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 What's for dinner tonight?
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Farmgirl in Training

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Upton MA
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Posted - Apr 17 2023 :  5:51:31 PM  Show Profile
In fall/winter I am all about casseroles, soups, and stews! Now that it’s spring, I’ve really been wanting dinners that are tasty, healthy, and not too heavy! My husband is big into smoking meats, and I love everything he makes, but I do try to insert a few lighter meals into our week for variety. I lean toward the one-pan, sheet pan, or Instant Pot/pressure cooker meals because I am not a huge vegetable fan and prefer to mix them in with other ingredients! :P Today is NHL Playoffs with Bruins playing the Panthers, and we made a grilled Hawaiian chicken bowl with bell peppers, pineapple, and coconut rice. The chicken is marinated, and the rice has just enough flavor to be a bit of a vacation from our normal rice! Fit the bill perfectly. What have you all been making now that the weather is a bit warmer?

Farmgirl Sister #8534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Kennewick WA
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Posted - Apr 17 2023 :  6:32:20 PM  Show Profile
Kate, I would love for you to share your recipe for the Hawaiian chicken bowls. They sound yummy! :)

My hubby and I love sheet pan dinners too. In the spring and summer we eat lots of grilled chicken and fish with salads. I cut up fresh veggies kinda small and mix them into the salad.

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
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Farmgirl in Training

44 Posts

Upton MA
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Posted - Apr 17 2023 :  7:14:37 PM  Show Profile
Hey Karen! Sure, the recipe we use is here: I hope you enjoy it!

Salads are something I’d like to work on. Growing up, the salads my mom made were iceberg lettuce, tomato, and cucumber, so that’s all I usually feel like putting together! (With the exception of changing out the type of lettuce.) But my husband puts a bunch more ingredients in a salad to make it more interesting, so I have a feeling your salads would be much more to his taste! I guess I’m lazy, not wanting to chop/shred more ingredients than I am used to! But it makes a big difference for sure.

And chicken is just so versatile, it’s just a matter of how many spices you have in your cabinet! (Or the forethought involved with marinating.) I sometimes wonder if we are taking up too much space in our kitchen with our spices…but then I’m like, “nah!” I never regret buying any spice and we seem to use them all!

Farmgirl Sister #8534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Paris TX
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Posted - Apr 18 2023 :  05:54:58 AM  Show Profile
Kate thanks for the recipe I've printed it out. Back in the late 50s and early 60s salads were pretty much limited to a wedge of iceberg lettuce with thousand island dressing on top or cut up iceberg with tomatoes, cucumbers and Miracle Whip salad dressing. Salads have come along way.

When the weather heats up, I eat a lot of sandwiches. My favorite sandwich is American cheese & tomatoes with mayo. If it's not soup, there's a good chance I can make a sandwich out of it.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 & Feb 2019

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
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Farmgirl in Training

44 Posts

Upton MA
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Posted - Apr 18 2023 :  09:20:08 AM  Show Profile
You’re welcome, Sara!

Yes, the wedge…I remember my parents getting a huge kick out of that when restaurants brought that back! My dad had commented that that was what you would get in a “classy restaurant” when they were kids.

I’m taking your sandwich advice today for lunch! This one with leftover buffalo chicken, bacon, tomato and cheese :)

Happy Tuesday, all!

Farmgirl Sister #8534
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Wanda Sue
True Blue Farmgirl

1419 Posts

Murrells Inlet SC
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Posted - Apr 18 2023 :  2:13:19 PM  Show Profile
See, I thought lettuce wedges were a new thing. I had no idea that was an old classic making its second round. Thanks for enlightening me Sara and Kate.

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
FGOTM August 2022
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Wanda Sue
True Blue Farmgirl

1419 Posts

Murrells Inlet SC
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Posted - Apr 18 2023 :  3:47:20 PM  Show Profile
See, I thought lettuce wedges were a new thing. I had no idea that was an old classic making its second round. Thanks for enlightening me Sara and Kate.

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677
FGOTM August 2022
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True Blue Farmgirl

1746 Posts

Kennewick WA
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Posted - Apr 18 2023 :  7:05:32 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for the recipe, Kate! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Georgetown OH
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Posted - Apr 19 2023 :  07:51:28 AM  Show Profile
That looks good Kate! Gonna try tonight!
I remember when I was young, my mom used to go to the Y and swim. She would come home, whip up the best salad with a ton of ingredients, and eat it while she watched All My Children. She made the best salads I have ever had. I've tried to follow in her footsteps, but hers just had something extra. Mom love I guess.
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True Blue Farmgirl

334 Posts

Sands of Time SC
334 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2023 :  09:51:50 AM  Show Profile
Ground beef mixed with onions and peppers. Made into loaf that is wrapped in bacon.
I sometimes add a spoonful of gluten free steak seasoning

Today's good mood brought to you by coffee

Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
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Farmgirl in Training

44 Posts

Upton MA
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Posted - Apr 19 2023 :  2:09:48 PM  Show Profile
Wanda Sue, I guess “there’s nothing new under the Sun” in the case of the “wedge”! Or maybe “everything old is new again”? Several might apply

And you’re welcome, Karen!

Lisa, hope you enjoy dinner tonight! That is such a nice memory of the food you shared with your mom, too. It sounds like a routine/ritual she enjoyed! I’ve frequently made things and catch myself thinking “not Mom’s, but still decent!” Her sandwiches, for instance, have the “mom love” you mentioned! When I was little I’d sometimes be blown away by the things she knew how to do or make, and ask her “how do you do that?” And she would usually say “lots of practice!” So I guess there’s still hope for us yet!

Tara, anything wrapped in bacon is a winner in my book! Haha! For some strange reason I didn’t get around to making a meatloaf during cold weather this year, although I did try several new meatball recipes :)

Farmgirl Sister #8534
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385 Posts

Esk Queensland
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Posted - Apr 20 2023 :  12:22:34 PM  Show Profile
Hi Kate - stir-fries are always an easy dinner whether the weather is cool or warm. And, they're a great way to sneak in those vegetables. Tonight I'm making a "Five-Spice Chicken Stir-fry".

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
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Farmgirl in Training

44 Posts

Upton MA
44 Posts

Posted - Apr 21 2023 :  4:39:55 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, stir fries are great for incorporating the veggies! And for using up veggies that are a tad tired but still good :) A great way to use up leftovers too!

Farmgirl Sister #8534
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True Blue Farmgirl

554 Posts

Factoryville PA
554 Posts

Posted - Apr 23 2023 :  3:51:16 PM  Show Profile
Today I made fried rice and added ham and pineapple. I cut up & froze my left over Easter ham so I used some of that. Pineapples are on sale here so I had fresh pineapple to add. It was really good! I saw this on Pinterest and went by the picture.

Farmgirl# 8166
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Farmgirl in Training

44 Posts

Upton MA
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Posted - Apr 24 2023 :  04:08:01 AM  Show Profile
Andrea, that sounds good! And healthier than a ham and pineapple pizza ;) I need to learn some better knife skills for cutting certain things - pineapples are one of them! When they are good and fresh they’re so wonderful!

Farmgirl Sister #8534
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True Blue Farmgirl

554 Posts

Factoryville PA
554 Posts

Posted - Apr 26 2023 :  3:08:40 PM  Show Profile
Hi Kate, I am one of those people that believe pineapple does not belong on pizza!! Pineapples are not easy to cut up. I cut off the top & bottom then stand it up and cut down the sides. Maybe there is an easier way, I don't know.

Farmgirl# 8166
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385 Posts

Esk Queensland
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Posted - Jul 09 2023 :  4:56:00 PM  Show Profile
Tonight we're having a frittata with layered potatoes, kumara, spinach, & sauteed leeks & garlic. This goes well in the summer, served with a nice, crisp salad.

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
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Farmgirl in Training

44 Posts

Upton MA
44 Posts

Posted - Jul 10 2023 :  11:10:31 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, that sounds really tasty and healthy! I had to look up “kumara” as I was not familiar with the term - it is a sweet potato? Frittata would be a good bet for us one of these nights as my neighbors’ chickens have been laying eggs like crazy and they can’t seem to give them away fast enough!

Tonight I think we’ll be doing “Instant Pot Rasta Pasta”! It’s got chicken, penne, jerk seasoning and red, yellow, and green peppers. This weekend, my husband played with his new sous vide setup and he’d made a beef roast, so last night we had French dip sandwiches. We were pretty pleased with how they came out!

Farmgirl Sister #8534
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385 Posts

Esk Queensland
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Posted - Jul 10 2023 :  3:28:01 PM  Show Profile
Yes, Kate - kumara is sweet potato. The frittata recipe I used calls for 6 eggs, so it would definitely be a great way to use up some of those excess eggs! Nothing better than fresh eggs from your neighbour!!

Farmgirl #6058
Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have".
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2346 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Aug 20 2023 :  6:45:41 PM  Show Profile

My garden is full of green tomatoes so with a nod to Fannie Flagg I made fried green tomatoes in my airfryer. I also have okra coming in so I made that too. My mother-in-law loves the tomatoes with a bit of cider vinegar.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
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True Blue Farmgirl

334 Posts

Sands of Time SC
334 Posts

Posted - Aug 22 2023 :  1:35:19 PM  Show Profile
Fresh picked roasted sweet peppers, grilled shrimp and kale salad( cranberries, pumpkin seeds and olive oil

Today's good mood brought to you by a lot of coffee!!!

Farmgirl #8548
FGOTM April 2023
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True Blue Farmgirl

7237 Posts

Paris TX
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Posted - Oct 04 2023 :  08:41:45 AM  Show Profile
My groceries were delivered earlier this morning so I will be roasting beets, parsnips, carrots, sweet potatoes, onions, and russet potatoes tomorrow morning. I'll have enough veggies for soup, vegetarian lunches and side dishes. I also have an eggplant that I will fix for supper and leftovers for spaghetti sauce with pasta. The roasted onions will be good in the sauce too.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 & Feb 2019

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
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True Blue Farmgirl

4407 Posts

Bruce Wisconsin
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Posted - Oct 05 2023 :  04:16:41 AM  Show Profile
Sara sounds like you have a good meal plan for this week. Supper last night was poormans steak, corn and jo jo potatoes. I was tired, and did not feel like cooking. This went together real fast and was oh so good. Best part all was out of the freezer.

Farming in WI


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True Blue Farmgirl

7237 Posts

Paris TX
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Posted - Oct 05 2023 :  07:36:24 AM  Show Profile
Michelle, what's a poormans steak? Freezers sure do come in handy. I didn't cook the eggplant yesterday opt for half of a peanut butter sandwich on Ezekiel bread instead with a glass of Merlot.

Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014
FGOTM Sept 2015 & Feb 2019

Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
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True Blue Farmgirl

85 Posts

Eldon MO
85 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2023 :  08:13:19 AM  Show Profile
Tonight we will be having some sort of ground beef. Maybe stuffed peppers.


Farmgirl Sister #4938
Livin' the Life of Riley
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