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Farm Kitchen: Your Opinion - Raw Milk?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
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Posted - Apr 28 2012 : 6:07:54 PM
Hi girls!
I'm SO excited! I just found a dairy that makes bi-weekly local deliveries of raw milk and other dairy products, among many others! I would really like to order, but would love to hear your take on raw milk first... What's it like? Do you love or hate it? Why do you find it appealing/unappealing? Does it really last about two weeks if it the seal remains unbroken? Do you find raw milk to be more filling, so you need less? Or do you love it and find your family just craves more! Have you ever gotten sick from it? Have you ever used it to make homemade yogurt and/or cheese, and, if so, how did it turn out? Have you personally noticed any health benefits from drinking it? I really need your opinion and input. There are many, many reasons why I'd like to switch, but I no absolutely no one who has ever used it. I was so happy to find it's available in our area. Please - share your thoughts! Please!!!
Thanks so much!
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 28 2012 : 6:26:24 PM
Go for it. I was raised on raw milk, loved it. Made butter, ice cream with my grandmother. The best ever. Since I've become a adult have nit been able to fins it, nut have activelly looked for it. I will tell you to introduce it sliwley, let your body adjust slowly, its alive with good stuff for your intestines. But if you start it and drink toooo much to fast which is easy to do because of the rich creamy taste, you could get the runs.... (Sorry). I do have a friend in Washington state that gets it from a farmer in her area, swears by it. And, I'm moving from California to Idaho in two months, have already sourced out a raw milk supplier. Am getting back into it. A couple websites you may want to look at arw Weston a price founddtion. Com. Sally Fallon has written about the benefits of raw milk. As well as Dr., and the nourised kitchen. Com. It's all about healthy guts ans feeding your intestines the healthy live active bacterias and fatty acids that are found in raw milk and not processed milk. Some friends I have wish they had their own milking cow. It stores longer, and makes great yogurts too, and keifer. Yum, my brothers would skim the cream off the top as it separated and flip a coin to see who got the treat.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
2027 Posts
Central MN
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Posted - Apr 28 2012 : 6:40:30 PM
Love it love it love it. We used to have a supplier but he stopped selling out of fear of the govt. shutting him down. We are just planning to do goat and/or cow milk here ourselves, just haven't gotten to it yet. The funniest thing about drinking the raw milk is that we had relatives who decided to do a taste test with store bought whole milk and our raw milk to see if we could pick the raw milk. All six of us in the house, immediately could tell the difference. The great thing about raw milk, we found, was that as it ages, you can still use it. If we didn't get to drinking it right away, we just used it for baking or making different things. It doesn't really spoil or go rancid when it ages like pasteurized does, it just gets....thicker and stronger. Smells more like cheese. At least that was our experience. :)
--* FarmMilkMama *--
Farmgirl Sister #1086
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde |
True Blue Farmgirl
1825 Posts
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Posted - Apr 28 2012 : 7:14:02 PM
Amy, could your friend sell "cow shares"? Several organic farms around here provide unadulterated meats, milk, eggs and so on through these programs. The idea is if you "own" the cow (even as part of a cooperative) you can have the milk from it without the government sticking its nose under the fence. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2012 : 9:21:20 PM
Eeee! You girls are making me so excited! Thank you!!! I was talking with my husband about it, and he said to give it a try. I checked the website, though, and you have to "register" before you place your order... Do you think that's something to be concerned about, really, or just par for the course? I will definitely start slow, Mary... Do you think we should mix raw with the organic milk we usually buy, or should we just only have a little bit every day until we become used to it? What's the best way to introduce this to our diets?
Thanks so much, really... I'm so happy!!!
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts

858 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2012 : 04:32:05 AM
Raw milk is the best! You can mix it with water at first and then use more milk as you get accustomed to it (that's what is done with babies), I guess you could mix it with what you already drink as well--I've never done that, when we have been fortunate enough to have real milk here we just drank it, except for the little ones we cut theirs with water. Raw milk actually has a taste (I can't taste squat with that pasteurized stuff) and it is really really delicious on it's own (now chocolate syrup required!). It also freezes pretty good.
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama |
True Blue Farmgirl
2027 Posts
Central MN
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Posted - Apr 29 2012 : 08:02:46 AM
I would say that registering is probably normal because they probably want to know you aren't the government. :) I know our friend got caught that way once because someone said they were interested in it and ended up being someone from the state ag department or something and they ended up getting raided. No, they never got around to selling cow shares.
--* FarmMilkMama *--
Farmgirl Sister #1086
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde |
True Blue Farmgirl
111 Posts
111 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2012 : 7:55:49 PM
Nini: Raw milk is the greatest. There is no comparison to store boughten. I would caution you, though, to be sure about the dairy and their sanitation practices. You can get a lot of nasty things, including tb, from unpasturized raw milk if the dairy is not careful. Cows infected with mastitis have puss in their milk from the infection. Sounds gross, sorry, but just be sure you know who you are buying your milk from. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2027 Posts
Central MN
2027 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 03:36:50 AM
Agreed, Barb. Make sure it is a decent place before you buy. The place we used to get it from was great, but I've heard there are other places who want to get in on the raw milk thing that aren't as clean or reputable.
--* FarmMilkMama *--
Farmgirl Sister #1086
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 06:02:45 AM
Thank you, girls! From what I read, they are pretty well covered with testing... Here is the link to the FAQ page: Does this sound good to you?
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
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Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 06:10:32 AM
Oh - and the "Current Events" link leads to information concerning their experience surrounding their voluntary suspension earlier this year. What a wonderful would this would be indeed if more people shared their level of utmost integrity and responsibility. I wish they were my neighbors!
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Apr 30 2012 06:36:55 AM |
Primitive DIVA
Farmgirl in Training
36 Posts
36 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 12:41:05 PM
LOVE my RAW Milk.....! If you are looking for a dairy in your area visit
New Sister #4088 Montgomery, Texas Chapter Leader I threw off my high heels to move to our dream 10acre Texas homestead. Goats, Chickens, Garden and Orchard and more!My current LOVE is making fermented and cultured foods/beverages.
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 12:52:23 PM
I love raw milk! so long as the animal is healthy and clean, and the milk was gathered cleanly I have never had a problem with it. I'm trying to wheedle the hubs into letting me get a mini jersey so that I can have my own milk , cream and other dairy yummies =) Raw milk ice cream is to die for..not that I need it, but just saying 
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
898 Posts
898 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 12:53:56 PM
Raw milk is the BEST milk! Go for it! Plus raw milk makes the best cheeses ever! I haven't made raw milk cheese myself but I've eaten lots of it and its by far my fave. There are just so many "pluses" of raw milk I could go on forever! Try it, you LOVE it! :)
Mothers are those wonderful people who can get up in the morning before the smell of coffee. ~Author Unknown |
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 1:16:23 PM
Ohhh raw milk ice cream. Anyone have a recipe for it?
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 1:40:05 PM
When I have raw milk, this is what I whip up by hand. Old Fashioned Ice Cream ~ 4 whole eggs, Sweeten to taste, 1/2 tsp salt, 3 c. heavy cream, 1 Tbs. vanilla, 2 qt. raw milk. Beat eggs until light. add sugar & salt gradually, beat well, add cream, vanilla & milk (last). I don't have an ice cream maker, so mine turns out more crystallized in spots, but this recipe should work in an ice cream maker, I'd think. Fresh strawberry or peach ice cream is so yummy! Our recent favorite is espresso flavored ice cream! Mexican chocolate (cinnamon-chocolate) is next up on my list of flavors to try 
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
Edited by - Annika on Apr 30 2012 1:40:49 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
13055 Posts
13055 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 3:34:06 PM
I love drinking raw milk. Nothing better. Marly
"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kurler-Ross |
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 5:12:52 PM
Thanks for the recipe. Moving to Idaho very very soon. Have already sourced out my raw milk supplier. Cane wait. I have two ice cream makers, want to make a bunch up for stocking the freezer.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

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True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 6:03:32 PM
Yes! Thank you, Annika!!! Sounds awesome!!! :)
I hope to place my first order tomorrow for next Friday... I just have a scheduling conflict with the drop off time. :( I'm going to work it out if I can, though, believe me!!!
Is there anything special I need to know? Like... How to separate the cream, make the butter, etc.? I'm dying to do all of it. I already make mozzarella, so I'm super excited to try that, too. Is there a special site you can recommend for tutorials? I'm just about as green with all of this as a girl can get! But I've sure got the "can do" attitude!!!
Thanks girls - you ROCK!!!!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 9:59:24 PM
Thanks for the recipe. Moving to Idaho very very soon. Have already sourced out my raw milk supplier. Cane wait. I have two ice cream makers, want to make a bunch up for stocking the freezer.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2012 : 5:01:32 PM
Oh, girls!!! Where do I begin?! I decided to purchase our first gallon of raw milk from the health food store today (same farm), figuring we should slowly introduce it into our diets. We all tried some at dinner and oh-my-WORD!!! YUM!!! There's just nothing like it!!! I am hooked! THANK YOU for encouraging me to give it a try! I realize it may take a little while for our digestive systems to acclimate, but in all honesty, at this very moment, I can never see us returning to regular store bought organic again! WOO HOO!!!
Now I can make even healthier and tastier yogurt and cheeses... And I'd like to try making other delicious things, too! I am just so thrilled to be able to provide my family with such nutritious food! YAY!!!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2012 : 6:23:52 PM
I lived on a dairy farm in the late seventies and for most of the eighties, a total of 14 years..we drank raw milk everyday, my kids were raised on it and only one time in all those years did we have to dump a tank of milk due to mastitis. The mastitis was caused due to weights being placed on the milking machines to milk her out more quickly. I always called raw milk 'liquid ice cream'...we drank it all the time. I made butter, but mostly I would pull the jug out of the fridge, shake the cream and milk together, pour a glass and drink! My kids were all born while I lived there and grew up drinking raw milk....funny, when we left the dairy and started buying milk it took years before my kids would stop shaking the milk!!! Hehehehehe
I wouldn't stress over it too's milk....drink and enjoy!
Marylyn (aka Auntie M) Farmgirl # 4062 |
True Blue Farmgirl
118 Posts
118 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2012 : 7:13:03 PM
I live pretty close to that place (Your Family Cow) - need to visit it sometime soon. A friend of mine sometimes buys milk, other dairy products, and meats from them and it's a super nice, super clean place. I loved how they handled the whole thing earlier this year - and I'm still not convinced that the people were getting sick from the milk, because the norovirus was going around at the same time. Anyhow yes - I'd say definitely go for it!
We have dairy goats and drink the milk raw. It's absolutely the best! So many benefits.
"Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds." - Prov. 27:23 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2012 : 7:44:03 PM
LOL! Marylyn! That's exactly how I described the milk to my son to get him to try it! It's like liquid ice cream without the sugar and flavoring! SO rich and soooo good! :)
Thank you, Lindsey! I love their website and really do trust them, but it is SO nice to hear from someone who has seen it and can confirm how nice and clean it is! I actually bought two gallons of their raw milk today, as their next drop isn't for two weeks from this coming Friday. I'm sure I can buy more at the health food store in the interim if need be. I am really looking forward to placing a bi-weekly order, though - I'd love to try their cheese, yogurt and butter. I probably won't order too much meat from them for now, as we have a wonderful local country smokehouse and butcher that carries organic, local meats, but I am going to give it a try, too, at some point! The drop off point is so much closer to our home than the smokehouse/butcher. It might serve quite well come winter months when traveling in the snow becomes rough, you know? :) But thank you, really - your post makes me feel even better about buying from them! (I googled it - they're almost three hours away from us! Eghads!!!)
Hugs to all -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2012 : 5:42:14 PM
Holey Moley! Can you say FREIGHT TRAIN? Suddenly last night I got the worst cramps ever - like birth pains, and then a freight train ran through me. It lasted a couple of hours. I also had icy chills, nausea...yuck. I went to bed around 7:30, then woke up at 3:30 with a much milder case of "the freights"... I went back to bed after my DH and DS left for work, slept a few hours and woke up feeling nauseous as all get. I nursed a couple of cups of tea with lemon and started feeling better around 3:30 this afternoon. I had a very light lunch with about a 1/2 cup of raw milk, and then a full dinner, and haven't had any other symptoms (but also haven't had any more milk!). I am wondering if this is all normal when you make the switch? I am afraid I might have been a little over-zealous on Thursday morning, opting for a full glass of milk with breakfast. Maybe too much, too soon? Eghads - that was no fun! And my face looks like it's breaking out a little bit - not pimply, but with light bumps, but not hive-y looking. My DH says it's the milk and that I'd better quit while I'm ahead; but I'm thinking that it might all be new to my system, and I could build up a tolerance a little at a time. Then my husband saw the news of the E. Coli outbreak in GA/FL, et. al., and he is really upset and worried that I'm the first case in PA! Oh my word... I doubt I'm the first case in PA... and I am hoping the milk isn't "bad." If it were a problem with the milk, surely I wouldn't be the only one with symptoms by now! (My guys only "tried" it, I've been drinking it!) What do you all think? I know you're probably laughing and rolling your eyes at me, huh? LOL! I'm sorry! We're just new with this, and want to make sure there isn't more to be concerned about than meets the eye! In all fairness, I had been a little bit "stuck" for the past few days (had some foods in the diet that we don't eat to often, too!), so I'm wondering if the introduction of raw milk just helped flush out my system! Ugh... why can't this just be easy? The milk is SO good!!! Thanks for helping! - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Jun 08 2012 5:43:56 PM |
Farm Kitchen: Your Opinion - Raw Milk?  |