I just got my Farmgirl Sisterhood membership packet! It is just too cute! Can't wait to get started earning those badges! Anyone have suggestions on how to get started?
Farmgirl Sister # 3810
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. - Dalai Lama
Congrats Stephanie! I have a binder for all the badge listing, broken up into groups. I have a list that I check off each badge as its completed and submitted. There are some very easy starter ones - look at the Shopping Green bag for a good one.
FarmGirl 2495 God loved us so much He gave His only son to die in our stead.
I started with the bag one too. I also made a list of all the books for the beginner badges to read and kept them with me when I was out incase I ran across them. There are a lot that are summer so that helps narrow some down too. I am working on a few now. I am working on one two that have reading steps. I read with my mood so I usually have a w books going at the same time because some are definately more fun and some are good learning but not necessarily riveting. I also am working on some that are diet or health related. I find I glance through the badges and one seems to stile my fancy to work on. Good luck. It is also fun to read what other sisters did for their badges on the awardees list to get inspiration.