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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 07:18:54 AM
No, Marilyn, you connected the dots correctly.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 09:33:20 AM
A thought just occurred to me whilst dangling my head upside down, cleaning the office toilet. Who in the WORLD thought it was necessary to design that particular piece of bathroom furniture with all those ridiculous coils and bends all over the base? I mean, there might need to be pipes and tubes and whatever else on the inside, but why not make the outside nice and smooth for ease of cleaning? Seems to me that there must be models that are smoother on the outside -- like I have cleaned them before -- but this one is really curvy and wurvy -- so many places for all that detritus and yuck to collect when I am trying to clean it quickly whilst holding my breath! Or maybe it just seems worse because I am, indeed, trying to hold my breath the whole time. ha ha ha Never have liked cleaning toilets, but my mother taught me to do them quickly, do them clean, and get OUT! Now that I am working in the glamorous field of used auto sales -- insert large guffaw here -- I get to clean up after mechanics and customers. Don't even get me started on the "overspray" issue.
No response needed to this post, by the way, just my personal observation. Maybe this is how the great pyramids were built -- some nice Egyptian lady thought that tombs should be smoooooooth on the outside! Have a great day, ladies! 
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 10:12:58 AM
I lived in a place that had a wall mounted toilet. No pedestal attached to the floor so cleaning the floor was a breeze too. Thank the gods there isn't a urinal in the bathroom. A urinal might be easier to clean but just the idea of a urinal is gross.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 12:01:28 PM
My charm arrived!!! 
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 12:02:26 PM
Oh Marie -- You are so right! And what a good positive thought for me to concentrate on next time I am in there cleaning up. Thank you!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 1:59:03 PM
Don't get me started on design.dh grass a toilet seat that is a soft close. Basically, that means he doesn't have to bend ALL the way down to close the lid. Just a flick and the seat starts a slow easy close. Of course, go anywhere else and he is close to breaking porcelain when he throws the lid down. Anyway, that toilet seat has so many books and crannies that I refuse to deal with it, but still insist it hits my standards of cleanliness. You'd think that would be enough to make him give it up, but no.
And while we are on the design subject...why do sliding Windows open from the side? Why isn't the side of the Windows fixed letting the middle open up to let the breeze in easily without having to fool with curtains. Just saying.
We burned some today. It is really pretty.our weekend is supposed to be lovely, too. Our neighbor will be here soon to help with Tahoe and Sunny. She is getting five baby goats next week and it's almost beside herself with joy. I think it will be a good match size/safety wise for her. Mom put up the fencing and she did a great job. She asked my dh for his advice on a few things and borrowed a tool or two. I admire her for getting it done all by herself. Using fencing on a roll is difficult when you have tWo people! Have a great day, Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 5:05:21 PM
Good evening everyone,
Slow day here. The sky was overcast all day. Makes for a dreary time. Sometimes we had light snow fall.
The snow has warmed up enough that walking through the deep snow to the pig stall is a skill. I did not take my snow shoes. The snow has warmed up enough that it no longer has a thick, hard crust on the top. So, nine steps out of ten I sank in above my knee. Tomorrow I will wear snow shoes or delegate the job to a younger person.
I too hold my breath when I clean the toilet. Sometimes it is necessary because of living with so many Y chromosomes. In my bathroom we have a toilet seat and cover that settles slowly. There are actually two seats, one for small bums. The feed store has a toilet that was nasty when the store was managed by men. When the ownership changed and the manager became a women the toilet was not toxic anymore.
Your questions about curves on the toilet and windows opening where they should are easily answered by saying men designed them and didn't think through the cleaning and practicality of the situations. HMMMMM am I male bashing tonight. I am having issues with the malformed Y chromosome in my house not being able to help with out being begged. Just tired.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 9:16:31 PM
GG--loved the picture and the caption. I don't think I'd want to eat the produce in the picture after it's been drenched in what ever. Ewww. Also love the little desk. Marilyn--I hardly ever drink coffee but I get free soda at work and I need the caffeine to keep me going. Sometimes (like today) I still feel like I'm about to fall asleep. came home from work today and slept for five hours. It's frustrating to always feel tired. Been exercising too, but it doesn't give me more energy. Just helps my clothes be not as snug. Mar--I'm glad your little friend is getting some goats. I know she'll love them. Marie--hope you had a good birthday. No snow here but it's cold tonight. Had some flurries throughout the day. Holly-I sure hope spring arrives soon for you. And I worked briefly in housekeeping at work many years ago and had to clean toilets. The worst one was in the doctors' lounge, seriously. One doctor would spray everywhere. Glad he never did surgery on me. Makes me shiver. I saw tonight where the former archbishop of st. Louis, Cardinal Burke, said that gays and remarried Catholics are as sinful as murderers. A while back he blamed altar girls for the decline in priests and blamed "feminization" of the Church for pedophilia. Why doesn't he stuff a sock in it? He projects all his own fears and biases onto everyone else. Frankly, I think that's a serious sin. But of course, he's not a sinner. Really. (Rolling my eyes) I know someone who is a former priest and though i feel badly that he had to leave the priesthood (he had some lady friends--can't have that), I think he's better off mentally now than when he was a priest and pretending to live by the church's rules. You can't be a good priest while living a lie. And there are lots of them who try. There's actually many more priests involved in relationships with women and/or adult men than there are pedophiles. But you never here their stories. when i was a kid it was rumored that our priest was "married" to his housekeeper. But of course our Sunday school teacher berated the "liars" who would spread such rumors. Just sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist. Under the rug where all the creepy crawlies hide. Only sometimes they don't stay under the rug. OK, I'll get off my soapbox. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Mar 28 2015 : 06:14:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by rough start farmgirl
Don't get me started on design.dh grass a toilet seat that is a soft close. Basically, that means he doesn't have to bend ALL the way down to close the lid. Just a flick and the seat starts a slow easy close. Of course, go anywhere else and he is close to breaking porcelain when he throws the lid down. Anyway, that toilet seat has so many books and crannies that I refuse to deal with it, but still insist it hits my standards of cleanliness. You'd think that would be enough to make him give it up, but no.
And while we are on the design subject...why do sliding Windows open from the side? Why isn't the side of the Windows fixed letting the middle open up to let the breeze in easily without having to fool with curtains. Just saying.
We burned some today. It is really pretty.our weekend is supposed to be lovely, too. Our neighbor will be here soon to help with Tahoe and Sunny. She is getting five baby goats next week and it's almost beside herself with joy. I think it will be a good match size/safety wise for her. Mom put up the fencing and she did a great job. She asked my dh for his advice on a few things and borrowed a tool or two. I admire her for getting it done all by herself. Using fencing on a roll is difficult when you have tWo people! Have a great day, Mar
BTW - I am an expat Washingtonian myself - born in Seattle and lived last in Renton until I left a bad marriage to move to PA near my daughter 4 years ago. I miss my mountains sometimes but honestly don't miss the short dreary winter days.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 28 2015 : 11:26:37 AM
Holly, after your done begging them to help, don't forget to thank them! Am I right??? EESH. Cindy, people are people and priests are gonna be sinners like the rest of us. We can't be so foolish as to think they can be better people than we are and they can't be arrogant enough to think they would be able to live without sinning. But, yet, we still try to believe these things because we are told to. Until we grow up and realize there is a lot of finger pointing to draw attention away from the pointer. (Like you already mentioned.) It is a sad state of affairs, but I sure do enjoy the new Pope.His ideas and traits are so refreshing that I fear he won't be pope for long. Marilyn, We just moved to this side of Washington State after having lived in the Spokane area for ten years. That was the longest we had ever lived anywhere. Dh and I were born and raised in California. He in San Diego, me in the Sacramento Delta. We moved to the NYC area and from there to NJ, Upstate NY, WI, NY,Napa, NYC area, KS, and finally our long stint in Spokane. I agree that the weather here isn't perfect, but I have lived enough places to know that this is very nice! I understand you are having terribly cold temperatures this weekend. What a winter, huh? It has to end soon and everyone will be raring to go for a great spring. I enjoy having a change of seasons.
Today, there are some BIG plans in the works. Sunny and Tahoe are going to "visit" our neighbor. We will halter and walk the horses up to their paddock and then we will stand and visit with the neighbors while their daughter watches the horses eat. That is one of her favorite activities. When she is here helping, we'll say, "Want to go fill their water trough?" And she'll answer, "No, I want to watch them eat." Luckily for her, they are always eating so she has entertainment always available! I don't know if I am going to have the patience to hang out there for the entire visit. Plus, Mom wants some help with the air fryer and no one wants to just turn her loose with a new appliance...
The burning yesterday was fun. Dh and I love to do projects like that together. And then sit and have a cool drink while we watch it blaze for a while. But, I overdid it and am having a particularly difficult day comfortwise. I know better, but... I think that is part of the reason that the weather here agrees with me. With rainy days often, I have to pace myself better than I used to...
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2015 : 6:20:15 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a priest at the state hospital who was there for decades. All of the residents of the state hospital loved him and so did the people of the town. Every year he would go away with another priest on vacation to have a grand time with beautiful women. When he would come back he would have his secretary cover for him. He never hurt anyone. I hear that he did father a child and he supported her financially as she grew up. The mother and father loved him and their daughter very much. He hurt no one and he respected everyone. I think that the higher ups should get a handle on what is good for the priests and the parishioners before they make unattainable rules.
Sorry you are hurting, Mar. My doctor tells me that we are growing older and it is not for sissies. I know you have complications but you would hurt anyway after all of the physical work you did. You should cook marshmallows and make banana boats when you burn the brush.
Today was overcast most of the day with a cold wind. I picked up 200 minnows for the pond from the bait shop. He gets his fish from a hatchery in Arkansas. He assures me they are now native to the area and I do not need to worry about bringing in an invasive species. I want them for the trout that I have stocked the pond with so they have something to eat. I will take the boys to catch crayfish again this summer to put in the pond. Some of the neighbors said they would catch perch to put in there as well. Just trying to jumpstart the eco system past frogs and bloodsuckers. With my luck some river otters will come to visit and clean out the place again.
The piglets are happy in their room. It looks like one of them lost the tips of his ears to frostbite before he came. The school had a spaghetti dinner last night and we scooped four five gallon buckets of food garbage for them. I gave them two tonight and their taste buds were tickled.
The deep snow is treacherous now. The crust has softened and without snowshoes I sink past my knees. DdK says if I sink to my knees she sinks to her hips. I put on snow shoes and only sank ten inches or so. I did not do a face plant but it was close. I hope it gets solid again. Carrying the buckets down was hard. C usually feeds the pigs and she is not too tall and not so agile so I hope the snow becomes more passable soon.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2015 : 7:11:29 PM
Tonight Lowell's daughter Hayley is over for pizza and movies. I'm a little tipsy from the wine but I will continue anyway.
Two years ago we adopted this little toy poodle from Animal Control. He was a toy poodle and they gave him the name Morgan. He was 11 years old and kind of scruffy. Lowell fell in love with him and decided this would be our new dog. We brought him home, took him to the groomers and the vet and got him a microchip. A neighbor said he saw a poster for a last dog with Morgan's picture on it. I called her and we decided to do the right thing and gave him back to her. She paid me a portion of the costs I incurred for the care I gave him. I told her to change the contact information at the vet's office (I gave her his paperwork), get a license and change the contact information on the microchip. Last week our vet called to say that this dog had been turned in as a stray and had been taken to the Humane Society. We got him from the Humane Society and now he is our dog. I believe that if the previous owner hadn't updated the information, she shouldn't have the dog. His teeth are all rotted. They were fine two years ago. It is obvious that he has been eating people food. That is about to change. He's eating organic food and is obeying my rules. I am glad he is here with us. He sleeps at the foot of the bed every night.

Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 28 2015 : 8:19:17 PM
Marie, so sorry Morgan was in bad shape. Glad you were able to welcome back home. Hope he and Mitzi get along.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 28 2015 : 8:56:10 PM
Oh, they get along just fine and Bob the Kat has stopped hissing at him.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2015 : 10:56:52 AM
Marilyn, your charm is lovely.
Today is another gorgeous spring day. A little breezy but I tried to capture a pic of the first iris to bloom in my yard.
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 29 2015 10:59:30 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2015 : 11:00:19 AM
.jpg?v 47218696)
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2015 : 11:12:34 AM
Marie - He is a lucky little dog and deserves to live with people who will care for him. Enjoy him!
His Dudeness (who is too old to be doing things like this) is outside with the big tiller, getting garden and planting beds ready. I swear next year we hire it done!
I came into the kitchen a bit ago and found a bunch of those tiny wee nasty little black ants again. Nothing has been working except to kill the ones I see, so I made a batch of the Borax and sugar stuff. Let's see if it works.
Decided to un-knit a sweater this morning. I had tried it on when I got the whole body done and it just seemed like it was going to be too big. Told myself to keep knitting. I got the sleeve stitches picked up and about 4 or 5 inches of the first sleeve knitted and realized I would never like the thing. Sooooo... In much less time than it took to knit - I have in-raveled the whole thing. Sigh. Oh well, I will have something to feed to my loom later.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 29 2015 : 11:38:22 AM
 This is my tulips for this year! After having hundreds and hundreds of bulbs, I'm down to a few in a pot and the beautiful starters I got from Holly. Time to start dividing! Gg, the gorgeous velvet like people of the iris is without parallel. You are so fortunate to have them. Thanks for sharing Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 29 2015 : 11:40:27 AM
Naturally, I meant purple. Thanks auto correct |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2015 : 4:21:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day here in the Greens. Temperatures were in the thirties all day. The wind was light.
The piglets were happy with the leftovers from the spaghetti dinner. the seven of them are eating about 60 pounds of food a day. I think that is a lot for this time in their young lives but we want them to grow big so as long as they do not waste it by spilling on the ground I am good.
Tilling for a garden already in Pennsylvania. We used to have a 7 1/2 horsepower Troybilt. It did a great job after we broke the top crust. Now I have raised beds and they work well. I tcould buck pretty high. I hope his dudeness does not get knocked down by the tiller.
The iris is gorgeous. The tulips are pretty. Tulips only last a few seasons up here. People tell me that something likes to eat them. I have only planted a few at a time so I am not the one who has tried hundreds for effect. Too lazy I guess. Maybe not organized enough to plan a flower garden. I did try to have a flower garden and made it out of railroad ties. The back section is rosa rugosa. the front section was supposed to be daffodils and iris and tulips. The rosa rugosa have gone under the rails that separated the two beds and taken over the front bed. So, last year I thought I dug up all of the rosa rugosa in the front bed. Later in the summer I noticed that there were a lot of new bright green rosa rugosa growing in the front bed. I think it will be easier to replant the flowers than discourage the rosa rugosa.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2015 : 4:25:50 PM
Oh my! Ha,Ha! Mar.....thought maybe you were offering up a new cult 'People of the Iris'! :) Of course we knew it was purple! I am constantly amazed at the choice of words that auto correct decides upon. Were you able to last.....watching the horses eat with your lil' neighbor. That sounds weird.....while your lil' neighbor watched the horses eat. I doubt she would enjoy eating with the horses. Ha, Ha. glad you were able to bring Morgan home....just sad that he had to endure such horrid care or non-care for so long. He is a lucky dog now!! Bless you and Lowell for taking him in and giving the love he so richly deserves. On be half of all rescues....thank you so much! He looks like a sweety.
Holly.....I love piglets....but learned as a child not to get too attached because one day they would be bacon on my breakfast plate. Most kids nowadays would be devastated to know that that Easter ham was once cute lil' Piglet! There is an advantage to growing up around farm animals and living with the fact they are food. Spring will arrive soon to your part of the just can't have snow least I don't think so!! LOL
82 and sunny in Dallas today! People sitting around the pool....of course the water is still too cold but just to be out and about is a glorious feeling.
I need a swift kick in the a**.......I only have six weeks to get packed....look for an apartment and move! Believe me it is not much time.......and I can't get motivated. I did pack three boxes of books for my son. That cleared two shelves of one bookcase.........I only have 6.....6' X 30" bookcases and another 2- 4' X 30". They are packed tight and no pretty lil nic nacs to make the shelves all pretty. I have to down size. Geesh.....there is one thing to say about Kindles and the need to find room for ALL those reads! LOL My kid and his gal have way more books than I do and I don't envy the movers when they decide to move. :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2015 : 5:42:39 PM
Mar, I like " people of the iris" better. The tulips are very pretty. I visited the Biltmore estate in Ashville once when the tulips were blooming and it was a sight to behold.
Holly I'm glad you are having a better day. I would not survive in that kind of weather. Like Mel said, we are having warm sunny days. Mel, don't end up homeless! How is your knee? I'm on meds now for sciatica. Hopefully tomorrow they will tell me what the X-rays looked like. It's no fun at all. One night I did not sleep at all. That's when I finally gave up and went to the doctor.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2015 : 8:20:00 PM
Mel, I agree with GG! We don't want you to be homeless! Getter done! Six weeks will be over way too soon. Not having a place to live is my biggest fear. I will be worring about you now.
The flowers are beautiful. All my mom's rose bushes died this year so she had the all pulled out. I have heard so many other people in town say theirs died too. It got way too cold this year and people have never dealt with it before.
GG, I hope you can figure out how to deal with the sciatica. Major pain there.
I haven't been working lately. My boss called and I won't have work this week either. She had the flu all weekend and is teaching a new class at the college. So she is a bit stressed. She has to cut out the things she needs me to sew and hasn't been able to do it yet. I'm not worried. The snaps for the hospital gowns will be here soon and she needs me to do that for sure. This just gives me the time I need to sew for my store. I sold three dresses this weekend.
The weather here has been up and down. Gloomy one day and in the 70's the next.
There is a new kitty in our neighborhood. We can't figure out if she has a home or not. She is very friendly but doesn't like my kitties. We brought her in the house tonight and she growled at them. I'm afraid she might be pregnant too. We will keep an eye on her. If it looks like she is, we will take her to the no kill shelter. At least her babies will get good homes that way. I'm just glad she is approachable. She is so sweet.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2015 : 10:17:47 AM
The doctor just put the results on my chart online. It is deterioration and osteoarthritis in the L4. So that's not too bad. Explains why the weather affects it so much. Last night was another sleepless night and the meds did not help. Oh, Mar I hate to think of you dealing with worse than this every day. At least this will come and go.
True Blue Farmgirl
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2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2015 : 10:21:31 AM
.jpg?v 48919028)
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