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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 30 2015 :  12:59:50 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone,

Marie I am glad the Morgan has found the right home finally. It is very frustrating when you think you do something right and find out it bombed through no fault of your own.

The yellow iris is lovely. You are lucky to have established flower beds already.

Bunny I am glad your sales are steady now. I hope your finances are allowing you to put some of the money away for your wished for move.

GG I am sorry you are in pain. I hope it subsides some.

I heard the chick a dees calling their mating call this afternoon. There is hope the weather will warm up. The weather guessers said yesterday that we were going to have rain everyday this week. Well, today we had snow showers. Too cold to rain. I thought I heard a woodpecker drumming away but it was fleeting so I will not say definitely.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Mar 30 2015 1:00:36 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 30 2015 :  4:09:15 PM  Show Profile

There are seven piglets this year. The one in the middle is the only female and happens to be the biggest one.

I had dsC pose for this one. We were checking the buckets to see if we had any sap yet.

If all of the chickens were so accommodating gathering the eggs would be a breeze. She sat herself in the basket. She lays white eggs.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 30 2015 :  7:30:27 PM  Show Profile
Holly, great pictures! Love the chicken. She is accommodating.
You have so much snow!


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Mar 30 2015 :  7:56:22 PM  Show Profile
Holly--your pictures leave me wishing I could live in the country. I have one maple tree but I know it takes a lot more than that to get enough syrup. The hen in the basket is so cute, as are the little piggies.
GG--the pictures of irises are beautiful. And who knows, maybe there are "people of the iris", little fairies that tend to them. Though I've never seen one. I know people who swear they have.
I also have osteoarthritis in my knees, but it usually doesn't bother me. I'm sure it will as I get older. Still trying to lose weight to take some of the stress off my knees.
Bunny--glad your sales are up. And that cat is lucky to have found you.
Mel--I may have already asked (forgive me if I forgot) but where in Texas do you live? My brother and his family live in Frisco. He's been there since 1983. I haven't been there in over ten years. I like the lack of humidity (compared to the Midwest) but I hate the traffic around Dallas. Urban sprawl at its worst.
Marie--Morgan looks like a sweetie. When i lived with my parents I once found a tame duck. Its wings were pinioned and it couldn't fly. I found out it belonged to a neighbor who had bought a flock to decorate his lake. when winter came he didn't put out any food for them so they wandered off. Needless to say, I found a good home for the duck.
Marilyn--those tiny black ants invade my kitchen counter every summer. It's worse when it rains. I don't know how to get rid of them.
Mar--I know priests are going to be sinners, but some of them can be worse. I saw where some excommunicated bishops are starting a rebel church because, as they say, they're "more Catholic than the Pope". Oh, puh-leezzze. Maybe all that communion wine has addled their brains. Any church that is based on negativity, repression, and fear is doomed to fail. I knew a man who was ordained in the Episcopal church and then he left to join a schismatic church. then he started his own church. His wife was home-schooling four teen-age girls, caring for a newborn, and working almost full-time cause he had a mysteriously bad back. Doctors could never find out what was wrong. His wife had a breakdown and he quickly divorced her and just as quickly married his secretary. All this was OK with the mean people who made up his congregation. Ironically, his last name was "Angel".
My family celebrated Easter yesterday cause my brother has to work next Sunday. I planted some lettuce and spinach seeds in my old firepit turned planter. Today was lovely and tomorrow it's supposed to get to the mid 70's. Then warmer on Wednesday with a chance of thunderboomers in the afternoon. Ah, April showers...

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Mar 30 2015 :  8:48:52 PM  Show Profile
GG here's something for you! Mattie says 'HI'.

Bunny and GG.......I hope not to be homeless! Love you guys for being concerned for me! :)

Cindy.....I live in Addsion.....which for all intents and purposes is just an extension of Dallas. I live just a block from the Dallas North Tollway and Frisco is less than 10 miles down the road from me.. If you thought urban sprawl was bad 10 years would certainly be appalled today. Frisco used to be mostly farmland and now it's been totally swallowed up by commerce and congestion! I too read an article about the rogue bishops and ordaining new bishops without the blessing of the Church. The schismatic church wants to return to the middle ages.........not the Catholic Church that I care to visit. Not always liking the Popes' recent choices but surely prefer some tolerance for the modern age opposed to these breakaway morons! the pics! Patty had a pic of her tapped tree on her Facebook page. Looks like she is getting sap.

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 30 2015 :  8:49:31 PM  Show Profile

I caught Morgan snuggling up to Mitzi while she was sleeping. I tried to take a picture but the light was too dim. I didn't think that would happen so quickly. Morgan has to be walked on a leash and Mitzi does better on the walks when she is with Morgan. Sometimes she walks right next to him as if she is guiding. I am so glad they get along.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Dallas Texas
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Posted - Mar 30 2015 :  9:12:27 PM  Show Profile
Oh Marie....that is so very terrific that Mitzi and Morgan are so simpatico! Can't wait to see pics of them together. Keep trying!! :)

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 30 2015 :  10:55:55 PM  Show Profile
Mattie is so adorable. and I'm glad that Morgan and Mitzi are so close. I forgot to mention that when I got home from work today, there were a couple police cars at the house across the street. Last year, the canine police car was there--never found out why. today they took away a young man in handcuffs. Since that house became a rental house and they dug up its front yard and didn't fix it, the value of my house has dropped by about four thousand dollars. Same with my neighbors. so we're paying less in property tax but that one house is ruining the neighborhood. I wish someone would buy it and fix it back up. I don't know who owns it but they don't take care of it. And last year there were always people coming and going, people of all ages, like it was a shelter home for people who were temporarily homeless. and if that's what they were doing, they don't have a license for it. They would use my driveway as a turn-around and park in the middle of the street so that I couldn't get out. All my other neighbors are good. All it takes is one bad apple...

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  07:02:23 AM  Show Profile

If anything like that happens here, we have been told by the police to call 911. They ask that we describe the situation and do not try to make assumptions about what is going on there because then a whole new process has to be put into effect. For instance, if we see a house with people coming and going, we are to call in and say just that and not that you think the people are selling drugs or doing prostitution. They will (hopefully) check it out and investigate and decide if they need to watch the property. The police department in Minneapolis has done a good job educating us about how to report things in our neighborhood which do not seem right.

Last Saturday, I found a bag and papers strewn in the driveway of one of my neighbors. The papers had medical records on them. My neighbor does that type of work so I made a check on her. It was not hers so we called the police. There was no sign that a crime had been there. The police officer took the bag and made a report. Joanne, the neighbor, and I assumed that the crime, probably robbery, had been committed elsewhere and the bag dropped there. While we were sitting in her car talking, one of the Somali women who live in a nearby apartment said that some of the people coming home from work early in the morning between 1:00 and 3:00 am have been assaulted or approached in our alley. We have decided to be more watchful and take some action.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  08:11:50 AM  Show Profile
I have been reading the posts about troubled neighborhoods -- so sorry you're having to go through it -- really makes one feel unsettled and nervous! This morning, I have had my nutso customer calling repeatedly. She calls and rants for a while, threatens to call the police (which I always encourage her to do!!!) and then tries to insult me for a while before slamming the phone down. I try to feel sorry for her, because she is really ill, but she is so hateful and obnoxious. One time she sat in the office here and told the boss (who also happens to be His Dudeness) that she thought her account was so far past due because I had been stealing her payments. That was a step too far for me, so I told her in no uncertain terms that she could call me all the names she wanted, but she was NOT to accuse me of stealing and that I would expect an apology before I ever helped her again. When the police had to come pick her up for harassing her mother and sister at their home, they had her committed for a week or so -- a psychiatric eval. When they released her from the hospital, she actually called here and wanted me to come pick her up from the hospital to bring her home. I explained to her that she would need to call a friend or family member to do that. She was incredulous that I did NOT consider us friends. So silly some days.

But every day is a good day, no matter how many "crows" are circling. I am healthy, my kids are healthy, my Dude is healthy. Life is good and I am going to recognize that and rejoice in it!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  11:08:32 AM  Show Profile
Good grief, Marilyn! That gal is bad news. I bet you want to run and hide when you see her coming.

Mitzi and Morgan sound like an adorable pair. Even their names belong together! Good luck keeping your neighborhood and neighbors safe. Communication is always the key.

People of the Iris...Over 50 People of the Iris? We may have a new group starting!

Holly, that is a huge maple tree. I don't think I have ever seen one that large. The trunk is so wide. Sorry to hear that your rain was really snow. But, I sure love the piggies and the wonderful chicken. She should be the leader on the coop.

Today we are expecting rain. It sprinkled over night and I squeegeed the porches and wiped the railings to start getting rid of the "green" stuff. A new cleaning adventure. I have never dealt with a moist atmosphere. It is moist here, but we really don't get very humid. Probably doesn't seem like it to me because it doesn't get that hot.

Is everyone looking forward to Easter? Well, I guess you aren't looking forward to it anymore, Cindy...hope yours was very nice.

Mel, Mattie is very sweet looking. I love his little face.

GG, hope that tired disc is less irritable. Your irises are loaded with buds. That yellow one will be gorgeous in full bloom. Do you cut them and bring them in? I always enjoy them more outside...

Bunny, how did your few days "off" go? Is kitty still hanging around the neighborhood?

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  11:40:18 AM  Show Profile
Mar -- Since moving here to SE PA, I have tried many times to convince people that Western Washington doesn't actually get humid! They think that with all the rain and moisture, it would have to be humid, but it is sure nothing like it gets here.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  12:48:29 PM  Show Profile
People of the Iris--Goddesses of indeterminate age. Dr Christine Northrup has a new book out. I just downloaded it last night. I like it already. We ,all of us over 50, are all goddesses just so you know...

I don't understand wet weather without humidity. Doesn't make sense. But I know the Atlantic coast is a lot different from the pacific coast.

Aww..., Mel, what a smart little doggie to do a selfie! So cute!! Sweet eyes.

We do not have Maple trees here as far as I know, except for one area near Bandera, which is called "Lost Maples" or something including those words. I can't remember the story any more about how they got there. I'll have to look it up.

Mar, I don't cut the irises. I just enjoy them where they are. There are usually several buds on one stalk and I don't want to kill the other buds. Maybe they would open anyway but I'm not sure.


Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 31 2015 12:49:36 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  12:55:01 PM  Show Profile
Well, I was only half right. Here is the story:

These beautiful maple trees are called “Lost” because there are a few small native populations in such places as the Ouachita Mountains, Fort Hood, Lost Maples Park and the Guadalupe Mountains in West Texas, all hundreds of miles apart and “lost” from other maples. Each population is a relict of the last Ice Age, 10,000 years ago, and the localities in which they have found refuge and survived are canyons with perennial streams. When conditions are right in the fall, the Lost Maples put on a breathtaking display of blazing autumn foliage with spectacular hues of scarlet, gold, orange, yellow, and burgundy.

Lost Maples are native hardwood trees that will thrive not only in the rocky alkaline soils of the Hill Country and Central Texas, but most other soils too. Many thousands of Lost Maples have been planted throughout the state in various soil types in the last twenty five years and have grown successfully. They are virtually disease and insect free, and are not susceptible to Oak Wilt. With proper fertilization and care, they will grow rapidly at a rate of three feet per year and live for hundreds of years. Their great beauty and adaptability of the Lost Maple make it one of the most desirable native trees of Texas. Their very upright growth and durable wood, make it ideal for street planting.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  5:27:44 PM  Show Profile
I forgot to say -love the pics. The hen in the basket is my favorite.
Here is what it looks like on my hill top today.

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  5:58:34 PM  Show Profile
Possibly ridiculously excited to receive my first merit badge!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  6:26:17 PM  Show Profile
GG, wow, Spring is so beautiful there. I'm afraid I'm not a big iris fan. My evil grandmother (mothers side of course) was named iris. So of course she had them all over. They are pretty though.

Marie, I'm so glad the two kids are getting along so well! Scary about the police in the hood.

Mar, kitty is still hanging around. She seems to be healthy and eating somewhere. But I plan on keeping an eye on her just in case she starts to get fat.

Good news for me. I have a job interview on Monday! I'm a bit worried I won't be able to physically hold up, but I'm going to try anyway. I have been in so much pain lately. But it is an office job so hopefully something I can deal with. As long as I have energy to sew on the weekends, I'll manage. Have to get the job first though lol. I plan on going in upbeat and ready to work! It is with a mental health agency. Should be interesting. Apparently there is a panic button I would learn about just in case. Sounds fun.

I go back to work tomorrow sewing. I'm glad for that. I missed it. She wants me to be able to work the retail side of the store for her too. She is planning on being gone a bit in the future. So there is no lack of work for me regardless.

Holly, I sure hope you get to see spring soon. The rest of use will be complaining about the heat before long. I'm wondering how long before the piggies figure out how to escape the pen.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  6:27:10 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, yay on the merit badge! Which one was it?


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  8:13:05 PM  Show Profile
Congrats, Marilyn! Take a selfie with yourself and your new badge and post it so we can put a face with the name.

Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 31 2015 8:15:37 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
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Posted - Mar 31 2015 :  10:03:39 PM  Show Profile
GG........Beautiful Bluebonnets!!! I love the roadsides around Easter when all the families stop, in their Easter finery, to take pics among the Bluebonnets!! Families all decked out and lil' girls in their Easter Bonnets. And that Mattie, I have to watch him.....always takin' selfies! LOL :) But he is adorable isn't he!

Marilyn....Woo Hoo! congrats on that merit badge! What sort of work do you do that you have to deal with such freakin' looney birds? I would have considered drastic moves if I had to put up with such nonsense! As I have said before...patience is not a virtue which I possess much of. :) I am truly sorry you have to tolerate that kind of personal attack. And what was she actually thinking when she called you for a ride......glad you did not provide it. Can ya tell....I am just pissed off for you!!! LOL crossin' my fingers for you on Monday!1 Hope all goes well. And glad you get to go back to sewing for a bit anyway. Sounds like she really likes and trusts you. nice to hear that your local men in blue understand the need to be one with the neighborhood. There a lot of good cops out there but not all law enforcement agencies are as responsive as yours sounds.

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Apr 01 2015 :  06:20:59 AM  Show Profile
Ladies -- Thanks for the support -- ha ha ha. Yes, I do have to deal with a segment of the public that is somewhat less than savory. His Dudeness sells used motor vehicles and we do in-house financing for most of our "clients." They are people who can't get financing elsewhere because they have been repossessed before or because they are just too sketchy or a lot of people who are quite possibly not here in this country legally. Sigh. I just do the bookkeeping (I am not a salesperson), but that means that I answer the phones and take payments -- also do some collections. Honestly, there are days when I just want to walk out the door and not come back. I actually did walk out one day not too long ago. I was taking a credit application from a customer and the guy sat right here in front of me and kept changing his answers to suit what he thought I wanted to hear -- I could see his mind working on which lie to tell me. I kept telling him I was not from Immigration or HUD, but that the banking authorities would be looking at my paperwork and I needed him to be honest with me. I finally just gave up and handed the paperwork to His Dudeness and walked out into the snow. I went uptown and did my mile walk to literally chill out. The crazy lady from yesterday is just nuts, that's all!

My merit badge is the beginner level of the Jubilee. I have submitted another one and am working on a couple more. This has been so good for me to have something to do with my mind besides knit.

And here's my selfie -- sorry the badge is still just printed and not embroidered, but I just got it this morning. Yay!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Apr 01 2015 :  1:05:14 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, So proud of you!! What will you embroider your badge on? I've seen tote bags and jean jackets. Both are very cute. Definitely a conversation starter when you are displaying them. I love that we have a face to go with your name now, too. And thank you for letting me know I am not crazy about it not being that humid here. I thought maybe I was trying to fool myself (or dh)...

Bunny, take care of you. Remember to save your spoons...wait, have I mentioned spoons here? I think I have. If not, mark my words, it is important to protect your spoons.

The bluebonnets are so pretty. And Mother Nature will be very happy that you are admiring her handiwork both along the countryside and in your own back yard, GG, without cutting it to bring it indoors. The coral/pink blossom looks like what my mom said was a flowering quince in our yard. I have seen similar bushes around here this spring and told dh that I want one for our place. He just nods. I have big plans, he knows, he tries to maintain a lid on my craziness without harshing my glow. That being said, I wanted to tell you gals about a surprise I had when I went to get the mail two days ago. The hedge out front along the street near the neighborhood mailboxes (on our property) is all azaleas. They are starting to bloom fuschia (just for you GG) and I couldn't be happier. I have always wanted azaleas and I was so excited when I got hydrangeas when we moved here, but I didn't realize those were azaleas out front. They need a better pruning, but YAY.

It was half off day at Salvation Army Store today. So Mom really loves to shop there. We went and she found a few things and I found an LLBean vest, brand new, which will be very handy to have for around the yard. I have torn mine in several places and now I can actually take it out of service to repair it and have two! At half off it was seven dollars. We also found a number of really pretty rubber stamps. Mom likes to make her own cards to write to her friends on --- yep, running out of friends to write to ---- but, she was happy with them. And Mom, as always, found yet another brown and beige striped shirt. Mom has beautiful white hair. Pure white. Glistening white. And sparkling blue eyes. Neither brown nor beige complements her coloring. I steer her towards lavendars, blues, roses, and she hones in on the beige. BLAH. But, what ya gonna do?

Mel, tell Mattie he has a fan club waiting for his next selfie.

Farewell, my beloved Goddesses of the Iris....
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 01 2015 :  4:00:38 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I don't know the spoons story.

Marilyn, that's a great picture! You look like a happy camper.... even though you have to deal with some pretty toxic people at work. His dudeness must be doing something right

Mar, should we start a new thread with our new name?

Oh, I am so jealous that you have azaleas! Actually, I'm so happy that you have azaleas! They require acid soil and here we have alkaline soil. I had them when I lived in the Houston area. Totally love them, but as I recall, they have a rather short blooming season.

Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 01 2015 4:11:47 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 01 2015 :  4:17:34 PM  Show Profile
Somewhere in all my quilt stuff, I have a goddess of the iris. I'll find it in the next couple of days and post a picture.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Apr 01 2015 :  5:38:58 PM  Show Profile
GG, here is a link to the spoon story. It is a bit long and mainly about Lupus. But it applies to many other illnesses.

Marilyn, thanks for the selfie!

I hurt my back somehow. I had to leave work early and am now in bed with a head pad. Hopefully it will help. Mar, I haven't been very good at saving spoons I'm afraid. It does catch up with you. I spent yesterday resting and a few weekends ago, spent the whole weekend trying to get my energy back. I'll be back up and running tomorrow for sure.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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