no way of knowing if I was a good person or a bad person. So he went away and then came back a third time. I got up and went out into the main area where the man he was with was talking and I told him that the boy had asked me for money three times. He seemed unconcerned."Oh, that's my nephew. Yeah, he'll do things like that, he's a firecracker." Then he told the boy that I was a kidnapper (not in a serious way). So I went back and sat down and here comes again:"Can I have some pennies?" "No." Then he goes into the other area and comes back with a few pennies(which his uncle had given him). He puts one in the candy machine. "This doesn't work." He puts a penny in the soda machine. "This one doesn't work either. Why won't they work?" "I guess they're broke." Maybe things have changed since I was a kid, but I was wary of strangers when I was that age. I don't know what upset me most, that he wasn't afraid, or that he thought all he had to do was ask for money from anyone and he would get it.
Maybe he'll become a politician.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

130 Posts

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Posted - Jul 29 2015 :  07:21:04 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:16:52 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 29 2015 :  08:17:41 AM  Show Profile
The sewer is being worked on the whole block. Luckily, they rescheduled for August 4. The city has set up portapotties on our block for us to use when the water gets turned off. Last time this happened, we had to let it all sit in the toilet. Nasty!!!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 29 2015 :  11:24:47 AM  Show Profile
I guess there's no terrific time of year to work on the utilities. We are having high humidity and hot hot hot right now, so I am glad that the a/c is working. My mechanics keep coming up with reasons to be inside -- I do NOT blame them. It is pretty unpleasant out there in that garage. Then in the wintertime we play dodge-em cars with all the awful potholes on the highway, but they can't fix them when it's cold weather, but we complain when they close the roads to fix them in the spring. I have a customer who works for a paving company and he says he doesn't mind the heat, but when I can see the heat waves radiating back up on the pavement --- it is plain old too hot for me!!!

I am on a repo tear right now. Every now and then I have to go through my book of business and weed out the accounts that haven't had anything paid on them for a while. I don't mind helping people who have bad credit and can't get financing anywhere else. I don't mind helping people who get into a tight spot -- we have the leeway to be patient with them for a while or to rearrange their payment schedule to fit a new job/budget. But the people who just make no effort at all to keep current and who do the same stuff over and over again -- those are the ones that I just send the guys out to get the car. Most of them never even contact us -- they just go somewhere else and do the same thing. It's so sad. So many people just don't seem to understand what it takes to be functional and independent.

Things are pretty quiet this afternoon -- too hot for much of anything. The poor letter carrier just came by -- I feel for him most on these days.

Hope everyone is comfy -- and G --- You are so pretty that you are probably ROCKING that haircut!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 29 2015 :  12:17:13 PM  Show Profile
Steph- so sorry about the shoulder--rest it and hope it isn't anything too serious.

Cindy, glad you are feeling better. I've been following Dr. Daniel Amen and it is really interesting what parts of our brains control which body and thought functions.

Mar let us know how the bday party goes.

Marilyn, you are sweet but I'm wearing a hat everywhere I can. Hope in a couple of weeks there will be some hair to shape. Funny, the litany of excuses that your esteemed clients come up with as to why they can't pay their bills are the same stories my relatives tell my mom to get handouts from her. My older brother sent me an email last night to tell me to just leave her to them and whatever happens, happens. He has washed his hands of it and advises me to do the same. I'm trying to do that even though I know she is being taken advantage of.

Marie, this would be a good time for you to go visit some out of town friends or relatives with functional plumbing. We sometimes have power outages due to storms and just being without water and lights for a few hours is so miserable. Especially if it is hot.

Holly, sounds like you will get the greenhouse finished up in time to use it this winter. That will be fun, to have a nice warm greenhouse of lovely plants in the middle of winter.

Bunny, sorry you are having to go through the sister thing again. But it will make for some good posts. You know how we like to hear everything. Hope your job is going well and you are able to sock back some $$$ so you can move on
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 29 2015 :  6:37:50 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was another hot one. Temperatures in the eighties. I am not complaining just describing.

In the morning I weeded the garden and cut some of the burdock out from between the rows so I can walk. It has been a while since I have been in the garden to do anything but pick lettuce.

Steph you are very ambitious to read through all of the posts from the beginning. Should I be a carbuncle and say that on the ( help me here someone) ( ) board there are about 200 pages of posts before these. lol Mar kindly moved us to a heading that was more appropriate to our stories.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 30 2015 :  05:52:14 AM  Show Profile
Holly -- My mother and I had a running battle over my hair about as far back as I can remember. One May morning, as I was on my way out the door for high school -- the day of cheerleader tryouts!!!!! -- she came at me with scissors and chopped at my bangs. I cried all the way to school. I won't blame my not being a cheerleader on a bad haircut, but she sure didn't gain any points for that trick! I wore my hair long for years -- it is stick straight, so lots of the time I had it in two pigtails. Whenever I would be working in a more professional environment, I would style it a little differently, but pigtails were my "go to." Once every few years I would have it chopped boy-short and then I would let it all grow back. About three or four years ago, I decided I was tired of waiting for it to dry every morning, so I cut it off short again. I flew out to Idaho to see my folks for Thanksgiving and they met me at the airport. We got to the baggage claim area and my mother asked "Why on earth did you cut off all your hair?" I kept it light, said "Oh, I was just ready for a change." "Does TOM like it?" she asked. (Tom was my first husband -- we married in high school and divorced in 1987) "I don't know about Tom," I answered "But Phillip (The Dude) likes it fine." Her response??? "Well, there's no accounting for taste."

So the moral of this story is to do whatever you want with your hair. It's yours. You have to take care of it. I enjoyed my hair being really really long because I could always put it up or braid it or whatever. But I really love the ease of this short short "do."

I think we are all looking forward to seeing how the big brown greenhouse turns out.

We are expecting storms today. I wish the storms would bring some cooler weather, but they aren't supposed to -- just rain.

We stopped at one of the Amish farms on the way home last night and bought corn and tomatoes. The corn was young, but very tender and sweet. The tomatoes tasted like TOMATOES!!!! Glory! Ours aren't quite ready yet, except for the Sun Gold cherries. Oh-- I didn't mention, but I cooked the first of our Swiss Chard crop on Tuesday. I sauteed the stems in a little olive oil with onion and garlic, then added the leaves at the last -- just enough to wilt them down good. I wasn't sure what to think-- the stems smelled like rhubarb while I was cooking them, and I don't care for rhubarb. But when all was done, it was quite tasty, and the multi-color stems made it a very pretty dish. Dude said he thought he liked it more than kale. Good thing, because there's a lot! ha ha Stopped off at the Neighborhood Services and left another bag of cucumbers this morning. Such a bumper year.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 30 2015 :  07:40:02 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, when I went to counseling after my divorce, after the second or third session, my therapist said, " you need to stay as far away from your mother as possible". That's my advice to you. Because I know that no matter how old you get, it still hurts. mar's old mil says cutting things to her. My mom does the same.
They have no right. Period. It is a form of control, a form of abuse and we are grown ups. Just say no. You can say it nicely and quietly. "Mom, it hurts my feelings when you say things like that". And walk away.

We are burning up in triple digits. Our water restrictions in town are that we can water our yard two times a week after 1:00 am before 8 am. First violation is a warning, after that it's a Class C misdemeanor with a fine. Our grass is brown and everybody else's is green so we must be the only ones following the rules. In October we are having the lawn dug up and replaced with xeriscape landscaping. We are going toward more desert like yards like they have in Arizona. I love the look and it takes little to no water after the plants are established.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 30 2015 :  08:05:58 AM  Show Profile
Iris Goddesses,

My mother also always was after me about my hair. My hair was so thick when I was a kid that they cut it with a razor. That really hurt. As a result I didn't want to get my hair cut. EVER! I was a very stubborn little cuss and could fend off Mom until she had a stylist give me bangs. Every time I went to get them trimmed my mom had them trim my hair. One time I cut my own bangs and that went badly. After that, I insisted on wearing my hair parted down the middle. Another time, I had a huge mat at the back of my head that I was unable to cut out. I believe I had my sister cut it out. Well, Mom found out and she went ape sh**. She my hair cut short. In the 1970's was a movie starring John Wayne called True Grit. My mom loved the movie and told me the main character, a girl, was so smart because she had short hair. RIGHT! Even into my adulthood, when I would get a spiral perm in my long, long hair (which took several hours) she would say that my hair style was not appropriate for my age and profession. Even now she complains that my long hair is not a "mature" style. Now, I just ignore her.

Lowell loves the chard I grow in the garden. He steams it. I like to eat it with rice. It is some good. Rob, the professional musician in the building, is addicted to kale now that he knows how to cook it. Our neighbor, Joann, has an incredible crop and hands out pounds of it.

I have also been removing unwanted plants, mostly grass from the garden. Mitzi always follows me around to see what I will give her. I am so sad that my beans did not grow this year. She really loves those. She picked her own cucumber off the plant this morning and ate it in the yard.

Ah, Gypsy, if I could get away, I would. To leave with any kind of peace of mind about the house, I would have to pack up the dogs. Lowell has been known to forget the feed and water them. I would have to pack up a couple projects and all my medicine. Besides, what would Lowell do without me. At least I can pay the bills remotely. I really wonder how he would function if I ever had to stay in a hospital.

I used to take a certain amount of delight cutting off people's internet service when they got behind. Such power! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Have good days everyone.

My kale and chard.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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