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Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Deer Park
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Posted - Nov 12 2010 : 2:31:28 PM
I'm blown away. First of all Nini, you should not punish yourself for not being able to speak. God wanted you to see a couple that even today you are praying for. Remember in scripture, it says..."He who has ears, let him hear..." They might not have been able to hear. You however, after hearing their words, through prayer for them, have planted the seed. Remember, scripture also says that one plants, and another reaps. Your prayer to God is more powerful than any word directed to man. God's hand is not short that He can not save. There will be others there to speak as ears are open. You have "paid it forward" by praying for them as others have prayed for you.
And yes...I stand with you. I love what CeeJay said about standing tallest when we are on our knees. We can pray for the world, and often that begins with praying for just one couple...or just one person. God knows who tp direct into your path. And assuredly, He has found a willing heart! :0)
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
1333 Posts
Battle Creek
1333 Posts |
Posted - Nov 12 2010 : 9:50:05 PM
Wow! Beautiful, profound things to say! Nini, I love your faith. You have such depth to your love of our Savior. I do agree with Claudia. Please don't blame yourself for not speaking that day. We can only speak when God gives us the words to speak. Anything else would have been of your own words and possibly not very helpful. Who knows, the Father may have shut your mouth for a purpose. The fact that you pray for their souls shows where your heart it. Like Claudia said, you are planting the seeds of prayer and we just have to trust that the Lord WILL send someone in their paths to reap the harvest when it is ready. I agree with you that we must continue to pray for this lost generation and never cease to cry out to our Father, "Lord have mercy". I believe He will draw all men unto Himself. We just need to be ready to be His hands and His feet and even His mouth when he sets hearts to searching.
I also love what you shared about what God showed you about trusting Him with your child through your SIL because my mother just sent me a daily devotional page today that said the exact same thing. Thank you for sharing that because the Lord spoke to my worrisome mommy's heart this morning through that devotional and then He confirmed it once again through your post. See, I've been having troubles with my middle boy (who is only 3) lately and the enemy would want me to think that there is something wrong with him and that I am not doing a good job as a mom, but as you said we must trust that the Father will care for His child. I know the Lord hears my prayers for my boys and that He is watching over them and protecting them from harm and even from some of the consequences of their disobedience and bad choices. And I am grateful that He hears my prayers and that He is in control and not me LOL!
Farmgirl Sister #1110 Siobhan - AKA Liza-Jane (my farmgirl name), wife to my best friend, Trent, and mommy to Camden (11/28/05) and Bennett (7/11/07). and Truman (7/28/09) |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2010 : 2:20:55 PM
Thanks, girls - you're very right. You know, it's not so much that I'm punishing myself so much as it is that I am in shock that I couldn't speak. Truly. I didn't purposely stop myself from saying anything; it's not like I was embarrassed or ashamed - not like that at all. It was like my throat was bound and my mind went blank. And it hurt, deeply - I can't even explain it; I've never felt that way before. Hurt - yes; but not hurt for God like that. And you're right - God is the only One Who can give us the right words at the right time. I honestly believe they wouldn't have received a thing I said very well at all, and the Lord knew that. I really do believe that that the whole thing served as a lesson to me - like God wanted me to see something, to understand something, to feel something, to learn and grow from something. I did feel that way when it was happening, and I still feel that way now. Isn't it amazing when God quickens something to your mind and heart? It also really was also a call to prayer for them - and probably the world. And Claudia, I like how you put it, because in essence it truly is as if I am paying forward spiritually for them!
Siobhan - that is so great that God ministered to you like that! I am thrilled. I'm sorry that you're having difficulty with your middle son, but you know, the three's are even worse than two's in my book! Just wait until they all hit puberty - goodness gracious, you will have your hands full. But you just have to trust that God is ultimately in control and will watch over, care for and lead them always. You just keep doing the best you can do and trust God for the rest. I confess that at times it's much easier said than done; there are days when I have to tell myself that over and over and over. No matter what, though, I have full confidence that in time, everything will come full circle. :)
And CJ - you're absolutely right and very wise: we do stand tallest when we're on our knees! I'm going to use that saying a lot more often!
Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Nov 13 2010 : 2:35:02 PM
I absolutely love the wisdom that God has planted in each of you...all of you who have contributed to this thread. A hearty AMEN! I must say, that I chuckled when I was reading Nini's note to Sioban. We each love our kids through each of their moments, whether it be a 3 yr old, a pubescent as Nini was speaking about, or a son who will be 40 at Christmas time. I'm telling never changes. Love, concern, prayer, trust and hope...all circling our hearts no matter what age our kids are. Joel will be 40 (12/22) and my daughter Monica will be 43 (12/27). Always alot of prayer for them. Bless you are the best! Claudia
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
13684 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
13684 Posts |
Posted - Nov 14 2010 : 09:30:51 AM
Sunday Blessings to you all!!!
from Max Lucado's "Grace for the Moment" and brief excerpt . . "Painted on canvas after canvas is the tender touch of a Creator who has a special place for the bruised and weary of the world. A God who is the friend of the wounded heart".
What an encouraging reminder that is to me . . . I am one of the bruised and weary!
Hebrews 10:35 - Do not lose the courage you had in the past, which has a great reward.
Psalm 106:1 - Thank the LORD because He is good. His love continues forever.
..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665
From my Heart -
From my Hands -
From my Hubby - |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Nov 14 2010 : 12:47:59 PM
Afternoon dear ladies, I just brought in a cup of tea to rest. My favorite verse be still and know I am God from Psalm 46:10 came to mind. I have been so busy and finding it is wearing me down. So to have some time to rest and just be is nice and to know God is there with me. What a comfort. Praying for all of you. Blessed be your day in Him.
Tea is like being in the stars with God. Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Nov 14 2010 : 2:17:59 PM
Hope you are having a blessed Sunday!
I didn't go to church this morning...and I feel terrible. That turmoil stems from my religious background. I come from a strict denomination that, at that time, if one didn't go to church each Sunday, it was a sin...unless one was sick. I had time to go this morning, but one of my dogs who is older came over to me, fell down in a grand mal seizure. He has had them infrequently before, but by the time I got him settled down, & me showered, church would be well into it. I didn't even try. I know God loves me, but I need the presence of His body, and since things have been hit and miss lately, I worry about what some of the congregation may think, I also don't want to make our pastor feel badly. I know he would understand, but I have had a few excuses lately with my Mom etc...and several being just too darn lazy. Guess I'm not looking for absolution, but needed to "voice" it, so it wouldn't grow into fear & putting down myself as not worthy. I can do that easily too at times. So....thanks for letting me unload. Blessings!
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Nov 14 2010 : 2:29:59 PM
I meant to send you a picture of the inside of the Catholic Cathedral in Helena Montana. It is a historic landmark. One really could feel the presence of God as though we were high in the heavens with all His majesty.

Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 14 2010 : 3:42:44 PM
Claudia - it's so funny you posted about missing church. I missed too this morning, because a good friend's father passed and she called just as I was getting up to start the coffee. I admit, as she was pouring out her heart to me, I did think about church, and did make the decision not to attend. But I think ministering to my friend was really important at the time - not more important than God, of course, but she needed me to be salt and light for her, as a child and representative of God. I don't know if I'm saying that right, but I think you probably will understand. Anyhow, I felt really, really bad because my church also teaches the same thing, so I went to a website that explained the whole thing a lot better. I mean, I know if I were to miss a holiday meal at my Mom's because a friend called in need, she would understand; but would God Himself? I really wanted to understand exactly what my church teaches and the reasoning behind it. I was actually surprised, as I usually am when I look into these things. I would say from what I read, that basically your intent would have otherwise been to go - you weren't looking for an out, you needed to help your dog who really needed your care. We are supposed to care for the creatures in our care. And even Jesus talked about how a shepherd would tend to an injured sheep on the Sabbath. Matthew 12:11 - 12. I believe God understands. After all, you are the one He entrusted your dog with, right? I don't think you are in mortal sin because of your choice to help your pet, honest; but if you're worried, which I can understand, please seek the council of your pastor/priest. He will definitely help you sort it out and help you find your way back into union with God if it has been broken. :) He should help put you at ease and direct you spiritually with love.
I was also thinking this morning how we need to remember not to be so "legalistic." God is a deeply loving, compassionate, understanding God. He knows us better than we know ourselves! He knows your circumstance. He knows your heart. He loves you. I'm only saying that because sometimes I think about God as reacting the same way as men react, which really is wrong thinking. He is God. Man falls short of His glory. We have to trust Him, no matter what. Please talk with God about all of this, too. I imagine you would receive amazing peace and feel His all-encompassing love. :) And, of course, if you feel you must explain everything that has been happening to those in your congregation, then by all means, do. They are there to uplift and pray for you, remember. :) But also remember it's not what they think that matters - it's what God thinks that matters... you know what I mean? If they don't understand - just smile and pray for them.
I hope that helps. I'm trying to type this really fast as I am extremely pressed for time. Please fogive me. I'll be praying for you - I really do understand.
Oh - and BEAUTIFUL cathedral, by the way!
Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Nov 14 2010 : 4:16:23 PM
same here! :) Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Nov 14 2010 : 4:27:25 PM
I thought I would share this story with you all if thats ok.
This is a true story. Once there was a young girl who decided to take a short cut home from school. The fastest way to her house was to cut through an alley. The girl approached the alley. She'd seen a man as though he was waiting for someone. She said a prayer: "Dear God, Please lead me through this alley safe and unharmed. Amen." The girl walked through the alley and pasted the man. Later on that night the girl decided to watch the news. She saw the mans mugshot from the alley guilty of murder and rape against a young girl. The police said that man told them another girl had passed through the alley 10 minutes before. They asked him why he didn't attack the first girl. He said there was a man walking beside her. Jesus Christ walks with us. We deny his presence, but he is always here.
Anyway, just thought this was a neat story and it just goes to show that God does answer prayer. Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Nov 14 2010 : 10:13:36 PM
Nini....all I can say is..Thank you. You and I are of the same denomination as you mentioned a nun earlier. I will definitely be praying about it. Sometimes, god has some healing to do in us, & He likes to throw off the covers to expose the hidden areas that need to be touched. He did a number on me this morning. Tahnks again.
Hannah, thank you for sharing the story. Yes indeed, Jesus does walk with us, and I think if we realized that all the time, we might not get into some of the jackpots we do.
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
159 Posts
Mt. Carmel
159 Posts |
Posted - Nov 15 2010 : 07:34:58 AM
In my womens bible study we are studying the psalms of acsent and i have been reading your post and well.... " I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip-- he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you-- the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm-- he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over you coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:1-8
I truly believe this he is always by our side!!!
God is good all the time!!
Edited by - Marcia30 on Nov 15 2010 07:35:58 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Nov 15 2010 : 10:00:25 AM
I love that verse Marcia! Thank you for sharing it! Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 15 2010 : 10:46:55 AM
I love that story, Hannah! How awesome! So true, too!
And Marcia - that is one of my favorite Scripture passages - thank you!
Claudia - I'm glad it helped. I know it's hard - I'm the hardest of anyone on myself, honest. I just felt so bad because I was in such a rush that I didn't have time to really say what I said in the way I said it, but I also didn't want you to spend the rest of the day and night thinking you had done something horribly wrong. You didn't. You acted out of love, and God is love, so He was there, I believe, acting through you. :) With all my heart, I hope you received what I said with all the love in which it was written. No throwing off of the covers was meant at all - I just know myself and thought I'd share what I have been thinking about lately. I of all people know how sometimes it can be really hard to discern what the right thing is, especially where God is concerned, you know? It's all good. Remember - there's always someone waiting to listen, counsel and pray with you at Church on Saturdays, too! ;) It's a good thing. A VERY good thing! I'm sending a warm spiritual hug out to you right this very minute!
Blessings to all for a bright and beautiful start of the week! - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Nov 15 2010 : 7:28:45 PM
Hi Everyone, I have had one question that has been on my heart and I just wanted to ask it if thats ok. How come God can forgive us so easily when we ask him too but how come we can't forgive as easily as he does us? Does that make any sense? Sorry, I just wanted to know. Maybe there is no answer. Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
13684 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
13684 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
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7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 15 2010 : 8:48:42 PM
I think, Hannah, it's because we are still living in a fallen world. We are still touched by original sin, which altered us. When Adam and Eve were created, God saw that they were "good." They were in full communion with God, there was no separation. But after they fell into sin, that goodness was altered. The basic, true goodness was still there, but at that point we were no longer in full communion with God;and that original goodness was so confused and clouded and wounded by sin, that the struggle began. Doubt, mistrust, selfishness - ALL the vices that God had protected us from - now started to take a foothold in us, and were perpetuated from generation to generation. We, being children of those who sinned, no matter how we try, that sin is still part of us, and we continually fall short of the glory of God. And we continually feel the pain of separation from Him. Christ alone can restore us. Christ alone. Every single person has God's goodness in them, but not everyone acts on it; we are deeply wounded and we deeply wound others. It's a painfully skewed part of our sinful nature. So we are constantly being affected by that non-goodness, and it can be very shocking, life-altering and extremely painful to bear! But that is also our cross, I think... Again, with Christ alone can we overcome. He did it for us, and we need to press into Him.
We may want to forgive, but it's hard. That's why we have to pray - really, really hard. I struggle with that a lot. I was just thinking about this subject this morning because there are people who have hurt me so deeply and most of the time I am truly able to just let it go, but sometimes I don't. Sometimes it just sticks in my craw and I have an internal argument about it with myself. But when I do this, I always somehow remember to turn to God and give it to Him, asking Him to take it out of my heart so I don't hold things against anyone. Because, of course, we ask that He "forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." That always strikes me: how can we be so bold as to dare to ask forgiveness if we are unwilling to forgive others? Remember the servant who owed his master? Matthew 18: 33 - 35. I don't want to even chance that!
Sometimes when I'm praying the Lord's Prayer and I come to that particular part, if I am feeling unforgiveness toward anyone, I add, "and please Lord, help me to forgive, because I have trouble doing that on my own, and I want to be like you want me to be." Maybe it's silly, and I hope it's not wrong, but it seems to help.
And you know, sometimes a person's hurt is so profound that it's just plain easier to hold onto the unforgiveness and bear the pain rather than to let it go. It's like if we don't forgive, somehow we feel in our hearts that person will receive retribution, but if we let it go, he gets away scot free; and that feels very unjust. But think about that: do we ourselves want to face retribution for our offenses, or would we rather be free? That's a lot to swallow. Thankfully we have Christ. Thank you, God! The point is, though, that when we have been offended, we all have this innate desire for justice. There is no justice apart from Christ. Therefore when we need to forgive, we need to turn to Him. He will make that horrible feeling go away, and we can get on with our lives, joyfully knowing we, too, are forgiven.
Not seeing justice come to fruition can be really hard. But even when we do, it doesn't necessarily take the pain away, and it certainly doesn't make us forgive. The Bible promises us that God's justice comes. Yet, somehow I always feel pity for the person who has hurt me (even the deeply profound hurts), because Jesus through His Holy Spirit helps me to see the dire straight of the offender, who is really and truly my brother. The last thing I honestly want for anyone is for them to suffer the lesson of God's justice - do you know what I mean? Christ came and took that for all of us - not just for me! What I really want most is for that person to be "fixed." LOL! I don't know how else to say it. I want them to be fixed so that they can be happy and fully know the love of God. If I don't forgive and pray for that person, not only could they be lost, but they could also be condemned by my unforgiveness. And just think about what that is doing to me spiritually? It's not exactly making me the pure hearted, loving child of God that I am meant to be - do I really want to risk my own salvation by being unforgiving?
So, it's hard, yes. And believe me, I know there are things that so many people suffer which seem unforgivable; for which forgiveness seems an impossiblity. Ah! But all things are possible with God, right? So, we turn to Him, ask Him to take it from us, and pray that He help us to let it go. He does. He really, really does. It's amazing - and what a burden to be lifted! Who the heck wants to carry anything like that with them their whole life?
We also have to remember that God is God - Perfect Love. We are not God, we are human; made in His image, but not God. Being His children, part of us always yearns for Him, and yearns to be like Him. The only way back to full communion with Him is through Christ, and Christ alone can impower us through His Holy Spirit to forgive if we trust and press into Him when we are attacked. Think of it as being held tight in your daddy's arms, pressing your face really, really tight into his chest with your eyes clenched shut and your hands locked tightly in a life-saving embrace around his neck, letting him protect you until the scarey part is over. That's what we have to do with God whenever we are faced with sin... and unforgiveness is definitely a sin.
I keep thinking about the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:1- 12. Knowing full well the struggles we would face He told us how our hearts should be in order to overcome and receive the Kingdom. We can only accomplish this through Him. Oh, thank God for God!!!
Never be sorry for asking, Hannah - that's why God brings us together. :) I just hope that somehow something I've said has helped you - and not made you fall asleep! ;)
Big Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Nov 15 2010 : 9:07:28 PM
Oh Nini! God bless you! Thank you soo much for taking the time to write all of this! WOW! This makes so much sense! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Right now I am speach less and I am trying to take it all in. :) BIG HUGS! Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Nov 15 2010 : 9:14:22 PM
CJ, Thank you soo much too! Thank you for helping me grow deeper into my faith. I have felt lost for a while now trying to figure out what I truly believe in. Thank you! Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1812 Posts
Pleasant Hill
1812 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2010 : 05:00:39 AM
Nini, So beautifully said. Forgiveness is really hard and I like everyone else has been hurt by others, and stuggled to forgive. But only through God will we be able to truly do that. And really we don't want anyone to not be in that place with him. By not forgiving we are just adding torture to ourselves. Because it can just eat away at you. Thank you Jesus for forgiving us all our sins. And there walking with us at all times so we can just turn to him for direction. Hannah, I do pray for you and remember the Lord gives you strenght to ask the questions, trusting that someone will help you to understand. We are here for each other. Hugs, Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
True Blue Farmgirl
942 Posts

942 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2010 : 05:43:22 AM
Ladies, you all are helping me so Hannah I struggle with forgiveness but my struggle is more with accepting that I am forgiven - receiving grace and mercy are so very hard for me even though I am quick to give it. thank you for all of these postings
We can do no great things; only small things with great love - Mother Teresa
Star - farmgirl sister #1927
Master Food Preserver |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2010 : 07:36:33 AM
Starletta - that is probably the biggest struggle I have, too. But once I went to my priest and talked it over with him - at length, surprise, surprise ;) - I felt a lot better. The hardest thing to remember is that God's grace and mercy are gifts, just waiting to be accepted. When we receive gifts at Christmas or on our birthdays, it's not so hard to accept them, because those are special days, and it's kind of accepted to receive them, you know? But forgiveness - there isn't a special day for that! (Although, every day is special for us, really, if you think about it!) And, in general, the world doesn't forgive (ooooh man do people remember, not forgive and embellish!), so it is so hard to accept that we are forgiven, because forgiveness isn't generally accepted or freely given in this world, and we are punished by others unforgiveness every day (see the sin of it?). But God is not of this world! The darkness in this world comes from another source who would rather us believe we could never be forgiven. He does everything he can to keep us from the love of God - even using our own thoughts and emotions to work against us! We are not childen of darkness! We are children of God! All we have to do is ask - and we are forgiven. He loves us THAT much! It's honestly that simple. But it's hard, I think, because sometimes our sins seem monumental. When they are forgiven, it's like we'd like to have some big sign or a big party or something to "prove" we're forgiven - to make it easier to accept. We will! Someday! And what a celebration that will be! So, try not to punish yourself, and try to see God as the source of love and forgiveness. He gave it all for us so we could have it freely and abundantly. You're forgiven, Starletta. I'll pray for you to understand, accept and have peace about it! Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1812 Posts
Pleasant Hill
1812 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2010 : 08:06:08 AM
Starlette I truely understand where your coming from as far as the forgiveness to myself. Nini thank you so much for your wisdom and words. It has helped alot. Hugs, Brenda
Seek reasons to Love..In every sigment of everyday-look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of Love-Abraham Hicks |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Nov 16 2010 : 08:20:40 AM
Thank you girls! I need you more than you know. Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not about the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |