I was reading through the list of toxic plants from the poultry help website and noticed that strawberries and apples are considered toxic to chickens. I'm so glad I found this before I treated my chickens to some strawberries from my new plants!! I've been cutting up apple cores and giving them as part of their treats too. Glad they haven't shown any ill effects from them, but I'll certainly stop from now on.
Farmgirl Sister #3090 Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift.
"Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better."--Albert Einstein "A meal of bread, cheese and beer constitutes the perfect food." --Queen Elizabeth I http://www.etsy.com/shop/StrawHouseDesigns
I have fed soft strawberrys to my chickens for many years, never had a problem, that is very interesting, also, I was told the only thing toxic in apples to some animals is the seeds, I will read up on it, thanks for the info...
"Knowlege is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad"
Oh wow! Good to know... I totally just gave my flock a couple strawberries. Next time, they'll just go to the yaks!
~Natalie~ Just a farmgirl in Western Montana. http://mtnme.blogspot.com Starting a family and raising Tibetan Yaks, Laying hens, Muscovy ducks, and a few dogs. Looking to add heritage rabbits.
True Blue Farmgirl
858 Posts
858 Posts
Posted - Apr 17 2012 : 3:45:39 PM
I give mine strawberries & apples when I have some. Haven't noticed any difference in them. I know that apple seeds do contain a toxin, but you have to eat alot of them to get sick from it. Interesting!
Rachel Farmgirl Sister #2753
True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realised-- His Holiness the Dali Lama
bend in the high desert
3775 Posts
Posted - Apr 17 2012 : 4:29:22 PM
i will add that we feed literally tons of produce. no one likes strawberries when given other choices. they also avoid avocado skin and pits. they will eat the pulp. some times they get them by default. we just got about 3 5 gallon buckets of berries. we put them in compost. we also get tons of watermelon rind. from when they cut it up and put in plastic ready to serve packages. ck ithe cows love it. no food value but on a hot day we chuck it in pasture while it is cold from the stores. they love it so much. so it makes sence now why they dont eat them. they are filled with pesticide too. so thanks for the tip.
the learn as we go silk purse farm farm girl #1014
Apples are not toxic to chickens what they are wanting is for you to not feed them the seeds of the apples which are natural arsnic(sp)....as for the strawberries that one is a new one to me...never heard it...i would think if you grow them without pesticides ect they would be fine as mine always eat the small wild strawberries with no effect.....M"
Wow, I never heard this either...I do give my gals scraps, which sometimes include strawberries and apples. too. The thing that they love most is grapes (as far as fruit) and yes they love watermelon too. I have heard of apple seeds when consumed in large amounts to be posionous. Hmmm....I wonder if they meant the seeds of the apples and perhaps pesticides in strawberries????
Just checked the link- it seems that YES they are talking about the seeds of apples. As far as strawberry- it shows strawberry bush- so I dont think they mean the strawberry itself as in the fruit? A bit confusing....Hmmmm Thanks for the heads up and link. ~Laurie "Little Hen House on the Island" Farmgirl Sister#1403
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..
I wonder if maybe it is like a lot of medicinal type things and is good for them in small amounts but toxic in larger amounts? My daughter has a list of things that are toxic or irritants to chickens I will see if I can post it for everyone. When I read it I was very surprised at the things that don't set well with them. A lot more than I thought. Sort of like when I found out beans are toxic to dogs. And no wonder my dogs always ate around them. Laura
I'm so glad to get feedback from everyone. The list did say seeds in the apples...so glad, so now I can still give them my cores minus the seeds! I never gave them a large amount, but I don't want to risk anything. It seems like I read somewhere that anything with citric acid is considered a no-no, so that takes care of much of the fruit. I assumed that since songbirds eat strawberries that chickens would be okay with them as well.
Farmgirl Sister #3090 Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift.
"Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better."--Albert Einstein "A meal of bread, cheese and beer constitutes the perfect food." --Queen Elizabeth I http://www.etsy.com/shop/StrawHouseDesigns
The citric fruits are dangerous because of the oils in the peels....so if you feed them oranges, grapefruits always peel off the outer peel before giving it to them...the acid in the fruits is ok as they do need citric acid for its vit c content...but don't go over board & give them like a big wash tub of oranges at one time...lol...mine adore oranges ever so often in the summer when its super hot & they are over heated & working too hard to stay cool.........just know chickens make their own vit c so its not something you have to worry about but giving them these types of fruits are safe with out the peels...Michele'
Farmgirl Sister #3090 Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift.
"Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better."--Albert Einstein "A meal of bread, cheese and beer constitutes the perfect food." --Queen Elizabeth I http://www.etsy.com/shop/StrawHouseDesigns
Yuh, my chickens should all be dead then. I have thrown them a bucket full of apples to pick on. And they will try to get into my strawberry beds, and eat strawberries when they are ripe. No one has ever died from it either.
there is a big scare right now about making arsanic illegal to have or give to any chicken....well I agree but the seeds of apples are considered natural arsanic not manmade so there is a big difference...manmade will kill quickly over time or all at once if in high amounts...apple seeds being a milder natural form will kill if you gave them like a bucket of them...but even people swallow apple seeds at times with no ill affects.....its all about moderation of giving apples with the seeds...so don't panic that one apple with seeds is going to do your chickens in......when I was young I ate a peach & apricot pit & lived to tell about it...lol...didn't know they were considered poison....I have always taken out the seeds of the apples cause I cut them up like I did for my kids...just a habit....with the strawberries I am still trying to figure out why thats on the list as a toxic.....have the tiny seeds been tested & considered poison...anyone that finds out what type of poison please let us know......Michele'
Is it just me or is that list Paula gave the link awfully long? I'm reading it and there are so many plants on there I'm wondering how the chickens survived all these years without poisoning themselves! Maybe there should be a list of acceptable treats instead? Now I'm afraid to put my chicks outside in a few weeks! Yikes, I'll have to go over every inch of ground to make sure there are no toxic plants growing in their run!
unless chickens are starving they are good at knowing what is bad for them to eat & what is good out in the wild....here is a short list of 'good' things to feed your chickens pears, apples, peaches, cherries..remove seeds banana...remove peel berries watermelon...can have seeds all sweet mellows...can have seeds pumpkins...can have seeds...raw or cooked all lettuces tomatoes peas..raw or cooked broccoli raw or cooked brussels sprouts...raw or cooked winter & summer squash raw or cooked kale raw or cooked bell peppers...can eat seeds bean & alfalfa sprouts beets...raw or cooked cabbage raw or cooked corn on the cob raw or cooked mustard, turnip & collard greens...raw or cooked as for weeds...dandelion, lambsquarters, plaintain,red or white clover, purselane leaves flower heads of marigolds, red or white clover, johnny jump-ups, purple violet blooms, chamomile....Michele'
Thanks Michele! And thanks Paula, this was a good topic. I always thought chickens could eat just about anything but now I know better. My girls are just old enough that I want to start giving them treats, it's good to have a list of what I can give them without fear of poisoning them! It's supposed to be in the 70's here this weekend and I plan I letting them out in their run for a little while Saturday and Sunday. Kind of like hardening off plants, lol!
I know nothing about chickens, except that I can tell them from ducks and I know they make my eggs, but...
Is it possible that chickens shouldn't have the PLANT part of a strawberry, versus the fruit part?
Just random thoughts from the Queen of Random...
Wife of terrific hubby and mom to 2 teenagers, 2 bunnies, 2 geriatric goldfish, and the best dog in the world!
Check out my blog: http://www.suburbanprairiehomemaker.com and follow me on Facebook (Suburban Prairie Homemaker), Twitter (@sphomemaker), and Pinterest (Suburban Prairie Homemaker)
I like that list better! I wonder why we see such a difference between lists.
Farmgirl Sister #3090 Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift.
"Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better."--Albert Einstein "A meal of bread, cheese and beer constitutes the perfect food." --Queen Elizabeth I http://www.etsy.com/shop/StrawHouseDesigns
I like that that list on backyard chickens but where they put meat scraps they didn't say no raw meats...thats a no-no because of meat worms & parasites your chickens can get that can do big damage to them so if you feed meat to them even fish make sure its cooked fr them.......If yo do use dried beans for them grind them up...it is ok for them to have dried beans as long as they are ground up...very good protein for them......dried whole beans are like rice & once get moisture swell so thats why you should never give them to them whole...but if ground up & mixed with other scratch type foods its ok for them......same goes for grits...they swell also but if dried & in with scratch they are fine..... As for the list differences the Agricultural dept is always doing testing so the list changes as they find out new info so it takes time for the list to be updated with all the places like backyard chickens ect.......I always feel if you are unsure just don't do it...chickens are such wonderful animals with lots of things that they like they will never get bored with all the things you give them as treats....mine still love cheerios the best...lol...Michele'
Chickens RULE! hen #2622 theoldbatzfarm.blogspot.com
O.K. I am lost but what is new.. I have been giving strawberries and their tops to my chickens for 20 years or more (Not the same chickens) with trouble but then I never have much to spare.. I think it just might be the quanity but what do I know.
As for the bean thing - what I do for great winter treats is I soak and sprout the beans that way they do not get a hard bean and they also get the greens. Mind you again they do not get tons.
I have also found I have some chickens that won't touch things and others who just about take my hand off hoping I will drop it in their direction. They sure do keep me on my toes Great thread and will re read to make sure I am not feeding something I should not.
Grace Gerber Larkspur Funny Farm and Fiber Art Studio
My girls nose the cheerios around, but don't eat them. Maybe they don't like store brand!!
Farmgirl Sister #3090 Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a Gift.
"Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better."--Albert Einstein "A meal of bread, cheese and beer constitutes the perfect food." --Queen Elizabeth I http://www.etsy.com/shop/StrawHouseDesigns
bend in the high desert
3775 Posts
Posted - Apr 25 2012 : 2:27:23 PM
i want to mention that the skin of beans like pinto and red have an enzyme that retards growth. if they eat a lot it will cause an upset. it causes this in cows, pigs, goats etc. also. we cooked over 1500 pounds of dry beans and fed to stock. it lasted 4 years. happy days to all. i always learn new things here. sherrye
the learn as we go silk purse farm farm girl #1014