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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 22 2015 :  3:57:10 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 07:39:46 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 22 2015 :  4:07:32 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Bunny, I'm so sorry for your pain--even though I don't know what hurts.

I love that jacket and I'm not giving it up.

Marilyn, I sure hope your dude's tests turn out just fine and I know they will be. Not sure I'd go back to that doc or that facility again. I think you love the guy.
Way back when, you told us he had mentioned the "M" word. Maybe you should go for it. Speaking of that, anybody heard from Betty?
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 22 2015 :  5:09:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

UTI = urinary tract infection. I have not had one but I understand they are painful. Cranberry juice will help alleviate the symptoms.

I agree with G Marilyn that you are a very forgiving person. I might have moved far away and not had any contact once I grew up. then you would have lost your dad as well but he must have been complicit in some way. hugs to you.

I am not sure what we will do when we are feeble. We have our wills both living and after death and we have long term care insurance so we can stay at home but where do I want to be really? I am hoping to just wake up dead one morning when I can no longer read a good book.

Gook luck getting rid of the parasites. I think I would not really want to look in the toilet to see what I had been harboring but curiosity would get the better of me for sure. I hope it fixes the B's weight loss issues and your lethargy.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 22 2015 :  6:55:36 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 07:40:33 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 22 2015 :  8:01:03 PM  Show Profile
Lol, if B's weight loss problems are due to parasites, pass those suckers on to me! I could use a little weight loss help.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 22 2015 :  8:15:57 PM  Show Profile
G--oh my. When you said you were doing a parasite cleanse the first thing that popped into my mind was when a person actually swallows a parasite to (supposedly) improve their health. Yes, I read about it in a magazine, Spirituality and Health. But I see you're trying to get rid of the parasites, not consume them. Whew. I can't believe someone would do that (swallow a parasite) but I know people have taken tapeworms to lose weight. I don't worry about bugs at home. My dog is parasite free (the tests prove it). I do worry about picking up a bug or infection at work.
Marilyn--I feel for you. I never wanted to have kids cause I was too afraid I'd do something to mess them up. When I was a teen I read the book "Bless the Beasts and Children" and it spoke to my pain.
Bunny--the pain. I've heard the only thing worse than a UTI is a kidney infection. I'm lucky in that I rarely have them and when I do I just drink pure cranberry juice and that takes care of it.
Steph--yes, we need pictures of the dress! I don't know how to download pictures either but someone showed me just yesterday how to send a picture I'd taken with my smartphone (that I got in January). So I'll fool around with it till I figure it out. I'm technologically challenged but hey, I love a challenge!
I went to a local brew house tonight as they were having a fund-raiser for our food co-op. We exceeded our goal and now we're set to open in thirty days. I was talking to a friend there and her mother has Alzheimer's and like me, she is the designated child caretaker. She's retired but caring for her mom still takes a lot of her time. Her husband is her primary emotional support. I told her to call me if she ever needed to talk. She said it's the saddest thing she's ever seen, the way her mother has declined. My dad isn't there yet. I hope he goes before he gets to that point. As for me, my mind is a lot better now than when I was younger. When I was in my twenties and thirties I was hospitalized about a dozen times on psych units. Ranging from a few days to a few weeks at a time. I did have good period from about age twenty four to age twenty eight. Then my church congregation turned against me and I went extreme and became an evangelical Christian---but that didn't work for me either. I finally realized I have lot of issues with organized religion but not with God. I refer to myself as a Son Worshipper. I let people figure it out for themselves. And I smudge with sage and do yoga. And yes, I hug trees and even talk to them sometimes. And I talk to the moon. And I can hear things in the wind that other people don't hear. But only when the wind is blowing. I frequently dream about tornadoes and I don't know what it all means, but that's OK. I just accept what is. I don't try to push God on other people, for all I know, God is already with them. Even if God appears to them as a tree. He's apparently appeared as a burning bush, so why not a tree? Hope that makes sense.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 23 2015 :  06:15:57 AM  Show Profile
Bunny Bunny -- I hope you are feeling SO much better today -- miracle drugs, and all that.

Our dinner party was great fun. Nice people, good food -- wayyyyy too much wine.

I called my dad yesterday afternoon since I had a little time. For the first time through this whole thing, I can hear that he is beginning to fail some. He is getting really tired ... tired of all the meds, tired of being tired, tired of everything. I can tell he was trying to sound upbeat on the phone for me, but we had just talked for a little bit when he said I should talk to my mother -- then he told me he loved me and handed her the phone. Mother, of course, was full of jibberish and worries about her own health. Daddy had said that he was on protein only yesterday to prep for a PET scan today, so he was eating eggs all day. Mother tried to tell me that he was eating nothing but bananas for some reason and then she had to ask Daddy if that was "yesterday or some other day." Poor guy, he told her it was eggs and it was that day. Sigh. I suppose the PET scan is to tell them if the chemo is doing any good or not. After our company left last night I laid in bed and cried and cried until I fell asleep. Got up this morning and started crying again. Finally sat myself down and said that I can't cry 24 hours a day for the rest of my dad's life, so I might as well cut it out now! I know I am starting into the grieving process, so it's normal, but it doesn't help anything. Dude asked if I needed to go out there, and I said no. Nothing I could do to make anything any better, and I can't just go sit and look at him 24 hours a day, either. ha ha He will let me know when he wants me to come. I was just there in June.

So there's my cheerful day, huh? I have been for my walk and got my coffee. I really wanted to just lie in bed or sit on the porch in my swing chair and listen to the birds, but being here at work is more productive. Hopefully I will get something done today. Dude is going to the auction, so that always makes for an interesting day. It's actually a bid sale, so we don't find out if we got anything until this evening. It's sort of a ritual -- we have a little dinner and then wait by the computer for them to post the winning bids. Whoo pee! We got to talking last evening before our guests arrived -- discussing renewing the lease on the building and how long he thinks he might be staying in this business. He doesn't want to ever retire, really, but he is getting worn out dealing with all that goes on here and would kind of like to find something different to do. We'll see. I will stay here as long as he does. I really enjoy doing the books, but I could be quite happy at home, too.

Enough of this -- Everybody feel GOOD today, especially Miss Bunny!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 23 2015 :  08:05:25 AM  Show Profile
Oh this is so sad. There's a young woman in my front office who is not nearly clothed enough. She is quite a large girl -- late teens or early 20s. Now I know it is warm weather, but a bra-type sundress is not really appropriate attire if it doesn't actually cover the breasts. I am not talking about showing a little cleavage -- any dress like this is going to show some cleavage -- not appropriate for work, but okay for casual. But this poor dress is just not equipped for this young woman's body dimensions. Every time she moves, one or the other of her girls bounces up over the top and we are all seeing WAYYYY too much of her personal space, if you get my drift. I keep thinking about that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine's Christmas card picture showed a little too much. That is where we are, folks. My two mechanics both like girls, but they are so embarrassed that they won't come into the office to tell her what they're doing on her car, they keep coming to me and making me talk to her. It is honestly like having her sitting out there topless.

You would think that her mother would have had a talk with her about dressing more carefully, but she herself was in here a couple of days ago and had the same issue, but not to this degree. Sigh.

Dude just came back from his meeting. This girl is sitting at a chair in front of his desk. He looked at her and then came back by my desk and made a horrified face with big googly eyes! Now he's trying to do anything that keeps him away from his desk. I hope the guys get her turn signal fixed so she can leave. (It was working when she took the car, because we had it inspected for safety and emissions, and the signals have to work to pass.) Maybe I should go out there and throw a blanket over her.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 23 2015 :  08:52:01 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, so sad to hear about your father. You will never be ready. Just hang in there and keep letting him know you love him and that your mom will be taken care of. I'm sure that weighs on his mind too. It is too bad you can't just go get him and do some fun things with him for a few days.
Too bad about the jiggle girl. Just look at the Walmart people pictures. Too many people just don't get how to dress for success.

I am feeling better today. No pain thankfully. So nice to have the dr's office ten minutes away. When I lived in the mountains, it was a 45 minute drive and then usually to the emergency room for a 2 hour or more wait in agony.
I have bunco tonight and have to make potato salad. Mom of course is opting for something store bought. If she even bothers.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 23 2015 :  3:18:54 PM  Show Profile
My dear Goddesses of the Iris,

Summer school is over. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYYAYAYYAYAYY!!!!!!!!!!! Can you tell I am glad it is over? I made these cute certificates for all 12 of the kids who stayed in summer school. Two of them did not show up today. We went to the Como Park Zoo. It is a free zoo in St Paul bounded by beautiful park land and, of course, a lake. I don't have my pictures available on this computer. Drats! Maybe tomorrow when I can go back to the school and retrieve my flash drive. I am just sitting here sipping on a nice cold Diet Dr Pepper in my "all together". Ain't I somethin'.

My parents are in their 70's. Except for some hearing loss, they have all their faculties intact. My mother has had a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery and is slowing down a little. She is still pretty feisty.

My dad is doing just fine probably because he drinks his own wine.

They have told me that they have everything in place and plan to have a live in (I think) nurse to take care of them. My siblings and I have discussed it and at least my little brother and I will probably stay with them for periods of time at regular intervals so we can keep watch over them and their stuff. When my mom dies, Michael and/or I plan to be a constant presence until he has dealt with his grief. We both agree that Mom's death will hit him hard. I'm not sure about Mom. She is still an enigma to me but in a good way.

Bunny - I really dislike discomfort down there. All through high school I had a chronic yeast infection and was too embarrassed to say anything about it. I can relate.

Marilyn - Woof! Yes, throw a blanket over that girl. OMG! Some people's kids.

Cindy - I am glad you are doing well in your life. I had also been hospitalized in my thirties. I worry about the long term effects of the electro-convulsive therapy (ECT or shock treatments) may have had on my organic brain and memory. I am enjoying feeling happy.

Steph - That community garden project sounds as if it is a challenge. My advice is not to take the position if you feel as if it will be too overwhelming. If you do take it, make changes slowly and take into consideration everyone's ideas and concerns, give credit where credit is due, do not shame or blame and be patient. I believe that the garden will be a better place with a firm hand on the tiller.

I need a shower and a short nap with my doggies. Later.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 23 2015 :  4:56:41 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was a lovely day. The weather guessers said it was to rain but it didn't. I finished the strapping on the greenhouse and called my contractor to order the roofing. He said he would order it for me at contractor's prices not retail like I would have to pay. I asked him to bring his generator over so I could use my circular saw to trim the ends of the strapping because I was too nervous to use my chainsaw up on the slanted roof. He said he would bring his chainsaw and cut the strapping. I said it is because you are still young enough to bounce if you fall. He said, or too stupid to know the difference. We had a good laugh. He is getting married on Sunday and C and I will go to the celebration. He says he thinks of us as his mothers and wants us there.

I too would have been embarrassed by the overflowing sun dress. I think you should get one of those capes we have to wear when we go to have our annual peek and poke just in case you need to do a quick cover up.

I think about death on occasion. Is it better to just up and die for the people left behind or is it better to do a lingering death? The former you hope you have said all that needs to be said and the latter you have notice that you have a chance to say all the important words. So hard.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 23 2015 :  6:43:46 PM  Show Profile
Here are some pictures from this week.

dsR with his new front teeth coming in, and his haircut he had for camp.

large white flowered anemone I found this growing by my pond.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 23 2015 :  7:13:59 PM  Show Profile

Vonisha loved the card you sent her. I told her that you would write her back if she wrote to you first. I helped her write a nice letter and put it in the mail yesterday.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl

831 Posts

Shoreview MN
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Posted - Jul 23 2015 :  8:15:24 PM  Show Profile
I love the pictures of your parents. Glad your dad has a good hobby. Glad summer school is finished for you.

Denise Ann
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 24 2015 :  07:24:58 AM  Show Profile
Quiet here this morning. We won 3 cars at the bid sale yesterday, so Dude and the 2 mechanics have gone up to pick them up -- there's an old guy here in town who they take along when they need more drivers. I am here in the nice quiet office making up the folders and putting the vehicles into inventory. It will be nice to get a few new things on the lot. Now we just have to find people who not only want the cars, but will actually make the payments! ha ha ha Two completely different things.

Here's another "customer" story. We have this town girl who has been getting cars here for a few years. She has never actually paid one off, mind you...she just trades them in, or wrecks them, or whatever. I can't tell you how many times she has gotten behind so far that we have had to refinance her loans. Anyway, a while back she came in desperate for another car, so we found a nice little Ford Probe for her. Good reliable vehicle with room for her 4 (count them - 4) little girls. She had the thing about two months and started missing payments. Next thing I know, just as I am about to send the repo guy out, I see her driving around town in a much-newer muscle-type vehicle with a tag from a local dealership. So I let her know we are coming to get OUR car and she comes in all apologetic and pays a big chunk on her bill. We ask her where the other car came from and she says her husband wanted the new car and that he moved out and that --- blah, blah, blah. I don't care, as long as she pays her bill. So she stays current for a couple of months and then drops off the face of the earth again. This time, I make her bring the car back and we put one of our payment reminder devices on it so she can't drive it if the payments aren't current. Another couple of months of paying and then there's a big crisis -- the power company shuts off her electricity "without telling her" and she has to pay that bill so she doesn't have the money to make her car payment and if she doesn't have the car she can't get to work and oh, my God I can tell you this in my sleep, I hear it so often. ha

I sat her down and talked to her like she was a kid, because that's how she behaves. I drew up a new agreement, with provision for her to catch up her payments by making a small additional payment every week. I had her sign it in front of the Dude, gave her a copy and kept a copy in the payment book. WITHIN THE WEEK, she brings in a sob story to the Dude about how somebody stole her purse from her vehicle and took all her money and blah, blah, blah. Dude plays along and asks her how she's handling getting her license replaced, etc. "Oh, um...well, um...I think I know who took it, so I got on my facebook and told everyone I knew to look for them, and I went all over my facebook page and said I knew who took it and after I plastered a whole bunch of stuff on my facebook page, somebody threw my purse out on the road in front of my house -- my money was all gone, but my ID was there."


So this morning, just on a whim, I looked up her facebook page. Not a single mention of a purse being stolen. Not a word. Nada. Just a few pictures of her posing "seductively" in her bathroom mirror taking selfies.

No favors forthcoming.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 24 2015 :  08:19:58 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I don't know how you keep calm with all the "interesting" people to deal with. Dude should just sell the cars for cash on Craigslist. No cash, no car! Somehow I bet this young thing you are dealing with would come up with the cash if her car doesn't start next time.

I'm feeling better today. I had bunco last night and all was great until the last game. I started feeling bad again and had to keep running to the bathroom. Nothing there of course, just the terrible urge and then pain. I'll be happy after I have a few days of pills under my system.

Holly, yay on the front teeth. But is that a little in the shower in the background?

Well, I believe this is my last week before my sister arrives. So many things could happen. She could move in with boyfriend who is also husband number two and three I believe. She is also trying to rent a little upstairs garage apartment from her foster family. She will need a job for that. Her and my mom could head back to Utah for a while for grand babies birthdays and a birth. I'm just trying to let it go. Too many possible scenarios for me to worry about.

Well, off to the basement. I'm making a baby quilt for the new arrival in August. I'm making a chenille quilt. Boring as hell to make but they are really neat quilts when they are done.

Later all.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 24 2015 :  12:30:56 PM  Show Profile
GG-How are you both doing on your cleanse? I know that parasites can be dreadful. When my baby bro was little, he had some kind of worm and the whole family took the treatment! We had these big flat pink wafers that we broke up into pieces and ate four times a day -- seemed like forever, but I know it wasn't. We put it in applesauce. I still can't eat a Brach's wintergreen lozenge without thinking I should have applesauce with them. ha ha You are right about not knowing about the food we eat from a restaurant -- no way to know.

You are also right about the sexual abuse. I had to come to terms with it years ago. I hadn't thought about it much for quite a long while until Dude had to do that part of his prep for the biopsy -- then it just smacked me right in the face and I fell apart for a little while. I never told my doctor why those exams were so awful for me until a wonderful therapist who was helping me with something altogether different said that it would make everyone's life and job a lot easier if I told them WHY I went so bonkers over it. She was so so right. Most doctors are quite understanding about it and the ones who are NOT don't see me again.

It is another beautiful day. Sunny and warm but with low humidity. Perfect! My 13-year-old grandson is coming by to go home with us to spend the night. Then he'll go out with us on the boat tomorrow and to our Rotary Club Family Picnic. It is always a wonderful event, with families and grandkids and just nothing but a social day -- no business allowed! ha ha Dude and I always pick up fried chicken from a place down on the North East River (we have a couple of Orange Crushes while we wait for them to cook it) and then motor on down to the Bay and then back up the Elk River to the picnic location. We have pulled pork and salads and desserts -- I made a bean salad from my neighbor's recipe that she made for us when I had the flu at Memorial Day -- I have been waiting for an excuse to make it! So yummy.

I have a confused situation brewing in my family right now. I probably mentioned that my granddaughter and her partner are splitting up after several years and a set of 3-year-old twin boys. She is moving in my ex -- her grandfather -- on Sunday. Well he texted me and told me that it is just her -- she is leaving the boys with their dad. I guess the dad's sister will be babysitting them while he is at work. I think I must be missing something. My granddaughter has been so totally in love with these boys and so devoted to them -- she is always posting their pictures on facebook and sending me little art thingies that they've done. So now I am wondering how and why she is leaving them behind. My mind is brewing up all kinds of awful things, of course. Is she having some kind of emotional or mental issues? Is he forcing her to leave them behind? I should probably wait until I find out more, but my mind is spinning. Sometimes it is so hard to be far away from the ones we love, isn't it?

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 24 2015 :  2:17:44 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, we didn't know if we had parasites or not. I talked to my naturopath doc who runs a health food store and she said the cleanse wouldn't hurt and most people do have them in some form but don't know it. She said she picked up one on a trip to Egypt years ago, and if I've ever been down to Mexico and gotten Montazuma's revenge, probably could still have them. Plus all the other things I've mentioned. She said people don't like yo talk about such icky subjects but it's a fact of life and it's what is wrong with lots of people who feel bad, have stomach issues, bloating, etc. I was worried because B eats so much but loses weight. She showed me one she carries, called Para Cleanse and said I'd be surprised if I knew how much of the stuff she sells. It's a common problem nobody likes to talk about. Many people do the cleanse annually and we are going to do that too.

After a few weeks or months we are going to do a cleanse for metals and pesticides. B has a friend in his mid 70's who does three cleanses a year and he has gone from being sickly all the time to glowing health.

You mentioned you had tummy troubles so a cleanse might straighten that out. Maybe my speaking up will get a lot of people healthier. Bunny definitely ought to do one just because it rids the body of lots of toxins, including old medications. Lots of toxic stuff sit in our joints and causes aches and pains.

Can you not call your little granddaughter and just see how she is doing? She might need somebody to talk to.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 24 2015 :  2:22:26 PM  Show Profile
Holly, that's a cute little guy you have there. He looks healthy and happy. You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their eyes, and hie eyes have a very nice expression in them. No sadness or pain. If heaven is real you will have a very high place there.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 24 2015 :  5:13:18 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

So, no I had not noticed the little in the shower in the background. I guess if you have an imagination then you could tell what is there but no definitive piece of his anatomy is clear so I am not going to worry about it. What slips by slips by. oh, well.

We were supposed to have rain all day but it has not arrived at all. So, it was a lovely day.

This weekend is Barre (pronounced barry) Heritage festival. There are historical, art and music events all weekend. Today I went to the Shoe tent sale and picked up winter boots for two of the littles. The other still has boots from last winter.

Then I came home and had a nice nap.

I am interested to hear about the cleanse. Maybe we should try it. My herb teacher did a liver cleanse every year for 15 years to get rid of her toxins. I am not sure how she knew they were finally out of her system but she did and stopped.

Marilyn I hope you and the grand and the dude have a great time tomorrow. In the What on Earth catalog there is a t shirt with Dude in the words.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Ozark Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 25 2015 :  12:01:10 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - Ozark Farmgirl on Sep 27 2015 11:17:53 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 26 2015 :  09:00:00 AM  Show Profile
Got my first poor review on Etsy from a customer. She complained about the raw edged seams and fraying. I specifically said in the description that there were raw edged seams and there would be fraying as that was the look. What is it with people that they just don't pay attention. Now I have a bad review.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Denise Ann
True Blue Farmgirl

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Shoreview MN
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Posted - Jul 26 2015 :  1:30:28 PM  Show Profile
I read the review. Looking at the beautiful things you have created on your site. If it says frayed and there is a picture of the object, you know what you are getting and the "fray" is part of the charm of the object. I can only imagine how it looked after she "fixed" it. Too bad.
You have so many great reviews, they far out weight this one bad review.

Denise Ann
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 26 2015 :  4:40:20 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, well, I had to go read what she said. You are bound to get one of those now and then. While I was there I looked at the purses-- they are fabulous! No wonder they took a while to make.

It's so hot here, now we need some of that rain to come back.

I just ran across Martin Hurkens who won the Holland's got talent in 2010. I found him on YouTube. Such an incredible voice. Sad to see him singing in the streets when we have the likes of Justin Beber and that silly little Miley Cyrus who sings with her clothes off. Ugg!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 26 2015 :  4:53:33 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 07:43:16 AM
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