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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 02 2014 :  06:52:49 AM  Show Profile

Wow! You take some strong security measures where you live. We don't lock our door when we leave.

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2014 :  08:51:36 AM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 10:03:40 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2014 :  12:29:20 PM  Show Profile
Okey dokey, I'm back. I feel like myself a bit more... did I hear a collective groan???

Thank you all for posting over the holidays. It kept me company and even though I was more of a lurker than normal, I was thinking of you all. The house sale stuff has taken a toll. Dh and I thought the time between Thanksgiving and the New Year would be the quietest and it has been the busiest! The couple that has been back and taken measurements want to put in a half bath upstairs and since he is a plumber, he was interested in how the plumbing was run so they would have a real good idea of the cost. It made sense and he liked the house much more the second time he came, so it was not a wasted effort for any of us. They are very personable people and seem like the "fit" this property. He even brought his chocolate lab to meet us. I almost started crying. I haven't seen a lab that looked like ours until then. She was so sweet. (Not as sweet as ours had been, of course.) Anyway, I think we might hear from them about the house today or tomorrow... Thank you for listening.

Now, The Neighbor. She came over on Christmas Eve and we exchanged our usual bottles of wine, hostess giftie items. She sat and visited a bit and was having trouble moving. She had been off work for a week because she fell on the ice. I asked where and she said at her house. (BACK STORY: Their house is halfway down the canyon wall, so their drive is steep. It is also cut into the bank, so water drains straight towards their house. They decided to pave it about 18 months ago. We cautioned them that it would be very icy in the winter and would increase their runoff issues...They basically installed a gutter to their front door.) Last winter The Neighbor's mother slid - in her vehicle- straight down the drive and couldn't get back out. This winter apparently The Neighbor did some serious damage to herself...she had photos. The bruise was from under her arm to the back of her knee. An unusual selfie for someone in their 50s. It was deeply colored. She was seen by her physician so she could miss work. He gave her a cortisone shot and some drugs that she mixes with wine.

Now, we fast forward a week to when dd's boyfriend (for those of you new to this dramedy, The Neighbor's son is dd's boyfriend) calls to wish his mother a Merry Christmas and finds out her new horse threw her and trompled ice involved. Why would she lie when it is so easy to be found out?

And now we advance another two days. I was looking out our kitchen window and I see a large extended cab pickup parked on what we call Main Trail. A trail that runs between our house and The Neighbor's, it is the easiest trail to hike to the canyon base. I called The Neighbor to see if she had visitors or knew anything about it. We keep close eyes on each other's property and trespassers are common because of the beauty of the canyon. Some people think it is part of a State park that is several miles north. I didn't get an answer from The Neighbor so I left a message and dh went out to see what he could find out and jot down the license number in case it became a problem. And I watched him walk down Main Trail...which ticked me off. So, now I had to get dressed for hiking, grab my phone, a side arm and head out myself. I knew dh was unarmed and most likely the owner of the truck was armed...seemed like silly walk my dear one was taking. I walked to the edge of the canyon and yelled my husband's name. He replied, "What?" Really? You don't think I might like to hear, "I'm coming up," or maybe, "I'm fine, be right there?" So, I headed down Main Trail. And we played Marco Polo for about twenty minutes until dh ended up above me. That's when I found out what was going on...The Neighbor's husband, who is now back in Florida, had given someone permission to hunt coyotes on their property. He forgot to tell The Neighbor, who was now missing her puppy while someone was apparently hunting something that looks alot like a puppy. About ten minutes later, dh and I found the wandering dog. About five minutes after that we were bringing the dog back to her kennel and saw The Neighbor, who had located the hunter and told him to never hunt there without talking to her personally. And another animal crisis was averted. But, I was really tired and cold. Kinda tired just remembering it really! How many times can you lose your animals? And why is it always dh and I that find them? Her son's theory is that the animals are coming to us crying, "Save me!" Have I mentioned I like this young man? He fits in pretty well with us.

Dh has a house he wants me to look at...

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 02 2014 :  3:15:18 PM  Show Profile
No groans here, Mar, except we are groaning with you-- the dear neighbor has outdone herself--you and your DH are kind hearted people and that's why you always come to the rescue. The potential buyer really does sound promising this time. I'm keeping fingers crossed on this one. I hope you won't have to wait too long for an answer one way or the other. You really need to get a new life away from the craziness and let someone else be the one to find dear neighbor when she finally pulls one too many. Just make sure the new house doesn't have a guest room.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 02 2014 :  4:43:04 PM  Show Profile
Mar, I too am groaning for you... what a fiasco! Neighbor belongs in a nice tract house in suburbia with maybe a cat.
I'm hoping you get this sale!! You might need to interview your prospective new neighbors for any issues. I wouldn't want you jumping from the frying pan to the fire.

Marie, I have no security... just laziness. We get our mail delivered to our houses here and they will pick up my packages for me so I don't have to go out. Saves on gas and time. I don't lock my door either. But when my mom is here, everything is locked up tight. She rarely will even open a window.. even on nice days.

My finger is doing better. I have been giving it a beating though. It needed a new band-aide. I got two dresses on my shop site today and two finished up to put on tomorrow. One dress almost pinned up... I feel much better today for some reason.

Later for now...


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 02 2014 :  4:50:51 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Gypsy maybe you will find nice matching rings in Scotland. Our rings have the same stone but not the same design. C's is a thin band with four blue diamonds inset. Mine is a wider band, actually designed for a man but has one blue diamond and four little clear ones. They match but are different. We bought them on year 18 when we were on a cruise and stopped in Puerto Rico. Size 12 is huge. Must have good sized hands to hold you tight.

I like to shop by myself when I have time to look at what I want to look at. Good for you Marie to get some alone time that brought you joy.

Ah, Mar. won't you miss the neighbor. You could write short stories and have a retirement income. Rescuing the Neighbor. maybe a title. She should have had a water bar with a runoff pipe installed part way down the drive to empty into the canyon. It is crazy that your zoning board would have allowed a house to be built on the side of the canyon. So, The Neighbor can not see her barn from her house so she does not have a clue when her animals go for a jaunt. View is more important than............. You are wonderful to take care of her.......
I hope you get a great offer soon.

Jan I do have a confession about the wonderful birthday gift you sent me. Our oldest foster daughter has a day worker who has recently been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is usually very strong and has a high pain tolerance and a big heart. She was saying on Tuesday that she could not get her wrists to warm up so I gave her my beautiful gloves you sent me. She wears them all the time. She loves them. They help her pain be less. She needed them more than me. Thank you so much.

We woke to -10 this morning and it only warmed to -6 all day. We had snow all day long but because it was so cold the flakes were tiny and we had an accumulation of about two inches. The southern part of the state has received enough to close the schools. I hope it warms up some.
Do you think it is possible that since we are having January weather now that winter will be that much shorter? Someone said it was just preparing us for worse in January. The cows stayed in today.

Bunny I am glad Etsy has a good account system so everyone is treated fairly. Congratulations on the continued sales.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2014 :  5:59:32 PM  Show Profile
It has been frigid cold here also. Supposed to warm up in the teens on Saturday, then in the -20s next week for most of the week, plus wind, so it will be way below 40-50 below zero with the wind chills. I work tomorrow, but other than that, looks like I will be staying in a lot. I don't think we will have much of a spring here again this year. It is even too cold to snow.
Mar, I sure hope you sell your place and can get away from the neighbor from Hell!!!!! Hope you find just the perfect house to live the rest of your life in.
Gypsy, I am sure whatever you decide on for rings will be something you both will cherish. How nice of B. to want you to keep all of your craft items and make you a craft space. Then you can play whenever you have the urge to create. How nice that would be for you. At least on the farm, you have your privacy and can do as you please there with nobody upstairs making noise in the middle of the night.
Mel and Cheryl, hope you both find more time to join us on here. We love hearing from you.
Holly, no problem with the fingerless gloves. So many people love them for their arthritis. How thoughtful of you to do that. There is snow heading out east, maybe it will warm up more so you have the good packing stuff.
Bunny, You are really going to town on your sewing. Glad you are feeling better to be able to work longer. You will need that if you get lots of sales.
Marie, I also love to shop by myself, but do not get to do that too often, unless I threaten Joann's. Bob will not go there for more than 10 minutes, then he rushes me. He does not mind if I want to go by myself. I do drive, so I can go when I please, if I want to.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 02 2014 :  10:01:13 PM  Show Profile

I have finished the Christmas Stocking and have packed up the box. It will go out tomorrow. Woo Hoo! It turned out really nice.

I went to the diabetic doctor today. She wants to put a device on me that will monitor my blood sugars continuously for 5 days in order to get better information on my biochemistry. This will help them figure out why my blood sugars bounce around so much and adjust my medication accordingly. It all starts on the 13th.

On my way downtown on the bus, I met a woman who was crocheting. I showed her my stocking and we started talking about crochet. She and two others had been discussing starting to teach needlecraft. She said she wanted to create a space where we can all work and learn. I told her that I think south Minneapolis needs a general purpose sewing and crafting store. We have to go all the way to the suburbs (over an hour by bus) to find such a store. We will be chatting again.

On my way home on the bus, I had to stand because the bus was full. This skanky old guy got on and started chatting me up. He said his pocket was full of money and he wanted to take me out for a drink. I told him no thank you, I had to go home. He then started flattering me and I felt something on my tailbone. I told him I didn't like what he was doing and that now I would have to move. He got off at the next stop. <shiver> That certainly was creepy. He was an old black guy who smelled of cigs and alcohol. So attractive, not!

Gypsy - I am jealous. You are so completely lucky. I am willing to bet that B will be in the studio with you learning all your skills and collaborating with you.

Marianne - Just don't tell the new people about that neighbor. It might scare them off. I believe the horse threw her and trampled her because it hates her.

I was just outside in -6 degrees (-18 with wind chill). It will be warm (18 degrees) on Friday and Saturday when it will snow and then really get cold next week (-13 degrees) with high winds. Bracing!

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 03 2014 :  08:44:14 AM  Show Profile
Marie, the stocking is awesome! Lots of work for sure. Ewwwwwuuu about the guy on the bus.
Having a place to teach would be wonderful for you. Hope you and your new friend can find something that works.

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 03 2014 :  1:34:52 PM  Show Profile
Marie, nice job on your stocking. Your farm sister will be thrilled when she receives it. Your Lowell reminds a bit of my dh and my dd's boyfriend when they are in a crowd with us. They just look on in wonder as we start talking to anyone and everyone and then are amazed that we know everyone within minutes... They do look a bit lost and uncomfortable.

Bunny, This is gonna be your year! Well, at least once you get through the school part. I know you have enjoyed your sewing time and it has really paid off in keeping your store stocked.

Holly, I know that being able to help your dd's day worker be more comfortable greatly increased your enjoyment of Jan's gift. And I know Jan will be thrilled to know how appreciated her work will be. You and Jan are in for some cold and snow, aren't you? We are having a bit of a thaw to be followed by extreme cold. So, we will be surrounded by ice rinks.

The horses are not built for ice. They walk more carefully on it than we do! Of our two horses, the younger mare is much more athletic than the older gelding. Even if they were the same age, there would be a big difference in athletic aptitude. So, Sunny creeps carefully around on the ice like an old man while Tahoe still gets irritated (she is the mare...) with him and his inability to get the heck out of her way. So, every once in a while, Ta will toss her head and then have a Bambi moment on the ice. Gosh, I just don't want to watch either of them go down.

The Neighbor called this morning to let us know that Coyote Hunter was coming back to retrieve some camera to record wildlife that he left down in the canyon. She said she had stopped all her medication because she felt better and went back to work. Then took a major turn for the worse and is now back on all the meds and off work. Huh.

Gypsy, the link to the jeweler that I sent you is a very fun place. Dd and I would make a stop there when we were in that part of town. The jewelry all tells a story and they will tell your story on a piece if you'd like. Like I mentioned, a friend of mine had her wedding set made there. Everything is two sided, too. I am not like you in that I adore the sparkly stones. B is lucky. My dh, not so much.

Jan, I am sorry to hear that your weather is cutting down on your fun. It does sound miserable. Painfully cold. Are things very slow for your son's shop? Bet the heater is having a bit of trouble keeping that shop warm!

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 03 2014 :  4:23:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We woke to -16 degrees. I like to do chores with the animals because it is a quiet time and the animals do not complain. this morning I wanted to stay in bed and forget the world for a while longer. Tonight as it was getting dark the thermometer read -20. I was told that Sunday may be above 0. I do not like the sound of the weather that Marie and Jan are previewing for me. I think it could pass to the south as the snow has done these two days. Southern Vermont had more than two feet of snow. I hear Boston was gifted with a similar amount and I bet they don't appreciate it like we would. Ah well,maybe next time.

A quiet day on the home front. Played dinosaur card game of fish and then used the cards as a memory game. Ross is getting better but G and C are whizzes.

You have made a nice stocking, Marie, your farm girl sister should be happy.

I think, Mar that you may want to forget the Neighbor but if your dd really loves her ds then moving away is not enough. At least her animals will not be your responsibility. I am sending good thoughts out to the universe that your house sells for a respectable price. the wait must be killing you. I think there are ice shoes you can buckle onto the horses if they would let you. May be more trouble than they are worth.I would be a mess worrying about a fall too. HOpefully the weather will cooperate. Are you doing any projects to keep you occupied?

I think men who impose themselves on women are so disgusting. They have no idea or do not care how dirty a woman feels after those degrading encounters. I am glad you spoke up instead of just tolerating the situation.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 03 2014 :  5:21:41 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone. I got my sale for today!! Actually got two sales. One for quilt books and the other for a dress. I didn't get a sale yesterday so two sales today make up for it. I still get a little jolt when my phone makes the cash register sound. I just love it.

I just can't imagine living in the cold temperatures some of you are dealing with. My truck cries when it gets below 20 degrees. I can't imagine what it would do at 0 or below.

Gypsy, you will have to take a picture of the rings you and B chose.

I spent all day making a dress today. It's pretty funky. Kind of an Alice in wonderland looking. It had a mind of its own. Not sure if I like it yet. I'll hopefully get it on my store tomorrow.

My baby is leaving Monday for boot camp. It's a good thing I'm not in California. I would probably spend Sunday in tears. I know he is very nervous. He is having a going away party tonight. He has so many friends. I'm glad he will be able to celebrate with everyone. I won't see him again until April when he graduates.

Time for dinner...later for now.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jan 03 2014 :  7:25:28 PM  Show Profile
Marie, love the stocking!!! Great job!!!!! I know the farmgirl that will receive it will be very pleased with it. How nice to be able to maybe start a crochet group. That would be good for you. Wish there was something like that around here to do. We have hardly anything in this neck of the woods.
Bunny, wow, you are really doing well with your store. Good for you!!!!
Holly, I do hope you do not get blasted like Marie and I are to expect. Right now it is so windy out, the wind is just whipping around the house with 30mph winds. Sounds like a freight train out there!!!! It is supposed to warm up to 20 tomorrow, but it will not feel like it with the wind. Then All next week is supposed to be down to -20 degrees with wind chill in the -40s!!!! I am hoping this will be all the below zero we get.
I worked today, it was not too bad, heat wise, or sale wise. When I got out, the wind almost blew me away!!! We went out for a fish fry and came right home afterwards. Looks like I will be stuck in the house for awhile now. I cannot handle the cold and wind, I get so short of breath and do not want to get sick. Is it spring yet? Actually, the time does seem to be going by fast, so if I do not start to feel too cooped up, it should not be too bad. I am just so thankful that our heat is working now. Last week it was cold enough!!!!
Mar, what a book you could write about the neighbor!!!! Sounds like a good movie too!!! LOL!!!! Good thing the ds is does not take after his mom.
Gypsy, would love to see pictures of the rings you decide to pick out. I do hope that Darlys comes back on here. It has been a long time.
Well, time to get ready for bed. I got up early today, and am dog tired now. Have a warm cozy evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 04 2014 :  07:33:22 AM  Show Profile
beautiful choices! I love that they aren't matchy-matchy. Does yours have emeralds or is it a reflection? Our rings don't match at all.

It is in the low 20s, clear and breezy. So, a heat wave for a lot of the nation and I am officially not complaining.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 04 2014 :  09:12:00 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I think they are beautiful. What really matters is your relationship.

Yesterday was a wash. I don't like the dress I made at all. Now I have to figure out how to salvage it.

Didn't sleep well last night either. Had a terrible pain in my stomach. Felt like an ulcer would feel. I'm a little better this morning.

Today is the second day of sunshine though. So nice to see some blue sky at last.

Off to the basement. Until later....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 04 2014 :  4:48:34 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We woke to -16 this morning. By lunch it was a whopping 12. It isso much easier to keep the house warm when it is above 0. I am not looking forward to the weather that Marie and Jan are sending this way. I can hope that it goes south of us. I do not want it to go north because then Ginny will get it. I am sure she has too much on her plate right now to have to deal with the frigid temperatures as well.

Cheri went down to do chores this morning and part of the wall that separates the two stalls the cows sleep in was broken. It is only a half wall and only one of the boards was broken. It was a sure sign that Coco is in heat. When she is in heat the other cows like to be close to her. Although they were all in their own stalls this morning so who knows what actually went on. The Artificial insemination man came this morning and inseminated her. I hope it takes. Her gestation will be nine months and I need to dry her off for two months before she births so I will have two months of not having to milk. I do miss her milk but I could go away for a night or more and not have to worry about her bag getting too full.

I like the rings. I once met a woman from a South American country whose husband was a controlling interest in the Rum trade. She had a rock the size of my thumb nail on her finger. I said are you not worried when you travel so much that someone will try to take it? No, she said she rolls it to the inside of her hand an closes her fist. I like the simple patterns best.

Usually I spend part of every day outside. This winter I have been content to spend the days inside. I am with you Jan on staying warm.

Win some and lose some Bunny. You will figure it out and the design will be a keeper.

Tonight the sunset was gorgeous. It was brilliant streaks of bright pink flushing the sky. the whole southwest side of the sky was filled and stayed brilliant for 20 minutes or so.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Jan 04 2014 4:50:23 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 04 2014 :  6:08:41 PM  Show Profile
I showed my dress to a friend and she loved it. Said I should change a thing. What do you all think?

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 04 2014 :  6:10:28 PM  Show Profile
Sorry...she said I should not change a thing. Stupid autocorrect!!!

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 04 2014 :  6:10:47 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I bet you look forward to that time off milking. I sure would if I were you. There have been a few days lately that I will think, "Beyond feeding the animals, I haven't left the house today."

There certainly is a lot of cold coming. Our corner of the nation is staying cold, but not record-breaking like the midwest and northeast. I saw a headline that said, "If you are under 40, you have never seen anything like this before."

Holly a thumbnail size diamond sounds fun to me! I do like diamonds and all things sparkly - sequins, enameling, anything. I think they are just so pretty. I have some pretty jewelry and I really enjoy it. Nothing thumbnail sized!

We haven't heard about any offers on our house. Sad face. Keeping good thoughts in my head. Dh is trying to, too.

Dinnertime, I'll check on you all later. Oh first, Bunny, just because you don't like your latest dress, doesn't mean someone else might not like it... I can understand that you would only want to put out things you are proud of, though.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 04 2014 :  8:33:58 PM  Show Profile

Thank you for the compliments on the stocking. I made it with yarn from my stash. I used up 3 different yarns I had hanging around.

The guy on the bus was probably drunk and lonely. Guys like this get desperate and will take a chance just to see if their lives can be filled some way. They get rejected all the time but every once in a while someone will say yes. I was a little afraid for him because he said he had a pocket full of money. If I were a certain type, I could have scammed him out of it. I was told after he got off that two people on the bus were watching out for me and were ready to help me if I needed it. I just love this place.

Marianne - Sounds as if that neighbor of yours is headed for a heap of trouble.

Gypsy - Those are absolutely lovely rings. I love rings with intricate etching on them.

Bunny - The dress pictured is beautiful. I would wear it. I believe this is a good design. Make more of this type. I believe they will sell.

The forecast is so dire here that Governor Dayton has cancelled school on Monday. I got an automated call about it because I am an employee of the school district. Apparently, the only people required to be at schools are principals and engineers. The cold weather system is caused by a counter-clockwise flow of air from the North Pole. I am not certain if it will head east, northeast or southeast. I understand that some southern states might get down to freezing.

Lowell had the female singer over for an audition. Her voice is good and perfect for blues. Her guitar playing is not so good but she does play keyboards. She learned the marimba part for Under My Thumb quickly. She's in.

The List:

Ironing & Mending - more tomorrow
After School Classes - make storage space for Fall paperwork; make certificates for Fall students; make copies of hand outs; make lesson plans - tomorrow and Monday - class starts next Tuesday and I will have 7 students
Name Doodles - decided to hand them out on the last day of the term January 16; need to do 3 per day to get them all done
ATC Swap - make 4 cards; need to make one per day
Letters & Cards - 16 left
Financials - 2 months of Lowell's business accounts; update 3 statements; yearly analysis - I'll probably do Lowell's accounts because they do not require a computer, however; I will have to set up some real books for Lowell's business now that he has more than one depreciable asset <sigh>

Marie, Sister #5142

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 05 2014 :  11:44:34 AM  Show Profile
Mar, I was looking around on zillow and think I found your house....very beautiful!! The price is amazing. If it was in California it would be over a million dollars. I sure hope you cell it soon.

I'm procrastinating...i need to get to work. My last free day until school tomorrow.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jan 05 2014 :  4:08:10 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I love both the rings. I am sure you both will be happy with them. Is it still a go for the 31st? Bob and I knew each other for years, but our very first formal date was Oct. 25th, one year later on that date was our wedding. Still married after over 27 years!!!

Bunny, I really do like that dress a lot. I am sure it would sell just like that on Etsy. I definitely would list it. Hope school goes well for you tomorrow.

Mar, we are all rooting for your house to sell soon. Maybe it is good that it is not yet, in the middle of winter!!!!! I don't think I would want to move this time of the year, although, it is rougher here.

Holly, I think the older we get, the colder we feel. I used to like being out in the snow. Now, I dread going out at all in it. I do like to shovel snow if it is not too cold out.

Marie, hope you stay warm too. Our weather is a lot like yours, except your spring usually starts ahead of ours. We sometimes do not have a spring at all, then it does not warm up until June. Jacket weather until then.
All of the schools are closed for tomorrow around here, it is supposed to be very windy again with up to -30 degrees with the wind chill, -18 degrees without the wind. So, the kids here get an extra vacation day. They have not been back yet since before Christmas.
Have a great evening, stay warm and dry,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 05 2014 :  4:49:13 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was a lovely day. The sun was shining all day long. The temperatures were in the teens. Woke up this morning to 8 degrees so much warmer than yesterday.

I can't remember if I told you the cows broke down the partition between their stalls. I put up some 2" X 4" that I had milled from some lumber we had harvested on the property last winter. I think the bull calves are not happy. Too bad for them.

I screwed some plexiglas sheets on the open windows of the barn today. A job that I should have done in the summer. Lucky for me that we finally had a day warm enough to work outside without gloves on the whole time.

We also brought over hay from the other barn to the little room I made several years ago. I had no interest in bringing it over when the road is covered in ice again. The weather guessers are not telling us anything pleasant for the next few days. rain, sleet, snow.

I think the dress is creative. I would put it on the site and if it does not sell or you have an epiphany about how to change it so you like it better then change it. I think that at the rate you are selling items you do not have the time to go back and remake the dress. Ripping out takes so much time better spent on something else. Can you tell I hate ripping out anything.

Marie you have so much compassion for people who are not as fortunate as you, referring to the man on the bus. Would you email me your address. I have a couple of books to send to you for your friend who was burned out.

We found a t shirt for our oldest foster daughter for winter holiday that says. easily distracted by shiny objects. Maybe we should find one for Mar, too.

We had some sort of beef roast for supper with baked potato and gravy. I thought it was very tasty.

C and I played cards this afternoon. We could not find the cribbage board so we played gin and gin rummy. I beat her soundly until the last two games.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 05 2014 :  5:09:15 PM  Show Profile
I couldn't concentrate today. Thought my youngest was leaving tomorrow for boot camp. But he left today. Nothing I tried to sew turned out. I was trying to upcycle a jean jacket. I finally just dropped it on the floor with all my fabric scraps and shut down my sewing for the day. I'm watching tv and eating chips and chocolate with a cup of tea. I'll see him in April after graduation. But I know what he is going to go through for the next 13 weeks and I feel for him. He is the sweetest and friendliest person. I hate the thought of him being yelled at all day.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jan 05 2014 :  6:03:36 PM  Show Profile
Something has happened to two posts I have tried to send. Gremlins again. Or maybe they are there and I don't see them. So I won't repeat. We had warm balmy weather yesterday and did not need sweaters but today was cold. We found the trail that starts at the edge of the property here in the apartment complex and goes for miles along creeks and streams. B was so happy. I had been telling him it was here but he had no idea we could have such a thing in the middle of the city. Now the traffic won't be such a huge issue that he's found a peaceful place to go and spend time.

Yes Marie I know I am lucky. B is just as imperfect as all the rest of us but I know what his imperfections are and I can live with them.

Downton Abbey is starting so I will wish everyone a good night.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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