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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 18 2014 :  7:06:09 PM  Show Profile
GG, glad B's interview went well. Onward and upward. I have am fed my fibro ok so far. I pretty much find I have to conserve my energy. But if I get this job, I'll have to do whatever is necessary. I will be working 9 hr days and half days on Fridays. I need a little more than a year to save up enough money and then I can start thinking about moving back to California.

Mar, I'm so glad you and the horses love the new house and bonus to live closer to DD. Hopefully everything will go smoothly with MIL. I'm sure it will be fodder for some great stories....or rants. We will be here for you.

Jan, amazing how much stuff we accumulate! At least you are getting it done.

I have my colonoscopy on Friday so no food tomorrow. My nephew and his wife and 3 year old will be here. Not looking forward to it. Last year they pretty much ignored their son the whole time and I had to entertain him to keep him from getting into stuff. He got attacked twice by the cats because he was too rough. They have been warned that I won't be available this time.

Later for now. .....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 18 2014 :  7:06:55 PM  Show Profile
Autocorrect had its way with my post again...I meant I managed my fibro


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jun 19 2014 :  7:09:16 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, hope you are surviving the day ok. I know it isn't an easy one. Hope you have someone reliable lined up to drive you to and from your procedure. It's good you are getting it done. Mom refused to get one, ("nobody's doing THAT to me") and she ended up with colon cancer. Fortunately there were symptoms so she got it in time with no worries.

Wondering where everybody is. Let's see, Janet is knee deep in rummage sale stuff--Marie is playing dungeons and dragons or beating up DH, Bunny is on the potty,(sorry, Bunny, couldn't resist)------where the heck is everybody else?

I got up early to go to the dentist for cleaning and whitening, didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm in a brain fog. We have an Asian diner here called Pei Wei, which I love, so we went there for supper. B is going to get himself an amplifier tomorrow in anticipation of being out in the country soon where he can crank up the volume.

Next week it's time to go check on mom again and I'm getting her a "help I've fallen and can't get up" call button.

Such is my interesting life these days. Somebody please post.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jun 20 2014 :  09:09:41 AM  Show Profile

Okay here is what has been going on.

There is flooding in Minneapolis. It has rained everyday for about a week. Minnehaha Creek is at 50th Street and was as high as 18 feet. Many basements in fancy homes were flooded and several cross streets couldn't be passed by car. I am fine where I am. The garden looks so nice. All the leafy greens are just huge.

I have downloaded a new game which is very addicting. As always with anything new, I go over board on it at first. I am now over the obsessive stuff and am now setting a goal and when I reach it I am done. I'm not telling you ladies what it is because it is a free download and very addicting. You will thank me.

Bunny - I am glad that you now have a definite diagnosis. I have told Lowell to go to a rheumatologist and see for certain what he has but he refuses. I am now done helping him figure this out. He says that the doctors don't know anything about his condition and that it is so different from anything anywhere. He is just so special. I hope that you can find ways to control the pain.

Holly - Love the stories. I'll bet the little boys just love to chase around and do little jobs.

Gypsy - You are so lucky to have a guy who takes the time to do a good job fixing things. All Lowell does is disconnect the smoke detector. I don't want him to do it but he does. <sigh> I guess my safety isn't as important as him not having to listen to the alarm.

Anyway, lots to do and not much discipline. Have to get going.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 20 2014 :  9:38:06 PM  Show Profile
Note to self....never more! Yesterday was not fun, today was worse. The medicine that I had to drink tasted sooooo bad!! I gaged so bad I almost lost it all. Then I had to do it again at 2am this morning. I could only get a third of it down. But between yesterday and this mornings doses, it was enough to do the trick. I went in at 730am and had such a hard time waking up. Then I threw up. Within 30 minutes of waking they had me dressed and on my way home. I threw up again at my front steps. Thankfully I had a plastic bag. I also had to change my clothes due to other issues. Don't want to give TMI. But this just wasn't much fun. I slept all day and just work up at 6pm. I'm so glad it is done. I better be dying if I have to do it again.

Tomorrow I sew most of the day and have a housewarming party to go to in the afternoon. It is for the lady I dog sit for and she is also the one hiring for the job at the college. I figure I better go.

Marie, you are right not to give out the game name. I tend to get obsessive about computer games myself. I once played Diablo for 4 days straight in my pj's. I won of course. Both of my kids brag about it all the time.

Not much else to report. Feeling much better.

Later all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jun 21 2014 :  07:45:38 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, you are supposed to have a colonoscopy every ten years. Different doctors use different fluids but the idea is to clean absolutely everything out of your body so their camera can see everything. There should not have been anything to throw up or expel. Only air, because they pump you up with gas to be able to see. You should not have had that experience. They are dreadful at best, but yours sounds torturous. I've had three of these and every time I had to start drinking a lime flavored saline type solution about mid afternoon and drink it continuously until it is gone. It seems like about a gallon but maybe it was less. Then you start going to the bathroom until there is nothing coming out but the clear liquid. Your stomach and your colon should have been clear of anything but air when you came home.
I'm sorry you went through that but I am glad it's over and I hope the test came out okay.
Hugs to you.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jun 21 2014 :  07:50:30 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, there wasn't anything in my stomach but bile. That's what made it so terrible. The drink tasted like the worse bathroom deodorizer in a gas station bathroom smells. Supposedly cherry flavor. It was terrible. I can't get the taste out of my mind yet.
Thankful it is over!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jun 21 2014 :  07:54:42 AM  Show Profile
I had forgotten about computer games. I used to play solitaire and hearts on my computer and a couple other games I don't remember now. Obsessively. When I was getting over a breakup. I haven't played games in a couple of years now. I also have lost interest in TV. I love looking up stuff on utube and old TV shows and movies on my prime amazon account. Trying to find time to go back and watch the early seasons of the good wife so I can keep up with the current episodes. I really can't find anything to be obsessive about about right now. What's wrong with me?

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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jun 21 2014 :  08:19:51 AM  Show Profile
Bunny--sorry that stuff tasted so bad. If you were throwing up after having anesthesia, please make sure you're OK, cause that can sometimes lead to pneumonia. You may not even realize it at the time. again, I'm sorry you went through that. I had one last August but I just mixed the stuff with Crystal Light lemonade mix and drank it that way. Still unpleasant, but I didn't throw up (though I thought I would). Today is the summer solstice and it's hot, sunny, and my garden is loving it (me not so much). I went to the farmer's market this morning. I'm wearing an expensive knee brace that I got about seven years ago when my knee first started hurting me. I haven't worked since last Monday. Hopefully I can go back this Monday. if occupational health clears me. I can walk OK, it just hurts when I bend my knee. I started off the day by reading some poems by Wendell Berry. Then I made a banana-cherry smoothie for breakfast. Not much happening here.

"Vast floods can't quench love, no matter what love did/ Rivers can't drown love, no matter where love's hid"--Sinead O'Connor
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jun 21 2014 :  10:18:01 AM  Show Profile

The temperature is hot here. Everyone that complained about the excessive cold this winter is now complaining about the heat and we are a month away from the hottest part of the summer. Go figure! I am just ignoring them. Wimps!

Bunny - I had a test in which I poked my poop with a stick and sent it in. The test came back negative and they said I didn't need the invasive procedure. I won't have one unless someone pays me a great deal of money to get one.

Gypsy - If you email me, I will send you the name of the game and how to get there. The first one is free. Hee Hee!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 21 2014 :  12:49:14 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I had 3 of them done in 3 years, and I will not get another one done ever!!!! I don't care what the circumstances are. The last one I had, I remember saying ouch a few times, do not remember feeling anything, but do remember saying that. I had both ends done all 3 times at the same time with nothing out of the ordinary. Glad it is all over for you.
Marie, It is only in the 50s here lately. It was only 48 degrees at 5 yesterday when I got off of work. We had 2 days of 70s and that was it. We usually get a hot spell in mid August. I am enjoying this cooler weather though, the air is way too heavy here when it is hot and humid.
I am still getting things ready for yard sale next weekend. I got the ad in the paper coming out today, so I need to be ready, but they are calling for rain both days. Hope it chances by then. I started to put some dishes and clothes in the motorhome that we are not using currently. Lot more to go yet. My house is in a shambles now with everything all over trying to be sorted out. I have been working hard.
More later, have a great day,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jun 21 2014 :  5:28:11 PM  Show Profile
Marie, you wicked girl!! Janet, don't overdo. Sounds like you need to get some rest.

Mar, what's going on where you are? Have you got the house put together yet? Did you have to do any fix up or paint or was it mostly cleaning? What's the set up for mil going to be? Add on, or is there already room for her?

Wonder how Ginny is doing, and some of the other MIA's.

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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Jun 21 2014 :  8:38:47 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Poor Bunny. I had to drink that junk 2x. Both for big abdominal surgeries. NOT GOOD. They should have kept you longer to observe you. However, anymore they get you in and out as fast as they can. Wouldn't want to lose money! Things have changed so much since I became a nurse in the stone age.Some for the better and most not. The almighty dollar rules. All the free standing medical facilities are all for profit. If you ever need anything done do not go anywhere but the hospital. If you end up as an emergency that is where you need to be. I'll stop my rant now!

Marie. someone sent me an Easter card and it has an egg game at the end. Yup, I play it everyday. You need to crack enough eggs to get through 10 levels! I sent it to my sister and she quickly became crazed too! How close are you to that hospital that is in jeopardy from the mudslide?

Jan, I don't envy you with all the sorting and eliminating. I went in my attic yesterday and I need to declutter big time.

GG,I watch The Good Wife too. Have you watched Mistresses? It's pretty good.

Went to my friends 50th anniversary today. It was really nice Saw a lot of people I haven't seen in years. Wed. I saw 2 friends from grade school, I'm old,LOL, and we laughed so hard at some of the things we remembered doing way back then. Thursday I visited my new Hospice patient. What a sweet little lady. What a blessing to volunteer for them. Well that's my story for now. Back later.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jun 21 2014 :  9:24:14 PM  Show Profile

Matthew, the 28-year-old Lothario, is moving out of the building in a couple months. I will miss him. We have exchanged double and not-so-double entendres and had some deep philosophical discussions. I have been hanging out with him and his lady friends in the backyard drinking and watching the fire. I can't believe how much they all drink. I get tipsy after less than half a glass of my dad's homemade brew. Matthew asked me why I hang out with alcoholics. I told him that his alcoholism was merely incidental. I hang out with him because he is interesting and if at any time his alcoholism becomes tedious or dangerous, I would no longer hang out with him. He always has these gorgeous women around him.

The hospital is on the University of Minnesota campus by the Mississippi River. I am about three miles from that location. They had to move some oxygen tanks and are worried about some generators or something. A hunk of earth washed off the side of the bank on the east side. That area has a steep bank so it is not surprising. The other side has more flat space by the river so the university buildings are not in so much danger. The hospital is built on bedrock and should be fine . . . maybe.

Lowell and I picked some swiss chard and lettuces from the garden. I steamed the chard and some frozen brussels sprouts from last year and put them over rice. I then made a salad of the greens (romaine, chinese mustard, gourmet mix lettuce and thai basil). It was a lovely dinner.

I've been watching the 2nd season of Orange is the New Black. Man is it scarey! Wow! I don't want to tell you anything and I won't unless you email me privately.

Good night!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jun 21 2014 9:27:07 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jun 22 2014 :  09:22:28 AM  Show Profile
Hi everyone!! So nice to see Darlene here! Bunny, I am so sorry you had to drink that ick. That is why I do the fecal blood exam. I know I will have a tough time with it. So far there has been no blood so no need for a colonoscopy. !!

Marie, we finished the Orange season two. Really enjoyed it. Over indulged in it! Binge watching all the way.

I will try to post more later!! Miss you all
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 22 2014 :  10:05:44 AM  Show Profile

The band will be over rehearsing today. The bass player has a daughter that plays guitar so she will be auditioned today. Lowell hopes that his daughter Hayley will join eventually. Then the band will have three young ladies and three old guys. If she does, the band name can be Generation Gap.

It rained again today. The mosquitos are easily 3/8 inch long. When I looked at the garden this morning, I saw that my lemon basil plants were gone. It looks as if they were dug up. I didn't see plant pieces lying around so it must have been an intelligent hand that did this. I cannot believe it is someone in the building. The back has an unlocked gate so someone would have to walk in, pick up a shovel and have at it. There are four apartment windows facing the yard so this person would have been pretty brazen. Oh well! Moving on.

The rest of my garden is doing quite well.

Watermelon and prairie grass.

Leafy greens

Baby zucchini

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jun 22 2014 10:19:44 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jun 22 2014 :  10:29:00 AM  Show Profile
[quote]Originally posted by churunga


The band will be over rehearsing today. The bass player has a daughter that plays guitar so she will be auditioned today. Lowell hopes that his daughter Hayley will join eventually. Then the band will have three young ladies and three old guys. If she does, the band name can be Generation Gap.

It rained again today. The mosquitos are easily 3/8 inch long. When I looked at the garden this morning, I saw that my lemon basil plants were gone. It looks as if they were dug up. I didn't see plant pieces lying around so it must have been an intelligent hand that did this. I cannot believe it is someone in the building. The back has an unlocked gate so someone would have to walk in, pick up a shovel and have at it. There are four apartment windows facing the yard so this person would have been pretty brazen. Oh well! Moving on.

The rest of my garden is doing quite well.

Watermelon and prairie grass.

Leafy greens

Baby zucchini

Landlord neglect


Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.


Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jun 22 2014 :  8:18:52 PM  Show Profile
Where is Holly?

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jun 23 2014 :  09:06:06 AM  Show Profile
Everyone misses Holly if she doesn't post!!

I had a busy week with MIL's visit and dh's dentist appointment that turned into an extraction...followed by an emergency extraction the next day. These are from those failed crowns. He is doing really well. Pain isn't too bad. It has been three days now. Apparently, he has very good, dense roots. That means that he loses part of his jaw bone when they extract a tooth. Looks like he will be looking at a partial plate. Poor guy. It makes him feel old. He went from having all his teeth to having a BIG space. He lost the two back molars on top left of his mouth.

There have been significant changes in MIL since April -- our last visit together. We are reassessing how much of a kitchen we should be allowing her to have...

I am fairly tired after the juggling act of dentist appt. and MIL. I think I will go have a long hot shower. I deserve it.

Marie your garden looks gorgeous. Your zucchini is further along than mine (color me green with jealousy). I do have a crook neck and lots of cherry tomatoes have set. I need to stake the tomatoes today. I already realized that next year the tomatoes will go on the opposite end of the garden.

Hope everyone is enjoying some nice weather. It is officially Summer!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jun 23 2014 :  09:21:27 AM  Show Profile
Mar,I agree!! Holly must be busy chasing piggies or little boys.
Sounds like DH got it good at the dentist office. Not fun at all. I feel for him.
Maybe just a fridge and small microwave for MIL. I know my grandmother had that in her little apartment at the assisted living facility she lived in.

I got the baby quilt done. Found a few boo boos so appliquéd some flower over them. No mistakes, just opportunities for artistic design.
I went to a housewarming party for the lady in charge of the department I am interviewing for. There were other ladies from the college and they said there is lots of competition for the job. I'm not holding my breath. I hope I at least get an interview. I will be pretty angry if I don't. I even got to visit with the lady retiring and asked her a little about her job. All in all, it was good that I went. I'm not very social otherwise.

Today is my first day of school for my last quarter. Time to go to work!

Until later....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Jun 23 2014 :  10:00:57 AM  Show Profile
Marie....your gardening efforts look delightful! Such a shame that anyone would be so rude and brazen to remove your basil plant.....well let's hope they 'really' needed it! And you can feel comforted that you were the one to easy their suffering....really?, curse them! :) nice to hear that you are loving your new home and settling fine! Maybe you should consider just providing your MIL a nice microwave and a slow-cooker....a fridge with a nice freezer. And maybe helping her out once a month or week, you and she could prepare enough meals to place in the freezer for the week or month and then she would not need to use a stove if that is your concern. And if you feel comfortable, get her a nice slow cooker that she could use. That way she still has independence to cook some on her own.

Bunny.....good grades, girl! Glad you are able to get some sewing done. Congrats on being invited to submit more items to Altered Couture! Sorry about the colonoscopy least it's 'behind' you !! :)

Welcome Darlene.....glad to see you posting! :) seem to be our anchor on this thread....hope all's well. Weren't you going to show us pics of your new kitchen?

Gypsy...great to know B's immigration interview went well....did you get his passport dilemma rectified? Are y'all moving back to the homestead permanently this month? Have you gotten some sort of internet connection lined up? Won't B need a good connect for his business dealings?

Hope Ginny and her wrist are healing and Janie is getting through her grieving process!
Holly asked about the Etsy shop....need to get through this month so I can post more is a bit too sparse to draw any interest at this point! :)

I zipped through Orange is the New Black the day it was online and the next. I have no patience...needed to watch to the end and of course now have to wait another 6 months for the next. But Hemlock Grove is out on Thursday....I think! I have been OD'ing on 'Angel' (it was an old spin-off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) this last month...5 seasons, 110 episodes...only have 6 more episodes! I wasn't kidding when I said I was OD'ing on it.....must be going through a depression bout....this too shall pass! Just not sure when.......but soon I'm sure, not to worry. Oh yes....also caught up on Pretty Little Liars. Am in the process of reading 'Lasher' by Anne Rice (love her stuff).....if any of you are familiar with her penning of the Mayfair may know of it.

Drizzled all day yesterday...and awoke to a tad bit more rain.... overcast and cooled off but should be 88/90 by 5pm. They said more rain on the horizon...we need it so badly but seems to be flooding in spots1 Guess ya can't win for losin' sometimes!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!

Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Jun 23 2014 10:02:57 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 23 2014 :  10:58:15 AM  Show Profile

Today is a lovely day. Thank you for all the compliments on my garden. Sorry it posted twice. Don't know how that happened. I've been picking the leafy greens everyday to have on my lunch sandwich. After looking critically at it and having the neighbor lady look at the spot, we believe that a dog did it. I know which dog that is but I will not push it. This is the dog that causes our cleaning guy to fall. He is totally out of control and has dug other holes in the yard. When the digging happened, the earth covered some of my pepper plants. I believe he and his owners will be moving out soon. <crossing fingers>

Marianne - So glad you like the new place. I would like to see pictures.

Bunny - School is almost over. You are in the home stretch. You can do it. Jobs are difficult to obtain these days especially for those of us over 50.

I have been watching Orange Is The New Black slowing - only one episode a day. Lowell does not want to watch it . . . well maybe he likes some of the girl on girl stuff. I just think it is fascinating to watch people cope in an authoritarian society. I asked a lady who had been to prison for writing bad checks how she got through it. She said if you just keep to yourself you will be fine. I can see how these women find a person's fear or breaking point and use it to exploit each other. Terribly sad.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jun 23 2014 :  1:14:16 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone,
Nice to see a few posts here. Seems our regular gang to keep this thread going are Holly, bunny, mar, and Janet. I didn't realize how much I came to expect their daily check in. Then there's another group of us who post more or less frequently. Then a pleasant surprise when we get a new poster or a check in from one of us who has gone missing for a time. To be one of the gang here all you have to do is show up! That is one of the things that makes this the best thread on the MJ forum.

B and I have had a long heart to heart talk about moving back to the farm permanently. We are now in agreement that it is too much work at this age. We have earned the right to rest and play. He will be a huge help in getting the place dressed up for its debut on the For Sale market. Then we will take the money and go play. He is dealing with a bit of depression because he has lost his job. I thought it might happen when he told his boss he was not planning to return after the winter was over, but planned to continue to work by remote indefinitely. He didn't believe the guy would do it to him, but he did. He was actually manipulated into quitting so the #%^*#% boss would not have to pay the 8 weeks severance pay that he was entitled to by law, or the three weeks vacation pay he had earned. B is not a fighter. He is taken advantage of because of it. I am angry but I only upset him by bringing it up. He feels like he has let me down but I can not change his personality. I was drawn by his calm quiet and kind nature, so I have to take both sides of it, the positive and the negative.

I will go back to Houston early Wednesday to do more legal work on my brother's estate, finally order him a headstone, and set up my mom with her medical call button. We will have a base station that works off ATT in case her phone is off the hook, a button she will wear at all times that will detect a fall and automatically call if she can't, and waterproof so she will wear it in the shower. Then there will be an extra button in the bathroom as a backup. There will be a lockbox on her front door with a key so the EMS can get in, and a note on the refrigerator with all her meds and doctor info where they know to look. There will be three people to be automatically called in addition to EMS , me, my sister, and her next door neighbor. I think I have covered all the bases.
The call will be answered by someone in the US, not a foreign country which some of them do. So many things to think about bit seems to be an industry that has untrustworthy vendors and downright scams.


Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 23 2014 1:16:57 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jun 23 2014 :  3:28:10 PM  Show Profile
I am still here, just getting things ready for yard sale this weekend. I got my closet and front entry all done and now filled with the stuff we are taking with us. I went through all of my glasses, china, and fancy dishes to see what I will be keeping and getting rid of. Still a lot to do, but am making progress. I definitely do need to have 3 sales, then whatever is left over will be donated to Goodwill. The weather here has been about 10-15 degrees below normal, just in the 50s and low 60s, but not too bad. Feels better than being humid. We have been having rain almost every day, had almost 3 inches last week. I grilled steaks on the grill last night, they were so good, but I had to have a sweater on out there, the wind was very cool. Bugs are bad this year too.
Holly must be having internet problems, or I think she would check in. We all miss her posts, that is for sure.
Darlene and Mel, glad to see your posts. Marie, your garden is doing so well. If you keep having animal problems, sprinkle some cayenne pepper around your plants. I only have flowers and herbs growing this year. I helped mow the lawn yesterday and planted grass seed where my vegetable garden was last year, plus where there were some bare spots. I like to keep the yard up and looking as good as I can. It is so nice to have a big yard, I love to be out when it is nice. I am waiting now to have a fire in the fire pit. Very soon, I hope.
GG, sorry to hear that B lost his job. Is he able to collect social security through Canada? So you are planning on staying where you are? That would be good for the both of you, you have been keeping active with the gym, dance classes, craft classes, etc. Places to eat, much more activity where you are now.
Bob's cousin came over yesterday, he saw our motorhome in the yard. He has been RVing for 20 years now, he and his wife stay in Yuma, Az. in the winter, then travel in the summer. He gave us some good tips and organizations to look up for places to stay and join for discounts. He has a big motorhome, but he really liked ours. He was encouraging.
Bunny, It does not seem like you even had a break from school. That time really flew by. I hope you get that job, that would be great for you to save money a lot faster. You will make it to California one of these fine days.
Mar, When did you find the time to plant a garden? Maybe MIL will not be moving there after all? I hope if she does, you will not have to be a full time care giver. That is hard work that keeps you tied down. It would not be bad if she still can do most things for herself and be able to trust her enough to leave her alone for short periods of time.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2259 Posts

Posted - Jun 23 2014 :  3:33:45 PM  Show Profile
Mar, the little toaster ovens are nice and relatively safe. I would think you might not want her to have an open flame. It's rough when they get to that place in life, and we realize that the only thing separating us from them is just a few short years. I just talked today to a close friend and cousin who is just a year older than I am. She has resigned herself to limited mobility the rest of her life due to back issues and her husband is struggling with serious heart issues, then there is my older brother battling Parkinson's. I told B today the most precious thing we have now is time, and we must make every day count. We have no health issues at all and are able to still do anything we want. How lucky we are.

I have a very busy week ahead so will pop on when I can. Yes, mar, we would love some pictures. Janet I sure enjoyed the pics you posted a while back.
And Marie, I agree, your garden looks wonderful. Bunny, I hope you are fully recovered from your ordeal. Mel, I think that's the trouble with the etsy business, you have to have so much inventory to sell anything. People are used to so many choices.

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