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Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2011 : 1:10:47 PM
Oh my gosh, Claudia! That made me cry! Thank you SO much for sharing this. I really realy really DID need to read this today! God bless you! Love and hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2011 : 3:31:05 PM
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 01 2011 : 10:15:46 PM
Okay - here's something that's concerning me deeply. I would really like to know your thoughts and hear your suggestions, my sisters in Christ:
I have a very close friend who emailed today about her faith. She indicated that she doesn't go to church, and doesn't need to go to church to pray, because God is everywhere... which, of course, is true! He IS everywhere! But then she went on to say that she has a tough time believing in God with the way the world is, but she does believe. Then she added "especially in angels." She also believes when we die our spirits are reborn and we become someone's guardian angel, and added some other thoughts that are just not in line with Christian / Biblical truths. She's right - God IS everywhere. But we also need church - not just for worship, but for instruction, for communion with God, for edifying each other, etc. And church is where we receive the Body and the Blood. And we are not angels, nor do we become them - they are separate creatures! We have souls - but we don't become angels! I was really shocked by some of the comments she made - blown away, actually... And it amazed me at all the hokey things she was saying she believed to be true that have absolutely no basis in the truth of the Word of God. How can she believe this stuff without a sound basis for her beliefs? How can she make these assumptions and believe them to be true? How does she "know?"
Then I was reminded about another girlfriend who emphatically believes her church - a Christian church, which she never attends, by the way - is the "right" church. She slams mine at every turn because she doesn't understand about it at all. She actually makes fun of me whenever I tell her I'm headed to church! And when she slams it, she doesn't want to hear a response from me at all. She has made up her mind based on misconceptions, and that's that. She doesn't read the Bible or know any scripture or Bible history, her prayer life is pretty much honed down to relying on me for emergency prayer when a crisis arises. And she's into some pretty weird stuff; for example, she tries to "think" healing into people, and she claims she can "call the rainclouds" to rain on her husband when he upsets her... All this along with other stuff I'd rather not get into. I will tell you, however, she is delving into some serious sin in certain areas of her life. I see her descending this downward spiral, all the while claiming she is a Christian - and one who is "right." She believes she knows all the answers, but it truly seems she doesn't have a clue about the truth. She believes she's saved and yet she lives like she isn't. I just don't understand it. I mean, we all make mistakes, but when you're saved, don't you just want to live like it? And if you find out you're out of line with God's Will, wouldn't you do whatever you could to get back to Him? And let me say, I do believe in miracles, and even in the gift of healing... but it's not US who do miracles or heal, I believe it's God working through us.
Then I have another friend who talks about "the Lord" as if she truly "knows" Him, but she never attends church, never reads her Bible... she just repeats whatever she picks up along the way, and what she hasn't "learned," she says she just "feels" - that God is this way or that, or that He thinks this way or that, or that He wants this or that. She just "feels" what is right and what is wrong. I do believe God guides us, that's not my point. It's like she wants to identify with Him, but doesn't really care to "know" Him. She enjoys the conversation, but she doesn't feel the need to walk the walk. I guess that's what I'm trying to say.
How scarey is this to you? I'm terrified for them! They are making up their own Christianity to conform to their own desires instead of heeding the truth and following God's Word! I mean - it rings true to Christ's words that not all shall enter... That He will say, "Away with you! I never knew you!" They are like houses built on sand. I feel like they are so lost and so confused and fooled by the devil. I'm really scared for them!
I love each of them dearly, and I pray for them and I do witness, but gently - I don't want to scare them away, but I do want to help them come to know Christ and the truth. I try to be "salt and light" and gently bring them back into the fold. I am truly scared for their salvation, though. Do any of you ever experience this? How do you handle it? I don't want to do anything that might put them off from the truth and from salvation; but on the other hand, I just want to shake them and make them SEE the truth and understand what they are doing. What are your thoughts? Am I overreacting? Are they saved simply because they "believe" in God and "feel" they are? It makes me so sad - I could just cry.
Thanks for your insight - it means so much! Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Feb 02 2011 : 2:30:58 PM
Nini, I don't know if this helps at all, but here goes. Family members and I have many unsaved friends and/or friends of various faiths, includng beliefs of atheism, etc. In such a heated climate within our land these days, I think my thoughs have become very unpopular, and I am not sure I am even on the right page so to speak. But, so often, in the Word, the Lord speaks that we are to be the salt and the light and we are never to judge, always show our love thru Him. So often anymore, differences have become such huge heated and angry debates. Most of my family can talk with their friends and share thoughts on beliefs, answer questions and not take offense at each others thoughts. I really have felt the Lord pressing upon my heart for the past many months that this is the way to go. Never compromise or settle your beliefs and thoughts. But I do think He really wants us to share our thought and His Word in a loving and kind manner. Not in the angry and heated debates we so often see today. We live in a me, me, me 'microwave' world that wants its own way and wants to see the results in an instant! I think we are to share what God's truths are,in His love, in His kindness. Then the hardest thing for us to do, keep praying and just leave it with God to work in the hearts of those we care about. I think that even the hardest of hearts? Only the Lord knows when the time may come in their lives when they may draw from something you have shared with them, whether a talk or a scripture. One of my daugthers has been given a 'gift' of talking with others this way. She is very non threatening and approachable and co-workers, friends, etc sometimes out of the blue ask her what her beliefs are and why she believes them. Who knows how God will use any of our words in others lives this way? Will be praying for your friends. It is such tough spiritual times these days, even believers, I think want to put God within a box that suits our needs. We forget that it is about Him, not about us. I fight that within myself daily!!
Claudia, so agree!!! Isnt it in Isaiah, that we are to pray for the peace of Israel and the middle east? Lets all agree in prayers for this.
Ladies, have a good day, and for those in tough snow hit areas, be safe!!
Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
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Posted - Feb 02 2011 : 2:32:03 PM
Claudia, LOVED the silver story. That was awesome!!
Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 08:01:24 AM
Thank you, Linda - you're right. And that's pretty much my thinking, too. It's just so hard when it's my friends. I never speak harshly when it comes to God; I never get into arguments or heated debates over this kind of thing; the Lord usually speaks to us in that still, small voice, after all. Being argumentative and angry is just not how I would think God would want us to be. Usually the lines of communication are open without any problems. And it's honestly not that I'm trying to judge anyone; it's more that I'm recognizing some very dangerous beliefs and behaviors in my friends, whom I really do love. Truly, I'm very much like your daughter when it comes to this. And I'm the "go to" girl for prayer and counsel; but that is an honor comes with an enormous amount of spiritual responsibility, you know? It's funny because lately I've found myself gently reminding people in my life that they aren't saved through me, but through Christ - and that it's Him they need. When they die, it's not going to be a matter of "well I was Nini's friend and she believed;" it's a matter between each person and God alone. I won't be there to intercede on their behalf on the day they stand before God to account for their lives - Christ will. It's Christ they need, not me. They need to build a personal relationship with Him. This stopped one of my relatives in her tracks. She never had thought of it that way before - that she is personally responsible to seek, to pray, to know, to believe in, to live in and to represent Christ. It really changed her thinking and she is now approaching her salvation through Christ a lot differently. I believe it's true about the seeds we sow: it's up to God to make them grow. It's not about us - you're absolutely right. But man, would I like to get to see those seeds grow, blossom and bloom! :) Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1812 Posts
Pleasant Hill
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Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 08:54:47 AM
Claudia the story was wonderful, thanks for sharing. I remember back when I was office manager for a construction Comp. and most of the guys were rough! You know the kind that kind of makes you afried if you'd see them out alone!! They knew I was a believer and treated me like a queen. We often had some serious talks and their hearts were as sweet as candy. Loved them all, and they would talk and ask for advice in their personal relationships and I'd tell them that I couldn't really tell them what to do, but we'd pray about and the answer would come. I saw alot of changes take place. I feel that we are not to judge, If we stuck with only those who are in the churches how would the ones that need to know the news of God get it. I totally agree with you Linda and Nini, talking and caring for others, listening to what they have to say, who knows how many go back and rethink the conversation and is reborn with the knowledge. Just a thought. Hugs, Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 09:21:08 AM
Oh Nini, please understand I did not think you were judging! We just live in such a spiritual climate these days of what seem to be a conservative base of judging. It is tough and I think the hardest thing is to not always see 'results' and 'fruit' you know?? It is so tough to watch friends or loved ones take a fall spiritually. My heart goes out to you and I know many of us will be thinking and praying for you and His guidance for you in all this.
Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 10:43:05 AM
Oh, no! I know, Linda! I just did have to think about my words and how they might be received, that's all. :) It's all good! I think the world of you! I love you!!! Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1812 Posts
Pleasant Hill
1812 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 11:32:30 AM
Nini I don't think you have said anything wrong. We don't have to hide the truth of the fact, but just be there to explain and show them what is in the bible. Actually it's a good way for all of us to learn. Hugs,Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 12:19:59 PM
Nini, I don't think what I have to say is really any different from what Linda or Brenda have already shared. I've been a "born-again" Christian for many years. Before that I was an avid church goer and loved God as far as I was able. It was when...after a terrible personal situation..did I ask God..."if there was a God, could He help me?" It was then that my heart opened & I received Jesus. I realized that what I thought being a Christian was...was not the total picture. "I had belonged to the organization (church)but never knew the Boss (Jesus)." I think that if I had died before, I would have gone to Heaven, but God wanted more for me. I also realized that God sees the beginning and the end of us all, and HE is the one who is FAITHFUL to bring these people to Himself. He knows best how to do the Prodigal Son, who had to go to the bottom until he himself realized he needed more. We have to have faith for them. Maybe all we will do is "plant" the seed toward Jesus,with someone else "watering their soul", and yet another "harvesting them" to bring them to the Lord. As long as we pray for them and are available to give them some answers, we have to trust that God will do it. Sometimes we are frantic to get another saved, but we don't have to worry, because God says He will do it. We just need to pray. Being a nurse, I have seen many death bed conversions. God is faithful! Hope I have made some sense. I've been interrupted twice while trying to write this.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
1812 Posts
Pleasant Hill
1812 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 12:30:07 PM
Claudia very well said. Sometimes I think we get so concerned as to what to say or how to say something about God, that we don't stop long enough for us to hear his words. I know I've been at fault that way. Just wanting to help so badly I don't wait for the boss to help me out. It's just that when we know him personally, we just want it for all. Hugs,Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 12:33:27 PM
We do want it for all for sure Brenda. I have family members that I pray would walk with the Lord. I try to realize that He loves them even more than me, but I have to be consistent in my prayer like that man who went next door and pounded & pounded to borrow a loaf of bread for his company. Consistency.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 12:41:31 PM
AWESOME, Claudia! Thank you! You are both so very, very right! I needed to hear that today. Bless you!! - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
Northeast Kingdom
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Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 12:54:44 PM
I agree with all of you! It is God who turns the heart. We are not responsible for that. We are called to love, to pray, to know Him personally and to share with others. I know a few people who are gifted in evangleism, and they can turn any conversation into a witnessing opportunity, but I don't think everyone lives like that. It so easy to get wrapped up in the process especially when they are good friends. My SIL has her own 'faith' that she lives by and does not go to church because she doesn't believe God is in the church anymore. Christians are too judgmental in her mind. <sigh> I keep challenging her to get to know the God of the Bible, the Jesus of the scriptures, but she never responds when I make the offer. I keep praying for her, trusting that God wants her heart even more than I do, and that she will be His one of these days. Does anyone else think of our personal interactions with people as almost a guaranteee that that person will be saved? I've often wondered about that. God doesn't do anything random or accidental, and so when someone is in my life, even temporarily, I like to think that God has their hand on them, whether they are even open at that time or not. Isn't that fun to think about? And we also have to remember that prayer is not just something to do for them. It is THE MOST important thing we can do. Prayer is so powerful, and it's easy to forget that because we can't see it with our eyes. I read a book a while back that put the characters in a dream landscape where they could see their prayers like bright beams of light shooting from them to heaven, or to the person that they were praying for. A little weird, I'll admit, but it was such a powerful image of the power that God has given us in prayer. Sorry, I'm rambling, but I just love being able to talk about these things here.
Curly's Quilts
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
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Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 1:05:17 PM
You're not rambling at all, Sarah! I love what you've said! You made an excellent point about God's Providence in all things, and yes, I have thought many, many times how our personal interactions must somehow contribute, at least, to that person's salvation - even if "only" through the witness of the way we live, if not through our words, you know? And sometimes, I think the way we live our lives is the greatest witness of all! You're right - God really does put people in our lives for a reason - for our benefit as well as for theirs! Just think about all the Christian farmgirls we are blessed to have right here in this forum... and about all of the other wonderful farmgirls we've had the privilege and blessing to come to know through MJF... It's amazing, isn't it? Please know that I'll be praying for your SIL as well! :) - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
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Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 1:41:01 PM
Hi Sarah, First of all, I don't think I have met you before. My name is Claudia, and I live in NE Washington State. I went to your Etsy site and you do absolutely beautiful work. Can't say that I do any wonderful sewing, but I surely appreciate the work. I really like what you said. I was once told that God is a gentleman and since he gave us all freewill, He never invades unless He is invited into a situation. That's where we come in. When we meet someone or have an interaction and pray for them, God can begin working. That may sound a little simplistic, but sometimes that is how I need to understand.
Buffypuff/ Claudia ~ Farmgirl & Sister #870 ~ "It compliments God to ask great things of Him." ~ St. Theresa of Avila
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
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CeeJay (CJ)
13684 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 3:10:06 PM
I wanted to share some tidbits from "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers about PRAYER. And you have to think about this and what we are taught in Scripture about prayer. "Prayer does not equip us for greater work - prayer IS the greater work. Yet we think of prayer as some common sense exercise of our higher powers that simply prepares us for God's work. Prayer is THE battle and it makes no difference where you are. However God may engineer your circumstances, your duty is to pray.
There is nothing thrilling about a laboring person's work, but it is the laboring person who makes the ideas of the genius possible. And it is the laboring saint who makes the ideas of his Master possible. When you labor at prayer, from God's perspective there are always results. What an astonishment it will be to see, once the veil is finally lifted, all the souls that have been reaped by you, simply because you have been in the habit of taking your orders from Jesus Christ." (end excerpts)
I believe that I am called to be an INTERCESSOR and it IS labor, sometime gut-wrenching work. I want my walk and relationship with the Lord to be SO close that I can HEAR and FEEL His "heart beat" and HEAR and FEEL His "breath". I want that relationship and my labor as an intercessor to be so CLOSE that all I need to say is "Lord!" . . . and He knows my heart and my prayer SO WELL that that is ALL I need to say. And He will say "Yes, CJ, I know! Trust, wait and listen".
..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665
From my Heart -
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prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 3:53:26 PM
Sarah, loved what you shared as well. Your quilts are just beautiful!!! What amazing blessings that we can have these forums to pray together, share, express, vent, struggle and overcome together!!! So grateful for my farmgirl sisters.
Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
177 Posts
177 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 4:11:01 PM
Christian girl without a church! Out in the country without a decent church anywhere close. Is anyone out there with the same issue? I miss church but without one it sure has given me more time to totally focus on God and not the church building.
Insane and Blissfully Happy |
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
Northeast Kingdom
569 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2011 : 6:04:11 PM
CJ, Amen! That's just what I was meaning...Prayer is the most important thing we can do. Thanks everyone for the compliments on my work. I haven't had any sales since July and am getting discouraged. But then I remember that God has my shop under His control just as much as He has my life in His control, and I just have to trust Him!
Curly's Quilts
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 11:41:43 AM
Mari-lyn, I am in a city surrounded by farmland. But churches close are filled with pretty hi end people. We attend one fairly regularly, but I feel a fish out of water a lot, not sure this is my 'home' church yet. It would be a fair drive to attend someone in the smaller surrounding towns. So, I know what you mean. Doing the studies here and with some farmgirls helps a lot to keep learning and growing. Such a blessing here!! So grateful for you ladies!
Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart |
Farmgirl in Training
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West Allis
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Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 12:47:10 PM
It's so nice to see a thread like this. I know what you mean about a fish out of water Linda. My home Church is an hour away now, and with my schedule and gas prices it's becoming less and less a possibility. I've done some Church hopping around here, but the closest one of my own denomination is an older group...which is fine but I have no peers there. The others I've visited that are still spirit filled but other or non-denominational were even further off. Sigh. Something will come. Until then I still make time for devotions and Bible reading. And it is nice all my old Church family is almost entirely on facebook lol
of viggies veggies or follow on facebook |
True Blue Farmgirl
177 Posts
177 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 4:03:00 PM
Its just nice to know I am not the only fish out of water. I figured God just has a different idea for this time in our life. I figure back in the 1800 people out on the prairie didnt make it to church every Sunday they did church in their home with their family right?
Insane and Blissfully Happy |
True Blue Farmgirl
1812 Posts
Pleasant Hill
1812 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 5:49:46 PM
CJ I loved what you said about prayer. Isn't it just amazing that all you have to say is Lord, And he knows already what is in your heart and mind. He's just waiting for us to call upon him. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the situation and my mind just gets going a mile a minute trying to find a solution. When nothing is helping, I'll stop and say to myself, well it's because you didn't turn to the one immediately that through him all is possible if you ask. I'm not sure that I have put the words right as to what I'm wanting to say, But have learned and found out that going first to him, gets done what is meant to be.
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |