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Farm Kitchen: What's for dinner tonight?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
165 Posts

165 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2022 : 4:27:37 PM
I love "soup season"! I found a recipe for Olive Garden Gnocchi chicken soup and made it last night in my dutch oven! yum! It was a huge recipe, we'll have left overs for a few nights. :D
Jennifer Rapoza California - Idaho bound in 2023! <3 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2473 Posts
2473 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2022 : 4:51:48 PM
I'm eagerly awaiting soup season but this is the week every year (now that covid is under control) that we eat out two nights in a row. Last night was anniversary 31 and tonight is DH's birthday. Last night we had Thai, tonight is Mexican.
7932 FGOTM 6/21 I'm old and I do wear purple |
True Blue Farmgirl
7487 Posts

7487 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2022 : 2:18:32 PM
With the cooler weather starting to come in, I am craving warm and comfort foods. Tonight I will be making sun dried tomato pasta. I love all sorts of pasta dishes but this one is a favorite of mine.
Krista |
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
2346 Posts

2346 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2022 : 4:02:17 PM
since I'm on my won (sweetie and his mom are visiting family), dinner is pumpkin waffles and brown n serve sausage.
Vanessa Farmgirl Sister #6754
True Blue Farmgirl
554 Posts

554 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2022 : 5:31:28 PM
I made halushki last night and had left overs tonight. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's Polish. Use a large frying pan. If you don't have one big enough, use a large pot. Slice an onion into thin strips. (half of a large onion) Cook in a little butter or oil. Shred cabbage (slice thin) and add to the onion. Put a lid on the pan. In another pot cook a bag of egg noodles. Cook the cabbage until done, stirring now & then. Add a little water if needed but the cabbage should have enough. When the cabbage is done remove the lid. If there is any water in the pan, let it simmer a little so the water evaporates. Turn off the heat. Add the noodles to the cabbage. Add butter & stir until it melts and everything is mixed together. I never had a recipe for this, it was just an onion, a head of cabbage, noodles and a stick of butter (more or less). A lot of churches in my area make this. It usually has some pepper and is dripping with butter.
Andrea Farmgirl# 8166
True Blue Farmgirl
1746 Posts

1746 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2022 : 6:25:46 PM
Vanessa and Andrea your dinners sound yummy!! Hubby and I had Italian chicken, rice, and green beans. Basic but oh so yummy! :)
Karen :)
To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha |
Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6977 Posts

Debbie L.
6977 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2022 : 6:40:02 PM
Y’all put me to shame! We are having fish tacos, yummy but not as yummy as y’all’s.
Big Hugs, Debbie #1582 Blessed in Oregon With Colorado on My Mind Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022 “My altars are My Mountains and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”
When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!
True Blue Farmgirl
2473 Posts
2473 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2022 : 1:08:08 PM
After being gone to a retreat with vegetarian meals for a week I arrived home to a meal of filet mignon, sweet potatoes, and broccoli with a chocolate eclair for dessert. Love that DH of mine!
7932 FGOTM 6/21 I'm old and I do wear purple |
Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru
4658 Posts

Sandy Hook
4658 Posts |
Posted - Nov 15 2022 : 2:10:53 PM
Hi farmgirls!
Judith your dinner made my mouth water! I am trying a new recipe tonight that is a variation on what I often do this time of year. I am roasting butternut squash, yams, brusels and cranberries, finishing with a maple syrup/balsamic drizzle. Sounds good for fall. Finsh with a little sage.
To go with it, a brown sugar meatloaf with turkey meat.
Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole Farmgirl Sister #1155 Suburban Farmgirl Blogger Chapter Leader, CT Simpler Life Sisters Farmgirl of the Month, Jan. 2013
Suburban Farmgirl Blog |
True Blue Farmgirl
7237 Posts

7237 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2022 : 1:38:51 PM
Today I went down memory lane for my lunch. I grew up in Dallas and one of my favorite places to eat was Wyatt's Cafeteria. Always got a serving of their eggplant casserole which was more like an eggplant cornbread dressing. Through the years I have tried to duplicate it but never was pleased with the results. Memories of food always seem to be better than what I can make today.
My attempt to recreate it today tasted okay but like I said, "it's never as good as I remember it." I used cornbread Stove Top Stuffing mix, chicken broth, two eggs, butter, and eggplant. I guess I will just have to keep at it till I get it right.
Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014 FGOTM Sept 2015 & Feb 2019
Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
Holly Love King
Farmgirl at Heart

7 Posts
7 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2022 : 09:42:14 AM

Soup season is one of my favorites! I love to make my Grandmommy's beef & veggie soup. It's so simple and comforting! Just reading this post made me want some! So while my husband was about to leave for the grocery, I added the necessary ingredients to his list! Soup for Christmas Eve lunch it is - woo hoo! Thank you Farmgirl Sisters :)
The real "what's for dinner" recipe I wanted to share though is another one from my Grandmommy. It's when you can have breakfast for dinner and serve my Grandmommy's biscuits and chocolate gravy (it's a southern thing!). My Grandmommy told me it's how they afforded "dessert" during the depression. So while it may sound "off" as it did to me before I tried it, I'll tell you as she once told me...don't knock it till you try it! And once I did, I've never looked back. A biscuit just isn't a biscuit without a drizzle of chocolate gravy.
Right now, if you visit my website at you can even download the recipe, "Grandmommy's Chocolate Gravy" for FREE and read all about the story of her and her chocolate gravy when you visit (scroll to the bottom of page)!
And should you find this post after I've stopped offering the free recipe, just email me at I'd be more than happy to share a little bit of my Grandmommy with you!
Christmas Eve TN hugs!
Holly Love King |
True Blue Farmgirl
7487 Posts

7487 Posts |
Posted - Dec 26 2022 : 2:21:19 PM
Chocolate gravy sounds very interesting. I would definitely be willing to give it a try. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
I am trying a new recipe tonight. Its called no peek beef tips. I found it when I was searching for a new beef recipe. I am pretty excited to give it a try and it seems super easy and simple to make. I thought I would also make some mashed potatoes in the instant pot to go with. It will be a nice warm and hearty meal for our cold temperatures.
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Dec 27 2022 : 07:23:01 AM
Ok, ya'll have me way to hungry now! LOL! Leftovers for us for the next few days, but then on to some new recipes for a new year.
There is never a road so long that there isn't a curve in it. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7237 Posts

7237 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2023 : 08:22:51 AM
Today it's eggplant with seasoned coating; no oil; in 400-degree oven. Served with mini meatballs in tomato sauce on top and salad.
Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014 FGOTM Sept 2015 & Feb 2019
Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
1746 Posts

1746 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2023 : 4:54:01 PM
Sara, I have a strange question…I’ve never tried eggplant…what is the flavor like? I have two in my kitchen that were a part of a box of veggies someone gave us. I found a recipe for an eggplant Parmesan dish. One of the things the recipe has you do is salt the eggplant and let it sit for 15 minutes and then flip it and salt that side and let it sit. Then you are supposed to rinse it and pat it dry. Is that normal for eggplant?
Karen :)
To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha |
True Blue Farmgirl
7237 Posts

7237 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2023 : 12:36:53 AM
Yes, Karen salting is normal when prepping eggplant to cook for two reasons.
Eggplant seeds can be bitter, so the salt helps with that. If the eggplant is large, I may remove the seeds.
The salt removes water from the eggplant.
The way I salt eggplant is to salt both sides at the same time and stand the slices up around a bowl, so the water drips to the bottom of the bowl. To keep the slices standing I put a smaller bowl in the middle of the larger bowl.
Eggplants are like sponges so if you are frying it the oil has to be sizzling hot when you put the eggplant in, or it will soak the oil up and you end up with an oily mess. That's why I usually cook eggplant in oven with no oil.
I peel my eggplant - I peel all veg except little potatoes. To me eggplant skins are tough. To peel or not to peel is your choice. I use a potato peeler.
Eggplants are mild in taste and do really well with tomato-based sauces.
Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014 FGOTM Sept 2015 & Feb 2019
Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
1746 Posts

1746 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2023 : 5:00:08 PM
Thank you so much, Sara! I appreciate it very much! Your methods seem much easier than what the recipe called for! :)
Karen :)
To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha |
True Blue Farmgirl
554 Posts

554 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2023 : 08:29:08 AM
The last week of December I made gnocchi for the first time. It was a bit tricky and I don't think DH was very impressed but I thought it was really good. I think I will try something different with the ones I froze, maybe chicken broth based sauce instead of tomato.
Andrea Farmgirl# 8166
True Blue Farmgirl
4407 Posts
4407 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2023 : 04:01:17 AM
Andrea, I found a gnocchi board, I will call it, and was going to try making it. I saved some soup recipes on pinterest.
Farming in WI
Michele FGOTM June2019
True Blue Farmgirl
7237 Posts

7237 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2023 : 08:03:57 AM
I've only made gnocchi once and couldn't get the hang of rolling it out on a fork like I've seen on TV cooking shows. I knew that the ridges were there to trap the sauce, so I rolled the gnocchi out flat; cut it to size then pressed the tines of a fork on each piece. It worked but didn't look like traditional gnocchi. I should try making another batch with gluten-free flour.
Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014 FGOTM Sept 2015 & Feb 2019
Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
554 Posts

554 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2023 : 6:06:42 PM
Good luck Michele! I found the dough gets sticky real fast. I wasn't even 1/3 way through the dough and had to add flour. Laura it is tricky. I watched Lydia's cooking show - last name starts with Bast and I can't remember how to spell it. I recorded the show and watched it a few times. I think the trick is to do it quickly. Push your thumb in the middle, pressed against the fork and roll it down the fork. I found the quicker I rolled down the fork the better they came out. I thought these were supposed to be sort of football shape but they are not really, don't worry about pushing too hard with your thumb.
Andrea Farmgirl# 8166
True Blue Farmgirl
992 Posts
992 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2023 : 6:31:54 PM
Hay there.
I made homemade potato soup. It tasted so much like my Mommas.....perfect! Only thing missing was the cornbread.
Hugs and prayers, Daizy #1093 Poor House Farmgirl Chapter {A virtual chapter open to everyone.} A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron?? |
True Blue Farmgirl
7237 Posts

7237 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2023 : 06:36:19 AM
Potato soup is one of my favorites.
This morning I am making potato, kale, and Great Northern Beans soup. I do all my cooking in the mornings before MS fatigue kicks in. This soup is one of the soups that I can eat on for several days. I don't like leftovers like I did in my younger days.
Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014 FGOTM Sept 2015 & Feb 2019
Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
7237 Posts

7237 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2023 : 07:27:38 AM
My sisters and I are grilling today at Bobbie's house. High of 60 so we will huddle around the gas & charcoal grills. I'm taking vegetable kabobs to grill. Also cooking smashed potatoes and eggplant in oven. I was afraid the potatoes would fall apart on the grill and didn't know how the eggplant would do. One sister is grilling hamburger patties and the other is doing vegetables.
Hugs, Sara "FarmGirl Sister" #6034 Aug 2014 FGOTM Sept 2015 & Feb 2019
Lord put your arm around my shoulders & your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
1746 Posts

1746 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2023 : 5:13:36 PM
Sounds yummy, Sara! :)
Karen :)
To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha |
Farm Kitchen: What's for dinner tonight?  |