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Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 23 2011 : 06:02:39 AM
I'll be praying, too, Rachel! :) Hugs - Nini
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl in Training
18 Posts
18 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2011 : 11:19:48 AM
Thanks to all of you for your sweet words and prayers! PS Linda~ Let's get together for coffee sometime. Just email me at PSS Brenda~ We have a fence and welding business and will be building fence in MO in Jan or Feb.
Proverbs 17:22 A HAPPY heart is good medicine and a CHEERFUL mind works healing!! |
Edited by - javawench on Dec 23 2011 11:21:09 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2011 : 12:00:05 PM
Hi girls -
Finally spoke with my friend Kim. She is very thankful to all of you for your prayers and asks that you please continue. Apparently, after doing all of the pre-op tests, the hospital has decided to forego the surgery until next week. Kim is extremely frustrated on several levels. The doctor they had been speaking with the whole time is not the actual neurosurgeon, but rather an intern, which was extremely disconcerting to the family, as the entire time they thought this person was the actual neurosurgeon. Then on Wednesday, the nurse came in and announced from out of the blue that the surgeon was rescheduling the surgery for next week, that Kim's Mom could go home, and that she'd have to return next Tuesday for all the pre-op tests... Again? They already did all the tests, but are now sending her home and postponing til next week? I don't get it. Neither does Kim. She thinks that it's all a money-making ploy since her mother is on Medicare now. I am not so quick to judge, however. The nurse told Kim that the doctor knows how important it is to her mother to spend the Christmas holiday with family at home, so he just decided to postpone. I didn't say anything, but that seems a bit odd to me, because as far as I knew, this was "emergency" surgery, and her mother was quite anxious to get it over with. I can't help but wonder if there is more going on than meets the eye, you know? Maybe it's worse than her mother is allowing the doctor to let on? I didn't say anything about that to my already more than frazzled dear friend, though. Kim has been taking care of her mother round the clock since she got home, and is absolutely exhausted, worried and frustrated - overwhelmed. She's getting a short break tonight to go home and be with her husband and daughter, and is hoping to salvage some sort of Christmas celebration for everyone before they all return to be with her Mom tomorrow. Kim will then stay and care for her mother until she goes back in on Tuesday for the pre-op with surgery to follow Wednesday(?). Kim is just so overwhelmed right now, I didn't press anything. She is not well herself, to be totally honest, and I can hear that she is in pain and exhausted and quickly approaching her stress limit. So, we wait. I am just praying they really do have a beautiful, blessed Christmas - one they will remember with joy for a lifetime!
Thank you very much for your continued prayers. Big hugs to all of you.
Rachel, please keep us posted on your Aunt's health, especially if any specific prayers are needed. I can tell you from experience, when we farmgirls pray, God surely is listening! :)
May God bless you and all your loved ones with a wonderful, holy Christmas!
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
985 Posts
985 Posts |
Posted - Dec 23 2011 : 2:04:26 PM
Praise to the sister, who was having problems with her pituitary gland, was able to get into the endocrinologist this month. It was her medicine. She's been taking generic synthroid. She should have been on name brand. So her meds were messing up. Apparently generic snythroid is not as reliable as the name brand stuff. Where I'm hypo thyroid, I'm going to ask my dr about putting me on name brand. Thank you all for your prayers. I pray that you all have a wonderful Christmas.
Patience is worth a bushel of brains...from a chinese fortune cookie |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2011 : 12:19:43 PM
Ladies, You are in my thoughts and prayers as so many of us are dealing with so much in family and friends!
I am behind in posts and hope to catch up next week.
Just wanted to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas as we remember the birth of our Savior!
Framgirl hugs, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2011 : 2:20:30 PM
My Christian Sisters...
Please check out my Newest Blog Article.
Merry Christmas, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7782 Posts
7782 Posts |
Posted - Dec 24 2011 : 6:47:51 PM
I have you all down and I will be praying for you all, May God bless you and keep you all strong through all these trials. love and hugs. darlene
"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life or in the life of another" Helen Keller |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Dec 26 2011 : 09:07:30 AM
Hello farmgirl sisters! I pray you all had a blessed and merry Christmas!
Just a quick update on Kim's mother, Pat. Friday she was re-admitted to the hospital with severe leg pain, which she has been experiencing on and off for a little while now. They cannot find a reason for the pain, however, tests taken during her last recent stay show that she does indeed have lung cancer. As a result, they are more concerned about the mass in her brain being cancer, AND they are testing her for bone cancer in her leg. Everyone is devastated, so please continue to pray. I will keep you posted. My father-in-law passed after suffering horribly at the hands of bone cancer. I pray to God for His infinite mercy on Pat's behalf, as well as for all our farmgirl sisters and their loved ones who are suffering with cancer and any other illnesses or disease. God is Good - we truly must trust in Him.
Also spoke with my friend Laura briefly yesterday. Her dad is stable, but still very out of it and unlike himself in the nursing facility. Her mother didn't even believe her that it was Christmas. Laura is so completely run down, but continues to prevail out of the love in her heart for her parents. Please continue to pray for her as well.
Kim, Pat and Laura have all asked that I extend their thanks and best wishes to all of you for your continued prayers and support - and a Merry Christmas to you all!
Christmas here was quite peaceful and full of love and blessing. I am grateful! My dad sounded good, weak but quite cheerful, actually. And my husband and son were just wonderful to me - such a blessing! I am very, very grateful. This year the Pope's Christmas message was about how we really need to see past all the commercialism and colorful lights to focus on the humble, sweet way God entered the world - in the form of a baby, innocent, helpless, in need of love and care. Much like your own message in your blog, Peggy, which I loved! What an amazing thing to ponder. I think perhaps all the insane shopping and hoopla we encounter during the Christmas season truly was why so many of us were losing heart before the holiday. The world has missed the mark with this holy celebration, and it is disheartening. But our true joy is found when He is born in our hearts! Then EVERY day is truly Christmas! Praise His Holy Name!!! We are truly blessed! Let us share Him and His Love with the world today and always! Amen!!!
My husband and I were talking this morning... Do any of you well remember the holiness of Sundays? Remember how everyone went to church then spent the rest of the day in peace and celebrating Life wih their families? I remember how everything was closed, with the exception of the "drug stores," which only opened until noon for emergency prescriptions. I remember how quiet the streets were - nary a car in sight. I remember how "boring" I thought that was when I was little, and yet, those Sundays hold some of the most precious memories for me. I really would like to reclaim the Christian Sabbath and make it holy again... What a wonderful New Year's resolution for us all! What do you think? What are your memories of Sundays as a kid, and what do you do today to keep it special for God and family today? How can we, together as God's children, reclaim this day of holiness for the world? Let's pray about it!
Hugs and blessings to you all -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Dec 26 2011 09:25:10 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
6066 Posts
6066 Posts |
Posted - Dec 26 2011 : 09:18:40 AM
I enjoyed your post above. I look back and remember going to church on Sunday and then over to a family member's home for dinner and being together. Then we went home at dusk, and had a quiet evening before bed. My grandmother played the organ and piano for their church, so we would often sing hymns together in the afternoons at her house. When the first store opened on Sundays in our town, I believe it was Zayre's, we were shocked. I felt guilty the first time I went shopping on a Sunday!
Today, we still have relatively quiet Sundays. Church, of course, and then reading or just doing small chores around the house. I think your idea of a New Year's resolution is a great. I have been thinking on the sanctity of the sabbath for a couple of months now, and feeling that tug to keep it a day of rest. Good idea! (hope I am not butting in, because it has been a long time since I posted on this thread!) Happy New Year everyone.
Farmgirl Sister # 31
Psalm 51: 10-13 |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Dec 26 2011 : 09:28:59 AM
Oh! Jeannie! I remember Zayre's! I remember when they were first opened on Sundays, too - I remember how badly that upset my Grandmother... You are so right!!! The talk back then was "what is the world coming to?" Now we know... but it's never too late... Never!
And please know - you can never butt in on our "family" conversation! That's what this is all about!!! :) You are loved, sister! Interject ANY time!!! :)
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 26 2011 : 8:39:47 PM
Good evening ladies! Nini- Oh my goodness! Brenda and I were kind of discussing this today. Just that respect of Sundays and the church itself. How so very much has changed and there isn't a type of respect for God's house as much as there used to be.
My heart has so many desires for spiritual growth in the New Year!! I hope and pray that I truly do learn and seek as I am hoping too. Setting aside that sabbath day of worship and rest is a great place to start!
I hope for next year to try and enjoy and bring back into my life, far less of that Christmas chaos and commercialism. I too believe that it just has changed the focus of the season!!
Will continue to pray for your friends and their situations Nini.
Jeannie- everyone is a sister here and love to share with everyone's thoughts.
Hope all of you had a blessed Christmas season!
Farmgirl hugs, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
7782 Posts
7782 Posts |
Posted - Dec 26 2011 : 11:30:56 PM
Blessings to you Nini, I agree we should all pull together on how we can get things back like the times when things were simpler and more holy and thought of a special day to be that way especially on Sunday. take care darlene
quote: Originally posted by Ninibini
Hello farmgirl sisters! I pray you all had a blessed and merry Christmas!
Just a quick update on Kim's mother, Pat. Friday she was re-admitted to the hospital with severe leg pain, which she has been experiencing on and off for a little while now. They cannot find a reason for the pain, however, tests taken during her last recent stay show that she does indeed have lung cancer. As a result, they are more concerned about the mass in her brain being cancer, AND they are testing her for bone cancer in her leg. Everyone is devastated, so please continue to pray. I will keep you posted. My father-in-law passed after suffering horribly at the hands of bone cancer. I pray to God for His infinite mercy on Pat's behalf, as well as for all our farmgirl sisters and their loved ones who are suffering with cancer and any other illnesses or disease. God is Good - we truly must trust in Him.
Also spoke with my friend Laura briefly yesterday. Her dad is stable, but still very out of it and unlike himself in the nursing facility. Her mother didn't even believe her that it was Christmas. Laura is so completely run down, but continues to prevail out of the love in her heart for her parents. Please continue to pray for her as well.
Kim, Pat and Laura have all asked that I extend their thanks and best wishes to all of you for your continued prayers and support - and a Merry Christmas to you all!
Christmas here was quite peaceful and full of love and blessing. I am grateful! My dad sounded good, weak but quite cheerful, actually. And my husband and son were just wonderful to me - such a blessing! I am very, very grateful. This year the Pope's Christmas message was about how we really need to see past all the commercialism and colorful lights to focus on the humble, sweet way God entered the world - in the form of a baby, innocent, helpless, in need of love and care. Much like your own message in your blog, Peggy, which I loved! What an amazing thing to ponder. I think perhaps all the insane shopping and hoopla we encounter during the Christmas season truly was why so many of us were losing heart before the holiday. The world has missed the mark with this holy celebration, and it is disheartening. But our true joy is found when He is born in our hearts! Then EVERY day is truly Christmas! Praise His Holy Name!!! We are truly blessed! Let us share Him and His Love with the world today and always! Amen!!!
My husband and I were talking this morning... Do any of you well remember the holiness of Sundays? Remember how everyone went to church then spent the rest of the day in peace and celebrating Life wih their families? I remember how everything was closed, with the exception of the "drug stores," which only opened until noon for emergency prescriptions. I remember how quiet the streets were - nary a car in sight. I remember how "boring" I thought that was when I was little, and yet, those Sundays hold some of the most precious memories for me. I really would like to reclaim the Christian Sabbath and make it holy again... What a wonderful New Year's resolution for us all! What do you think? What are your memories of Sundays as a kid, and what do you do today to keep it special for God and family today? How can we, together as God's children, reclaim this day of holiness for the world? Let's pray about it!
Hugs and blessings to you all -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life or in the life of another" Helen Keller |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 27 2011 : 01:18:58 AM
Nini, Jeannie, Linda and Darlene, We really have lost sight of keeping Sunday as the Lord's Day and just resting in Him and being with family after Services. I remember when I first became a Christian...we were always invited to another Church Members Home for Dinner or we Invited them to our home (we all kind of took turns) and we would just have a blessed time of sharing The Love of God with each other. It was always such a time of encouragement and relaxation...then we would either go home and catch a nap before Evening Church or we would just go back to Church from the home we were visiting. I miss those times. I do remember as a kid everything being closed down on Sundays, I too thought that was kind of boring, but we really did just relax and enjoy the day. I think like Nini...we can all recapture those wonderful Sunday afternoons if we set our hearts to it. Let's make a point to put more of Jesus back in our Sundays and less of Weekend Craziness. Then come Monday everyone will feel refreshed, renewed and re-united with the Lover of Our Souls. "Be Still And Know That I am God." and "Peace Be Still..." are even more important in our lives today...than ever before.
Our Christmas was so lovely this year. The best ever!!! We went to our kids house for a Wonderful Christmas Dinner. It was filled with Love, Laughter, Friends and Family...and it just doesn't get any better than that. After years of doing all the cooking and was nice to just have to bring a couple side-dishes. I felt like I had graduated...from a Martha to a Mary! LOL
Nini...still praying for your friends and their families. Thanks for keeping us updated.
blessing and peace, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Dec 27 2011 : 12:39:31 PM
Peg, enjoyed your blog. Ladies I am certainly grateful to God for a good Christmas. My son was not going to attend the dinner due to his girlfriend having hurt feelings from a previous matter. They did attend and everyone was good, courteous, and kept their opinions to themselves. My SIL earned himself some very serious brownie points in the "its my house, I didn't invite her but for Sean's sake I'll be nice dpt." Toward that end, the girlfriend knows God but is running big time. I take it that her Dad is a strict Pentecostal and very critical of her, does not have a good thing to say to her. I would appreciate prayer that both Sean and Pilar have an encounter with God that knocks them both off that broken road onto the narrow way. Blessings all and still praying for the needs already expressed here. God will provide.
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
pea ridge
650 Posts |
Posted - Dec 27 2011 : 5:52:47 PM
Did you ladies see the thread of a bible study starting up in Jan? |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 27 2011 : 8:25:30 PM
Lea...where ls this thread?
Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Dec 27 2011 : 8:54:49 PM
Hi girls!
Lea - I did see the Bible study post, but haven't responded yet... I am really looking forward to it though! Thank you for the reminder!!!
I'm so happy to hear that everyone has enjoyed their Christmas! YAY!
Cherime - I'll lift Sean and Pilar up in prayer for sure!
Peg - I love those memories you've shared. It sounds like those were very special days indeed! :)
Thank you for continued prayers...
Laura was here Monday. Her dad has good moments, but she feels he is losing his fight. She said she leaves the nursing facility and just sobs all the way home. She and one of her brothers also had a heart-to-heart after their Mom spent a whole day with him over Christmas weekend, and they are going to start looking into nursing facilities. She's so sad, I've never seen her cry like this. My poor, dear friend!
Kim called tonight. The bone scan went very well - no signs of cancer, praise the LORD!!!! THAT doctor told her that the pain her mother is experiencing is probably just due to muscle strain from the seizures she has been having over the past week. That is such good news - thank you for praying!!! They also finally spoke with the neurologist/surgeon today and had a very long consult. Basically, he told them his last minute decision to postpone the brain surgery was due to all of the test results and new symptoms that Pat was experiencing. They mass in her brain is unlike anything he has ever seen before - it's shape isn't anything you'd usually find in such a mass, but he believes it has been there a long time, and is probably what is causing her seizures. He also informed them that there is bleeding near the mass, so now that the bone scan has proven "clean," he feels they have an adequate all-around picture soas to be able to proceed with the brain surgery tomorrow to remove the mass in her brain. It is no longer even an option for just a biopsy, the doctor just wants to remove it. Once the results are in from testing the mass, they will see the oncologist to further discuss treatment with the lung cancer, etc. Kim really sounded SO relieved about the bone scan, and it really gave her a more positive perspective. She sounded stronger - thank the LORD! So, tomorrow the brain surgery and then we'll see what happens next. I'm just SO relieved it's not bone cancer. SO relieved.
I was looking online a little bit yesterday, trying to find ideas that will help us make the Sabbath a more holy experience. I was amazed at how many "reclaim the Sabbath" sites there were! AWESOME! I guess God's really speaking to the hearts of His children. I had emailed friends and family outside of MJF about this, too, and the response has been amazing. ANYHOW, there are just so many great ideas out there. One of my favorites was to plan a pilgrimage to a favorite religious site. Here in Pittsburgh there are so many wonderful places like that. Another favorite was to read Scripture as a family for at least 15 minutes and then discuss the passage together. I was also really impressed to see that a lot of churches out there are holding monthly covered dish dinners where they will reflect on the meaning of the Sabbath and discuss ways to honor and observe the Sabbath within their own families and churches.
I realize we may not be able to always stick to our plan due to work and other truly necessary things, but for the most part, we're going to try. My plan is no shopping or chores after 5:00PM on Saturday through Sunday night, and I'm going to try my best to stay off the computer. We already attend church and have a special Sunday breakfast and dinner together, as I'm sure I've shared before, but it sure would be nice if we had family devotions on Sunday all year long - not just during Lent or during homeschool - so we're going to try. And I've proposed possibly praying the family Rosary while meditating on Christ and the Mysteries together on Sundays, but all I got was rolling eyes from my guys, so I guess I'm on my own with that - but I do that every day anyway. Baby steps. What I'd REALLY love, though, is to get the guys to give up their electronics, too, but I'm not sure I could get my son to stick to it, and Heaven knows my husband might perish if he was denied his baseball or football! LOL! I'm sure there are other things we can do, though... I just have to pray about it and give it some more thought. One step at a time, that's all. I just really feel it's so important, especially now that so many of us have shared that we all have had our heartstrings tugged by the same thoughts lately. And, when you think about all that is going on in the world, it really makes you realize how blessed we truly are, and how God deserves our all. If we draw near to Him, He draws even nearer to us, right? That's the key! But the key only works when we place it in the lock and turn. I'm ready. SO ready.
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Edited by - Ninibini on Dec 27 2011 8:58:56 PM |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 27 2011 : 9:41:50 PM
Peggy, The bible study is in the 'across the fence' forum! Nini-will continue to pray!
Hugs, Linda |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2011 : 12:40:00 AM
Thanks Linda...I will check it out. I love Bible Study!!! I got a new Names of God Bible for Christmas from a friend of mine.
Cherime...I am adding Sean and Pilar to my prayer list. I pray that God truly makes Himself known to them in such a way that they have to make a decision to follow Him whole heartedly.
Nini...well, that was some answer to prayer on your friends. I will be praying for Kim's mom's surgery today. Better to have to only deal with one issue even though it is a major one. ~ Also, loved your resolutions to bring the Christian Sabbath back to what it should be. We can't make those decisions for others but we can for ourselves. And don't you just love when God is speaking to so many others on the same issue??? He is working, working, working behind the scenes in The Hearts of His Children.
Please remember my oldest son Chris and his throat surgery on Friday. And my youngest son Shane is feeling lead to change careers...but He wants God's guidance in the matter.
Bless you all, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His! |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
4928 Posts
4928 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2011 : 05:37:38 AM
Could I ask for continued prayers for the healing of my left ear? I finally heated garlic in oil and am using that, but cannot hear well out of it. I can't even find my phone when I do hear it ring (sad, I know). The kids are having fun with it, but it's frustrating when trying to communicate with folks.
I am continuing to research for resources for my family (for the kids for themselves and for adults, and for all of us together). I am going to look at reviews of Joyce Meyer's "Battlefield of the Mind" DVD for teens later today. Emotions are running high here this year, so I hope to find something very soon.
There are many other issues going on with extended family, but I have come to realize that they are not worth talking about. My mother is one, that I have come to realize, I can't talk to about anything anymore. There are just many struggles with emotions and "feelings" and so forth here. And all for different reasons.
I posted for help on finding Christian resources on the parenting forum also, so I continue to pray for myself and for my family, and hope we locate more teachings.
Farmgirl #800
From my hands:
From my Camera:
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
pea ridge
650 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2011 : 07:34:21 AM
Kristina may I suggest Joyce Meyers book Peacekeeper to you also. I could write a book on family issues. Wont go there here but this was a huge help to me. Especially the chapter on setting limits. |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
4928 Posts
4928 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
7782 Posts
7782 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2011 : 1:21:10 PM
I will put you in my prayers Kristina
"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life or in the life of another" Helen Keller |
True Blue Farmgirl
7782 Posts
7782 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2011 : 1:22:47 PM
I will continue my prayers for all Nini, Take care ok. hugs and love darlene
quote: Originally posted by Ninibini
Hello farmgirl sisters! I pray you all had a blessed and merry Christmas!
Just a quick update on Kim's mother, Pat. Friday she was re-admitted to the hospital with severe leg pain, which she has been experiencing on and off for a little while now. They cannot find a reason for the pain, however, tests taken during her last recent stay show that she does indeed have lung cancer. As a result, they are more concerned about the mass in her brain being cancer, AND they are testing her for bone cancer in her leg. Everyone is devastated, so please continue to pray. I will keep you posted. My father-in-law passed after suffering horribly at the hands of bone cancer. I pray to God for His infinite mercy on Pat's behalf, as well as for all our farmgirl sisters and their loved ones who are suffering with cancer and any other illnesses or disease. God is Good - we truly must trust in Him.
Also spoke with my friend Laura briefly yesterday. Her dad is stable, but still very out of it and unlike himself in the nursing facility. Her mother didn't even believe her that it was Christmas. Laura is so completely run down, but continues to prevail out of the love in her heart for her parents. Please continue to pray for her as well.
Kim, Pat and Laura have all asked that I extend their thanks and best wishes to all of you for your continued prayers and support - and a Merry Christmas to you all!
Christmas here was quite peaceful and full of love and blessing. I am grateful! My dad sounded good, weak but quite cheerful, actually. And my husband and son were just wonderful to me - such a blessing! I am very, very grateful. This year the Pope's Christmas message was about how we really need to see past all the commercialism and colorful lights to focus on the humble, sweet way God entered the world - in the form of a baby, innocent, helpless, in need of love and care. Much like your own message in your blog, Peggy, which I loved! What an amazing thing to ponder. I think perhaps all the insane shopping and hoopla we encounter during the Christmas season truly was why so many of us were losing heart before the holiday. The world has missed the mark with this holy celebration, and it is disheartening. But our true joy is found when He is born in our hearts! Then EVERY day is truly Christmas! Praise His Holy Name!!! We are truly blessed! Let us share Him and His Love with the world today and always! Amen!!!
My husband and I were talking this morning... Do any of you well remember the holiness of Sundays? Remember how everyone went to church then spent the rest of the day in peace and celebrating Life wih their families? I remember how everything was closed, with the exception of the "drug stores," which only opened until noon for emergency prescriptions. I remember how quiet the streets were - nary a car in sight. I remember how "boring" I thought that was when I was little, and yet, those Sundays hold some of the most precious memories for me. I really would like to reclaim the Christian Sabbath and make it holy again... What a wonderful New Year's resolution for us all! What do you think? What are your memories of Sundays as a kid, and what do you do today to keep it special for God and family today? How can we, together as God's children, reclaim this day of holiness for the world? Let's pray about it!
Hugs and blessings to you all -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life or in the life of another" Helen Keller |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 28 2011 : 2:48:55 PM
Kristina...I would also like to highly recommend a book to you called "The Worn Out Woman" by Dr. Steve Stephens/co-authored by Alice Grey. When I read it was like a breath of Fresh Air...It was like..."Wow, finally someone truly understands me!
Also, (If you haven't already) I recommend going to the Forum "Across The Fence" and signing up for the up coming Farmgirls Bible Sudy. It will be something even the working woman will be able to do...because you won't be relegated to a certain time frame. You can jump on any time that you have a few minutes through the day or evening.
I will be praying for you!
blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His! |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |