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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

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CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
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Posted - Feb 05 2011 :  08:42:51 AM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
PSALM 28: 6-9
" Blessed be the Lord, because He has heard the voice of my supplication. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him.
The Lord is their strength, and He is a saving defense to His anointed. Save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance; be their Shepherd also and carry them forever."

Have a blessed Saturday!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 05 2011 :  11:07:09 PM  Show Profile
Hi girls - it hadn't occured to me that anyone would ever live so far away from a church before! Wow! That's really got to be difficult.

Linda - I hear you. Church shouldn't be a competition on any level, you know? It's meant to bring us closer to God; to receive, to know and to love Him and His Word; to worship Him; to edify, uplift and help us all grow in Christ, in His Word and in our Faith; to bring us together as one family - the Body of Christ! It's sad that any church makes anyone feel like an outsider or not up to their "hi end" par; I'm sure that would break our Lord's Heart!

When we can't make it to Mass, we're blessed to be able to watch on and "virtually" attend services through television, or even listen on the radio. I get so much out of Church, truly; I hate missing it, but sometimes it can't be helped. Do those of you who live far from your churches have those options, too - to "virtually" attend your church's services? Or at least get to watch or listen to any type Christian programming where you will hear the Word taught and preached? I know here there are several different denominations who have Sunday services aired on the radio - I love that! And I just love to listen to Christian radio - don't you? Girls, when you aren't able to attend, though, what do you do for Communion/Eucharist - will your pastor or an ordained lay person from your church come out to visit you? I feel so bad for those who live so far away from church. I'd feel very isolated and like something was missing in my life - I can only imagine how hard that is for you girls! I'll be praying that the Lord opens something up for you! :)

I love that we have these chatrooms and Bible studies, too. It's wonderful to gain the insight of so many women who truly love Christ, and to know the love of Christ through our Farmgirl Sisters - what a blessing!

I also wanted to quickly share this with you. Our farmgirl sister, Darlene, sent this to me earlier. I went to the link and this beautiful painting and the artist's explanation of it had me and my son absolutely moved to tears. Darlene said she wasn't sure how to post it and asked me to, so here goes:

"This is beautiful. The 12'x40' painting of Christ's resurrection will be displayed in a Dallas museum. This is a must see video."

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. It's incredible - truly a blessing!

Hugs and blessings -


God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Capron IL
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Posted - Feb 06 2011 :  04:58:55 AM  Show Profile
Thank you for sharing that video, Wow what a gift to be able to paint like that. Thanks for mentioning all the virtual ways to attend church. Our home is very God filled between Music,Radio,Bible Study and services on TV. There is a radio station WMBI that is just about the only thing I listen too and they even broadcast live online. I also download podcasts from them and churches all over the country. At one point I could never imagin not going to church and it has been even harder for me having two of my children miss out on church, but I know it wont be forever.
I wasnt thinking that my virtual church was the same but now that you brought it all to light I guess we do attend church just in a different way and thats ok. I now remember that is how my DH's grandma attended church because she didnt ever drive. Thank you

CJ Thanks for the verse have you ever noticed that you will read a verse right when you need it.

Insane and Blissfully Happy
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

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CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
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Posted - Feb 07 2011 :  05:34:56 AM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
"It is in the everyday things of life that we realize the magnificent deity of Jesus Christ" . . . if our focus is on HIM!

Have a blessed Monday!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665

From my Heart -

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From my Hubby -
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 10 2011 :  9:36:07 PM  Show Profile
Hi sisters. I have somewhat fallen out of touch with my faith, even though I go to a Catholic high school. I don't want to just go through the motions anymore, though. I'm glad that this thread is here, so hopefully my wiser sisters will help me? I'm just glad this is here!
God's and Farmgirl's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.

The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 10 2011 :  10:57:00 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Megan - I do know what you're going through. We all go through dry spells and times when it feels like all we're doing is going through the motions. It's normal, honest. Sometimes it's just so hard for people to admit they experience this, so we can feel really isolated when it happens to us. To me, when we're simply "going through the motions" it's much like those "sleepy growth days" we all need when we're babies or when we're teenagers or when we're stressed or when we're getting older and just need sleep so we can simply breathe, digest, process and grow. I think it's beautiful when we come out of that period - it's kind of like we've been in this deep slumber, and are now more energized, and even more keenly aware of our desire and need for Him... We're just really, really "hungry" for God again, and it's "break-fast" time! As we continue to grow in Christ, the more we are aware of our need for Him; of our hunger and desire to stay close in our walk with Him. He truly is the only One who can fill that special place in our hearts. Life is a spiritual growth process through which we all come to seek, find,know and love Him. The further we get into the process, the more desperately our heart desires Him. And I can see your heart's desire for more of Him, Megan. Be patient with yourself and the Holy Spirit's work in you. The good things in life take time. :) You're going to be just fine, don't worry! If you're feeling the need for more "solid food," ask Him; seek it and He will "feed" you and nurture you. And all of us are here for you, too - always! Such a blessing are our Christian farmgirl sisters; such an amazing group of loving, spirit-filled women who have so much insight and love for the Lord; and such sources of faith to draw from! We may all come from different faith walks, yet we all walk in the depth and beauty of His love and faith; we all share His same Holy Spirit. We are truly His kids - truly are sisters in Christ! So, I'll surely be praying for you, Megan. If there's ever ANYTHING I can do for ANY of you, I'm here! :) Hugs - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974

Edited by - Ninibini on Feb 10 2011 10:58:13 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Pleasant Hill Mo.
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Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  05:02:25 AM  Show Profile
Nini what a beautiful message, and so absolutely true. Megan praying for you sweetheart, being at this stage is difficult and we want to rush through it, but the Lord is teaching us as we are on this journey. I know in my heart as Nini has said, that this is just a little bump in the road and he may be taking a different direction with you for you to see that he is always there for you. Just reach out and trust him, and remember we are all here for you. Sisters in Christ! Brenda


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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True Blue Farmgirl

569 Posts

Northeast Kingdom VT
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Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  11:07:02 AM  Show Profile
Well ladies, we just found out this week that my husband will be laid off for the next school year. While at first this may sound bad, it's actually a good thing for him. He's been working in the public school system for years now, working with special needs kids as a behavior interventionist. He has been content in this job because it provided money and benfits. But he has his Master's in Biblical Counseling, and his heart is to be a part of a church, as a counselor. But he has not felt comfortable leaving the security of his current job to begin on a new venture, especially as our family has been growing. So, I guess your prayers can be directed for him to find the job that the Lord wants. Of course, we're both seeing this as an oppotunity to make that jump into counselling, but we are open to whatever God has in mind. We are also grateful that he has four months to look. Also pray for my hubby, that he will not be anxious. He is the sole provider for our home. Thanks!

Curly's Quilts

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  11:18:00 AM  Show Profile
Prayers on the way, Sarah! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for him! :) Hugs - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Pleasant Hill Mo.
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Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  12:01:07 PM  Show Profile
Prayers for you DH and let the Lord guide where you and your family should be. Hugs,Brenda


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Deer Park WA
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Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  2:15:10 PM  Show Profile
Sarah, you have the right perspective, I think. It reminds me of the old saying..."When the Lord closes a door, He opens a window." Blessings on your family.

Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~
"It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Nashville In
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Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  4:51:34 PM  Show Profile
What a joy to find this forum! I love the sweet fellowship you share. CeeJay, Nini, Brenda, Claudia, all of you, I would love to meet and sit and share with you. You have given me food for thought and blessed me in so many ways. The comments about being too far away from church resonated with me. For years I couldn't find "my" church. Ten years ago we moved to East Texas and joy of joys I found my church! From the first moment I walked in the door it was as though I finally had come home. Sometimes I think God must get tired of hearing from me as I tend to pray in all places at all times. He is my rock and I can't imagine trying to get through life without him. I love this forum and all the wonderful Farmgirls who have contributed to it. Please keep this going.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Capron IL
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Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  5:14:52 PM  Show Profile
Sarah I have been telling my son to just relax and follow. God already has the plan mapped out we just have to follow His lead and find the comfort in the idea that everything is already decided.
I always pray for my husband to have clarity and it seems to work really well.
Prayers sent to the Lord in your name!
Nini I could not have said it better you sure have a gift with words Thank you.

Insane and Blissfully Happy
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 11 2011 :  8:29:11 PM  Show Profile
Nini and Brenda, thank you so much! I just lately feel that I could do more. I could give more, I could pray more, I definitely could go to church more. I'm also glad that I have you guys here! Faith is not an isolated act, and with this and the Bible Study, I think I'll find my way back to the path set forth by God. And while I do go to a Catholic high school, our faith is not something my friends and I just sit down at lunch and discuss. I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one who wants a deeper connection with God!
God's and Farmgirl's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.

The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Pleasant Hill Mo.
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Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  05:27:54 AM  Show Profile
Megan I'll be 59 this year and I still struggle with what is my purpose. For myself I feel that I live a very boring life compared to others. With all my phsyical problems I feel I'm not serving as I did as a young woman. But I can still share my love of God and if just one person is helped by something I say, I know the Lord is smiling upon me. Sweetie in your words and desire to please the Lord, He is walking right beside you and showing you the way. Just continue to reach out and he will show all of us where he's taking us. I am so thankfull for this site and the bible study, there is so many times that I can't make it to church, but he led me here to have the connection with all the lovely Christian Ladies here. Praying that we can all stay connected and share our support. Hugs, Brenda


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

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CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
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Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  07:14:56 AM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
God had been GOOD to me ALWAYS!!! He has been PATIENT beyond words with me ALWAYS!!!
I KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt that the LOVE He has for me is WITHOUT BOUNDS!!!!

He literally moves me out of the circle of a local body of believers and out of active "visible" ministry when He wants me to be in what I call His "WAITING ROOM". Because I am a "recovering perfectionist" and an overachiever I tend to forget that I need to replenish MY supply from HIM. He reminds me by moving me into His "WAITING ROOM" where He can minister to me . .. where He can get me to focus, listen, REST, REGENERATE, REPLENISH . . . and learn to "BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD".

I've been in his "WAITING ROOM" more than once over the years of ministry and it is a hard place to be. The first time, many years ago was, of course the most difficult because I didn't understand anything about it. It's kind of like a child that you are just asking to sit quietly and be still. This child keeps jumping up and saying, "can I . . . ?" "how long do I have to sit here . . ? and so on. You just put your hand gently on this child's head and say something like "just a while longer. Rest. Relax. Breathe."

I'm in his "WAITING ROOM" now again, as I speak. His purpose for me? To focus, listen, REST, REGENERATE, REPLENISH . . . and to TRUST HIS HEART . . because I certainly cannot trace His hand. REST. RELAX. BREATHE. GET INTO HIS WORD. TRUST. PRAY.

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665

From my Heart -

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From my Hubby -
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Pleasant Hill Mo.
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Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  07:35:34 AM  Show Profile
CJ I never thought of it as a waiting room. Thanks for sharing that with us. Now when things are not going the way I feel it should, I'll sit in that waiting room to listen and trust his heart!! Hugs,Brenda


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  08:51:03 AM  Show Profile
I really like that, too, CJ! Especially the part about the anxious child - isn't that just so true?!

Hi Karin! Welcome! You're right - it would be so great if all of us could get together for one big prayer and study meeting in person!

I always joke, too, that I give God cauliflower ear... If you all know how wordy I get in my posts, just imagine all the things I talk about with God! LOL!! I really do listen, too, though. I love the different ways He speaks to me, and am always amazed when I have those "aha!" moments through Him! I don't think He ever tires of us - if anything, He really delights in us, and probably longs even more for us! Our Father is not at all like my goofey husband who crunches his cereal a little louder to help him get through those early mornings where I'm feeling particularly perky and chatty! LOL! On the contrary! God loves those times!

Hugs - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Pleasant Hill Mo.
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Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  09:08:56 AM  Show Profile
Nini your story about your DH is so funny, I keep telling mine he has selective hearing. I may be talking along and ask him a question and he'll say WHAT??? Isn't it just wonderful that God doesn't say WHAT? he's ready to hear us ask so he can tell and show us his answer. Hugs,Brenda


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  09:14:41 AM  Show Profile
Amen! Brenda, Amen!

Yeah - my DH thinks he's hysterical... ;) He makes me laugh - what else can I say?

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Deer Park WA
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Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  09:40:05 AM  Show Profile
I agree with both of you ...Brenda and Nini. I find that DH escapes into the paper, guitar playing, or something else to escape some of the stresses he has had at work. I try to give him that time to unwind. I however am ready to talk, being retired and not talking to buzzillions of people all day. I agree everyone needs some "down time to regroup and rest regenerate and recoup. Dan has his time with the Lord, & I recognize his "quiet time." Me on the other hand, can have a great time with the Lord, but I find external things creeping into my life...things that could be "the paper" where I say "huh?" to the Lord. I have to recognize that TV, the computer, talking on the phone too much, etc can be a diversion to really hear what God is saying to me. You all may have it together, but I find that I let the world creep in too easily. It is a struggle for me. It is good to read your posts. Blessings to you all today!

Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~
"It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  10:42:19 AM  Show Profile
Oh, Claudia! Ohmygosh, no! I am NOT all together! I think that's why my DH crunches so loudly in the morning! LOL!

I can become very distracted at times. After all these years, I still don't always recognize it when it's happening to me, either. Thank goodness the Lord shows us, though, huh?

I'll share with you, though, how recently the Lord really impressed upon me Matthew 12:29: "Or how can anyone enter the strong man's house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house." I was struggling with some things within my family, and I started thinking maybe it was because my prayers were hitting too close to home for Satan's comfort, so he was attacking my family. Evil knows how to go for the jugular, that's for sure. The attack quickly escalated, and the "distraction" of fear started setting in. The whole thing was so surreal, and I could just tell that it was an attack from the devil. I didn't give up praying, of course, and I told the Lord I was pressing into Him and trusting Him regardless of what evil put before me. God comes first. Then God quckened to me this Scripture of Matthew 12:29, and the "aha" moment came! Satan loves binding us up in distractions, however big or small, however blatant or subtle, so that he can move in and rob us of that which is rightfully ours.

I've been trying harder to recognize and deflect those distractions, but even as I do so, they seem to come even more persistently than ever. Especially when I'm in prayer - it's like my mind is drawn to wandering off to other thoughts so that I cannot concentrate on the important prayers at hand. Trust me, Claudia - you are not alone. It's an attack designed to rob us of our joy. We just have to try to recognize it when it happens and turn to Him. He'll take care of everything. :)

As a side note, I want to tell you that I continued to pray fervently and in faith, and the attack subsided. I suspect it may never go away completely (Satan is persistent), but I am very grateful to God for the reminder He gave me through Scripture and the faith He gave me to stand when under attack.

Hugs - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Pleasant Hill Mo.
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Posted - Feb 12 2011 :  1:51:17 PM  Show Profile
Oh Nini and Claudia I'm right there with you. So many times mom will call and she needs this and that and wants it right now. And off I would go. Linda(prayingranny) and I are doing several bible studies over the phone with each other. And I can't tell you how many times we get interrupted by mom. I finially told her to write down that every Tue. and Thurs. we will be doing our study and I'll call before hand to check on her. So far doing ok, if she does call, I'll let DH know and he'll call her back and check in and tell her I'll call after were finished. I just know that I need the study we are doing to help me in my journey. And I can't let anything come before it. Am I being wrong in this decision??? I don't know, but the Lord will show me how to work it out. So yes I know how things can distract. And it's something I continually need to work on.


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 13 2011 :  5:24:20 PM  Show Profile
CJ, I like that. Right now, I just need to wait and listen for my next move with God. You ladies are all so sweet, and I'm glad to be here!
God's and Farmgirl's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.

The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

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CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
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Posted - Feb 13 2011 :  5:42:01 PM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
Praying for you girls!

Megan, waiting and be patient is hard to do!!!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665

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From my Hubby -
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