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 Need info on meat goats
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Apr 12 2012 :  10:12:02 AM  Show Profile  Send LynnMarie a Yahoo! Message
A friend is looking for information on raising meat goats. This will be a new adventure for her so I need to get the basics. She is in central IL and she will also be looking to buy goats this year. I've raised fiber goats so I am not much help to her.

Bringing the Past Back to Life
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Only what you put yourself around
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True Blue Farmgirl

152 Posts

redmond oregon
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Posted - Apr 12 2012 :  12:56:58 PM  Show Profile
I have meat goats. The one complaint that I have about the industry is that so few producers test their herds for CAE, CL and Johnes Disease. You really can't get reliable test results until the animal is about 10 months old, and that is around the time that the product usually goes to market, so a lot of producers opt out of testing. It is my opinion that at least all breeding stock should be tested. As for the goats themselves, I have Boers, and they are really friendly, personable goats and I like them a lot. I have had ZERO problems getting all mine sold whenever I have wanted to. I have started this year to upgrade my bloodlines a bit to sell to the FFA and 4-H market, rather than just breeding market wethers. I also like that there are so many options to show the Boers. You can really get involved in showing if you want to. It seems like there are a lot more events planned, and the registries are a lot more active than in some of the breeds. The meat is also very tasty.

HearthCricket Farm. Where the door is always open, and the coffee is always on.
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Dusky Beauty
True Blue Farmgirl

1108 Posts

Tonopah AZ
1108 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2012 :  12:16:25 PM  Show Profile
What does Capron taste like, anyway? I've been sort of wondering.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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redmond oregon
152 Posts

Posted - Apr 15 2012 :  8:16:29 PM  Show Profile
I have heard it called chevon and cabrito. It is very good. It is a dark red meat similar in appearance to beef. It is very nutritionally similar to skinless chicken breast. It is low calorie, low fat and low cholesterol. We have eaten both Boer and dairy wethers. In my opinion, there really is a flavor difference and the Boer is better. It was very similar in taste to beef actually. Not wild tasting at all. You do really have to slow-cook it though, as there is not much fat.

HearthCricket Farm. Where the door is always open, and the coffee is always on.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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623 Posts

Posted - Apr 16 2012 :  05:40:16 AM  Show Profile  Send LynnMarie a Yahoo! Message
Thanks for the info, I've passed it on. Any other input would be appreciated.

Bringing the Past Back to Life or DeCamp CSA Farm on Facebook
"It's better to be hated for who you are, then be loved for who you are not."-Montgomery Gentry
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