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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 4:18:49 PM
Bunny, that is wonderful news! So glad the universe is working in your favor. The hospital must have nice gowns if they're locally made. The gowns at our hospital are rental and I try to pull out the threadbare ones and the ones that are faded. Hope you still have time for us now that you're super busy! It warmed up to 11 degrees today. But at least the sun was shining and there was no wind. The wind yesterday was bad. I was going to go to the evening Ash Wednesday service but it was just too cold. Lots of people around here don't know how to dress for the cold. I've seen men wearing long shorts and t-shirts (no jackets) when it was below freezing. We once had a girl who worked at the hospital who would wear mini (as in spandex) skirts with bare legs in January. Guess she wanted to heat up the office (she worked for some of the doctors). The doctors all liked her (can't imagine why). I went to my PT appointment yesterday and still no clear diagnosis on why my knee hurts. The therapist taped my foot to provide more support to my arch and it seems to help a little. I've been leaving Jaxon loose in the house while I'm at work and he's been very good. I think he just snoozes all day on the couch (his couch). He's a very well-adjusted dog and just makes the best of any situation. He always seems happy. Boxer was more of a serious dog. He liked to play but took his guard duties very seriously. If a burglar broke into the house, Jaxon would probably show him around and wonder why the burglar wasn't playing with him. He's a good watchdog though--he "watches" everything that goes on outside. He hears a noise and rushes to the window. He's very curious. And he wants to please me. Such a sweetie. Wish I could find a guy who would do the same. Hope everyone has a good evening, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 4:23:05 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:00:29 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 5:31:08 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:01:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 5:45:22 PM
Me again. Neither Bunny's nor Cindy's posts were there when I posted my first post. Now they are.
Wow, Bunny, that is fabulous news! Now don't let your mom take all your money. Maybe don't even tell her everything.
Cindy is right, don't you dare get to busy to post. I want to know how every day goes. Cindy, it is the same for you, I love to read your posts--you are such a good writer and your posts are always great. Love your dog stories. What ever would we do without our sweet pets.
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:02:17 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 6:00:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
Bunny I am so happy to hear about the sale and the job. Now pace yourself with the sewing so you do not finish all of the gowns in one day and put yourself out of a job. lol
Marie, I am about tired of the frigid weather. We have people around here who wear shorts all winter as well. I think they are out of their minds myself. A few years back the mail delivery people had a contest to see who could wear their shorts the latest into the season. The office got a new boss who put a kibosh on their fun that year. Lowell's new song is not quite as long as Alice's Restaurant but may be as long as Ode to Billy Joe by Bobby Gentry.
Mar, your dd should look into tinctures that strengthen the immune system. Around here they sell them at the Coop and on Wednesdays there is someone there who will help you if you do not have a clue what you need. Maybe there is someone that can help her near where she lives.
Our Rav 4 has a push button start. Yesterday, C took it to work. She was going afterwards to see a friend who has been given a few more weeks to live with her fourth round of cancer. I stopped by the car to put in the Chagga for her friend that she had forgotten at home. I opened the door and dropped the bucket on the seat and a high pitched whine started. I did not have the key fob with the magic transmitter in it for the car to recognize that I was not trying to steal it. I called her and she came over from work with the fob and stopped the nasty noise.
I am glad that the B is feeling results from his diet change right away. There is a bread called alive bread which is lots of grains and spun up sprouts. I have been meaning to try to make it but there are too many steps for me to wrap my mind around it right now. Planning to have the sprouts ready on the day I feel like putting the bread together is overwhelming to me. I agree with the B about giving up dairy as well. When I was told that I have the polycystic kidney disease that runs in my family and I asked how to keep it from becoming active I was told to cut down on protein. I was in tears when i went to my primary care because milk, cheese and eggs are staples in my diet. The disease is not active in my system I just have enough cysts that I could not donate a kidney to my brother when he needed one. All of my numbers are well within normal range so do not worry for me. Maybe he could put stevia in his tea. He would have to figure out the right amount because it is so strong but it might give the right taste for him.
I did not find offense with your bluntness. I agree that people should not force their belief systems on other people. Maybe now the fine state of Texas will be able to issue us birth certificates for DsG and DsC with both of our names on them. I am glad the judge was strong.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 6:00:50 PM
OH,OH.....Bunny.......congrats on the job and the order!! I am just ecstatic for you!! Rah, Rah, Rah, Sis Boom Bah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
GG.....It is definitely about time that Texas stepped out of the dark ages! Sorry you lost your post! Are you keeping warm? Days are nice but I'm freezing my butt at night. It is supposed to be 75 on Sunday and 40 on Monday! I can't keep up LOL :)
Cindy....Jaxon sounds like a delight! When I had Jake and I was working I left him in the crate while I was away but after a time I started letting him out and he was great! He would have help the burglars too! Mattie is a different story...only in the fact that I couldn't leave him in the crate.....he barked constantly! But it wasn't necessary, he is good while I am gone didn't need to worry. It was very kind of you to shovel snow for your elderly neighbor. I'll bet she was very appreciative! sad that lil' Audrey lost her aunt. I'll bet the horses will be a comfort to her. It is nice that she has you and dh and the animals. Sorry your daughter is ill again....sending prayers to all of you! Glad your MIL and a great visit with her sis and that she was a good guest., can't believe how bad the cold has been up North. I have family and friends in Chicago and they aren't even used to this much arctic cold for so long! Stay warm and cuddle up with Mitzi and kitty and I suppose you should include Lowell! :) How is the song coming?
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 7:11:56 PM
Well geesh! GG and Holly posting while I was writing!
Glad B is responding to the changes.....good for him for trying so hard to adjust. I would scream if I had to give up so much at one time!
Holly....I got a bit of a chuckle from your car experience! And Texas hasn't come around yet.....that was just an unusual happenstance but lets hope there is an awakening in the near future!!
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 20 2015 : 12:13:20 PM
I too applaud the Texan judge. That backward attitude is one reason I would not consider Texas a good fit for dh and I. Of course, I know there are great people like G there, too. Fighting for reasonableness.
That is a serious diet change. It would be compounded by giving up a favorite beverage. I hope he can find some substitutes that he enjoys! Hope the barometer goes back to behaving for you texan gals!
Bunny, it won't be long before you will be snazzying up those gowns! Great news. So happy for you. Sock away those extra $$, they are your escape plan.
Cindy, I am so happy that Jaxon is so well behaved. He sounds like he is so adorable. Funny the difference in all these dogs' personalities, isn't it?
I will pass on the immune system strengthening ideas. Dd needs something! The close contact is killing her! Plus she has an interview next week and she and boyfriend are touring apartments for a move... The idea of slowing down doesn't come to us in our twenties, does it?
Holly, I have heard a few stories about missing magical fobs. Dh took off with the fob in his pocket and left me in an unlocked car once. It beeped, whined and complained the entire time. And then the magical fob came back!
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 20 2015 : 3:39:15 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:03:27 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 20 2015 : 4:54:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
Well, Texas' tiny step forward was negated by a Supreme court decision. Hoping those women get a chance.
My father moved north after he got out of the service because he could not deal with the belief systems of West Virginia where he grew up. His father died just before I was born and he never took our family south again. He told us the further we stayed away from his relatives the better. I know his attitude towards the south influenced me significantly. I want to believe that it is not as repressive as it once and I know there are pockets of reasonableness but I do not want to live there.
I am sorry B is not doing well healthwise and now with the other restrictions on his eating and the restrictions he puts on himself he will have a hard row to hoe. I hope he can find some thing to fill up his belly.
The posts have jumped right into the middle for me too.
I was in Austin once for a wedding. We had never driven in those one way loops that you have to go around if you want to get to the other side of the highway. Too many people in too small an area.
I have never crated a dog while I was away anywhere. I think I would feel bad that they were confined.
The temperature started at -10F and went up to +10 by mid day. The wind blew lightly all day. The sun finally came out and made me think it was warm outside.
The sky is clear tonight. Venus and Mars are clear in the sky near the moon. It is kind of pretty. I tried to take pictures of the moon and two planets. I will have to look on the computer to see how they came out.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Feb 20 2015 : 5:36:03 PM
Mar--chaga or reishi mushroom extract is good for building up the immune system. I took them last fall when I had severe bronchitis and they seem to have helped more than any of the meds. I was given. Jaxon is not necessarily a well-behaved dog---just well-adjusted. He needs a training class but I can't find a trainer I trust. We had a great trainer when I had Boxer but she died of cancer. Boxer had two other trainers before her and they didn't like him cause he was strong-willed. I don't want to subject Jaxon to a trainer who doesn't like him. Holly--Jaxon likes his kennel. Sometimes he goes in there and lays down on his own. It's his own little den. I could never live in the south. One of my cousins had a four-year scholarship to a South Carolina university and the guys took to calling her "yankee" cause she spoke her mind. She stuck it out for a year then transferred somewhere else. Texas is different than the deep south cause it's also a western state. My brother lives north of Dallas and lots of the people there are transplants. He's adjusted to it. I like the independent spirit of a true Texan. It's starting to sleet/ freezing rain here so I put the car in the garage. When it snows, like earlier this week, I leave it in the driveway cause then I don't have to shovel as much. I didn't realize how long my neighbor's driveway is compared to mine. She has a detached garage and it sets behind the house. So it took longer to shovel than I had thought. It's supposed to be a lousy weekend weather-wise. I'm glad I don't have to work on weekends cause it'll be a mess tomorrow morning after we have an inch or two of ice. I don't know what a magical fob is. Can it turn my car into a Lexus? That'd be magic. GG- Is there any way to spice up B's diet? It's important to enjoy your food as well as benefit health-wise from it. There are some good gluten-free recipes in MJ's magazines. I feel cold sitting here by my window. I keep it cracked a little year round so my room won't get stuffy. My seedlings are starting to emerge. The heating mat makes a big difference. I have a light set-up I made from things I had here at the house and I need to drag it out and get it ready. I'm starting seeds earlier this year than usual cause I want them to be vigorous and strong when I put them in the ground. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 20 2015 : 6:44:30 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:04:21 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 20 2015 : 7:20:24 PM
GG, first day went well. The lady I work for is wonderful. She wants me to teach sewing classes too. Work comes and goes so it isn't full time all the time. She gets contracts now and then. But she is so supportive and willing to teach me. Have you tried agave necture? There are lots of people I know that use it instead of sugar. I know nothing about it. Probably should google it to see if it could possibly be a sugar substitute.
Not much else going on. I'm tired, so will sleep early tonight.
Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Feb 20 2015 : 9:13:23 PM
I believe that the gluten free diets are not necessary unless a person has celiacs disease or a severe reaction to gluten. I believe that reducing B's processed sugars and chemical substitutes would help his ADD much more. I have seen xylitol in the coop. It is as sweet as sugar and contains 33% fewer calories and won't wreck the teeth. It is extracted from natural plant fibers and does not have the side effects of artificial sweeteners. I want to bake with it.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 21 2015 : 07:20:32 AM
Bunny, I'm glad your first day went well. It's actually good that it isn't full time because that would be hard to keep up with. Getting some personal time is good.
Thanks for the input on the sugar - I've checked out the agave but had not heard of xylitol. I agree that processed foods are the worst thing. I think he can have a little raw honey so we are going to try that in the morning tea. We don't use any chemical artificial sweeteners at all. He doesn't have to worry about calories as he is skinny. We are doing a lot of research on this now that he has finally seen the light. I can't believe no one has recognized this before and tried to help him. As he reveals more and more to me, I can see and understand so many things now. I've been mystified by some of his behavior but now read about them as classic symptoms so at least I finally know what I'm dealing with. My daughter is the one who finally cracked the code for me. She has a masters degree in special Ed and works with kids with learning disabilities. Yet even she doesn't know much about the food as medicine aspect. Other than the sugar connection.
Today is warm and humid. We are finishing up with our load of stuff to take back to the house. Have a great day everyone
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 22 2015 5:06:05 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 21 2015 : 10:50:10 AM
Xylitol is a good sugar substitute, but it does cause bloating, gas and diarrhea if you get just a bit too much, so be careful. Dh used to work for the company that produces it and actually has two patents on its use in chocolate. We used to treat ear infections with it and put it in the cat's water because it killed the bacteria that caused nasty breath. I no longer have access to it like I used to or I'd send you some, G. Some of the sugar alcohols like xylitol are not such great choices for diabetics. They have been shown to increase the glycemic reaction/response worse than plain sugar. As usual, food manufacturers have known this for years and continue to sell/push these products on diabetics. But, if you find gum with xylitol- usually will be mint flavored because the alcohol has a cooling effect - it helps reduce the chance of cavities and helps towards remineralization of your teeth. Bonus!
I think I agree with Marie that gluten-free diets are most important for those with celiac disease. But, I think that products that are gluten free also tend to cut out other culprits, so by following gluten free packaging, you end up helping yourself. I found that our son did best without the additives and food coloring. I don't think our base grain supply was quite as polluted by then. It is exhausting to try to find something to eat when you have many things to stay away from. You end up with the basics. A piece of protein and vegetables and fruit. Good luck everyone trying to make good choices.
I don't want to ever have to give up my coffee. Maybe it is because I have lived in the Land O'Starbucks for too long! I am waiting for MIL to finish using the kitchen. She is going to make roasted vegetables. They are very delicious, easy, but very time consuming for her because of the preparation involved. She will heat me out of the house very shortly because she refuses to close the oven door while she stirs the vegetables every fifteen minutes. Consequently, the oven doesn't maintain its temperature and instead of taking about forty minutes to cook, she spends about two hours doing it. Sigh. Yes, I have mentioned the problem. Yes, I have closed the oven door. Yes, it is easier to go outside.
And then she will clean up after herself, no matter how many times I have asked her not to. It just makes a bigger job for me. She effectively polishes the countertop and everything she comes into contact with with olive oil. But, she has to have something to do...
I am thinking it is time to start my seedlings, too! I have the same thought that I want them to be very vigorous when it is time to put them out. I also need to trim up a bunch of roses. I trimmed the hydrangeas last week. We had ice on the back deck this morning, so it isn't exactly warm just yet, but it is so sunny! Feels wonderful. Wish I could send you some Holly and Marie!
I guess we all have had a moment or two of feeling we don't belong where we were raised or find ourselves at some point in our lives. Even when we lived in Spokane there were instances of being treated as "The Mrs." when we would cross over the state line to Coeur d Alene, Idaho. There is always something, right? In California, my MILs neighbor talked to dh about not wanting us to sell mom's house to "certain" people... So, there is no place you ever get away from prejudice/stupidity. It's all relative.
Hope everyone has a great day. mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Feb 21 2015 : 10:51:07 AM
Bunny, I forgot to say how glad I was that you have such a nice environment in which to work. I know this will be a worthwhile adventure for you. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 21 2015 : 1:57:21 PM
That's really good info, Mar--thanks to all of you with input. where would I get the xylitol? Is it granulated like sugar? I'll look for the gum too--really appreciate all the good info. It's true that eating has become such a huge issue. I haven't been able to tolerate gluten for a long time but b has to have his bakery goods. He won't eat pork or shellfish and doesn't care much for beef. I don't care much for lamb and get tired of chicken and fish. The biggest chore I have is keeping us fed. I agree with you Mar I will not do without my one strong cup of coffee every morning.
Mel I thought we were getting cold rain back again but it's about 70 and the sun is out.
Marie, have you guys thawed out yet? I've got some piddly little asparagus sprouts, if I'd taken care of it properly we'd have more than we could eat. Everything is greening up quickly. The Bradford pears, forsythia, and a red bloom that I cannot think if the name right now, all in full bloom and the bees are swarming all over them. Guess they are excited to get pollen again. We could see some of the little guys with their pollen bags packed tight enough to burst. We might have a little more cold but for the mist part spring is here. It is really lovely out here today. GG
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 21 2015 2:04:40 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 21 2015 : 4:33:20 PM
Good evening everyone,
Our dentist recommends using xylitol. it comes in little packets or you can get it in a big bag like splenda. Yes, it is granulated, sort of. We get ours at the Coop. If you need me to send you some let me know.
We had onion soup for supper. C picks up the boxes of vegetables and expired bread that someone leaves on the porch of the town hall for people to take. Usually, I only scoop a loaf or two but the woman who is responsible for the town food shelf asked that we take it all so it does not sit frozen for days on the porch. Who would have known that Coco would covet frozen salad greens. The snow being so deep she can step over the boards to get into the garden. She has been eating the compost out of the bin. Yech! so, I put the frozen salad greens right into her stall for a treat. So, we got a box of italian bread loaves so I had the boys tear them into pieces and dried them in the oven. Some I smashed up for bread crumbs and some we used in the onion soup to fill it up. We used miso in the broth instead of beef broth from the can. We like the dark miso.
I think coffee is nasty. It is one taste that I have not matured enough to enjoy.
How nice G that your flowers are in bloom. Take pictures. The books say the thinner the asparagus the more tender and gourmet.
Bunny I am glad the woman is kind to you and you like the job, so far. It might be too soon to breathe a sigh of relief but I am doing it for you anyway. lol
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Feb 21 2015 : 8:43:14 PM
Mar, thank you for the information on xylitol. I believe that I will stick with regular sugar for baking.
Gypsy - Lowell and I are going grocery shopping tomorrow. I will pick some xylitol for you. It is sold in bulk at our coop.
I also have never liked coffee. My mom tried to get me to drink it when I was in grade school. I had to put so much milk and sugar in it that it was no longer coffee. In 1985 when I was in Japan, iced coffee was the most popular beverage. It was considered a dessert drink. When we visited Isetan department store, where we met the female Vice President (extremely rare in Japan at the time), we were given a beautiful iced coffee drink in a large stemmed glass with whipped cream, shaved chocolate and a cherry on top. I didn't want to drink it but I was thirsty and started taking sips. Pretty soon I was slurping it up. When the question and answer time came, I was wired and tapping the fingers of both hands on the table. The guy from Boston was a little worried about me and I told them this was the first time I had had coffee. I decided that this would be just what I needed to stay awake in class. The next day I went to McDonalds and carried out a large iced coffee. That worked on the first day only. I now realise that it was chocked full of sugar.
Funny thing about the weather. It is still cold and there is snow on the ground. I had to wash clothes and had nothing to wear except a pair of shorts, which make my bologna sausage legs look so attractive. When I went outside to take out the recycling, I noticed that I was not cold at all. There was no wind and bright sun. If there hadn't been snow on the ground, I might have stayed outside.
I just learned that Mitzi likes apples. I had an apple in the refrigerator that was past its prime so I took half and cut the other half up for her. She took the pieces out of her dish and put them on the rug to eat them. She also likes the stem part of lettuce. Crazy.
Bunny - Good for you. This might be the start of something really good.
My computer wants to update so I will end this here.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 22 2015 : 06:29:57 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:07:00 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Feb 22 2015 : 07:04:17 AM
I know. None of us sign up for any of this stuff but we have it. Still, it is excellent proof that B needs to stay off sugar.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 22 2015 : 11:18:46 AM
I think you need to think of it as a disability. He can't help it. He tries and seems to try so hard. He has such good qualities. I heard on the radio once a story about a woman who had facial recognition issues. She could see the face but could not pick out the details of the face. I caused a divorce for her because her then husband could not understand her difficulties and she had not been diagnosed with anything and he thought she was being obtuse.
The B loves you and you adore him. He does not need to be accommodated like having a child but he does need help. He must have been afraid when he was lost and knew you were angry, like all the others in line in his life. He is a great man and not a failure. He seems to have failed so many other times or had people taken advantage of him because of his disability. Hang in there.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 22 2015 : 3:35:03 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:07:49 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 22 2015 : 3:48:02 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 3:08:31 PM |
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