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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 11 2015 : 11:02:41 AM
So, Holly, am I going to have to start nagging you again to post pics of the greenhouse as it progresses? You know we need to know.
PVC pipe is so good for building things. We built our entire chicken coop out of PVC framing and chicken wire. We fastened it everywhere by wiring the chicken wire to the PVC every few inches. Then we put the chicken wire 2 feet out on the ground and put concrete blocks on that. It stopped the digging under, and the top was chicken wire, which the raccoons used for a trampoline while they meticulously unwired enough wires to squeeze in and eat the chickens. They always waited until we went out of town overnight so we could come home to the carnage.
Still, I miss those days. Every time we come out here I wish for goats to eat all this stuff we are mowing. If llamas were not so expensive I would get one for guardian and get a few of the tough Spanish goats so that we could not worry while we are away. Then just include the animals with the sale. Hmmm.....
We are supposed to have rain every day this week. This is unreal.
B is waging warfare on the bees today. I'm resisting giving advice and keeping the phone handy in case I have to call the paramedics. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2015 : 6:24:12 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had rain a little today and then at dusk it poured. The temperature is cool outside so maybe it will cool down enough so we can sleep comfortably. A person can always pile on more blankets but there are only so many one can take off to be comfortable. We do not have air conditioning. It is not usually needed for very long and not worth the expense.
The littles and I played Quiddler which is a spelling card game. The player starts off with four cards and needs to make a three letter word. Each hand is supposed to add one card to the hand so the number of letters increases by one each time. We are stuck on three letter words. When they get better at spelling we will go up. We also painted with watercolors. Everyone seemed to enjoy that. Poor DsG has very little sense of color or shape. He can read like no body's business but art is not his forte. He keeps asking if what he has done is good. I ask him does he like his project. He says yes. I say then it is good.
My friend Clumpy is on a retreat with a group of women this week. They are on a vision quest. They have been meeting weekly for several months. Today they have gone to a mountain and each picked out a spot to sit and fast. Tomorrow they will go and begin sitting. They will come down off the mountain on Friday. I think I would not last that long without eating and only drinking water. Think kind thoughts for Clumpy
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - May 11 2015 : 6:33:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today thought about raining a lot but did very little. At dusk it poured for a little more than an hour. It is cool outside now and we are hoping it cools the house enough so we can sleep comfortably. No, air conditioning for us. The heat usually does not last long enough to make it worth the investment.
The littles and I played Quiddler today. It is a spelling card game. The first had everyone is dealt three cards and then you draw one. You need to make a three letter word and then discard a card. Each subsequent hand the player gets one more card to increase the word length by one letter. We are stuck on three letter words right now until they get the gist of spelling.
My friend Clumpy is with a group of women this week who are going on a Vision Quest. They have been meeting together for a few months now. Today they went to the mountain to pick out their sitting places. Tomorrow they will each go to their spots and sit until Friday. Clumpy asked me to light a candle for strength for her. I think it would be very hard for me to fast for four days. I hope she gets a good vision. When they come off the mountain on Friday a group of women who have done this in years past will meet them and feed them and care for them.
I have seen prickly pear jelly. The flowers are pretty. Are the pieces of the cactus what one can throw into a fire to burn off the spines and then eat for the moisture if you are hard up in the desserts? I read in a book once about a bandit group who did it with some cactus.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2015 : 9:02:13 PM
I have been thinking about ordering a mix for some kind of southwestern bread and prickly pear jelly. We have prickly pears on the sides of the bluffs here but I can't remember seeing them in bloom, they'd hard to spot unless you're practically hanging over the side of the bluff. I don't want to fall one-hundred plus feet straight down--somehow I don't think I'd enjoy it. So I'll be content to look at pictures instead. Our rain is over for now which is good cause I planted beans on sunday and they don't like too wet soil. Hopefully the soil will dry out fast. I m doing the bags of top soil again this year for most of my seeds but tonight a friend said he'd loan me his tiller if I needed it. so I'll consider it. Holly, I think it would be so worthwhile to do a vision quest. In the novel I'm working on there is a legend about an Indian chief who goes on a vision quest. It's based on a local legend but I've added more to it for the sake of good story-telling. Speaking of writing, I just finished Wendell Berry's latest book, "Our Only World" a collection of ten essays. I love his poetry but he is also a gifted and passionate story teller. I looked at the publisher's website and their is a way to request authors for speaking events. So I'm going to try to see if Wendell Berry can come speak here. At our Sierra Club meeting tonight, the speaker was a woman I recommended who spoke about local and organic foods. She was literate and radical (in a positive way) and I believe everyone came away with food for thought (pun intended). And seriously, cause it's a serious subject, if we don't change the way we grow and consume food, people are going to be starving, and dying, in the future. cause the corporations that want control of our food only care about profits and pleasing the shareholders. They don;t care about the ecological damage that big agriculture does with its chemicals (which were originally developed for war)--case in point:California. A lot of our produce is grown in california and they are facing their worst drought ever. That makes local food all the more important. PLEASE support your local and organic farmers--if not for your sake, then for your children, and their children. I feel like I'm preaching to the choir but this is SO important. We're less than ten thousand dollars away from opening a local food co-op and whenever I wear the t-shirt I received when I joined, people ask me about it. They all seem to have positive feelings about it. A few of the restaurants around here are starting to use local ingredients in their meals and a new micro-brewery that just opened has plans for an indoor mini farmer's market on Wednesday evenings. Our outdoor farmer's market will be starting in June. I read once where "your best protection is a well-fed neighbor" and if our neighbors are happy and we get along with kindness, that's what makes the world go round. always has, always will. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 11 2015 : 9:19:04 PM
Good evening everyone. I"m about to head to bed, but thought I would post some of my scarves so you can see what I did this weekend.
They each took about 3 hours + to make. But I had fun. I will probably charge about $70.00 for each.
Holly, it did rain here a bit today. It was nice to have a bit of cool in the air. I think the vision quest is kind of cool. I would not enjoy the not eating part. When I was pregnant with my youngest son, I went 4 weeks without food. It just would not stay down so I quit. It wasn't a fun experience. Finally the doctor gave me something after I turned into a raging you know what.
The Quiddler game sounds fun! I agree with GG, I want to see the greenhouse!!
Cindy, local grown food is so important! I hope your local food co-op is able to open soon.
well, off to bed. night all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - May 12 2015 : 04:12:24 AM
I wish there was a "love" button like on ravelry for Bunny's scarves!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2015 : 12:44:13 PM
It has been a busy day here so far. Having Mondays off means more to catch up when I come in on Tuesdays and then His Dudeness left to go back home and supervise the guys who were bringing dirt and the big landscaping rocks. Just a couple of customers in to make their payments, but then The Big Man came in to visit and The Old Man was in to get some help filling out the rebate form for the power company for putting in an energy-efficient window air conditioner. Mrs. Big Man has been in the hospital for 3 weeks this time, and Mr. likes to come sit at my desk and talk things out. I know he must be lonely without her at home and I guess I have a friendly ear. The hospice people called him yesterday and he hit the roof! He didn't want to hear anything about hospice and he told him that his wife was just fine. She actually has end-stage renal disease, but I think he doesn't want to see that. She hasn't had anything by mouth for the whole 3 weeks she has been in the hospital, and she's been in and out every hospital in the Philadelphia area and they just aren't able to help her. She had one kidney removed a couple of months ago, but that hasn't helped matters and now the other kidney is compromised. She is only 50 years old and has been ill for the past 10. I feel so bad for them both. He sat here with his little portable oxygen and puffed and puffed as he chatted. I think coming here is like his "normal" conversation somehow. I don't know how he will be when she is gone, because I think the only reason he has hung on this long is to watch over her. Two winters ago his lungs failed and he has not been the same since. I am so lucky to be healthy. I have often said that in a very offhand kind of toss-it-off-because-it-sounds-good kind of way, but I am truly more and more every day. Not sure why I got so lucky.
On the home stretch this afternoon -- just about 45 minutes before time to head out. I know Dude will be in a hurry to get out of here today because he wants me to see the new rocks and he wants to get home and move some more dirt. This place becomes more and more of a hassle to him all the time.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2015 : 7:02:37 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:27:31 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - May 12 2015 : 7:05:53 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:28:16 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2015 : 7:52:27 PM
G--what ballads does B perform? I have a CD by the Battlefield Band and my favorite song on it was written by Robert Burns--it's called "Rantin', Rovin' Robin" and is based on Burns as a young lad. I also remember a Scottish song we had on a children's album when I was young--the song was called "On Ilky Moore Bartat". It was strange but funny as well. And kind of morbid for a children's song. I guess Scots have an unusual sense of humor. Bunny--I love the scarves, especially the multi-colored flower one. Do what you love and the money will follow...that's what they say, it seems to be coming true for you. Marilyn--I'm glad the old man has someone who will listen to him. Sometimes that's all you can do. An update on the "accident" that took the life of a co-worker's daughter: it hasn't become official yet but I heard the driver of the semi was texting (it's against the law to use your cell phone while driving in Illinois) and he ran right through a red light. I'm don't wish ill on anyone, but this guy needs to go to jail. Texting impairs your driving ability just as much as drunk driving. and the results are just as deadly. No one should ever lose a loved one cause some idiot was playing with his cell phone instead of driving. No conversation is that important. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - May 13 2015 : 06:35:48 AM
Cindy -- I am with you -- put down the so-and-soed phone, for goodness' sake!! I take a little 1-mile walk every morning as soon as we get into town for work. My route takes me through the one busy intersection in our little town -- several highways cross and it's an offset sort of deal -- so I ALWAYS cross with the crossing light, even if the traffic looks clear. The other day, just as I was getting ready to step off the curb into the crosswalk, something told me to hesitate. A woman in a BMW SUV came blithely cruising right through her red light into the crosswalk, looking at her phone and texting happily away. Just as a sort of reflex without thinking, I kicked that blasted car in the passenger door just as hard as I could. Her head came jerking up and she screeched to a stop right there in front of me. As my very good luck would have it, one of our finest happened to be checking the meters for overnight parking violations and came hurrying over. He was laughing so hard I thought he was going to lose it. The woman came out of her car ready to start in on me and instead she got a ticket for running the red light and an additional one for "distracted driving." I just stood there fuming the whole time. My instance turned out well on the big wheel of karma, but obviously it doesn't always end up that way. Put the stupid phone away, people!!! Nothing is that important.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2015 : 06:40:47 AM
G -- the rocks really do add a nice feel of permanence to our landscape. The one in the back yard has a big hollow in it that Dude picked especially to be our bird bath. These rocks are huge! The guy who did our grading came out with his front loader and put them in place. I will try to get some pictures. Everything looks kind of messy right now, as they brought in more dirt out front and have seeded it and put straw down -- but that won't take long to sprout and hopefully we won't look so torn up. The garden, on the other hand, is coming along beautifully and seems to be flourishing. I am beginning to see an actual light at the end of the tunnel at last. The inside is not completely done, but most of the yucky dusty drywall mess is over with.
I told Dude that he was working too hard at two jobs! He has been acting as general contractor for our remodel, as well as trying to keep things running here at the shop. I think it's taking its toll, but talk to a wall!!! We have our weekends on the boat this time of year, so that is nice and relaxing. He thrives on work, that man. I personally would be happy to lie in the hammock all day with a big glass of iced tea and just dream.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2015 : 08:37:06 AM
Marilyn, I love your kicking the car story. Good for you! Just start asking the dude what his death benefits will be when he dies from working so hard. But, better then someone that has no other life than sitting in fron of the TV all day. At least you have weekends to chill out on the boat. Sounds nice.
GG, yeah, rocks are great until you have to figure out how to move them. Plus they are expensive to buy.
Didn't sleep hardly at all last night. I made the mistake of drinking ice tea at bunco last night. I think I might have fallen asleep around 4am. Going to be an early day at work. So glad she is flexible on hours.
My two scarves I have on my store are getting lots of views. Hopefully they will attract more buyers. I plan on adding some more this week. I bought more of the plastic stuff I need to make them. I have enough now to make almost 80. I have enough scraps to last a while too. I'm thinking about writing an book about how to upcycle stuff. I'm looking for income streams that can take care of themselves. It will take a while to get it done, but might be worth it in the long run.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2015 : 09:56:52 AM
Bunny, you could sell patterns individually on your site. You might make more money doing it that way instead of a whole book of patterns. It is 89 here right now. We just got home from the title agency. We had to get the new title and license plate for the 5th wheel. Got to go out for breakfast. Now I am going to get my suit on and go swimming!!!! That is always refreshing on a hot day!!!! Marilyn, sounds like you have a nice area for gardening and landscaping. Looking forward to seeing pictures. I love to garden, but do not have too much room here, I do have a small flower garden and herbs in pots that are doing great. Bunny, what kind of plastic are you using on your scarves? Sounds complicated!!! GG, I bet is feels good to see some progress at the farm. Good to get away from it for awhile though. Looks like you have been getting a lot of rain. We have been missing all of it being in between both oceans. Supposed to get some this weekend. Soon it will be hurricane season, then we will see about the weather here. Have a great day all,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2015 : 6:26:19 PM
Good evening everyone,
I thought I had lost the post that is first in the pair. So, I rewrote it that is the second in the pair.
Years ago when I first moved to this area there was a small food coop that you did preorder and the food came in bulk and people sorted it at one desk. NOw the Food Coop is a fancy store front. I do not know how regular people with children can afford the meat or vegetables there. I buy food in bulk from there like oatmeal,rice and raisins. I think Coops are a great idea. There is a Farmer's market on Saturdays in Montpelier and another day in Barre and another day in PLainfield and two towns up north. Buy local has been the mantra around here for decades. The food producers are having a fit because Vermont passed a law requiring labelling of foods with GMO's . Maybe that was last year.
C came in and said another mother at baseball said her sone went into her purse and pulled out a tampon and in the middle of the store said in a loud 9 year old voice, Mom, how do you use this straw.
A friend V sent me and advertisement for a purse from the New York Times. It is a Chanel bag and it cost $4400 . Her comment was something to save up for. lol
We have thousand maybe millions of rocks here. If they were not so heavy to ship we could send some your way. Our soil grows rocks. hahaha
Raccoons are clever mammals. I am glad that we do not seem to have ongoing issues with them.
I will try to bring the camera up to the green house when I go next. Yesterday and today it rained off and on. Today temperatures hovered around 40. that sounds balmy compared to a month ago but it was chilly to be out in the wind so I wasn't.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - May 13 2015 : 7:34:54 PM
Well, d****. I tried to change one sentence and accidentally erased the whole thin g. M |
Edited by - doll58maker on May 13 2015 10:29:21 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2015 : 7:42:01 PM
Bunny, look at this from Pinterest
.jpg?v 39688750) |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2015 : 10:31:33 PM
Bunny, the melatonin drops will make you sleepy. One dropper full under your tongue. The pills don't really do much but the drops do. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2015 : 10:29:12 AM
I have tried the melatonin pills years ago and found they gave me really odd dreams, but hadn't heard of the drops. I might have to give them a try.
I have been kicking myself today for doing something stupid yesterday and paying for it now! Our Rotary Club meets at a senior living facility on Wednesdays at lunch. It's a lovely place. They have cottages for the most active people, and then there are all the levels of care after that -- right up to and including hospice care for end-of-life. A year or so ago they built this beautiful new building with a big meeting room downstairs, a new restaurant and banquet facility with a huge kitchen and dining rooms on the main floor, and then three floors of apartments. The new dining facility has a restaurant where residents can take their meals if they don't want to cook at home, and then the big dining rooms for evening meals, when lots more of the residents like to get together for special events and stuff. It really is beautiful and not inexpensive -- one of those deals where once you are in, they will NEVER make you leave because you have run out of money. A couple of members of our Club have actually bought apartments there and are so happy (especially during the awful winter months -- no more hauling firewood or driving in the snow). Anyway, ever since we moved our meetings to this new facility, it has made me sick sick sick to eat lunch there. About 3 weeks out of 4, I will have what my doctor refers to as "dump syndrome" within a few hours of eating there. Sometimes I have actually had to get up and leave the meeting to visit the small white room. It took me a few months to realize what was going on and for the light bulb over my head to switch on. Anyway, I tried for a while to sort of "isolate" what I was eating to see if it was a certain food, but I never was able to pin it down, so I just quit eating there. I don't know if they use a lot of MSG, or if there's something they use to wash their produce, or a cleaning agent that gets in stuff. One of the physicians at the village is in the Club and she said that she has had trouble with it, too, as well as have a couple of the other members. His Dudeness eats whatever he pleases there and NEVER has an issue, so I know it's not food poisoning, per se, but rather something to which I am just sensitive.
Anyway, my daughter came to the meeting with us yesterday, so even though I had packed my lunch to take, I decided it would probably be okay to just eat "regular" lunch there. Oh boy, was THAT not so!!! I have been paying for it all morning and I think I've lost about 12 pounds - ha ha ha ha. NEVER again.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2015 : 6:29:12 PM
GG, beautiful jacket. It does give me some ideas! I will try the drops. The pills do work sometimes. But not always.
Jan, I want to do books on different upcycles. Like one will be on sweaters another on men's shirts...I don't want to do patterns as they are a lot of work to write all the directions. With a book, I can be a bit more vague and show different ideas with basic directions. I still have lots to learn but need to write them first.
Marilyn, the retirement food does not sound good. I wonder (being funny here), if they put something in it so everyone is "regular" each day. I hear older people have issues with that. My grandmother would say you had the trots.
BTW...I have really strange dreams with or without drugs, always have. My mind is a scary place , hahahaha.... Snort.
Had a good day sewing at work. My sister is in town and my mother booked a motel room for her and is staying the night with her. I think she realized she didn't want a repeat of the rage queen like last time she was here. I get the house to myself tonight!!!! Yay party at my house!!
Ok, so I just celebrated with a fast food hamburger, frys and a coke. Been a long time since I have done that. I also had ice cream with hot fudge sauce. I'm living it up. I'll be back on soup tomorrow.
I have tomorrow off so I'll be sewing in my sewing room. Yay! Just need my body to keep up with my imagination.It gives out and I still have all these great ideas.
Later y'all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - May 14 2015 : 10:23:35 PM
Two nights in a row I've lost my post. My IPad must be wearing out. I'll try again tomorrow. Bunny the only melatonin that works for me is Source Naturals Liquid Sublingual. It won't keep me asleep all night but when it's bedtime and I'm not sleepy it will make me fall asleep. Other brands don't work for me.
Marilyn I know what you are going through. thats exactly what happens to me when I eat gluten. It's no fun at all. We finally have a gluten free bread mix that we make that is delicious made by Bobs Mills or something like that. Most gluten free bread is dry and awful
Good night all. I'm too sleepy to think straight. It's still raining here but not as much. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 10 2016 6:24:49 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2015 : 10:27:14 PM
Bunny, regarding your mind--of course you have to be a little nutso to be a creative genius, right? I think eccentric is the word but wild and crazy is even better. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2015 : 06:16:39 AM
Bunny -- I actually had that same thought about the "food additive" at the senior living place. ha ha ha If that's regular, please Lord let me be irregular!! I wish I could blame it on gluten, but I eat bread as often as I can get it without getting the stink eye from Dude. I have heard that about gluten-free stuff. Hopefully they are coming up with better things that will make it more palatable for people.
G -- Your mother sounds like a pistil. I agree with letting her eat what she wants -- I sent my mother chocolate covered strawberries for Mother's Day and she loved them. My Daddy is diabetic and has been pretty good about doing what he's told, but at almost 84 years old and with terminal inoperative lung cancer -- he says he'll do what he wants.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2015 : 5:12:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
I went to DsG's baseball game last night. They are not supposed to start a new inning after 7:30 so last night they started a new inning at 7:20. We arrived home at 9:20 a bit late for the little boy and his old mama. lol He had a great time.
Yesterday and today were lovely days. The nights were cold but not frosting. I lit the woodstove to take off the chill in the mornings.
Here are the green house pictures.

This is a side view. The opening will be glass and a door.

This is the front view. DsC is on top. He is like a spider climbing up and down the corners of the structure.

This is the view from the attic decking.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2015 : 9:11:14 PM
Wow, Holly, that is a big building, you are manhandling those big boards by yourself? Holy cow, they look like 6x6's but maybe they are 4x4's? Am I seeing that right? That's going to be quite a sturdy building.
Great view, too. Now when you say " Green Mountains" I'll see that marvelous view.
I think your sons from Texas must be thriving out there with such a great country life. They are blessed little guys.
Good night all. |
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