We roast radishes with carrots, but I'm looking for some new ideas. I just pulled some from the garden, including lettuce, sugar snap peas and more kohlrabi.
Edited by - FieldsofThyme on Jun 20 2012 09:32:51 AM
Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl
6707 Posts
6707 Posts
Posted - Jun 20 2012 : 4:36:56 PM
We like to eat them on good homemade bread that is spread with butter. Take the radishes and slice them up and then arrange on slices of buttered bread. Sprinkle a bit of salt/pepper and eat as an open faced sandwich. IF you have some herbs in your garden like thyme or basil, you can chop fine and mix with the softened butter to make an herb butter to put on the bread. Either way, the radishes are crunchy and a bit spicey which we like.
I chop them up real small and throw them in my tuna salad. Also, from the other veggies you have I'm thinking they would make a great addition to a stir fry!