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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 07 2015 : 06:49:15 AM
Oh Holly -- thanks for sharing the Attack Partridge story. It certainly put a smile on my face. I can just picture your little girl -- DO NOT LAUGH AT ME!!! That used to upset me worse than anything, when my brothers would laugh at me for something I deemed quite quite serious! When I was small we lived on a chicken ranch. At five years old, there was nothing I liked better than to follow my Daddy around as he worked. One day he was out rolling up some old "borb wahr" (barbed wire, for you non-hillbilly types) fence, walking the fence line and rolling it up as he took it apart. I was, of course, following right on his heels, chattering non-stop. I guess I was not paying attention (imagine that in a 5-year-old!) and I stepped right into one of the post holes and went down both feet to about my chest. I was very surprised, to say the least, and my father got quite a ways on down the fence line before he turned to see what I was squalling about. Well, he found the whole scene quite funny and called my mother and my brothers to come look before he would pull me up out of that hole. Oh, I was fuming by the time they pulled me up! The fury of a little girl scorned! ha ha Kids today miss so much.
If I have time today, I may have to write up a little story. Our mechanic has been doing battle with a pickup truck for the past few weeks and it bested him pretty good last night while he was on his way to his other job. In a way I am glad I was not there to witness the event, but it would probably make for a better story if I had been!! He seems to have cooled off some this morning, but I bet there were blue flames shooting yesterday.
Anyway, if I get a chance to write something, I will paste it in here if you all want to read it.
Just got an e-mail this morning that I earned a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees merit badge! Yay! I am anxious to find my sewing things so I can start embroidering my patches.
Have a great day, ladies!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2015 : 08:18:11 AM
Marilyn, I know we would love to read whatever you come up with!
Holly, poor DdK. I bet she heads off to the city when she co es of age. No more farm scares for her in the city. Of course the city has it's own issues.
Ginny, I forgot to say I'm glad to hear from you too. Just sad you are having a hard time. Don't be a stranger!
Went to the boob squisher yesterday. I should say rangler. They sure do hands on to move things around. I have my reception for the May art show tonight. I'll be more interested in the other artists. Thankfully the outfit I want to wear didn't sell this time. I sold the original dress I wanted to wear.
I'm a beta user for a new selling website. It isn't up and running yet but as a beta user, I had to set up my store last night. It will all depend on their marketing. I have tried two other seller sites with no luck. It will be interesting if this works. Interesting enough Ed Bingly has a profile. So if I can catch his eye, maybe he can get some celebrities on board. Just wishful thinking.
I got three pet sitting requests yesterday. Looks like I will be busy this month. Hahaha, I typed money instead of month. Guess where my mind is.
Anyway, off to work!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2015 : 08:52:57 AM
I am going to post what I have so far -- if it's too much, I will remove it and maybe I will have to start a blog or something.
I have a front row seat here at the theater of life. Customers come and go, tell their stories, make up lies, and sometimes drop their guard and leave their worries on my desk. There’s the sweet rotund gentleman who stood here in front of me and had an audible conversation with his other self about whether “they” could afford to make their car payment. I guess the other self gave the okay, because the payment was made. They eventually packed up the car, loaded their elderly Momma into the passenger seat and headed south for the winter. Ended up living in the car…but that’s more of the story than you want to hear. There’s the giant man – all of 6 foot 4 and very heavy – probably weighs 400 pounds. He is desperately ill and on continuous oxygen, but he sits in the little chair across the desk from me and weeps at his wife’s health problems and worries about getting her mother to take time from her busy schedule to come visit her daughter who is, in reality, dying. I have watched his health and demeanor fail over the past year or so as his beloved gets sicker and sicker…but that’s more of the story than you want to hear. The hillbilly family comes in the first of every month to make their payment – as soon as their government money arrives. Pa brings the cash in fresh large bills from the bank and presents it to me gingerly, as if he’s bringing myrrh to the Baby Jesus. He has counted it over and over, and wants me to count it, too. He is the picture of gentleness and tries to be courtly and deferential in the way he treats me. Then Ma gets tired of waiting in the truck and comes screaming into the office. She threatens at the top of her cigarette scarred lungs that Junior is getting tired of waiting in the truck and needs something to eat and Pa swears at her loudly that Junior can damn well wait. She yells at him through toothless gums and they spiral out of control in the office…but that’s more of the story than you want to hear. So many people – so many stories. Each life is bound and tied with the strings of family and job and health and loss, and they all pass by my desk because they are tied to me, too. And I guess I am tied to them. At first I tried to keep a professional separation from these messy and often desperate people. I referred to them as Mr. and Mrs. and discouraged any type of familiarity or hint of closeness. I have to maintain a certain air of authority, or I’ll never be able to collect a dime of what they owe, because these folks are in pretty tight financial straits before they ever come to us. If I feel their fiscal pain, then I am lost. But eventually I began to know them and their lives. I learned about their struggles from the outside and every day I was more and more grateful that I was not them. I saw them stumble and I saw some of them succeed and over time I found that I really did have the time to sit and listen. I might not agree and I might not approve and I might think they’ve made a real dog’s dinner of their lives through their own short-sightedness or profligate ways – but I could listen. And oh my…the stories I could tell…
************************Carlos************************************* It’s a wonderful thing to know a good mechanic, and Carlos is one of the best. Not sure what we would do around here without him, and I don’t want to find out. Carlos was brought to the States from Puerto Rico at age 4 and has never been back south. His father found work here and his parents tried their best to give him and his siblings the life they could not have in Puerto Rico. One thing they gave to Carlos was a work ethic – the man is here at 8:30 every morning and works like mad until 1:30. Then he is off home for a shower and on to his nightshift in the laundry at the County old folks’ home. In between times, he is taking care of his two grown children, their children, his girlfriend’s children and their children, his elderly mother – anyone and everyone connected even tangentially with his family. He babysits his grandkids when the day care is closed. He takes his mother to the grocery store and the doctor’s office. He sleeps about 6 hours a night and is on call 24/7. When his daughter’s boyfriend gets arrested for hitting her, he’s there to pick up the pieces and offer support, as well as plenty of righteous anger. And when the boyfriend gets out of jail and comes back home, he is there to loan him a vehicle so he can get back and forth to a job. “It’s family,” he tells me. “It’s family.” Carlos has the biggest heart in all of nature and he can’t stand to see anyone in need. His gift is that of the supreme automobile mechanic and he shares it with friends and family, sometimes to the point of exhaustion. He works for us 5 days a week, and it is the rare Saturday and Sunday that we drive by the shop and do not see him out in the garage with a vehicle up on the lift. He’s changing oil for his daughter, doing a brake job for his girlfriend’s kid, putting in a new exhaust system for his cousin’s daughter’s boyfriend’s mother’s ex-husband ... they all ask for his favors and he rarely says no. Right now, his pride and joy is a beefy red pick-up truck that we bought from the tow yard as an abandoned vehicle. There were a few things wrong with it, but as soon as he laid eyes on it, he was in love and had to have it. He has polished and buffed her within an inch of the showroom look that she must have once sported. He has replaced anything that squeaked or hesitated. He has adjusted her and fine-tuned her and given her the loving care that she was made for. He took her out of the chain-link confines of the impound lot and elevated her to her place of prominence at the curb across from our shop, and he will give you an historic tour of her if you show the slightest interest. That’s what he does. So when Lando, the daughter’s abusive boyfriend, was released from jail and needed transportation to find gainful employment, Carlos went out and found another orphan truck. He wanted something that would require less work, so he paid a little more and bought a small blue pick-up from a curbside auto lot. Not sure if the color caught his eye or what, but it was a sharp looker, for sure. He drove it and listened to it and pronounced it sound – then brought it home and proceeded to tear it apart and rebuild it – better, faster, stronger – the bionic blue pickup. I was surprised, to say the least, that Carlos was going so far out of his way to arrange things for the man who had been jailed for assaulting his daughter, and I said so. “Well, he needs the job and maybe if he’s working, they will get along better. It’s family,” he said. Lando got a job with a landscaping company about 20 miles from here and began commuting in the blue truck. “He’s going to be making the payments,” said Carlos. “Fat chance,” said me, under my breath. But it’s family. And then on the second Friday of the month, Blue starts acting out. He won’t start, he won’t stay running, he won’t whatever – they are all just vehicles to me and one is just like another. I am only the bookkeeper, and all I see is stock numbers and general ledger entries. But Carlos sees the full diagnostic picture and I start seeing Blue up on the lift again and again, and all the time Lando is hanging around the garage drinking beer and whining “When is my truck going to be done? What’s the hold up?” I want to punch Lando in his abusive face, but Carlos keeps on patiently adjusting and tightening and replacing things. “It’s family,” he tells me later. So every morning, I find the results of the quest for the perfect pick-up truck on my desk. I see the invoices for a new fuel pump, an alternator, oil filter, air filter, starter motor…it’s a pretty good list by now. Between the $2200 he paid for the vehicle and the replacement parts, he’s into this project big time. I think that maybe Blue is more new truck than old truck at this point. And while Carlos is letting Lando drive Big Red so he can “listen” to Blue, Lando stays out all night drinking and puts a big scratch on her fender. “I can buff that out,” says Carlos. “It’s family.” After a particularly hot weekend spent with his head up the truck’s hind end, Carlos pronounces Blue completely cured and back to fighting form. He has replaced the fuel pump for a second time and is absolutely certain that has fixed the problems. He will drive the blue truck to work one more time to make sure that everything’s okay. She’s all smooth sailing from here out. Sure thing. My phone rang at about 3:30 yesterday afternoon. A very angry Puerto Rican mechanic was trying to contain himself enough to give me some important information. Between my Spanish and his English and a whole LOT of bilingual swearing, my understanding was that Blue had discontinued his observance of the terms of that contract between driver and pick-up truck by refusing to take Carlos all the way to work. He had removed the license plate from the truck and had left it parked in front of a drugstore a few miles from here. If we wanted to pay the tow bill, we could have the so-and-so and he never wanted to see it again – Lando could find his own ******* ride. Part of me wished I had been there to see the blue flames of Spanish profanity shooting into the air and the cloud of black smoke hanging over that parking lot, but the bigger part of me was glad I was not there. Carlos was cursing everything from the manufacturer of the truck to the auto parts house to the abusive boyfriend and back to the beginning of the list to start again, because I guess even family has its limits, and Carlos had reached his. This morning the blue truck is parked out in front of the shop where the tow truck dropped it yesterday. Carlos had to walk by it to get into the garage to start his workday for us. I saw his lip curl into a brief snarl as he passed by it. I am not going to put Blue into our inventory yet. I think I will wait a few days to see if the smoke clears and tempers cool. Because Lando will still need a way to get to work, and you know ---- it’s family.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2015 : 2:17:00 PM
GREAT writing. Marilyn. You are very talented. I completely enjoyed the description and I love Carlos.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2015 : 3:16:03 PM
It's not too much, Marilyn, don't move it. It's absolutely wonderful! I Love It!
Holly, how lucky you are to have partridges where you live! I've not been attacked by a partridge but the guineas will sure come after you if you stroll too close to their nests. I kept them for years and enjoyed their antics even though they were noisy. I hope ddK is over her "ruffled feathers".
We are working hard on our country house to get it ready to go on the market. We got sidetracked for a few months while we worked on the other house. We've got lots of "sweat equity" in these properties. B is a skilled craftsman when it comes to this sort of thing. He has repaired the ceiling in our bedroom, and by hand, put a perfect smooth coat over the entire ceiling. I'm taking 15 year old wallpaper off a smaller bedroom so we can paint everything once we start painting. He hates to paint and I like to, so between the two of us, we've got most everything covered.
We were in a tornado alert yesterday but nothing came of it. Today is terribly humid but no rain. I did not make it outside for a walk this morning because we sat out on the porch with our coffee and tea and got to talking and lost track of time. Maybe tomorrow.
Bunny I'm glad the money is flowing the right direction for you these days, but it sure sounds like you have a lot on your plate--hope you are getting enough rest.
Have a good evening sister goddesses of the Iris. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2015 : 5:28:01 PM
Good evening everyone,
A beautiful day here in the green Mountains. Temperatures in the seventies with low humidity. The sky a beautiful summer pastel blue.
I cut a tankful of cord wood this morning. When I used to go out ten years ago I could cut all morning and not think twice about it. Now a tank or two is my limit at one time. Too hard on the back.
DsC is a fair red headed boy. He has a sunburn on his arms. Tomorrow we will slather on the sunscreen before he goes out to swim. He is a maniac. The water is cold enough to freeze you and he is swimming in it.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2015 : 06:15:03 AM
Thank you for the kind words. I was raised by storytellers, so there's always something rumbling around in my head, and people are just so doggone fascinating!
Holly -- Your wild boy sounds like he's in the right place! Aren't they amazing fishes? I can't imagine how cold your water is up there, because it is in the high 80s here and I STILL have no plans for a dip in the river over the weekend.
G -- You are part of a good team. Feels great, doesn't it? How are you doing the wallpaper? Steam? Doesn't take long to figure out what "sweat equity" means when it's your own sweat, does it? ha ha ha Dude was home all afternoon yesterday helping the plumber put in the bathroom downstairs. The plumber has disk issues and Dude does the heavy lifting so he doesn't reinjure himself. Of course, my Dude will be 72 the end of this month, but don't tell him that's too old for anything. He's at the doctor today for his check-up and I am helping out by being at my desk worrying. See? I'm helping!!! Oh I hate my brain sometimes. He's as healthy and strong as a horse and I will just be happy when he gets back and says the doc says he's good.
Bunny -- You are a hustling bustling worker-bee, for sure. I would love to see one of your shows. I used to sell a lot of my quilts and wall-hangings and stuff -- did commission work when I had to -- but moving 3000 miles also mean starting over as far as building a reputation and following, and I just haven't done that here. Maybe someday I will be able to get back to it. I really miss the creative end of that. These days it's mostly knitting and crocheting. I knit so many sweaters over this past winter that I have had to take a break and just am crocheting small things now. Former employee is expecting her first girl after two darling little boys this fall, so I am going to go way throwback and crochet her a ripple afghan for the bebeh. She sent me a picture of a blanket she bought -- patchwork done with that "Minky" fabric -- and it was all pinks, greys and white and very graphic -- even some zig-zags, so I think a ripple will actually suit what she's looking for.
Okay -- had my mile walk and got my yummy coffee. The mechanic is working away out in the garage and I am at my post. Come bring me money, people!
Have a fabulous Friday, friendly females!!!!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2015 : 07:11:42 AM
Okay -- His Dudeness just called. Doctor says he looks and sounds good. Of course they want him to have blood work done and he hasn't had a colonoscopy for several years, so he's due for that. Dermatologist for his sun-scarred skin, but his heart and lungs sounded good and his BP is shamefully good. Now I will breathe.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2015 : 5:10:05 PM
Good evening Goddesses of the Iris,
A very lovely day here on the hill farm. Temperatures may have been in the low eighties. I am not complaining but it is only May. We are supposed to get rain next week so maybe that will cool it down. I thought of planting some of the more tender plants and seeds but C says we are supposed to have a frost before the end of the month.
Our pond has four springs in the bottom of it. I might venture into it in July. They spent four hours at the pond this morning playing in the kayaks and DsC swam. DsG is not so numb.
I should update that DdK is 18 almost 19 years old. She is five feet tall and very strong. So, while she will always be my baby girl she is really quite grown up, very opinionated and daring. She used to be very cautious and hide by my side. She is still cautious but is willing to try new things.
I am glad the Dude got a good checkup. I always tell the children the doctor says I will live another year.
C has had the week off because her childhood friend is visiting from Cleveland. The woman has thoroughly enjoyed the quiet, the delicious water and the beautiful stars as well as visiting. She has a nice sense of humor and good energy.
I meant to tell all of you yesterday that my friend and neighbor Clumpy came to pick up her two baby turkeys. She lives off grid so it is easier for me to raise them up to feathers than her. She was standing in the aisle of the barn and Coco was waiting to be given her treats so she would feel like going into her stall. I said to Clumpy, Coco really likes to eat card board boxes. I am good she said. She turned to speak to her daughter and Coco whisked out her tongue and snatched the box out of Clumpy's hand into her mouth. Oh! How did she do that?! should I take the rest of the box out of her mouth? Yes, and by the time she had hold of the box half of it was gone. We all had a good laugh at that one. Her new lesson, never turn your back on a cow.
We burned some more brush. It went quickly. I worked on the attic floor of the greenhouse. I am tired.
Good luck at the show, Bunny.
I hope we hear from Jan or Janiee soon.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2015 : 5:20:44 PM
Hello to all you lovely goddesses who are taking the time to write and keep this board alive-- Marilyn I'm glad his dudeness will live to tell the tale another day. Even when we feel just fine, it's always a relief for the doc to give his/her approval.
We are having one of those rare springs when there is so much rain, everything just comes alive with so many vibrant colors, the flowers are more beautiful than normal, there are birds and butterflies and bees everywhere. It becomes a magical place. We've gotten in some good porch time along with getting work done on the house. Yesterday we spotted a painted bunting, and today a scarlet tanager and three peach colored scissor tails. Lots of deer this year, too. Have not seen the foxes for a while. They used to come up to the corner of the yard but I think I sleep too late these days. I used to get up by myself and sit on the front porch in the quiet daybreak, and he would come up close to me, then one day I saw him with his girlfriend, but not lately.
I have a meatloaf in the oven and new potatoes simmering on the stove, zucchini sliced up ready to sauté at the last minute, and that will be our supper.
Then a restful time in front of the TV, maybe some stargazing if the clouds clear away, and then a good deep sleep. Life is good. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2015 : 5:23:40 PM
Holly, we posted at the same time. Please tell me the baby turkeys were not in that cardboard box! I need to go read that again. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2015 : 5:30:30 PM
Hi ladies, I am here and have been one of those lurkers. By the time I get on the computer and read my emails and everything, I am dog tired. I need new glasses and it is very hard to read for long periods of time. Cataracts do not help either. A lot has happened since the last time you heard from me. We bought a 5th wheel trailer here and had it put on a bigger lot in the rv park here. It has 3 slides and s almost as big as the house we were living in back home. We decided to stay here in Florida and live in the 5th wheel. We are going to go back to Michigan in July for a month or so, then sell our motorhome and get a car when we return here. It has been warm here, in the high 80s, but not too humid, so it feels pleasant. I am loving this warm weather and soaking up as much as I can. I am working on putting in a flower garden, then when we get back in August we want to put in a patio. It is nice that I have room to do things in the lot here. I will post more later. Hugs to you all,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2015 : 10:52:53 PM
Jan, so good to hear from you! Sounds like you've found your place in the sun! Those big Fifth wheels are wonderful, very plush living. I'm glad you like Florida! It's better to stay put when you find your place. The older we get, the less I like being out on the highways. We' ve found our place too, but I want to do some traveling to see some of the world during these next few years before something happens that we can't, and then we wish we had gone when we had the chance. . I don't want to die with regrets. Scotland for three weeks in September will be a good start, then when we sell our country property we are going to celebrate by going on a long cruise. One that goes to several countries. I tried to post a picture of my pasture today, just a quick photo when I got out to open the gate, but I could not get it to load. I'll try again.
.jpg?v 39611665) |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2015 : 07:08:37 AM
G, the wildflowers are so pretty! Your photo looks like a watercolor!
Jan, glad that you took the time to catch us up on your life. I am glad to hear you are doing well.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2015 : 08:28:14 AM
Goddesses of the Iris,
I am here and am keeping up with the shenanigans here. I am so busy, I barely have time to sleep. What am I busy with? Glad you asked.
School play - making the snake costume and 8 elephant tails Crochet class - class is over but I have to print patterns and certificates End of school - Mrs. Pendleton needs me more than ever as she gathers material for the end of the year and for her possible departure from Whittier. More on this later. Garden - I bought $37 worth of plants from the school's plant sale fund-raiser and I need to plant them. Luckily, my neighbor roto-tilled the plot which saved me a lot of time. House - I have to call maintenance to help me open the stuck windows and deal with these crappy combination windows. Lowell - He is still the same only now he has another guitar and the band rehearses here every Saturday. We have 6 people in our small living room.
Have to go.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2015 : 09:22:24 AM
GG, the meadow is beautiful. Nice that you can enjoy the country house now and then. I hope all your hard work pays off and you get a good amount for it.
Holly, nice that your weather has finally warmed up. Kids are interesting. I bet your red headed. Hold has some Irish in there and can ha doe the cold.
Jan!! So nice to hear from you! I love 5th wheels. I always thought they had more room and were configured better than trailers and motor homes. Glad you have found your spot in the sun. Glad you are at least still lurking. Just say hi every once in a while so we know you are ok.
Marie, looks like you have plenty to keep you busy. Nice that your neighbor helped you out getting your garden ready.
Today is sewing day. I house and pet sit for my two blind girls (dochsunds). I have two pet sitting jobs next week. Sold a dress last night so have that to get in the mail. I'm going to make three more scarves hopefully today and then hope to pin up some dresses tomorrow. I have a line on another job possibility. It is an accounting and office assistant job through the unemployment office. (Not working there). I get emails whenever a job I qualify comes through. I don't know where it is. The company wants to stay anomonous for now. So I have to fill out the application at the unemployment office. Kind of spooky. Who the hell would I be working for? Maybe it is such an awesome place they dont want to be attacked by job seekers. I'll hopefully find out Monday.
The art show was ok. I was a bit disappointed. There really wasn't much that I thought was that great. One lady did really nice mosaics with old pottery and there was a really cool coffee table with a kind of locker built into the top. Other than my things, everything else was pretty hokey.
Well, off to the basement for the day. Later goddess sisters!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2015 : 11:45:20 AM
It's good that we are all staying busy. My grandmother had a lot of sayings. One was "an idle mind is the devil's workshop". And, "a bitter old person is the devil's greatest handiwork".
Bunny, since we are getting so many hits on this thread, I guess it helps to post your creations here too. Plus, I really love to see them myself.
Thanks for the comments about my flowers. It feels like walking around in a picture postcard. Wish it would last, but soon enough the Browns will replace the greens. We either get too much or not enough rain. I'm not complaining though. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2015 : 5:04:47 PM
Good evening sister goddesses of the iris.
Today was close to 90. We are not complaining but a little spring would have been nice. I worked on the netting to go over the turkey pen. I ran out of chain saw gas when I was trying to trim the trunks of the branches. I am putting tree trunks that are a little less than 2 inches across into the ground with about 2 feet sticking out. I am going to put PVC pipe over these to stand about 6 1/2 feet tall. Then I will drape the netting over it like a tent. I need the netting to keep the hawks from eating the birds. I want to be able to lay the pipes down in the winter time so the snow does not build up on the netting and rip bigger holes in it. Did I give any kind of picture? So, tomorrow I will get more gasoline to run the chainsaw to trim off the branch stubs so the PVC pipe can slip over the trunk stubs.
I went to my friend Leslie's memorial service today. She died about 6 weeks ago I think. It was nice. People told stories and her children and grandchildren sang. I knew a few people there and the woman next to me was friendly.
Jan I am glad to hear from you. I wondered how you would manage in a small trailer and now you will have an easier time. I am glad to hear the weather is agreeing with you. I hope you are not in so much pain anymore.
Marie, there is a man named Lowell in my Tai chi class. It is his middle name. I think they are about the same age and he does not play any musical instruments. How's that for a line of trivia. School will be out soon and you will have a little more time.
The meadow is lovely. A smile made ready to happen. The turkeys were not in the box yet. If they had been we would have had a time of it chasing them up and down the aisle of the barn. LOL
Bunny have a good time house and pet sitting. I bet the mama of the dachsunds is relieved to have found someone reliable and loving to take care of her babies.
So, Ddk had to go into town to pick up DsT last night. She had been running around and as she was leaving the house in a rush she realized she had to pee. She was part way down our hill and recognized desperation so, she stopped the car and by the light of the stars she squats. She heard noises in the woods and let her imagination run. She finished quickly stood up in rare form turned around and it was a deer watching. she did not scream, this time.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2015 : 5:46:05 PM
Iris Goddesses--Holly, I can imagine what the deer was thinking. Probably thought she was marking her territory. I can picture the set-up you're working on for the turkeys. You must have lots of trees on your property. Sorry it's hot there--today it only got into the 70's but it was almost 90 last week. We got a lot of rain today with more on the way. How old was your friend who passed away? It's good to get together and tell stories. GG--the Texas hill country must be beautiful in spring. I haven't been to that part of Texas, only the Dallas area. Maybe you could sell the country home as a yoga retreat? It seems to be the hot thing these days. Jan--it's good to hear from you. I'm glad you find the southern climate to your liking. What exactly is a "fifth wheel"? I've heard of them--are they the great big RV's? I still dream of a little tear drop camper but I'm too poor to get one right now. Maybe someday. Bunny--I bet those doxies love that someone is sitting for them. Sorry the art show wasn't what you expected. I went to a craft show at a state park once and it was a let-down. There are so many talented artists out there (like you!) it must be hard to bring together some really good ones. Marie--how do you make the snake costume? I think elephant tails would be easy. Is the play about the blind men and the elephant? I, too, have plants that need to be planted and more seeds to plant (mostly beans). Our weather has been uncooperative this spring. Is there a place you can escape to when the band rehearses? Marilyn--glad His Dudeness got a clean bill of health. Your job sounds like a sit-com. And you're right, those characters can't be made-up. I found out the "mystery plants" in my firepit planter were cucumbers. I guess I tossed a cucumber into the compost before I mixed it with the peat moss and filled the planter. My spinach is JUST starting to come up and I planted it over a month ago. Go figure. I put two of my tomato plants in outdoor pots today--gonna try some container gardening this year. Tomorrow I'll plant some basil in pots and set them out. I have three different types of basil (you can never have too much basil). I hope it dries up enough that I can mow my yard tomorrow. I want to get my beans planted tomorrow as well. I also have some eggplants and peppers that need to grow a little more before I plant them. I lost a filling in my tooth the other day so now I have a dentist appt. Haven't been since God knows when. I've never lost a filling before. but this filling always did feel kind of weird. So it doesn't surprise me it came out.
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2015 : 09:37:19 AM
To all of the Iris Goddesses who are Mother's.......hope you have a beautiful day! Happy Mother's Day! And to all those who's children have PAWS....Happy Mom's day to you also!!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
Edited by - Kirksmom71 on May 10 2015 11:27:29 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2015 : 4:29:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was hot. We were supposed to have rain in the afternoon and did for about 15 minutes. Two of the big boys came for today. It was nice to have them and they helped us around the yard.
I worked on the turkey pen. It is slow because I do not have all of the elbows for the PVC pipe. I found out that the meat chicken chicks do not come until the 19th and I thought they were coming on the 15th do I have extra time.
I planted some squash seeds inside today and some corn seeds as well. I learned last year that the corn can be started inside so I am trying it. I put the perennial herb starts out on the back porch to harden off. It faces north so they will not get a lot of direct sun. I am hoping that since they are perennials if the nights get close to freezing the plants will not die.
I hope everyone is well and had a fine day.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2015 : 4:53:08 PM
I really missed being on here with all you Goddesses. I am going to try to be on here a lot more often, but our internet here does get a little iffy also. Bunny, I tried to upload pictures of our 5th wheel, but they would not. Am looking forward to seeing your scarves that you made. Scarves are a big thing now. Hope all of you had a good Mother's Day today. It was quiet here, did get a card from my son and my daughter called a while ago. It was 94 degrees today. A bit warmer than we are used to, quite a bit warmer, but we will get used to it. We do have air, and there is a pool. I actually got Bob to go swimming the other day. First time since we've been here, but of course, he made sure there was nobody at the pool!!! LOL!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2015 : 8:23:55 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 7:25:37 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2015 : 10:21:25 PM
Happy Mother's Day! I enjoyed the day, too. And I'm so glad to hear that all of you did.
I'm glad the threatening weather missed you, G. Jan, I bet temps in the 90s feel very different to you!
I am trying to imagine the pvc piping Turkey pen. Holly, you are incredibly resourceful.
Thursday is out first women's adventure club outing! Mar |
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