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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 30 2010 :  09:00:43 AM  Show Profile
Hi Christian Sisters,
Just want to make you aware of a wonderful daily devotional available on Specifically for women. I really enjoy it.
God Bless!

Love Each Other

Ann Farmgirl #2144
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2010 :  5:47:17 PM  Show Profile
Hi girls! I've missed you over the past few days! 'Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thank you for the website, Ann! I'll be checking it out this evening!

Darlene - I had emailed you back on the 24th when I received the lovely, lovely cards you sent, but am not sure whether you received it, so I wanted to post here to make sure you definitely received my most heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation for your generosity! I've omitted a few personal remarks, but the gist is here. Thank you again so VERY much for sending the cards - I cherish each and every one!!! Here goes:

"Oh, Darlene - My heart is full! Thank you so so much for sending these lovely cards - they are just so beautiful and truly a treasure! I love them! They remind me of when I was little - my grandmother always had religious cards like these to send. I always loved the wording and the artwork - I can't believe that now I actually have some of my very own! I wish we could go back to those sweeter days where faith was deep and our Lord was at the heart of people's thoughts and actions...having "sisters" like you is such a blessing - I'm so grateful that you have come into my life! :) ...I just want you to know... yes, I wholeheartedly agree - we are blessed to have an awesome Father! And I want the whole world to know and love Him - don't you? Oh! And I love your picture! Thank you for sending it! It's so good to "see" you, too! ...Thank you SO much again for your generosity! Hugs - Nini"

Hugs to ALL of you! - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2010 :  11:43:10 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Nini...yes I did get it and I emailed you back. I also wrote you a note in your christmas card. Sorry if you didn't get it. I'll have to see if I can retrieve it somewhere. I'm not a computer wiz so we'll see. I am so glad they gave you memories of you GM. They remind me of mine too and going to Mass with her. I knew you would love them. Maybe I sent it to someone else who doesn't have a clue what I was talking about and thinks I have a screw loose! LOL!

Blessings and Peace,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

DNA doesn't make us sisters, Love does!

The road to a friends house is never to long!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 01 2010 :  08:31:04 AM  Show Profile
LOL! Don't worry about it, Darlene! It's all good! I was away for a few days, so maybe I've "missed" your email - I had a ton to go through, so I'll have to check. But that doesn't really matter, honest! My main concern was that perhaps you hadn't received MY email, and I didn't want you to be upset or concerned that I didn't receive your gift! :) I just love them! You're just so sweet! Hugs - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl

1874 Posts

1874 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2010 :  08:06:08 AM  Show Profile
Hi Ladies, how is everyone doing? Thoughts on how we keep the 'reason for the season' strong in this kinda crazy time? Share some traditions, recipes, etc? What do you think? Blessings, Linda

Country at Heart
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 04 2010 :  09:26:56 AM  Show Profile
I was thinking the same thing, Linda! :) I would love for everyone to share about their holiday celebrations and traditions. I will within the next few days, definintely! :) We're in the midst of our second funeral in three weeks (I think), and it's just so not feeling like Christmas. We were supposed to have our nephew over this weekend to decorate, make gingerbread men and go "see the lights" at the fairgrounds, but it just can't happen. Next week we'll do it, though. ;)

It's so hard to feel Christmas-y with all the sadness around you, but when you have Christ in your heart, all these sad things really can become a source of joy. I learned this the year I was pregnant with my son and my beloved grandfather passed on Christmas Eve. I was devastated, because of all the people I would want my son to know, it would be my grandfather (and grandmother, too, of course!). Sam would have been the apple of Grandpa's eye, and surely Grandpa would have become the same in Sam's. A greater gentleman I have never known - never; and to me the world had lost such a great gift - a great saint. It was such a surreal holiday that year; the rest of the world was celebrating, as we, in the cold, drizzling rain, just tried to pick up the pieces and be strong for my Grandma. So sad, yet so bittersweet: this beautiful light had gone out of the world, while we were anticipating the joy of another - my son - in the midst of the celebration of the birth of the Greatest Light the world has ever known! Then at Grandpa's funeral, the priest, God bless him, said the most wonderful thing: "Can you just imagine what it was like for George, having entered into God's presence at the time when all of Heaven and earth are rejoicing at the birth of our Lord and Savior?! What a Christmas celebration he is having - with all of his loved ones who had gone before him!" Immediately flashes of the most beautiful images came to mind! The lights! The music! The angelic choirs! The dancing! The New Wine of the banquet feast! Perhaps a light had gone out in my world, but how much greater Grandpa would be shining in Heaven - and especially at Christmas! Those profound words have never left me. Through that loving priest's words, Christmas has become an even greater celebration in my heart. Any tears I may shed at Christmas are full of an even deeper love and joy, now, knowing that my loved ones who have passed are realizing the fullness of their faith and celebrating in Heaven, too!

I hope it's okay that I shared that with all of you. It's just that we all know someone who suffers profound loss during the holidays, and it can be so difficult to offer comfort especially at this time. I hope somehow these thoughts will help you help them through. :)

Hugs, love and blessings - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Kunkletown Pa
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Posted - Dec 04 2010 :  1:08:16 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Nini...How beautiful! You have me crying. What a present that Priest gave that sad day. You were so lucky to have such a wonderful GF. I hope you are all holding up and being held up by the most loving Father of all...Jesus!

Blessings and Peace,
Sister 1922

God first, everything else after!

DNA doesn't make us sisters, Love does!

The road to a friends house is never to long!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 10 2010 :  6:55:19 PM  Show Profile
Blessings and peace to you, too, Darlene! We just received news of yet another passing in our circle this morning - it's unbelievable. I'm absolutely fine, though. I really am at peace with all of it. I just wish it wasn't happening to so many people I love - especially at the holidays. We just keep making food, helping when we can, giving lots of warm hugs and saying many, many prayers. It's all you can do, really.

Well, let's move on to happier, holiday things... I had said I would share a Christmas tradition in a few's been more than a few, I'm sorry. But I think this is a good one, so I hope it was worth the wait.

When I was a little girl, my Dad was a member of the Jaycees and my Mother worked on their special project involving indigent children and their families. Her task was to pick up two little girls from our area and take them Christmas shopping. She was given a certain amount to spend on each child, and she eagerly awaited the arrival of that special day. As we decorated our home and baked for the holiday, we would all imagine just what those little girls might choose - a doll, a bear, a tea set... maybe even rollerskates! I remember waiting with anticipation to hear what these little girls - probably my age at the time - would select with their money gift! My mother came home and I ran to the door to greet her. Mom had been crying. She called my Dad to the living room and told us of her day. Both girls had never even had a Christmas tree, so they used some of their money to buy a small bush for their mother. They used a little more to buy ribbon, a string of lights and a few small balls to decorate the tree. My mother then took them to the toy department so they could use the rest of their money to buy themselves a little treat. But the girls refused. They just wanted to buy some perfume for their Mom, so she would have a nice Christmas. My mother said it was all she could do to hold back the tears. She bought them some candy and each a small doll out of her own pocket money, and then brought them home. They were so excited to share their tree with their Mother, they almost opened the car doors before she hit the breaks in their driveway. My Mom was so moved by the whole experience, she cried all the way home. We were far from comfortable in our own circumstances, but we had so much more than those children had ever had. Before then, I had never realized anyone might not have a Christmas tree or presents...or even enough money to buy a small treat for their parents at the Santa Store at school. I never forgot the look on my Mom's face, the tears in her eyes, the heartbreak in her voice or the story of those special little girls. Never. And I knew when I grew up, I'd try to do what my Mom did that day - take care of others at Christmas!

As I'm sure it is for all of you, it never fails that at Christmas time we learn of a family or friends of friends who are going through a really rough time financially. Many years ago, my husband and I had our first "real-in-person" opportunity to follow in my Mother's footsteps. Some really close friends who had just relocated to Pennsylvania with their two little boys. His job fell through, they were 300+ miles from home, all their savings was spent making the move for his job, and her part-time work was barely helping make ends meet. They were very, very proud and would not accept one iota of help in any form from us or from anyone else. Their little boys were still at the "wonder of Christmas" stage, and their upcoming holiday celebration was looking pretty bleak. Despite our many offers and pleadings, they still wouldn't allow us to help with gifts or even fill stockings. So we came up with a really neat idea. Back then, there were no gift cards like there are today, but there were gift certificates; so we went to Toys R Us and a local grocery store and purchased a whole bunch of gift certificates for them. Then I typed up a little letter at work, making my own special letterhead, from "(Our County's) Christian Businessmen and Businesswomen's Secret Santa Society." The letter went on to tell the couple that someone had submitted their names to receive this special Christmas gift, and they had been chosen to be this year's recipient, etc. Accompanying the letter were the gift certificates and the best of wishes for a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year. A few days after the letter went out, I received a call from the husband, asking me if we had been the ones to submit their names. I played convincingly stupid, of course (if you know me at all, "stupid" comes quite naturally! LOL!), and I suggested that perhaps one of the waitresses at the coffee shop or one of the kid's teachers had done it. He laughed and said, "You know - it's funny you say that. I was in the coffee shop telling everyone about this. Nobody had heard a thing about this Secret Santa Society before. Nobody claimed responsibility. But there was one waitress who just couldn't keep from hiding the smile on her face, and she kept looking at me out of the corner of her eye. I asked her several times if she was the culprit, but she just kept laughing and denying it. It MUST have been her! I wish she'd just tell me where to send our thank you note - there was no address on the envelope or letterhead!" God bless her for throwing him off the trail! To this day, they still talk about that wonderful Christmas miracle, and they still bless that waitress for her kindness, and to this day, I still play dumb (again - no toughie for me! LOL!). Since that Christmas, whenever we are made aware of a person in need, that same old letter goes out with a similar gift to help. To us, it has become a wonderful part of our Christmas tradition. There's nothing like playing St. Nicholas to help some other family during a time of great need! And I still keep a copy of that original letter in one of our boxes of Christmas decorations. Whenever we open the box, it serves as a gentle reminder that we should not focus quite so much on ourselves at the holidays, but moreso on the needs and happiness of others. To us, that's what Christmas giving is really about.

Another tradition we have is letting our son play St. Nick. Each year at Christmas (and at Easter as well), he sneaks out early in the morning to leave a pointsettia plant on our elderly and shut-in neighbors' doorsteps (at Easter, it's usually lilies or tulips). He loves it - it was like a big game to him when he was little. Now that he's older, having heard more than once the neighbors speak of the beautiful surprise they have found at their doors, he realizes how important St. Nick's visit it is to them. For some, it's truly the only Christmas gift they receive! One time our next door neighbor spotted him; she never told his secret, but from that time on, he was her favorite kid in the world. She passed away over this past summer, and he is already feeling sad that she won't be there to receive his surprise. Her husband, whom we all love dearly, has really been on our son's mind these past few weeks with all that has been going on. He told me the other day that this year he'd like to leave some cookies for her husband in addition to the pointsettia, because she won't be there to bake for him this year. He's hoping it will help uplift this dear man's holiday spirits a little bit. I think that's a really great idea. We'll be baking this weekend.

For us, sharing with others and taking care of hearts come first at Christmas time. We love our family celebrations, too, of course - the advent candles, Church on Christmas Eve, the tree, the lights, the food, the gifts... But what's really important is making people feel special, cared for and loved, just like Christ would do - AND like Saint Nicholas did, you know?

- Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974

Edited by - Ninibini on Dec 10 2010 10:03:50 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 22 2010 :  4:53:51 PM  Show Profile
I am a Christian, too!
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True Blue Farmgirl

253 Posts

Melvern KS
253 Posts

Posted - Dec 25 2010 :  03:04:19 AM  Show Profile
I found this string on Christmas day!! My Lord and Savior's birthday. Yes... I am a believer as well. My faith is all that gets me through the day. I stand on..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13

So happy to find this link and many believing sisters !!

"Live like you were dyin'"
Sis #2339
Scattered Prairie Gals Chapter
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 25 2010 :  09:23:01 AM  Show Profile
Merry Christmas, everyone!

It's snowing here in Pennsylvania. The sky is dismal, but the rest of the world is enveloped by magic, crystalline snow. Bing Crosby's mellow voice is crooning in my mind. A "White Christmas." Can there be a scene any more perfect. Today, the Light of God is magnified in nature. Beautiful!

This Christmas seems so much more meaningful to me than many in the past. I have received so many thoughtful and creative handmade and homebaked cards and gifts this year, mostly from our wonderful circle of Farmgirl sisters, each delicately touched by the warmth of the giver's love. I prefer those kinds of gifts - don't you? Something where you just know that the person who made it was thinking about you with every stitch, every cut and paste, every stroke of the brush or pen... every turn of the mixing spoon. That expression of love speaks so deeply to the Indescribable Gift Whom God sent to us, the One whose birth we celebrate today. Think of all the love God put into His Gift. Think of all of the time - all of the years; of all the planning and anticipation and excitement in His heart as He was working out His plan for our salvation through the ages. Think of how much love went into that Precious Gift - the Gift of his One and Only Son - given out of His immeasurable Love for us. At Midnight Mass, our priest spoke about the depth of darkness our world had been in until the arrival of this precious Gift of Light and Love. From the moment of the fall, God, Our Loving Father, had a plan that not one of us be lost. He would send a Great Light to draw us out of the profound darkness of the world in which we walked, so that we could transcend into the warmth of His abounding love and light. How Great that Light! It penetrates even the deepest, most profound darkness and draw us to Him. There is no darkness His light cannot penetrate.

Meditate on those words for a minute:

There is no darkness His light cannot penetrate.

How great our joy!

God could have came in many forms. Our priest recalled how in Old Testament times, the people are described as having been well aware that they could not look upon the face of God and live. People feared seeing the face of God, for His light was so powerful, so great, so all-encompassing, to see His face meant certain death. So, knowing how His powerful Light could bring such overwhelming fear, how did He choose to come? He came as a little baby... He came as the most profound expression of love known to man. A precious Little Light to warm our hearts and draw us near. People naturally adore and love babies. Coming as a child, God knew that, naturally, we would not fear, but rather desire to love and cuddle and coo and rock and protect and cherish Him. To adore Him, you could even say. People would not fear this little Innocent. Their hearts would be moved by Him and drawn to Him. Today we are still drawn to Him. When Jesus was born all those years ago, however, they didn't "know." Other than Mary, Joseph, a few shepherds and the Magi, the people simply didn't understand Who He was..Who He is! We, however, realize the depth of God's gift. We loved Him as a baby, as a Man who walked with us and as our Redeemer who gave His life for us. Our joy is complete! And oh, do we have a magnificent reason to celebrate today!

But it doesn't end there... When He took His place at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven, He left us the Most Precious Gift - One more precious than silver or stones... more precious than gold, frankincense and mhyrr. He left us with His Holy Spirt, to fill, guide, protect and love us. His Holy Spirit comes upon us and resides within us. He is the deepest part of us. He will never leave nor forsake us. In God alone can we truly trust.

What an awesome Gift we have received in this little One! What an awesome celebration is Christmas! And even though we may be miles apart, our celebration together in spirit transcends time and space and even the physical... It's celebrated in our hearts where His Spirit resides. So today, my dear sisters, we are truly celebrating Christmas together. And I am so thankful ... so, so thankful to God for His amazing expression of Love: our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His only Son! Our LORD and Savior! THE Light of the World! And I'm so, so thankful to be part of His wonderful family - I'm so, so thankful for all of you!

Happy Birthday, Jesus! And a Blessed, Merry Christmas to All!

May God bless us - every one! - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Pleasant Hill Mo.
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Posted - Dec 25 2010 :  11:05:54 AM  Show Profile
Nini your words were beautiful and so true. As our family filled the pews last night for the candlelight service, All I could think of was how blessed I have been. We were right where we needed to be, In the presents of the Lord. It does have a way of humbling you and cherish him for what he has given us. Thank you again for your post. It gave me a heart full of love coming my way. I second the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!" and also wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas. Hugs, Brenda


Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 04 2011 :  3:21:55 PM  Show Profile
Hey girls! May each and every one of you have a Blessed, Happy New Year!

I have a question: What are your thoughts about tithing? Do you tithe? How? How much? To whom? There's a reason I'm asking...

I received a call from a friend who is really having it rough financially. (Who isnt' nowadays, really?) She was feeling very guilty and on the verge of tears because she had been watching some of the Christian programs who tout the necessity for us as Christians to show our faith in God and honor Him by tithing on our gross income. She is a Christian who loves God dearly and is always giving of herself, but suddenly these programs have made her question her own sincerity of faith. I truly believe that she wants to be able to tithe and serve her God in every way possible, but their financial scale is so tipped right now that it's about to completely hit - and dent - the table on one side. She's hurting deeply, and feels this is one aspect of her life that she is truly disappointing God - could their lack of tithing be the reason they are in such financial straits right now? They just can't make ends meet despite all that they are doing to cut expenses, and then she hears this one program tell her that they should give even if they don't have the means, and trust God to do the rest. All I could think of is when Jesus said, "Thou shalt not put the LORD thy God to the test!" Now I know some will say we are allowed to test God only in this one particular way. I believe this is true. BUT I'm having a tough time with something that you are made to feel guilty into doing. It just feels too legalistic and too oppresive to me. I just don't believe that's how our God is.

Now, having said that, if you knew me at all, you'd know I'm all about giving, even when it "hurts," sometimes - because someone else's needs may far outweigh the situation I currently face, and I honestly believe that that is exactly what God would want us to do - take care of each other. Further, I have always believed that EVERYTHING I have belongs to God - He's just letting me enjoy it for a while; so for me tithing is more a spiritual thing, if you can call it that. I mean, I have always tried (tried, being the operative word here) to tithe on at least our net income, but it's just not always possible. I've even tried tithing on our gross income, but it absolutely killed us to do so, and my DH was not too happy about it. Regardless of our FINANCIAL ability to tithe, though, I've always been sure to tithe in other ways - by donating my time to charity, helping my neighbors (especially when someone else might charge for the service), taking care of people when they're sick, giving to people in need out of our own pantry or of our own clothing, etc. Even giving encouragement or just spending time listening, to me, is a form of "tithing," if you will. All these kinds of giving are of great value - much more so than money, which comes and goes. And shocker - God has always come through for us when we've had a need, maybe not in the way we had hoped or expected, but He has always brought us through! I'm grateful to be able to say that He has even greatly prospered us at times, despite our lack of full-financial tithing! He's an awesome Father, truly! The Bible truly does deal with the issue of giving in 2 Corinthians Ch. 8:12-13, "For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have. Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality." I further believe the promises in giving that are discussed in 2 Corinthians 9:6 - 15 refer to all gifts we give - monetary and otherwise!

I am just not so sure it's cash money God wants in return from us, you know what I mean? I think it's US He wants; our HEARTS. And I think that whenever something is brought to our attention - whenever a need arises and we become aware of that need - we should do everything in our ability to help meet that need. I just have a hard time believing that God only blesses us financially if we faitfully give 10% of our gross income. And again, I worry about the "legalism" in trying to faithfully so do... And I also have difficulty with the focus on money vs. our awesome Father who gives us bountiful blessings. "Look at the birds of the air! They neither sow nor reap... Nor gather into barns... But our heavenly Father feeds them! Are we not of more value than these?" Money isn't our god... GOD is our God!!!

So all of this is pretty much what I told her, along with the recommendation that out of love for God, to honor Him, that she try to give what she can (when she can), but instead concentrate on the doing and the helping aspect of tithing - the giving of herself. I am sure as their situation improves, they will do more. In the meantime, I told her I felt this was a wonderful opportunity for her to draw even closer to God in prayer, and to watch for all the miraculous works He does for her as she is sheltered under the shadow of His Wing. She will be able to use this time as a great witness and testimony to the love and faithfulness to God in her life. Perhaps that is His grand plan for this time in their lives right nowanyway!

I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this. I pray that I gave her the right and good advice that would please God. I also hope that this will open a discussion to help those of us who are struggling with this issue. It's just so hard, I know, because we all want to do the right thing with God. I just really hope I'm not making a huge mistake in my thinking!

Thanks so much. Love you all dearly... Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Northeast Kingdom VT
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Posted - Jan 04 2011 :  5:44:26 PM  Show Profile
I totally agree with everything you said. I think you directed your friend well. I believe that the strict 10% tithe was part of the Old Testament law, and when Jesus came, he made it clear that God wants all of us, not just some set of rules for us to follow. Having said that, I do believe that we should give financially when possible because God does take care of us, and He is faithful. I have a great story about our church getting out of debt because we did "test Him" and He showed up in a big way! Maybe I'll share that at a later date. :) What I'm getting at is that too many people don't give to their churches, which is why so many are having to shut their doors or lay off staff. But when things are tight, it is really hard to take that step of faith, and if your friend is not in the place where she can give with a joyful heart then by all means she shouldn't. I think when we give of ourselves, and start small there, eventually we work up to where we can give financially, even when the numbers don't add up, because we've seen God working in other areas of our lives. Our enemy loves to heap false guilt on us, and those Christian programs can easily do that to us when we don't know what God really thinks of us. I hope she is doing well, and more at peace with where they are financially and spiritually. :)

Curly's Quilts

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8

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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

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CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
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Posted - Jan 04 2011 :  5:58:35 PM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
Nini . . . AMEN and AMEN!!!
I believe that GOD does want US . . . totally. He wants our worship, He wants our praise, He wants us in absolute communication with Him, He wants us WALKING with Him, listening to Him, trusting Him.
I also believe that tithing means we are good stewards of what we've been given, whether it be money, material goods, time or our gifts and talents. We have never had lots of money, but we have "tithed" every way we can by being just that . . good stewards of what we've been given. And, I also agree that the things we've been given ARE the Lord's.
There is too much "preached" out there that your prosperity is dependent on your giving and that you aren't in God's will if you aren't putting money out there right and left. I don't think that is the HEART of the GOD that I serve.
I agree that you have given wise direction.
My prayers are with you and your friend!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665

From my Heart -

From my Hands -

From my Hubby -
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cheryl keyes
True Blue Farmgirl

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millinocket maine
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Posted - Jan 06 2011 :  06:18:54 AM  Show Profile
mee too
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

13684 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
13684 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2011 :  6:43:51 PM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
New Years Prayers for all!!!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665

From my Heart -

From my Hands -

From my Hubby -
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True Blue Farmgirl

1183 Posts

Deer Park WA
1183 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2011 :  8:34:26 PM  Show Profile
Where do you study and pray?....your "prayer closet?" Is there a special time, no particular time, do you keep a prayer journal, read a daily devotional to prepare you? When you have not been having time with God, what do you do to get close to God again? I'd like to know what you all do. You can answer any or all. For me, there seems to be even greater chances for distraction, so I have a little daily scripture booklet sent from David Wilkerson (available on line), I read a daily devotional from Women of Faith, and if there is a particularly special scripture, I have a little book that I write that down and any thoughts I might have. And you?

Buffypuff/ Claudia
Farmgirl & Sister #870

"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 17 2011 :  9:54:59 PM  Show Profile
My prayer closet is actually my bedroom, but I also pray in the living room, while I'm cooking, in the car... I pray a lot. :) You know, God is as real and alive to me as anyone else in my life. I love spending time with Him.

Every morning when my hubby goes off to work, I pray my Rosary meditating on the Mysteries, sometimes I also pray the Divine Chaplet of Mercy, and then have a really long talk with God. After that, I usually read my Bible (right now, just finished up Tobit - LOVE it!) and the daily mass and the daily reflections/devotions pertaining to it in "Thy Word Among Us." On weekends, I mostly just pray the Rosary, pray throughout the day and talk with God, and attend Mass.

Part of my personal worship include belting out Christian Scripture and worship and praise songs whenever and wherever the mood strikes (and may God always help those within earshot! LOL!). I may be in the car (my son loves his iPod and earphones! LOL!), doing chores, cooking... and sometimes even catch myself humming to myself at the grocery store! LOL! I'm happy because of God - I can't help it if it causes a song in my heart to escape my lips! And I don't really care who's listening - even if the windows are wide open or all the neighborhood boys are playing video games in the next room! LOL! DEAL, right? It's all for God, you know?

I do attend Bible Study at our church when possible, but it is only done incrementally throughout the year - sometimes 9 weeks or so at a time and then a break. Believe me, both I and the other students get our time's worth. Our priest is a fantastic teacher, and if I don't understand or agree, up goes the hand for questioning and discussion! LOL! My priest doesn't mind, thank the Good Lord. He's very patient, open to hearing and open to sharing and enlightening. He's an awesome teacher and loves to explain things, so I feel really, really blessed.

I love reading and studying the Bible - I learn something new and receive even deeper revelations every time I pore over the Scriptures. I haven't ever kept a prayer journal before - it's something I have always wanted to do, actually; but I do tend to write down things that the Lord quickens to my heart on scrap or notebook paper and tuck it away for safekeeping and further reflection. And whenever I want to "understand" something, I search for the answers in the Bible, from books, from other Christians, from people, from websites, and from my priest... but most of all I will pray for God's direction, guidance and wisdom, because HE is the Ultimate Authority, you know? He hasn't let me down ever. And I take tons of notes. It's funny, I was always taught "the Bible alone" - sola Scriptura - but have always found that it never really is just that -you know what I mean? We always need someone to explain or something to reference to help us understand. 'Guess that's why we're called the "Body" of Christ, huh? Many different parts - all working together as one for the Glory of the God, in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit!

I also love to watch various Christian programming. I used to really love watching and learning from the various preachers, and sometimes still do; but my absolute favorite "teachers" include Scott Hahn, Michael Aquilina, Father Corapi, Mother Angelica, Father Levis and Father Trigilio... I mostly save my favorite programs on the DVR and then watch them either late at night or while my guys are enjoying their sports. (Although lately I've been noticing my DH and son have been gravitating to watch the programs with me, which is kind of cool! More answered prayer!)

I would like to study more theology and more about the Church Fathers like St. Augustine and the Saints when I have more time, but a lot of my reading time right now is devoted to homeschool studies. I really enjoy reading and studying the women of the Bible, too. I have done some Bible study about them, but mostly I've have read fictional stories about these amazing women. I have loved learning about their faith, how they lived, the hardships they face, how they thought, how they overcame.

BTW - are any of you familiar with the Didache? I never even knew it existed until a couple of years ago! I would love to learn more - to study it more in depth. I do have one book, but it's more of a middle school text than an in-depth study. If you have any recommendations, please share!

And is anyone interested in possibly doing a Bible study - but with the Catholic Bible, including the deuterocanonical books? I have been brought up on the Protestant Bibles - King James, NIV, NRSV, etc... my Ryrie Study Bible is one of my all-time favorites! But I would love to gain better understanding of the Apocrypha. I have been reading and meditating on those books one at a time and oh man - they are incredibly rich with wisdom and revelation. I would really LOVE to do a Bible study with anyone interested in including those books as well!

And yes, if you're wondering, I really do have a normal life just like everyone else. I am in no way trying to portray myself as "Saint Nini." All the prayer, the study, the worship, the devotions - they come as natural to me as breathing, but so does being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor... you get the idea. I'm just like you - wearing many, many hats and have a very full life for which I deeply thank God. But I truly do make time for God. He's my heartbeat. If I didn't do so, I'd perish for lack of Him.

Hugs and blessings - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter

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CeeJay (CJ)
Dolores Colorado
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Posted - Jan 18 2011 :  05:56:57 AM  Show Profile  Send ceejay48 a Yahoo! Message
These are all set up for a YEAR. I read them EVERY DAY, EVERY year.
When the year ends I start them all over again. Always something to gain:
- "MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST" by Oswald Chambers
- "GRACE FOR THE MOMENT" by Max Lucado
- Read the Bible in a Year reading plan designed by Navigators.
- I have a prayer journal from Samaritans Purse which I put with my Bible (have it in a zippered cover/carrier) and in that I write down people and situations to pray for.

It's hard to find time to read other things, but I don't waste that time on things that don't uplift, teach and encourage.

PRAYER? Anywhere and everywhere. If I just want to sit and really cry out I sit on the floor in my project room and let it flow.

POWER WALKS: my daily physical exercise routine. I do it alone (my pooch is with me)in the country with hardly any distraction . . . and that is where/when I pray, think through things, etc., etc. It is my destresser.

I strive to make my walk with God a DAILY, MINUTE-BY-MINUTE relationship. I am a musician, that is my heart . . . and that is one way I can praise!!! I tell my kids that there is only ONE THING that really matters here on earth and that is our relationship to the Lord!!!
Because of Christ!

..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665

From my Heart -

From my Hands -

From my Hubby -
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True Blue Farmgirl

1183 Posts

Deer Park WA
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Posted - Jan 18 2011 :  07:26:00 AM  Show Profile
I love what you both have different and individualized but so beautiful as you show that God is your Center. I remember seeing a picture of Jesus sitting and allowing all the children to come to Him. All were different nationalities etc., and He was loving on them all. Maybe those in Heaven can also hear all the praises and prayers that we here give to our King. We know that there are a great cloud of witnesses, and it must make them happy also to know on what track we tread. Thanks for sharing. Hope others will contribute and we may get ideas or just be happy that there are those of us who are worshipping our King in many different ways.

Buffypuff/ Claudia
Farmgirl & Sister #870

"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
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prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl

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1874 Posts

Posted - Jan 18 2011 :  07:45:25 AM  Show Profile
Hi Ladies! Claudia, I accepted the Lord at a David Wilkerson rally as a teen!! Nini, I loved what you and all the ladies have shared. I too, think that things are not just about 'cash'. And as much as I love a lot of the tv christian shows, they go on and on about getting our money. Many, sadly, have their own agenda for that. In these times especially, many do not have 'cash' at all. And what about the depression days? How many women fed people knocking at their backdoor? Have heard many of my gransparents and aunts, uncles, share these stories. Also, the 1800s. Much was a barter system, etc. Yet, even those with very little would try to share what they had. Yes, when we can, tithing, I think is important. It keeps the lights on at church, gives salary to the staff, etc. However, most churches today, especially the mega churces have 'things' that I am CERTAIN, God does not see as a necessity, but in our land we seem to? I think more than what we give or how we give, He looks at our hearts motive?

Especially in these hard times, helping a neighbor with errands (they may not have the gas for their car), giving comfort to those shut in, sending a card of encouragemt, making a meal for someone, cleaning the house for someone with physical limitations, etc, etc. There is sooo much we all can look into to do with God's guidance!!

Blessings, Linda

Country at Heart

Edited by - prayin granny on Jan 18 2011 07:49:01 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Northeast Kingdom VT
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Posted - Jan 18 2011 :  10:28:09 AM  Show Profile
I typically have worked my way through Daily Light, which is a morning and evening devo. I like it because it is all scripture, and it helps you to focus on something for the day. But this year I am trying something new, called Celtic Daily Prayers. It's a more liturgical style, and being protestant, it has really pulled me out of my comfort zone, but I like it a lot, because it adds to the rhythym of my day. And I have to grab my time whenever I'm lucky enough to find it, since I'm a mom of a 2 yr old and a 2 month old, and my schedule isn't the same from day to day. Prayer is also anytime anywhere, but my library area is my special place, when the kids are all in bed. Then I can get out my prayer journal and write and write.

Curly's Quilts

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 18 2011 :  10:49:42 AM  Show Profile
Oh, Sarah! Celtic Daily Prayers - that sounds very interesting! I have a family heritage that includes both Catholic and Irish (Black Irish) Protestants on my maternal grandmother's side! Can I find that online, or is it a book? I'm very interested... Thank you!!! - Nini

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Farmgirl Sister #1974
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True Blue Farmgirl

1183 Posts

Deer Park WA
1183 Posts

Posted - Jan 18 2011 :  12:12:33 PM  Show Profile
I see I can order it from Amazon Sarah. I too am interested in it because of my Irish heritage. Thank you for sharing another resource for prayer.

Buffypuff/ Claudia
Farmgirl & Sister #870

"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
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