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Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2012 : 07:08:21 AM
Good Morning, Girls!
I'm with you, Peggy - let's keep it to emails, unless of course we need prayer! ;)
Kristina! I just love Amy Grant! I do not own any of her CDs, but she is on a mix CD I own which includes two of her songs that are my favorites: Thy Word and El Shaddai. Now they'll be playing in my head all day! YES!!! Thanky ou!
This past year, I have been teaching my son an Ethics course. It has been very interesting. In the course evil is defined as the lack of a good, and it acknowledges that man and his goals are basically good (extremely abbreviated explanation). Of course we know that man is good because back in Genesis when He looked upon all His creation "God saw it was good." We also know that because we all have the breath of God in us, we know we are intrinsically good. In contrast, evil is defined as the lack of good, and sin occurs as a result of that lack of good.
The more we have studied, the more I have been thinking about how sin really is the result of a lack of good, and how much we need Jesus' salvation, and His good - the Holy Spirit - to fill us. I've started to see how the Holy Spirit fills in the spaces within us that are "lacking." I also have been thinking a lot about Eve. Oh, poor Eve. Sometimes I think all she wanted was to be more like her Daddy. I'm not sure when she sinned she was all that bent on power - I wonder if she instead just saw something marvelous in her Daddy and in that beautiful apple her Daddy made that she couldn't even conceive that anything other than good could come of it. So, when the serpent told her she could be just like Him, the possibility of becoming more like her Daddy was more than she could bear. Well, of course, I know that's not exactly the case; but I have a tough time believing she was all that bad. I have to say also that Dr. Scott Hahn has a very intriguing explanation of what occurred in the garden (unrelated to my silly way of wanting to see Eve) and why original sin is attributed to Adam rather than Eve, but we can save that for another day. I think you would find it very interesting. Anyhow, I like to think of Eve as more naive than full of sinful motives...
I digress... sorry.
I was thinking how when she picked up the apple, she "saw it was good." So her desire was to taste of a goal that was basically good. But by listening to the lies of confusion the serpent spoke (the way He twisted God's Word), and by her own negligence for detail concerning what God her Father said concerning the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the serpent was was able to gain a foothold in the lacking, or evil. As a result, she moved toward her goal of good in a sinful way. Thus sin was born into the world, separation from God and condemnation was brought upon mankind, and our loving Father's plan of salvation and redemption us was underway. I can't help but wonder what would have happened had her response to the serpent's promptings been, "Well, God told us not to eat of this, so let's wait for Him to come and see what He has to say. I'm not going to eat of it without His permission," you know?
So....'Just wondering what your thoughts are on the subject?
May peace and joy in Christ be yours today!
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on May 02 2012 07:11:38 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2012 : 08:54:58 AM
According to the Hebrew telling of the story of Eve. Part of her problem was that she was initially given wrong information by Adam. This is where not changing one jot or tittle or taking away from or adding to God's word comes in. God told Adam not to eat of the fruit of the tree. Adam made it a bit stronger and told her not to touch the tree or she would die. So along comes satan and as well as twisting the words she spoke back to her, he pushed her against the tree and since she did not die she began to question what Adam had told her that God said. One reason God hates gossip is that it is usually character assassination and that is what satan did, he assassinated God's character to Eve. Gossip is murder by speech. Gives the prohibition against gossip a whole new meaning. The old saying "if you can't say anything good, say noting at all" is a pearl of wisdom.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2012 : 09:49:11 AM
That's very interesting, Cherime... But I'm a little confused because I have a Bible directly translated from the original Hebrew, which says in Genesis 2:17: "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you are not to eat; for, the day you eat of that, you are doomed to die." (Jerusalem Bible) I know it's not the Torah itself, but I am confused as to why my translation and all the others I've seen out there indicate that God told Adam he would die. My understanding was that God told Adam he would die meaning a spiritual death rather than a physical one, and that the serpent's twisting of God's words made them think it was an immediate physical death. When it didn't happen right away to Eve, Adam willingly partook of the apple as well. I'm definitely going to have to study up on that!!! I will definitely look into it! Thank you!!!
Dr. Hahn suggests that the serpent was not in fact a simple little creature, but rather a very huge, scarey, life-threatening creature, and that there was much more than intimidation occuring in the hearts of Adam and Eve when it was speaking to them. Further, he suggests that Adam was right there during the entire encounter between the serpent and Eve, but he stood back at a distance out of fear and let Eve fend for herself knowing that she was not fully armed with the truth. Dr. Hahn suggests Adam did not protect or "cover" Eve as he should have, and he did not speak up about the truth of what God really said, allowing her to fall, which was huge sin. Adam could have done something and changed the course of history, but he allowed sin to happen, to enter into the world. He neither protected Eve nor "the garden." He also suggests that when Adam ate of the fruit, it was not out of naivete or innocence or misunderstanding as Eve had done; Dr. Hahn suggests that Adam fear the serpent and death more than He feared and trusted God. Had Adam stood up to the serpent, protected Eve, honored God and His truth, he may have physically "died," but he would have still attained eternal life. He let fear overcome him rather than trusting in God at all costs. His sin was lack of faith and turning away from God, and, for that, man was separated by God. Jesus, the New Adam, did the exact opposite - He took it all and reversed the curse.
Of course, my explanation of Dr. Hahn's explanation is inadequate and I am paraphrasing as best as I can with my recollection. But to hear him teach about it, especially in light of Mary being the New Eve, and in using a more literal translation of the original text, it's very thought-provoking. I'm not sure whether he covered this completely in his book, "First Comes Love," as it has been a couple of years since I have read it, but I did hear him speak about it once in one of those interview-type programs, and it was fascinating.
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2012 : 4:17:09 PM
Nini, correct God told him he would die but from eating the fruit not from just touching the tree. And it appears from the jots and tittles that he changed what God had told him when relating it to Eve into "if you touch the tree you will die". From what I understand from class not just spiritual but physical as well was going to be the result. Also Adam did not fess up when God gave him an opportunity to do so but tried to shift the blame to Eve and God because she was the "woman you gave me". Actually it was Eve who spoke up and did not attempt to shift the blame. As to the serpent, I understand from class that he was beautiful with many colors and large. Which is why he was able to push Eve against the tree. And I think the good Dr's assessment of the situation is about what I was given to understand in class. Had Adam run to God instead of hiding and trying to foist all the blame unto Eve and God, things could have been radically different. But God was prepared. Thank you Jesus! I think that we see this the same way. I also ran across something in my reading of Hebrews last night. I have a 4 way parallel bible and while reading came across a statement that what Jesus may have feared in the garden was that satan might cause him to die prematurely in the garden that night and that his anguish was that the body he was in was very fragile and in need of strengthening by the angel sent by God in order that he make it through and to the cross. In a way that makes quite a bit of sense as he had been going non stop for 3 years with all the pressures of all who relied on him and all who needed healing. As in the statement regarding the woman with the issue of blood, that he felt "virtue leave him"; power left him body. How very much of himself he had given away during those 3 years. I can well imagine how physically worn down he was. I am not sure how they got that but really do wish that I was a better scholar. I would like to delve into that one. Blessings dear work around the house calls. Funny how I wind up fixing something to fix something.
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 03 2012 : 10:29:00 AM
Hi everyone, love the conversation thats going on. It has really been enlightening on where I am at with my own faith and how I need to trust that God will provide. I just find it hard sometimes to hear his voice. I ask for prayers for myself and my husband. He finally found a job after 5 months unemployment but it has been a struggle. We need strength and guidance as we deal with our issues.
Lesley Psalm 139 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
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Posted - May 03 2012 : 11:19:16 AM
Oh, I see, Cherime... So, basically, they are teaching that it was Adam's miscommunication to Eve as to what God said that caused her to misunderstand and/or mistakenly convey God's word to the serpent. I guess that really does drive home just how important it is that we "know" what God's Word says, huh? A lot of things can go wrong if we don't know our stuff. I just wish I could just soak it all in, don't you? I don't have a 4-way parallel Bible - that must be a lot easier to handle than the five or six different translations I have to thumb through! What is it called, or who published it? I'm going to have to find one for myself!!! I don't think I ever looked at that miscommunication (Adam - Eve - serpent) as an assassination on God's character before, either... but man, that sure makes a lot of sense! I also never heard that Jesus was fearful of Satan in the garden like that before... I'm going to look that up!!! I was always taught that in the garden the difficulty for Him was having to face all the sins of and horrors caused by mankind, knowing that His personal sacrifice would have to atone for it as well as to quell God's anger. That's a heavy yoke, indeed! He knew HE had to do it - there was no one else, and no other way. He was THE Way. Plus, He knew the suffering and failures that His followers would go through, and He knew that even though He was going through all of this for every single person that ever lived, many would still reject Him, be lost and suffer eternal damnation. It must've been very difficult - painful - heartbreaking - being THE Shepherd and knowing that in a short while all hell would literally break loose and He'd have to leave them behind. Anyhow... Thank you for giving me so much to think about and study!!!
My prayers are with you, Kristina - I hope all goes well for you on your job search... Please keep us posted about your hubby, too! It's pretty yucky here, too - humid, especially.
Lesley - I think we all struggle with hearing His voice. When I can't seem to figure out what He is saying to me, I ask Him to send two or three witnesses to convey His message. He does so every time, in amazing ways, that leave no questions about what direction He wants me to take. Another thing is that I wait for the stillness and calm He sends before moving. If I don't have that "peace that surpasses all understanding" about something I want to do, I simply wait. Sometimes people think I'm crazy when I tell them that I am not doing something because the Lord hasn't given me peace about it yet, but I don't care. The Lord has never failed me, but even the best intentioned loved ones have at some point or another. I just pray, trust and wait. He's working behind the scenes on your behalf, I know He is! When everything comes together, it will be amazing! I'll be praying for you, definitely!
Hugs and blessings -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
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pea ridge
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Posted - May 04 2012 : 04:56:25 AM
Oh girls this is good! New things to consider. I had never considered Eves motives that way Nini. Cherime it reminds me of the group ice breakers we use at youth meetings where you start with a sentence and whisper it in the ear of the one sitting next to you who ist to shisper the same sentence unaltered to their neighbor. by the time the sentence makes full circle the last one speaks it out loud and the first one tells what it started out as. Not usually the same sentence. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - May 04 2012 : 3:08:58 PM
Smiley, just like that. That’s why it says to not take away from or add to God’s word. Nini, it’s called the Layman’s Parallel Bible. I rescued it from a thrift store. I have a tendency to rescue Bibles when I see them. It has the KJV, The Modern Language Bible, The Living Bible and the Revised Standard Version in it all side by side.
Hebrews 5:7 from the Living Bible “Yet while Christ was here on earth he pleaded with God, praying with tears and agony of soul to the only one who would save him from (premature) death. And God heard his prayers because of his strong desire to obey God at al times.”
The commentary says “Implied. Christ’s longing was to live until he could die on the cross for all mankind. There is a strong case to be made that satan’s great desire was that Christ should die prematurely before the mighty work at the cross could be preformed. Christ’s body, being human, was frail and week like ours (except that his was sinless) He had said just a few moments before “my soul is exceedingly sorrowful unto death. And can a human body live long under such pressure of spirit as he underwent in the garden, that caused sweating of great drops of blood? But God heard and answered his anguished cry in Gethsemane (let this cup pass from me) and preserved him from imminent and premature death for an angel was sent to strengthen him so that he could live to accomplish God’s perfect will at the cross. But some readers may prefer the explanation that Christ’s plea was so that he could be saved out from death at the resurrection.”
Either one amazes me at his goodness and mercy.
True Blue Farmgirl
6066 Posts
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Posted - May 05 2012 : 12:21:05 AM
Asking for prayer for my daughter and son-in-law (a pastor). On May 14 they are travelling to France for two weeks as pastoral support to missionaries there who are preparing to go forward into Africa. Part of the trip will be to celebrate their ten year anniversary also. Meanwhile, here back in the states, hubby and I will have four children for two weeks, so I guess you could say we need prayers and strength too.
I love reading the posts here. Anytime we read and discuss the Word, it brings peace. Just reading above about various translations, I thought I would put in a word. I use the NASB translation. It is a reference bible too, and it explains so much and gives so much depth at the bottom of each page. It is a good translation, and I have heard one of the most accurate translations.
Thanks in advance for your prayers for our family in the middle of this month!
Farmgirl Sister # 31
Psalm 51: 10-13 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2012 : 06:31:24 AM
I have a Thompson Chain Bible that I use for reference mostly. I find it to be difficult for just reading as the grammar structure for me just does not flow well for reading. I also have a Stone Edition Torah and I have e-Sword on the computer. I really like e-Sword as I can set up a parallel Bible and copy and paste as well.
Jeannie, praying for you and yours
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2012 : 07:04:33 AM
I'll definitely be praying for you and your loved ones, Jeannie!!! Please keep us posted!
Lea - please just remember that that is the way I LIKE to think of Eve... It's really not how it was, though. The serpent was probably terrifying her, and she had a choice to make: don't eat the apple and he'd kill her, OR don't trust God, eat the apple, and, after so doing, because she was misinformed she would interpret that the serpent was telling his "truth" - she "surely <did> not die." She saw it was good and knew good came from God, so she took the bite. Adam wasn't stopping her, so it must be okay. She didn't die physcially at that point, but she didn't understand yet what had happened - she suffered spiritual death as a result of her disobedience, and physical later on. She would soon come to know the TRUTH when God came walking through the garden.
So, when Paul says that women are saved through childbearing, I think it really might be a reference to Mary bringing forth Christ. She is the "new Eve" whose faith, faithfulness and unquestioning obedience turned Eve's error and consequence around. We, as women, are, of course, saved through Christ, just as man. But Mary reversed Eve's actions. And Jesus - bless His Holy Name - as the "New Adam," accomplished all of God's Will for mankind, and reversed the curse Adam brought upon us all. Pretty heavy stuff, but the more I study about it, the more the Lord opens my eyes and the more excited my heart becomes!!!
My favorite reference Bible is the Ryrie Study Bible. A neighbor recommended it to me YEARS ago, and it's my most referenced, highlighted, annotated and literally falling apart Bible of them all! ;)
I'll have to look up that passage, Cherime and see what it says in my Bible, too. I've never heard that before. Although, I have heard that that references Christ's plea, but not because He wanted to get out of what was to come for Himself, but, rather, so He would not have to leave his followers behind. :)
Cherime - I am wondering... Or, maybe one of you other dear sisters will know or be able to explain... Years ago, when my son was very little, I was listening to Christian radio (Protestant, not Catholic) and a man was explaining how Christ was Mary's heel who crushed the serpent. I was in the car driving at the time, and couldn't take notes, of course, but I would really love to find out more about that. Basically, if memory serves, he explained that in Biblical times, the firstborn son was considered to be his mother's "heel," the one she could stand on, rely on, trust, to take care of her and lead the family in absentia of the father. (As is the case today, women usually far outlived their husbands in those days.) I guess the literal translation of the term used is "heel." Somehow that had to do with the reference made to the heel in Genesis 3:15: "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." (NIV) I'd just really like to find a book or a website to read up on that, if anyone knows. The man's explanation was incredibly insightful, however this many years later, I cannot even remember which program I was listening to... I want to say it was, "The Bible Answer Man," (love Hank Hanegraaf!) or maybe even David Jeremiah's program, "Turning Point" (another old favorite!), but I honestly cannot remember!
Have a blessed day, girls!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on May 05 2012 07:10:52 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
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Posted - May 05 2012 : 12:21:12 PM
Nini what stuck with you was the good stuff. I like that one as well. What I did was to completely copy the commentary at the bottom word for word and posted that. It will be interesting to see what yours comes up with. This has some interesting things to say on the Hebrews passage Also on the matter of the heel. Be blessed as you go about your day.
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
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CeeJay (CJ)
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 06 2012 : 12:43:47 AM
Hi Girls...I have had a few bad days weather wise...but got on and caught up with the reading tonight.
Great conversation. I have nothing really new to add to it. Other than I don't think Christ feared Satan. I think what he feared was that he knew his Father was going to have to turn his back...when Christ took on the sins of the World, on the Cross. Because God cannot look upon sin. So, for the very first time ever there was going to be total seperation between Father and Son. And I think he worried too about the pain he would suffer physically. He was God incarnate but He was also fully man, while he walked this Earth. And no one would want to face the horrors he knew he was about to endure. And he loved his mother, family and friends...and he knew his leaving them in the physical realm...was going to be very painful for them.
Just a couple extra thoughts. And Nini...what your remember from that Radio teaching years spot on about the heel and how Satan would strike it but Jesus (the heel) would crush Satan's head.
Shirley...I will be praying for you, hubby, kids and their parent who will be traveling on Missionary work.
I love to use ever bible translation to study from...because it is like all of us conversing get different view points and takes from every angle. So, I love lining them up and seeing what they each have to say on what I am studying. The ones I find I use the most are NASB, NIV, NKJV, The Message and JB Philips. But, they all have something we can derive from them. I know the Holy Spirit speaks to me through which ever one I am reading at the moment. :+)
Hugs, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 06 2012 : 07:48:42 AM
I don't think that Jesus feared satan, probably he was not looking forward to what he had to suffer and being cut off from the Father due to all that sin. But the comment about being fearful that his mortal body did not have the strength to take him through to the finish line, that comment stuck with me from the commentary. That is also a part of being in a mortal body, wondering if it has the strength necessary to take you through to the end of the race. Being concerned about that is a part of being human. Blessings all.
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
pea ridge
650 Posts |
Posted - May 07 2012 : 04:30:18 AM
My nephew asked me where the verse is that says God looked away during the cruxifiction and I couldnt find it. Where is that found? |
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
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CeeJay (CJ)
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Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
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CeeJay (CJ)
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 08 2012 : 10:52:17 AM
I heard today that they are translating the Bible into Inupiat, an Eskimo dialect, and since there was no word for "shepherd" they used the word for one who watches the dog team. God is so good. There is some sort of word for shepherd in every language. CeeJay that passage made me smile thinking about being one of God's dog team. ;>)
True Blue Farmgirl
3259 Posts
3259 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2012 : 12:39:32 PM
Good Afternoon Farmgirl Sisters,
I hope that today finds you all well and content. Keeping you all in prayer.
"From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace."-John 1:16
Blessings to you all! Hugs,
~Laurie "Little Hen House on the Island" Farmgirl Sister#1403
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.. |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2012 : 4:28:09 PM
Cherime...loved the Dog Team concept! That was Awesome! And even Paul wondered if he would be able to finish The Race.
hugs, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2012 : 5:28:43 PM
Netty, praying. It is amazing how many people are older and bored to tears. But with God you see so many things that Jesus wants ministered to or worked on or.....the list is endless with the things one can see to be out and doing for the Lord. When that happens then its "how much can I get done before He calls me home." And its not out of duty its out of a greatfull heart for His gift of salvation and new life. You just want to spread around as much of the joy as possible.
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2012 : 12:01:45 AM
Netty...praying for your daughter(s)and you!!!! true. We have all been blessed so abundantly, how can we do less than share Jesus/Salvation with others. It is great JOY, to do so!
blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be His! |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |