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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 30 2013 : 5:18:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
We do not have the right snow to make a snow man either. It has been too cold. The littles and K have been sledding yesterday and today. The little bit of snow cover on top of the ice sheet from the rain makes for a fast run. It is not particularly steep but it is long for us and the boys can get going fast enough that their eyes water.
We received about an inch of new snow last night. Quite disappointing when the weather guessers were telling us 6 or more inches. Now they are saying on Thursday night and through the weekend we will receive three feet or more. It is well below zero out now and we can tell just sitting in the house. I think about radon gas and how some houses are so air tight that the dwellers are told it can be dangerous. Not us. Too many breezes blow through our downstairs for the stuff to accumulate.
G and C's grandparents have sent all three boys cards and $20 for winter holiday. We went to the bookstore today to spend the money. Then we went to the candy store that is owned by a friend of mine. I had thought of going to the toy store and then decided it would me suicide on my part to add one more noise maker to the house environment. so, books it is and they are all happy with their purchases. They still need to write thank you notes and we will tomorrow. I took pictures of them with their books to send with the notes.
I am glad your business has taken off, Bunny. You are a fabulous creative artist.
It is nice to have someone interested in gardening to help create the space. I am glad B is enthusiastic for now. Maybe the Texas summers will get to him but there is always spring and autumn. It is good that B can show that you hurt his feelings. He is not stuffing it so you are not clueless that he understood the reason for your emotions. Communications dear Gypsy it is what we all hope for in a relationship.
The teenagers have plans to go out for the New Year. K is going to Burlington with friends and will stay there for the night and see the fireworks and First Night entertainment. J tells me he has plans and T wants to have plans. I will go to Tai Chi and then home to spend the evening with Cheri and we will maybe have adult conversation after the littles are asleep.
I will try to remember to post when at least one of the boys has mastered single crochet. J is having a hard time with creating a chain and the other two have lost interest.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 30 2013 : 7:38:23 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 09:57:54 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 30 2013 : 7:50:07 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 09:58:32 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Dec 30 2013 : 8:03:56 PM
Gypsy, my finger is doing great. I was able to sew today and it was ok. I think saving your money for the wedding is a great idea. You won't be any more married with the shaman and entourage. Save your money for the trip. You will enjoy that more.
I'm glad you like the prayer. You have to say it every day though. BTW, I had another sale today. Nothing yesterday though. 6 ft girl hasn't paid for her dress yet but the lady that asked me to add sleeves to a sleeveless dress did. I'm hoping 6 ft girl pays tomorrow. I'm thinking her husband saw how much she has spent on dresses this month from me...
Holly, there is plenty of winter left for a good snow. In California, we use to get most of the snow in January and February. Have the boys try knitting. I always thought it was easier. Once you get the tension issue down, it is easy and they can knit scarves to start.
Mar, where are you?? I miss you and your witty stories!!
Later all...
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 30 2013 : 9:44:05 PM
I spent the day working on the Christmas Stocking for the swap which I am late sending out. I made a couple doctor appointments for next year and got some other things lined up.
I will be going down to our county government center soon to the legal advice people. I want to fill out the estate administrator paperwork correctly so that my uncle's life insurance policy payout can be awarded to my mother. At least, I hope I can be the administrator. There is always some legal loophole lurking. The court cost is $324. Good thing I have a paid down credit card.
No, Gypsy, I did not say yes to your offer. I am flattered that you thought of me for this important task. I have to decline due to my duties teaching in the after school program and playing Dungeons & Dragons and the time I have to spend caring for Lowell. Thank you for considering me capable of this enormous task.
I found a meet up in which people gather in a church basement for potluck and board games. Lowell has agreed to go to that. He said he doesn't like Beatles tribute bands because they try to hard to be The Beatles instead of just beling themselves playing the music. For my part, I am looking forward to playing a killer game of Uno. I take no prisoners when I play it.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 31 2013 : 1:56:46 PM
Happy New Year, a bit early, but I wanted to be the first! Marie, your game night sounds fun. We will be at home tonight. Usually, we have friends that we spend it with or have someone over, but this year, we feel like being quiet. We are a bit tired. We showed the house on Sunday. The couple liked it a lot and will be back this afternoon to take some measurements. Fingers and toes are crossed.
We have had a couple of The Neighbor events, but it takes so much energy to even tell you about it because of the emotion and all attached to it. Give me a few more days and I will share. Right now I need good energy coursing through my body for the house showing!
Dd is very sick. So, she misses me. I think I told you that they got a $213 electric bill that was way out of the ordinary for them. Dd called and the rep said, "Gee, it seems like your energy consumption soared about December 3 through 7... Guess when Mummy was visiting !!! They wanted me to be comfortable, I kept saying, "Turn the heat down." We laughed about that.
Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Dec 31 2013 : 3:30:28 PM
So, the prospective buyer is here taking measurements to remodel, if they buy. And I am a nervous wreck... So, I am decompressing by typing to you! AHHHHH! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 31 2013 : 4:30:31 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 24 2019 09:59:20 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 31 2013 : 5:19:47 PM
Happy New Year to you all!!!! Not much going on here, too cold to go out. Got down to -13 both yesterday and today. It only warmed up to 6 degrees. It is -7 right now, supposed to get to 20 below, and that is not counting the wind chill. That has been -25. Our coldest months are usually January and February. I hope it is not so for this coming year!!!! We have already had our share of snow and cold for the season. Mar, fingers crossed that you sell your house and can get settled in a new home with no worries. Bunny, glad you are getting repeat customers. Hopefully they will send people your way for even more sales. Gypsy, hope they do not party upstairs tonight. It would make for a very long night. Marie, best wishes for the new year to you. Hope Lowell calms down for you. Mel, Debbie, and Cheryl, hope to see you on here more in 2014. Going to pour myself a glass of wine and see what is on tv to watch. I know we will be in bed before midnight. Have a wonderful evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Dec 31 2013 : 5:21:48 PM
Happy New Year to everyone!!
Mar, maybe a new home is in the works for the new year? You will be closer to DD.
Gypsy, I sure hope your upstairs neighbors go out so you can have a nice quiet evening. But such is the apartment life.
I'm going to dinner and to see the Hobbit with a friend. I had to take my old lady kitty to the vet. She was backed up and needed an enema. Fun times!! I don't believe she will be here much longer. Her kidneys are slowly failing. I wish she would just go in her sleep. I hate that last ride to the vet.
Hope everyone has a safe night.
Holly, I will be saying a little prayer for your kids out on the town. May they come home safe tomorrow.
There will be fireworks until the wee hours here. I hate New Years Eve for that reason. I won't be sleeping until close to 1am if I'm lucky.
Talk to you all next year!!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 31 2013 : 7:25:03 PM
Happy New Years Ladies! I want to wish all of you the best in 2014! May all of your dreams, wishes, and aspirations come true for each and every one of you! May you all have health, prosperity and the ability to see and be grateful for those every day Blessings we all receive but sometimes don't notice.
I sincerely hope to be able to slow down a bit after the holidays and stop in for a good long visit. Right now we still have at least one more family gathering most likely this coming weekend with my youngest son and his wife as they went to Arkansas for Christmas and his 30th birthday and have just returned home. After that maybe I can breathe again. We're having horrid plumbing problems here right now as our drain/sewer pipes plugged up and we have backup in our basement. I phoned a plumber yesterday after my DH tried unsuccessfully over the wkend to get it flowing again. Things went from bad to worse as they informed us the house trap is so old they can't get their snake to pass. So they needed to dig it up and replace it. That was $1200 until they found they were unable to reconnect the new trap pipe to the piping that runs from the trap to the drain. It is ancient cast iron from when the house was built in 1905 so they'll be back on Thurs. morning to begin digging a trench in the floor of our basement to run new piping. So you can add another $1300 to the $1200 we started out with. I'm crossing my fingers nothing more happens. The cost seems to grow by leaps every time they do something. I do think they're being fair and not trying to talk us into anything. DH went down into the basement and was able to see the problems they were running into. The owner of the plumbing company is very nice and has no problem with setting us up on a payment plan so we'll be fine but I hate unexpected things like this. One of the joys of home ownership LOL. My weight is pretty stable at present. I saw my D.O. Dr. earlier this month and she was very pleased with my weight loss and we've decided that I was allergic to one of the meds I've been on for Fibro and it was causing me heart palpitations,weight gain and shortness of breath so that pill was discontinued and she put me on Lyrica in hopes of having the pain control minus the side effects so we'll see how it goes. I will catch up with each and everyone of you soon. Happy New Year everyone! Huggz, Cheryl
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
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873 Posts |
Posted - Dec 31 2013 : 10:02:45 PM
Happy New Year ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Dec 31 2013 : 10:58:19 PM
Lowell and I went to the board game meet up. We got there late because he wanted to eat dinner at home and watch a show. I dislike being late and I told him in such a manner that he understands how I feel about it. Because we were late, everyone had already started games and we could not get into them. We played a game of our own called Master Labyrinth. He won again. It seems as if it is too difficult for him to play games with strangers. I am such a gregarious person that I feel sad when I see Lowell looking so lost in a room full of strangers.
Lowell accepted that 13 year old guitar player into the group. Josh is an amazing player for his age. He has written some very mature music also. Lowell is so excited to have him in the band. His dad will be at every gig and rehearsal. We are so glad of that because we do not want to be saddled with that kind of responsibility and liability. The bass player was not excited with this decision and decided to quit. That is quite a loss because he was so good. He had other complaints some of which Lowell can do better with and others which we don't understand. Oh well! Back to looking for another bass player. I have a plan for finding a female singer. It will mean going to bars and checking out karaoke contests. Ugh! Don't tell Lowell.
Marianne - Take is easy girl! Everything happens exactly when it is supposed to. Rest when you can. I can't wait to hear about the latest neighbor event. Not even my neighbors are that interesting.
Janet - Lowell has been doing better lately. His "illness" seems to go in cycles. I'll have to make note of the time span between now and his next low point so that I can predict his needs. I love observing strange life forms.
Cheryl - Bummer about the plumbing! Just think how nice it will be to have brand new, working pipes.
I have so much to do in so little time. Well, the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Better start chewing. New goal for the New Year - get things done.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2014 : 5:48:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
I had Tai chi last night and then came home and went to bed. Two of the children arrived home unexpectedly in the night. T came home some time after midnight because he was not feeling well. He said he asked whomever he was staying with to bring him home. I was surprised. I was up this morning at 5:25 and see a set of lights coming up the road. I first thought it was the plow truck sanding but it had none of the extra lights. Then it continues up to our garage. It was K. She said even though she had bee asked to stay the night at her friend's house there was no place for her to sleep. She said so she just came home. She said the roads were slippery so she drove slowly. We have not heard from J but figure he may be working. How come our dd calls or texts to let us know she is alright but the ds's can not have the same consideration?
It is not as frigid here as at Jan's house. Yesterday, we woke to -4 but today was +2. The sun was out all day. It was beautiful. I went for a snowshoe with a down the road friend. Last year she and her partner were supposed to go with me but the children were too whiny so she lost the rock, paper scissors and he went with me and she went back to my house with the children. This year their dd decided that she was too snotty to come to our house so he stayed home with them and she came. He was very disappointed to be left behind but was a good sport. They live down the road and because the way our property is shaped their property abuts ours. So, we snowshoed through the woods from my house to hers. Since the snow was only about an inch deep on top of a crust it was very easy walking. We probably could have just walked in our boots. It took 1 1/2 hours to get there. We saw moose poop and tracks. We made too much noise too see any wild life.
Plumbing problems are the pits especially those that mean you can not use the flushy. Hope it is resolved soon.
I hope the dress sales are continuing past the holiday and that people continue to buy even when they are not flush with holiday gift money.
I think I would save for the Scotland trip. Later if you are flush you could go back to Sedona and spend on the wedding of your dreams if it still means a lot to you. Maybe you could both write your thoughts and hopes for each other and your relationship and go to some canyon rim and shout them to the wind so they carry forever and where ever you are in the universe.
Mar I am crossing my fingers for the house to sell. Taking measurements for remodeling before making an offer? I am not experienced enough in the house selling buying system to know if this is over the top. Is she taking advantage of your good nature? I guess if she buys then it is worth it. I am glad you are recovering from the neighbor visitations and hope there is no permanent damage to you.
Well, game night was a good try, anyway. I can see your sense of adventure rising to the occasion in trying to find a female singer for the band, A good challenge to chase away the winter doldrums.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 01 2014 : 7:15:34 PM
Hello everyone. Hope you had a nice evening. I went to dinner and the movies with a friend. My oldest son was depressed because he didn't have anywhere to go. He had a date from the other day. Unfortunately he liked her more than she liked him. So he was feeling pretty down.
I did get an order from Israel just after midnight keeping with my one order a day. I have only missed one day so far. I sure hope it keeps up.
Gypsy, did your neighbors go out and leave you in quiet or party in house.
Mar, hoping you get good news from your prospective buyers.
Holly, glad your kids got home safe. Interesting that they both came home early.
Marie, sorry Lowell isn't a good group gamer. Good luck with the bass player hunt.
I got two dresses finished and two more pinned up for tomorrow. I pushed myself today until I was in big pain. Thankfully a hot bath helped.
Finally opened my box with my new school books. I am just not looking forward to school on Monday....
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2014 : 7:56:03 PM
Today was quiet. We went out to breakfast. Afterwards, Lowell dropped me off at Target and he went to The Guitar Center. I made him bring his cell phone along so we could keep in touch. I had a wonderful shopping trip just looking around. I had a list of things I wanted and saw some other things I had to have. Luckily, there were lots of stuff on sale. All the Christmas stuff is 70% off. He called me just as I was heading to the checkout. When I walked out of the door, I saw the car and walked right up to it. A much better outcome than last time! 
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and some errands to run. The morining will be busy.
I will just ease into this new year and try to make changes to increase my productivity.
Lowell is on the desk top listening to songs on YouTube, playing and singing along. It sounds really funny because he uses a voice that sounds good with the headphones on but not so good to outside ears. 
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2014 : 8:10:31 PM
Bunny be careful with out-of-country orders. Be sure you've got the money in hand before you ship. I've heard some horror stories. Pretty cool about the one order a day--I sure hope it continues--and gets better and better.
The kids upstairs went out. We went to sleep shortly after midnight. At 2:30 the dogs started barking. I woke up just in time to hear what sounded like a large group whooping it up and falling up the stairs. The merriment continued for about an hour so I finally got to sleep about 3:30. Then at 9 this morning I heard the first pair of feet hit the floor. Sounded like a herd of elephants for another hour or so. I got up but B slept through all of it, not waking til about noon. So he slept about 12 hours to make up for only 4 hours the night before.
Holly, I hope all the kids are home and accounted for. I was thinking of your email of a few days back and wanted to comment that my ex-husband's son spent three years in prison in Florida for drugs. They had a Three times and you are out" law and they meant it. However, I think it straightened him out, as far as I know he became a law abiding citizen. I like your thoughts regarding the wedding vows and read that sentence out loud to B and he liked it too. He said to thank you for him. We probably will actually do some version of that.
I don't know about the rest of you but we are really glad to see the last of the holidays and are ready for normal routine to resume. We went to seven jewelry stores today looking at rings and it is amazing how everything looks the same with no creativity at all. We don't know what we will do about rings. B wears a size 12 and that's a lot of gold. We've looked for Celtic knot rings but can't agree on one and we wanted matching rings. I have skinny fingers and want a wide band and he has big hands and wants a narrow band. He likes yellow gold and I like white. He likes rubies and I like emeralds. Neither of us cares about diamonds. I want something unique and handcrafted and he likes the shiny ones. I've gone through all of etsy, then every store in town today and still at an impasse. There are worse problems to have.
Mar, when you feel up to it, I'm wanting to hear the latest from your camp. I kinda think they had some nerve measuring for remodeling before presenting an offer. Hope that isn't planned to set you up for a low ball offer.
Marie, B loves his keyboard because it's a whole band. He says dealing with all the band members is a huge pain in the arse. So he just plays by himself. I'm wanting him to crank it up about 3:30 in the morning for the benefit of the upstairs neighbors but he will be asleep by then. Besides, he is a lot nicer than I am.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 01 2014 : 8:13:18 PM
Marie you jumped in there while I was rambling. B sometimes cuts loose when he has his headphones on and has no idea how funny he sounds.
Janet, Today was so mild we didn't even need sweaters. Cheryl what a time to have plumbing problems! Hope you do catch up, slow down, get to feeling good, and post more often, we love your posts. Yours too, Mel. And I hope Janiee checks in soon. I never know if I'm spelling her name quite right.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 01 2014 8:19:23 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2014 : 8:24:09 PM
One more thing. I got a card from Darlys. So now I have her new address and I'm going to write her and insist she start posting again. When I got my new phone in July I lost all my phone numbers so couldn't call her.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 01 2014 : 8:28:45 PM
Gypsy, when people pay on Etsy it is either through paypal or directly through Etsy. I usually don't ship for two days so time for anything to happen. I feel pretty confident in the system.
Relax about the rings. It seems like a big deal right now, a year from now, it won't. You should each wear what you like. I would suggest rings with both the stones you like.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 01 2014 : 8:37:03 PM
Because you will be exporting to another country, make certain a tag saying "Made in the USA" is attached. Customs gets pretty picky about country of origin labels.
Marie, Sister #5142
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 01 2014 : 9:14:21 PM
It's pretty awesome how easy they make it. I can print out and pay for shipping labels, then I go online from and schedule my postal carrier to pick up everything off my portcullis. I never even have to leave the house.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |