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prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 18 2011 : 05:10:01 AM
Suzanne- will keep you and your family in prayer.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Had a busy day yesterday. Went to an art museum here, then went with my Dd as she looked for a dress for my gdaughter's Christmas concert. She has a solo she is singing!! Had a really enjoyable day yesterday. Today , this gma is recouperating , lol , and finishing up some Christmas things and watching my fav hallmark Christmas movies.
Each of you are in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Pleasant Hill
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Posted - Dec 18 2011 : 09:05:56 AM
Ladies, it's been awhile since I've been here, just need to share my excitement. On Christmas Eve when our family gets together we will be watching a video of our soon to be GS in 3D. Just can't wait to see that sweet little face. This baby is already so loved. Wishing you all a very peaceful and lovely Christmas holiday!
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 18 2011 : 3:33:41 PM
Suzanne, praying for you and your family.
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 18 2011 : 6:16:07 PM
Jan 1 I hope to start reading The Bible and have it finished in the year. There is a schedule on line that I hope to follow.
Wish me luck Diana
Farmgirl Sister #273 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 18 2011 : 10:15:02 PM
Hi girls!
Suzanne - I'm praying! :)
Brenda - WOW that sounds exciting! I'm so excited for you and your family! YAY!!!
Diana - That's wonderful! I hope you meet your goals!
Girls - the ball kind of dropped today. Remember how I've been feeling blue? Well, two things:
First, my dear friend's father (my son's godmother's father) has been in the hospital for a few weeks. He is in kidney failure, in congestive heart failure, and came down with pneumonia last week, which almost killed him. Then fell out of his hospital bed the other night. He is not doing well at all, and they have moved him to a therapeutic nursing facility. Tears were pouring down her cheeks during mass Saturday night. I feel so, so bad for her. She said it's just not good and looks like he may not come through this. He is really out of it, she said. He had his wits before entering the hospital, but now he just stares into space and nods off like her mother, who has Alzheimer's. My girlfriend has been running back and forth from the hospital to be with her dad to take care of her mother at home (when the caregiver leaves) and then home to sleep and them up really early in the a.m. and off to work. She is stressed and exhausted and heartbroken beyond belief. Her dad was always the strong one, the words of wisdom, the comforter, the protector, and now she is facing the very real possibility of losing him. And let me tell you, she is a VERY strong person, so when she weeps, you know she is completely overwhelmed. Please pray for my friend Laura, her dad and her mom. And please also pray that all of us who love her will have a keen sensitivity in all of this so that we will know and have the ability to help meet her needs and comfort her at this most difficult time.
My other very close friend called in complete duress today. Her mother woke up, had soiled the bed, had serious pain in her abdomen and lower back, and was unable to move her legs. They rushed her to the hospital, and from what I could gather through the tears, they are running all sorts of tests, believing that she may have a brain tumor. They just lost her stepdad this time last year to brain cancer, and, as you can imagine, they are simply devastated by the news. Please pray for my friend Kim and her mother, Pat, and their loved ones. Kim was absolutely hysterical the few times I spoke with her tonight and throughout the day. And, again, please also pray that all of us who love them will have a keen sensitivity in all of this so that we will know and have the ability to help meet their needs and comfort them.
I haven't been able to speak with my dad these past few days, but as of the beginning of last week, he was doing okay. The nurses are only coming once a day now to draw blood. He is tired, of course, and still on oxygen, still on Coumadin. He's crabby, too, which is actually encouraging - we all joke about how if he's crabby, we know he's okay. ;) I hope to have another update for you all soon.
On a happier note: My new oven arrived last week! YAY!!! The old one had died on Thanksgiving, and my DH was working so much, that we didn't have time to go out to buy a replacement til last week. I had been using a roaster and our microwave in the interim, so trust me when I say, I'm appreciative and in heaven! :)
Have a blessed Christmas week, sisters! Thank you so much for all of your prayers! May God bless you, every one!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 19 2011 : 01:05:05 AM
Diana...reading through the Bible in a year is a very awesome and rich endevor. You Go Girl...God will richly bless you! He will meet you there everyday. If I might add a suggestion from personal experience...pray before you open the word each day and ask God to speak to you through His word that day and ask him to open the eyes of your heart to receive it.
Nini...well it does sound like there were some major things happening behind the scenes and you were feeling the turmoil in your spirit. Kidney failure is not a good usually brings on a heart attack. That is how my dad died 10 yrs ago. I will pray for your friend. ~ Also, I come along side you with prayers for your friend Kim and her mother....and ask God to draw people around them to bring comfort and support at this difficult time. ~ Wow, it doesn't rain but it pours huh? These kind of things usually happen in three's on the alert Spiritually speaking for that next unexpected problem to surface. But I know God will get you through it all...and give you opportunities to minister to hurting hearts.
Suzanne...I continue to pray for wisdom for you and your spouse. And for your son and his siblings who struggle with understanding what he is going through and why he acts the way he does at times. I believe that God gives special needs children to just the right set of parents. I see that with the young woman in my Bible Study Group who has an autistic child. She has more patience, wisdom and understanding than any woman I know. And she is tender, loving, gentle but firm with her son. I would never have the patience that God has given her. I truly believe that He equips those He gives the job raise these precious children for Him.
Well my sisters...I would like to ask prayers for my 38 yr. old son...who has to go in for surgery on Dec. 30th to remove his adnoids and tonsils (again...they grew back) and they are going to do something with his soft-pallet also. He tried using a Cpap machine over the summer and fall but cannot adjust to it that is why they are doing the surgery. Thank You!
blessings, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His! |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 19 2011 : 06:24:24 AM
Trying to stay positive. We haven't done extended family Christmas in years. DD wants to go check out the rest of the family so we are going this year. I am already dreading it please pray for me to be able to show these people Christs love.
Insane and Blissfully Happy Mari-lyn
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
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Posted - Dec 19 2011 : 08:38:50 AM
Kristina, that is just the worst. I'm so sorry you're having that type of holiday experience. I have had quite a few of those "empty" and "angry" holiday "celebrations" over the years. It really blows my mind how people lose focus on the reason they're together. And it's so hard to have to struggle with that awful feeling that remains after all is said and done. I feel for you, sister. It won't always be this way. Maybe if you are able to, attending a few different holiday services and choir performances this week at different churches in your area will fill your heart with the gladness it so richly deserves. That always picks me up when others knock me down at the holidays. :) I'll definitely be keeping you in my prayers; this week, especially! May the joy of the Lord fill your heart and the peace of His Holy Spirit envelope you today and always!
I'm praying for you, too, Mari-lyn. :) It's not easy, I know. I hope that your family visit will instead leave you pleasantly surprised and with a warm, happy heart! Hang in there!
My friend Kim called this morning. They found masses in both her mother's brain and lungs, and will be starting radiation on her brain. Apparently, she suffered a seizure while she was in bed - how scarey. Her mother feels that God is angry with her and this is her punishment. We know God is not that way. Kim told her that she should not look at it in that light, but rather that in God's profound love for her, they were able to find these masses so early in order to get treatment started early. Her mother just cried. She's really scared, especially with the memory of the experience of her husband's illness so fresh in her mind. Please continue to pray when you can. We really appreciate it.
Blessings for a happy, healthy day!
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 19 2011 : 09:38:28 AM
Kristina...I am so sorry for your Christmas sadness. Tis the Season for family drama...for many people. And you are right it does often steal your Joy. I thought Nini had some really great suggestions for you. Going to some Special Services in your area this time of year can renew your heart, soul, and spirit. Especially, if it is a service where children are involved. Their sweet innosense reminds me...why God came to the Earth as a Baby. Everyone loves a baby or a small child. They are so precious and so un-jaded by the World around them. I will pray for you...that your heart will be receptive to the Joy God has for you...if you just Seek Him at this difficult time. Also, put on your favorite Christmas CD and play it loudly and rejoice in it! Dance Girl...Dance! Our Joy is only stollen...when we allow it to be.
Mari-lyn...also praying that you will find the extended family experience better than you are anticiapting. Be determined in advance...that nothing will steal your JOY and ask God to Love others through you.
Nini...Oh, my heart about broke in two when you shared that Kim's mom thinks God is mad at her and is punishing her. That is not the God we know is it? He delights in blessing His children not punishing them. My prayer for her is that she will experience The Love of God through these circumstances. I can imagine that they are all scared and hurting, that is a natural response to the physical trauma that her mom is going through. I will continue to pray for Kim and especially for her Mom.
Ladies....we must remember that LIFE IS TOUGH but God is FAITHFUL!
Let's prepare our hearts this week to make room to receive the baby Jesus. He came to save and all. All we have to do is receive THE GIFT!
blessing, prayers and love coming your way, peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His! |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Dec 19 2011 11:10:37 AM |
Farmgirl Guide & Schoolmarm / Chapter Leader
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Dec 19 2011 : 11:35:23 AM
Good Afternoon Gals
Kristina...I understand both yours and Mari-lyn's pain and dread. Holidays at my house with my family even after I grew up were a NIGHTMARE.The drama, the lies , the back stabbing. After much prayer and lots of crying, God gave me the strength to separate from the crazies. (It was the right thing to do for my family)When my husband recognized that his mother and sisters were being LESS than joyful toward me at the Holiday gatherings, he suggested that it would much better to start our on traditions for Christmas Eve and spend limited time with them on Christmas Day after we had a Christmas morning at home. It be perfectly honest, I still dread going. I know that for a few hours of my wonderful holiday I will have to endure snide remarks and back handed comments directed toward me. I am the one who has to take care of presents for these people who do not like me---and my husband insist that I give them something made from my shop. They re-gift it later and that it fine with me. I look at it as back door advertisement.
We can not let anyone rob us of the beauty of the Christmas Season. Go to each event with a smile on your face and a song in your heart and the assurance that Christ Jesus is your defender. --------I make a game out of it, that makes the time flyyyyyy---but it would take some explaining for you guys to understand the game.
Nini, please let Kim know I am praying for her. and her mom. Two parents with brain tumors. How terrible. My mom died from a brain tumor. I hated watching the entire process. Sometimes I felt God had left. But my mom never did. She just knew he had a hand in it. and she never stop ministering to other people. She would bake bread and write notes of encouragement to them. Then make my dad or one of us drive her over to the person's house. She just kept giving until she couldn't give anymore. Then she gave her body to science so they could try and fine and answer. When I want to give up, I use her example. Life isn't about is about God using me for something bigger. I will continue to pray.
Love in Christ
Suzanne |
True Blue Farmgirl
650 Posts
pea ridge
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Posted - Dec 19 2011 : 2:29:16 PM
Hello sisters and Merry Christmas. I have been reading but not posting but I wanted to comment on the family holidays. I know exactly where you are coming from. I too had the dreaded feelings seeing so and so before each event. We would have 32 at our home when all showed up. Dad went home to be with the Lord 2 years ago on Jan.5th. Family split. 32 went to just us 4. How I yearn for one more time to spend a holiday with my dad. Dont let satan rob you of what you have. Turn it on him and make a deliberate choice to "rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice." The negative ones will always be there but that is thier choice just dont let it be yours. God bless |
True Blue Farmgirl
3557 Posts

3557 Posts |
Posted - Dec 19 2011 : 4:08:46 PM
Lea thank you for your post It gave me goose bumps you are so right now I will enjoy my Christmas . Diana
Farmgirl Sister #273 |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2011 : 02:19:55 AM
Ladies, I, too, have not been up to date on here as well. Prayers going up for each of you and the pain and struggles for so many! We also have a dear friend who is struggling with the possibility of a recurring cancer. So many with serious health issues. Prayers for each one!
My heart hurt as many of you have shared how hard this time of year is and I thank you for sharing. I struggle each year as well. For some reason this year has been extra hard and I just want to get thru it ! I have also attempted to limit the time spent with the difficult and drama. That has caused some hurt feelings with others and it makes it tough. But for sanity I think we sometimes have to take a step back and know our limitations. Only with prayer and His guidance can we know what is the right thing to do?!
This has been a very rough year for soooo many and I pray that the New Year brings a brighter hope, peace and joy in Him!
Take care, ladies, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Dec 20 2011 : 7:44:34 PM
Hi everyone. I've been a little out of the loop on here for a while, but I am praying for everyone's special intentions, and I sincerely hope that everyone is able to relax and feel the love of the Christmas season with your families. I hope that everyone's sufferings end, and that the new year will bring happiness and love. God's and Holiday's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
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Posted - Dec 20 2011 : 9:04:19 PM
Hi girls -
I did let Kim and Laura know that you all are praying and both are very, very grateful - thank you SO much!
Lea, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is at the holidays. I'm praying for you, sister! :)
Linda - I'm adding your friend to my prayers right now! Please keep us posted!
Welcome back Megan! :)
Just a quick update on Kim's Mom: Tomorrow her Mom is going in for brain surgery to remove the tumor. At this point, they're unsure whether it's actually a cancerous tumor in her brain or not. There is calcification, so it could either be a weird calcified growth OR cancer surrounded by calcification. Either way, they believe that because of where it is situated, that it is the cause of her seizures. Kim said even if it is cancer surrounded by calcification, that is a very good thing because it is contained. Once the tumor is out, they'll determine the next course of action - if it's cancer, then they're looking at radiation and chemo. If not, then they'll keep her on seizure medicine, and proceed to deal with the mass in her lung, which, at this point, they suspect IS cancer. Her mother had breast cancer about 9 years ago, but they think it is an unrelated cancer. They did ask her mother if she has had any exposure to coal, and of course, she does have a coal furnace. They did not, however, expound upon their inquiry, and the family was too concerned with questions about the brain surgery tomorrow to even think about asking. All in due time, I suppose - one step at a time. Anyhow, the brain mass is much more important to contend with before the mass in her lung. Kim is hoping that it's not cancer and just a mass that caused this horrific seizure her Mom was having. The lung thing, as I said, they'll just have to deal with once they know what's going on in her brain. How sad and scarey. Please prayer for her tomorrow (Wednesday), for the surgery, okay?
Thanks so much! I'll keep you posted as I learn anything new. But truly, we all appreciate your additional prayers - you're all the best!
It sure doesn't feel very Christmas-y around here, either. What a thing! But you're absolutely right Suzanne - we can't let it rob us of our joy! Just to think what God did for us at Christmas.. How great His love is for us... One cannot truly fathom the depths of His love and mercy. That's something to celebrate and renew our joy EVERY day!!!
Hugs and love,
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
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Posted - Dec 20 2011 : 9:22:23 PM
Nini, will be keeping her in prayer tomorrow!! Please let us know how she is doing!
It is so very true that, it is up to ourselves to try and find and keep the joy during this season. More and more 'the reason for the season' gets put on a back burner. Even with our own schedules, stress and problems.
I pray that for each of us, regardless what we are facing and dealing with? That we are able to remember the birth of our Savior and what this holiday truly means. I know I sure need to remember and get more on track with my beliefs.
Prayers that everyone has a peaceful evening!
Farmgirl hugs, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Dec 21 2011 : 8:45:44 PM
Nini, I hope Kim's Mom's surgery went well, and that she is able to recover without any problems. I hope that myself and everyone here is able to find our Christmas joy. It doesn't feel like Christmas for me either. Partly because there hasn't been snow here, but also because I just can't seem to get into the spirit this year. I hope everyone has a blessed day tomorrow! God's and Holiday's Blessings, Megan
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 21 2011 : 9:26:27 PM
Nini, I hope the surg went well? Megan--hoping the season gets better for each of us struggling with it.
Took my gkids to shop at the dollar store for their gifts to family. I must say, it was a joy! Their excitement, especially the 4 yr old, was precious. The girls spent the nite and they will wrap their treasures in the am, then we can make some cookies. Will be doing the same with their brother fri. Fri nite go to a candlelight service.
For me thru the years , the commercialism, greed, the difficult family times, etc? It just began to wear on me each year more and more. I am finding, closer to Christmas, some of the innocent and simple joys in hand making gifts and the pure joy and excitement of a child's enjoyment of Christmas. The girls and I talked about the Saviors birth and what it meant.
I am going to really try , in the future, to drown out the 'bad' of the season and try to focus on what it's really about. And look thru the eyes and joys of a child , and find the spirit of the holidays again??!!
Hope all are having a good nite!
Farmgirl hugs, Linda
Country at Heart |
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Dec 22 2011 : 12:15:23 PM
Hi CHristian Farmgirl Sisters!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!!!! I would like to ask for prayers for my dear dear Aunt Linda in Murfreesboro TN. She was diagnosed with a fast growing tumor behind her uterus last March. She had a hysterectomy and began what has now been four different type of chemo treatments...all have failed. There are now five tumors and the first one is growing rapidly. She is a woman of deep faith and is a strong woman. I am taking my mother in January to visit her for what will possibly be their last visit together. Her oncologist hasn't given her much hope other than that there may be a study that she could participate in. Would appreciate as many people praying for God's will in her life as I can find! Thanks Much, Rachel
Proverbs 17:22 A HAPPY heart is good medicine and a CHEERFUL mind works healing!! |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Dec 22 2011 : 8:55:03 PM
You have got our prayers! I am so sorry .
Take care everyone!
Blessings, Linda |
True Blue Farmgirl
107 Posts
St Francisville
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Pleasant Hill
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Posted - Dec 23 2011 : 03:18:33 AM
Rachel sending prayers for your Aunt. Bless her heart, she has a lot to handle, It's a blessing that her faith is strong and we know he's right there with her. Hugs,Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |