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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 15 2015 : 08:10:56 AM
Lowell and I are going out for Valentines Day today. As usual, Lowell plan's (none) fell through when we learned that all the restaurants HE wanted to go to were booked up. This will be better anyway -- Lots of space and only people who are serious. I know I won't get flowers but I can always hope.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 15 2015 : 12:37:25 PM
Mel, what a beautiful bouquet.
Holly, been thinking of you when I see the weather reports. T is showing a lot of team spirit. It is good to stick with it and see it through. He is right to be disappointed and you are right to be irritated. I hope something changes.
Marie, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you with the flowers...
Glad the rat is gone!!
GG, love the floors. The bedroom color sounds very upscale!
Yesterday was MIL's 88th birthday. Her younger sister is here visiting. So, we have an octogenarian and a septuagenarian that we are keeping entertained. I have politely bowed out of a bananagrams tournament this afternoon. Mom was very happy with the attention and special meal yesterday. We went out for lunch on the Columbia River on Friday. Most activities are centered around meals...
I am pretty tired. For some reason, Mom told her sister that I would insist on doing her laundry while she was visiting... I really would not have insisted. But, anyway.
I miss you all. mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Feb 15 2015 : 3:46:12 PM
Good evening everyone,
The temperature this morning was -10F. The propeller on the little wind vane has been spinning at a furious rate all day. I did not put the cow out today. I think she has booboo belly. Some of the children put the chicken food bags in the grain room yesterday and I think they were not careful shutting the door because this morning a couple of the bags were ripped. Now the grain is safely in the cans with lids. Her udder is still flaccid. I hope by the end of the month but who knows when exactly she was knocked up. I have the AI man having come the second week of April. When the vet preg checked her he said by the growth of the fetus that the fertility date was the last week of April. So, did the AI man not do an effective job and her son knocked her up or what? Patience and surprise.
Our oldest DsR came to visit today. We played UNO.
How nice for the birthday woman that she enjoyed her birthday. Take pictures. You can make a little book for her. Food is a bonding time. It is wearing entertaining. Maybe you could find a nice hot tub and masseuse for a quiet afternoon of solitude.
The flowers are very pretty, Mel. it is nice your son remembered to do something for his wonderful mother.
Marie I hope you had a nice Valentine's meal. After all a date is only a date.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 15 2015 : 8:08:22 PM
Oh, Mar--I'm wanting to now have a word with MIL. GOOD GRIEF! These old dolls get so senile I don't think they realize what they are saying half the time. I am always being accused of being blunt. Well.....sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself. I would simply say I don't do other people's laundry but I'll show you how the machine works and here is the soap. Knock yourself out. Well, maybe not the last sentence out loud.
Pretty flowers, Mel. That's a good son.
Not looking forward to the next round of cold weather. We've had no ice yet but that might happen with this next front.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 16 2015 : 09:22:02 AM
Thanks, G. But, I like my new washing machine too much to risk it! LOL
Holly, an afternoon of UNO sounds delightful in your weather. And I am with you on a date is only a date. Special treatment on a "Wednesday" makes for a very nice gesture.
That being said, Marie, where did you end up for dinner?
I am Cruise Director today. On our list of port o' calls is the ever fabulous Dollar Tree (don't ask me why) and to see some pretty houses...OK!
MIL's sis leaves tomorrow. She is a very nice woman who is trying to be as little trouble as possible. Mom is trying to be as little trouble as possible. All this little trouble is quite exhausting! In a week, we have more company.
I haven't talked with dd in days because of all the activities and her work schedule. We may sneak in a visit with one another in a few weeks.
I hope you northern gals get the break from the weather that you deserve. I can not complain about our unusual warm February. Holly, my daffodils are up and one has produced a bud...
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 16 2015 : 4:23:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am always excited when the first of my daffodils bud up. Your climate is so far ahead of ours. I think we have 44 inches of snow on the ground still. I spoke with a friend in Maryland today and she said only 33 more days of winter left. I stopped and wondered how she knew how many more days and then I chuckled. She was talking about the number or days until spring. I think my math is right, maybe not. I wonder if March will come in like a lion or a lamb this year.
I think Mar you should get a cruise director's hat to wear when you do your tours. You are great and I would guess the elders truly appreciate the efforts you go to to make their visits pleasant.
DdK took the littles to the Flynn Theater in Burlington today to see School House Rock. They all had a great time.
On Saturday, DdK and C went looking for a new/used car for us. They came home with a 2010 RAV 4. It is a nice vehicle. They are both tickled. I like it well enough. the only thing I would have changed was that it is an automatic and I prefer standard. Less than 18 percent of the vehicles made are standards now a days. I have ridden in it but not driven it yet. With DdK driving i do not need too. lol
It was -16 F at 7 AM. the high today was -2 F. The wind blew briskly all day long. The sun was bright all day long giving us the illusion that it was warm out.
Sweet dreams,
I spoke with DsT about his place on the basketball team.. He said he wants to stay on the team and not turn in his uniform because then if the team makes it to the playoffs he has a front row seat and does not have to play to watch.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 16 2015 : 4:25:01 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:54:27 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Feb 16 2015 : 7:06:56 PM
Well, we got about 8 inches of snow, if not more, and it's cold again. When I got home from work today I immediately started shoveling my neighbor's sidewalk and driveway. She's an 80+ years old widow. I want her to be able to get out if she has to. She doesn't usually go out when the weather is bad but she volunteers at a food pantry on Wednesdays and I want to be sure she can get out. It took about an hour but the snow was very powdery and light so it wasn't difficult. It'd be great if this was ski country but there aren't many places to ski around here--there's a place outside of St. Louis where they have skiing but it's not a mountain just a big hill. All of our "mountains" are really hills. We've had a mild winter so far so I won't complain about the snow. The RAV 4 sounds like a good vehicle. I think DsT is being a good sport about not getting to play during the games. I can't imagine having 44 inches of snow. We've had 24 inches before but that's about it. Patty tried to call me yesterday but didn't leave a message so I called back and left a message. I'm preparing to dump my landline phone and go wireless. I started my indoor seeds yesterday. I went to a seed swap at the new co-op that they're planning to open soon. I got some lettuce and basil seeds and dropped off some seeds from last year's batch. I gave Jaxon a huge bone to gnaw on last night and that's all he can think about. He kept wanting to go outside last night cause the bone was out there. He was pacing around the house, as I was trying to sleep, so I out him in his kennel. He's got it pretty much devoured by now. I've never seen a dog that is so obsessive about chewing. He'll be three years old in May. Today was a slow day at work. Not very many patients. Some of the doctors couldn't get to work and some patients couldn't get to the hospital so some procedures were cancelled. I'm supposed to start physical therapy for my knee on Wednesday. Been cooking up some healthy vegetarian dishes so I can start losing weight. Losing weight is the best way to help my knees, which don't seem to be getting any younger. Stay warm, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 17 2015 : 08:26:19 AM
hello gals, tried to send this last night and it kept getting deleted so thought i would do this again. i spoke of a situation at work last november that was very upsetting and we are still going thru with all of that. right now, i am waiting for the paperwork for a 3 day suspension w/o pay. my supervisor was going to get a 5 day w/o pay but another issue arose and he was asked to resign. we are all in a turmoil here. I don't know how much longer i will be able to keep my job but the good news is that i can retire if i need to. my sister and her husband have already picked me out a space on their land for a small trailer. so i might have more to report later. bunny, if i was 10 years younger and a lot smaller i would buy your goth line! i love every piece of it!! you are so creative. marie , i hope you and lowell had a good time. holly, i think your guy has a good attitude despite all of the "other" happenings going on. well, got to go to work hugs to all janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 17 2015 : 4:23:47 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:56:08 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 17 2015 : 6:34:21 PM
Holly, B has a Honda that is standard shift and he loves it. I won't drive it. He was just saying most women won't drive standard shift. Now I'll tell him I know some who do. My car is a Jeep which I can just put into drive, or I can use a bunch of gears by pushing the gearshift to the left or right. I had no idea what those were until he showed me. I just need Park, Reverse, Drive. That's it.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 17 2015 : 6:38:41 PM
Good evening everyone,
The temperature was -16 F at 7 AM. it rose a whopping 26 degrees by 1 PM. Some one said it felt like we were having a heat wave to her. lol
Janiee, I am glad you have options and I am glad that you are eligible for retirement benefits. Do you really want to live close to your sister? Isn't she mean? sometimes. How is the chess game going with your brother?
We have had dental work done on some of our dogs and cats. They always came home snaggle toothed. I bet her poor little mouth hurts her a lot. Did they tell you about any pain killers to give her? YOu are lucky the bill was $200. It could have been a lot worse.
I took DsR to the oral surgeon's today. His six year molars are coming in and they are digging into the teeth in front of them. Those teeth I was told today usually fall out when the child is twelve or so. He has some big choppers coming in. So, we have an appointment the first Friday in March to get the two teeth pulled. They have scheduled an hour and a half. I thought that was excessive. The twilight drugs they are going to give him take about 30 minutes to begin working. HIs appointment is for 8:30 AM. I was hoping for the 7 AM appointment because he is a whiney snivelly nasty boy when he is hungry and he is not to eat or drink for 8 hours before the surgery. He says one side is hurting so we it is good we are getting this done.
We went tot he fire station this morning with a home school group. the boys had a great time.
Let me know how the ADD treatment goes. We can boss DsC for now but as he gets older he will need to be able to deal more by himself. Good luck to the B. If you move your bed to the new house what will you sleep on while you fix up the country house? YOu sound like you are making good progress with the city house. It must be such a relief to have direction and an end in sight.
We think about getting rid of our land line but then we would not have a number in the phone book.
I still need to get my seeds. I have some herbs coming from Wildseed Farm near GG that have been ordered. I am getting an order together for Pine tree seed in Maine. I like them because the packets of seeds are a little smaller and a lot less expensive so I can order more kinds and not have so many left over.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Feb 17 2015 : 7:00:45 PM
Janiee, I'm glad you can retire if you want. Sometimes it isn't worth all the stress of working. I hope if you decide to move to your sisters place you can find a nice little trailer. I have always wanted a fifth wheel because they seem to do a better job with space. You can usually find someone to hire to move it for you.
GG, poor little baby dog. It is hard on them when they don't know why they are hurting. Sorry B is having to deal with the ADD issues. I don't know about your area, but you might try to find a support group. They could help him with tools to deal with his main issues. And yes, diet plays a big part. But I bet he is going to have a hard time with the sugar issue. I learned to drive on a standard transmission. I can go back and forth easily. It is a good skill to learn.
I have been sewing quite a bit lately. I have three more goth items finished. But today I decided to do something different. I have a large garbage bag filled with small fabric scraps. I can't seem to just throw it away. So I'm making pet beds. I'll take them to the local shelter here and they can use them or sell them. I don't care Which. I made four beds and hardly made a dent in the bag. I have a bunch of leftover white fabric I use for the main bed. Then I'll make a removable cover for washing. Here is a picture of Ozzy testing them out.
.jpg?v 2007792)
Holly, I think getting rid of your mainline phone will take some getting use to. But it will be nice to save the money too.
Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 18 2015 : 07:09:29 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 18 2019 2:57:38 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2015 : 09:06:35 AM
Oh GG.......your ex is an A$$!!!! Don't let his stupidity get you down.....he will not ruin your day!!! Obviously he oozes jealousy and does NOT by any means hope that you have found true happiness!!!!! OH what a jerk.......that really makes me angry! HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!! :) We all love you and so does B! He is just seeing the results of 'reap what you sow' !! TRASH....good thing!! :) the new Goth Line! I went and made them all favorites on your Etsy shop! Hope they get you moving along! The pet beds sure are a good idea....I know that the shelters will really appreciate them. You are a generous soul. Your kitty cat is a cutie. :)
Janie.....hope your work situation works out for you...but it is good that you are in a place where you can retire if push comes to shove. Will you be happy being near your sis for all time? What about the brother that wants you to learn chess? Is he near you now? Oklahoma? Texas? It's mighty cold up there and so much snow! :) Don't pay attention to me!.......Just what will make and keep you happy in the long run!! :) :)
My best to all, Mel Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2015 : 12:57:18 PM
My fur baby is much better today. She did not get anything for pain but she is on antibiotics and soft food. She was so pitiful last night. I hope we don't have to do this again.
Thanks, Mel for your moral support. I just can't get my brain around the fact he is still blaming me for everything. And felt the need to tell me. He must be out of drugs.
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 18 2015 12:59:38 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 18 2015 : 1:00:27 PM
Thanks, bunny. So are you.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 18 2015 : 4:07:17 PM
Oh, I am so happy Penny feels better. I am trying to keep Gracie's teeth good... It is so hard to tell. Fritto is going in for a cleaning because MIL used to feed so many table scraps and only wet food. The kibble does a better job of keeping the teeth clean in these young dogs (she is only two) without teeth problems. I hope Penny can still play a gentle game of tug.
Bunny your shop is gorgeous. I think you have the right Portland vibe going for sure. Too bad you haven't found a shop there to carry your items. I love your pet bed idea. That must feel really good. Let us know what kind of reaction you get at the shelter. They are bound to be super delighted.
G, your ex is mourning his loss of you. Block that email address!! I hope B does well on the supplements and diet change. Oh and tell him my new car is push button. That will make him crazy! (In self defense, please also tell him I can drive any tractor out there. I do have my pride.)
Janie, I hope the situation at work comes to a close soon. They are certainly dragging it along. What an environment to have to deal with. I hope you can get away from the stress one way or another!!
Holly, I have always liked the RAV 4's. I hope you get to drive it some day! I have spotted a few more buds on the daffodils.
Yesterday, dh mowed the lawn. Amazing activity for February! Today it is a bit overcast, still in the high 50s, though. We started a fire to get rid of yardwaste and some of the tree mess that fell during the wind storm. As you can imagine, it takes a bit to start a fire in the Pacific North West! But, flamethrowers work. Dh is creative if nothing else. And he scares the liver out of me.
MIL is still on a high from her sister's visit. Wants to buy me something because I did so much. I just wanted her birthday to be good and it really was. Her sister called today to thank us again. She was a good/easy visitor. Dh's best friend arrives next Saturday for a long weekend. They are planning brewery "tours" and have decided to skip the tour part. Basically, they are going barhopping and I will be picking them up. Dd's boyfriend is also going. (dh really enjoys the boyfriend's company.) And the boyfriend offered to be designated driver, but he should be able to enjoy a few beers, so dd and I will hang out and then go pick them up on a street corner in Portland... I will let you know how it goes.
This morning as I was mucking the paddock, I heard a little voice yelling. It was Audrey. She was walking Bandit and wanted to show me that he was waving at me, etc. She was also very excited to report that her mother is very stressed out about her aunt. And that Audrey would fill me in this afternoon when she saw me after school. I wondered if I should warn her mom that something potentially private might be shared, but her mom texted me with the news,etc. Audrey was very animated about having an aunt who was gravely ill in the hospital. "kind of asleep" Doesn't sound good. I don't think Audrey has a very firm grasp on the situation.
Hope everyone is doing well, Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2015 : 4:41:05 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today rose to a high of 18 F. It was so balmy.. I took DsC to his therapy and saw children walking home from school in their sweaters with their jackets on top of their back packs. I sent the boys out to sled and they came in in a half hour telling me their hands were cold. Well, sledding without your mittens on will do that.
WOW! a flame thrower. who would have thought of owning one of those. I use trench candles a remembrance of my young days when I was a Girl Scout. They are newspaper rolled into small logs with a string around it and dipped in wax. They burn for a long time and do not blow out easily. Mowing the lawn inn February! Do you think you live in Georgia or Florida? I hope you have a good mower. Starting in February will surely get your cost per use down quickly. lol
I am glad the Mil and AIL had a good time together. Memories are important and the stories of the great birthday will sustain them for a while.
I hope the beer farts from the revelers pass quickly.
I read an article in Redbook today about a woman who was a model and then got sick with a tumor on her adrenal gland that made her lethargic and gain weight and lose her hair. She ended up making dog beds and toys. The company is called Harry Barker and it is a multi million dollar adventure out of Savannah, Georgia now.
Sweet dreams everyone,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 18 2015 : 6:10:28 PM
Holly, that is too funny. I've been wearing long johns and my heavy down farm coat all week. It's only been in the 30's.
That's right, Mar, you might want to have dh and his drinking buddy share a room and have dd bunk in with you. That Holly doesn't miss a thing, does she. Laughing.
I'm really glad mom appreciates all your work. That really means a lot. Tell her she could buy you a cruise to the Bahamas.
Lola loves her chew sticks but Penny has no interest in them. Penny loves her toys but Lola has no interest in them.
I've never given these little dogs anything but dry food but before I got them they must have had people food. Penny was somebody's baby I can tell by the way she acts and I think Lola was abused. Not sure how they ended up together because they weren't raised the same. But the same person brought them into the shelter together.
Penny is older and is the boss of Lola but they couldn't be mother and daughter. Penny was very attached to Ed and Lola was terrified of him. Now Penny is very attached to B, so I believe she was raised by a man. Whoever raised her like this would not have dumped her, so I think it must have been someone who got sick and died or went to a nursing home. Then one of the kids must have ended up with both dogs. They had been sadly neglected when they arrived at the shelter. GG
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 18 2015 6:27:25 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Feb 18 2015 : 6:34:58 PM
Holly those success stories always happen to someone else, don't they. Sometimes I think it's like winning the lottery, somebody is gonna win but it's never me.
Mar, regarding the Ex, I doubt he misses me, more likely it's my ability to manage money. He's no doubt broke. He always was a whiner.
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Feb 18 2015 : 8:49:58 PM
It has been bitterly cold here for a week. The temperature could be down to -20 before the wind and we could get 1 or 2 inches of snow. This is all courtesy of an Alberta Clipper which usually happens this time of year. I believe I shall stay in tomorrow.
When I was a kid, my parents had a Ford Valiant with push button transmission. I liked that car and would always watch when my dad handled the dash controls on the car. One day we had company and we were going to the zoo. My sister and I were excited and we went down to the car and jumped in. I was in the driver's seat and I went through the motions of starting the car and putting it in reverse. Only I really did push the button. The driveway was sloped and the car started rolling toward the county highway which ran in front of the house. I got out right away and ran into the house and up to my room. I looked out the front window and saw that the car was on the road and my sister was getting out. My cousin Peter said, "Someone stole the car!" My dad went out. I saw him talking to my sister and then went to the car which had landed softly in the ditch on the other side of the highway. I stayed in my room knowing that I would probably get a good licking. My dad came to see me and, gratefully, did not spank me. (Probably because we had company.) He said, "When I saw the car in the ditch, I almost pooped my pants. Please do not do that again." I promised I wouldn't and I never heard a word about it again.
Mitzi has very healthy teeth. She was well taken care of by her previous owner. My pet food policy is to feed nothing but dry food until they won't eat it. At that point, I know the pet is in the end time. I then feed them wet food until they refuse to eat that. After a couple days of not eating, it is time to take them to the vet. This is how two of my pets told me it was their time.
Yeah Gypsy, block that ex. Unfriend him on Farcebook. (Yes, I spelled it right.) At least you have moved on.
Janie, I would take retirement at 62 if you can do it. Many more people do it at that time than at 65 or later. Ya just get tuckerd out and need to slow it down.
Well, Lowell is editing his new song Behind Prison Walls, a protest song about being in prison. It is 8 minutes long. I am almost ready to go to bed.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 12:16:07 PM
Marie, staying in is a good plan. I remember those push buttons transmissions. They looked like such fun.
I understand how some animals attach themselves to a certain sex. Our yellow horse didn't like women. He got over that. But, I think he had been run ragged around barrels, typically a woman's sport. Penny is continuing to improve?
Holly, it is so funny how quickly you acclimate to weather and a ten to twenty degree change is so noticeable. Even when it only brings you to the teens! I hadn't thought of the farts. Dh doesn't suffer from that usually. And he doesn't usually drink a lot of beer at any one time. His buddy likes to supplement his beer with shots of vodka. Beer doesn't get him drunk enough fast enough. Dh will feel it though.
Our little friend, Audrey, lost her aunt yesterday. The woman was only 49. We won't see Audrey until tomorrow. She will need the horses. They always are the same and that is comforting when the world is changing.
Dd is sick again. She works so closely with the public that she keeps picking up viruses. It isn't the flu again, but throat and nose based. She also had a schedule that worked her nine days straight. It is hard to do in the winter with all the bugs going around. She found someone to work her shift today so hopefully she can stay home and hydrate.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 3:31:10 PM
Well, I had an amazing day. First I got a job working for a lady in town that contracts to the local hospital to make their hospital gowns. So I'll be sewing starting tomorrow. Then I got a $600.00 etsy order from a lady in Canada. I also have a small pet sitting job for this weekend. I bought lotto tickets just in case.
The lady said she would love for me to teach sewing classes and I can keep all the money except for a small percentage. She said she would help me market them and get students.
Feeling hopeful! Finally!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
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