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Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
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CeeJay (CJ)
13684 Posts |
Posted - Nov 07 2010 : 9:06:10 PM
Nini . . . my favorites too!!
"Yet those who wait for the Lord will renew new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary." Isaiah 40:31
That one is a reminder of my need to trust, to lean . . . all the time, but most especially when I'm just worn out and weary!!! CJ
..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665
From my Heart -
From my Hands -
From my Hubby - |
Edited by - ceejay48 on Nov 07 2010 9:09:53 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 07 2010 : 9:19:17 PM
Amen, CJ! I need to recall that one a little more often myself! Here are a couple others that are right in line with that one, which I really like, too:
"Trust in the Lord and do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed." Psalm 37:3
"I lift up mine eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Maker of Heaven and Earth." Psalm 121:1-2
"I lift up my eyes to You, Whose throne is in the Heavens." Psalm 123:1
Years ago I had purchased quite a few Scripture memory songs tapes and it is absolutely amazing how the Scriptures come right back to me when I need them most! I love it! Such a blessing!
Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
Edited by - Ninibini on Nov 07 2010 9:20:00 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1308 Posts
1308 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2010 : 05:01:26 AM
I have soem of those tapes also! I love them. They helped me memorize alot of verses.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
6066 Posts
6066 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2010 : 12:25:45 PM
Ephesians 1:16,17 "I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him."
And then of course the one I have below on each post....Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart O God and put a new and right spirit within me."
This is the revised standard version translation, which is not my usual favorite bible (NASB)....but it is downstairs and so I grabbed one from the upstairs bookcase!
Farmgirl Sister # 31
Psalm 51: 10-13 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1333 Posts
Battle Creek
1333 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2010 : 1:28:13 PM
I am a Christian too <><
There are so many wonderful, encouraging, Christ followers here!
Farmgirl Sister #1110 Siobhan - AKA Liza-Jane (my farmgirl name), wife to my best friend, Trent, and mommy to Camden (11/28/05) and Bennett (7/11/07). and Truman (7/28/09) |
True Blue Farmgirl
942 Posts

942 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2010 : 1:31:20 PM
My favorite verse and the one I need to go to so often - Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
We can do no great things; only small things with great love - Mother Teresa
Star - farmgirl sister #1927
Master Food Preserver |
True Blue Farmgirl
665 Posts
665 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2010 : 2:02:01 PM
Me too!
"There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world" |
True Blue Farmgirl
826 Posts
East Freedom
826 Posts |
Posted - Nov 08 2010 : 6:11:50 PM
Love all the Bible verses ladies, keep them coming. I am putting this topic in my subscriptions. THANK you all!! |
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
13684 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
13684 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2010 : 08:00:11 AM
Every day I read from: - Oswald Chamber's "My Utmost for His Highest". A very TIMELY daily devotional. I go through it every year, the writings are always appropriate. Today the topic was "Sacred Service". It's all about Him working IN us so we can ministor to others. - also, Max Lucado's "Grace for the Moment" . . . simple vignettes that are sooooo encouraging. Today "A Compassionate God" . . . and He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO compassionate, so loving, so healing. WOW!!! These help me get "started" and get my focus in the right direction. They always have a portion of Scripture as their centerpiece. CJ
..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665
From my Heart -
From my Hands -
From my Hubby - |
Edited by - ceejay48 on Nov 09 2010 08:01:19 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2010 : 08:33:50 AM
Those sound wonderful, CJ! I read "The Word Among Us" every day. It has the daily mass readings/Scriptures, and then a wonderful devotional commentary on each day's Scripture. I absolutely love it!
Have any of you attended a "Women of Faith" Conference? I have a video and music tape, but have never been able to go due to time and family commitments. I would love to, someday, though. Then again, it seems like we really do have our own little conference right here, and I really, really am enjoying it! Do any of you sing? A Farmgirl Worship CD - hmmmmm... And those of us who don't sing, could lead each song in with a Scripture verse. And wouldn't it be so much fun if someday we could gather for a Christian Farmgirl Conference? A little gospel, at little worship, a lot of uplifting, and a whole lot of prayer! What a great opportunity that would be: to get to meet each other in person and celebrate the Lord! Maybe someday... Maybe someday...
Ah... as usual... my dreams runneth over... ;)
Hugs - Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
Edited by - Ninibini on Nov 09 2010 08:34:27 AM |
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
13684 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
13684 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2010 : 08:55:37 AM
I've had the privilege of attending a Women of Faith Conference, a bit over a year go with my daughter in Phoenix. AWESOME! I would recommend it to anyone who can. I live in the boonies so I can't just go whenever.
Yup, sing and play piano . . . very well on both. My hubby have been Praise and Worship leaders for churches (currently on sabbatical). But music, most especially Christmas music, is my PASSION!!!! A gathering for us would be great!!! Not only could we worship together, we could encourage each other . . . and have fun too!!! CJ
..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665
From my Heart -
From my Hands -
From my Hubby - |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2010 : 08:56:56 AM
Wow! I really was given a boost reading the last 2 entries. First of all Nini, I have attended several Women of Faith conferences where in Spokane WA there are over 6,000 women singing and praising God. I have seen many of the presenters as some have changed over the years. I also have gotten their conference tapes as reminders of what I really needed to attend to. A Christian farmgirl get together would be outstanding. That deserves prayer.
Cee Jay, I love Oswald Chambers also. Through, there is a link to daily devotions by him. One I also like is Mrs. Charles Cowman "Streams In the Desert," written in memory to her missionary husband, who passed away with poor health when they were missionaries. It is directed to those who are in the midst of trials & may think God has forgotten them. She notes a scrap of paper that was on a beach to the direction of their ministries. The note said,"God smiles on His child in the eye of the storm." The devotional was written in 1925.
I love this group. Along with the study of Bible women..also as a MJ topic, it helps to give food to my soul. Thank you.
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Nov 09 2010 : 7:15:07 PM
I have gone to several women of faith. Just got back from one two weeks ago. I love the bible verses. I am feeling overwhelmed lately so love these to verses.
hugs Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God. Farm Sister #1889 |
kristin sherrill
True Blue Farmgirl
11303 Posts
11303 Posts |
Posted - Nov 10 2010 : 11:16:39 AM
I am a Christian also. I could not make it through the day if I wasn't.
Happiness is simple. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Nov 10 2010 : 10:30:04 PM
How awesome to be able to get together someday and praise and worship together. I have never been able to get to a conference but would love to go. I love when I read my Bible and each time something new sticks out and becomes relevant even though I've read it before. Or how my Bible falls open to a page and it is something I needed to read.
Claudia...How is your Mother doing?
Blessings and Peace, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
DNA doesn't make us sisters, Love does!
The road to a friends house is never to long!
True Blue Farmgirl
1333 Posts
Battle Creek
1333 Posts |
Posted - Nov 11 2010 : 07:13:04 AM
| I know why I feel such a connection to you! My husband and I met in Bible college where we were both focused on worship studies. Obviously I never became a full time worship leader (mommy duties won out in God's plan for me) but my husband IS a full time worship leader. I still co-lead with him all the time though. How long have you and your husband been leading? Have you written any songs? We just got done writing a new song together. We're hoping to get a rough recording of it in a service soon and if we do I can't wait to post if for all my Christian Farmgirl sisters soon.
Here is a link to a project that the big church that we're affiliated with in Grand Rapids recorded a couple years ago. All of the church's affiliate worship leaders got to write one song for the album and then they had a big worship night and recorded them all on one album to benefit world missions and the "Walking by Faith" ministry that shows programs in countries all over the world. You can click on individual songs to hear a preview. They're all really great songs. I love this album. The one my husband wrote and performed is called "New Creation".
Farmgirl Sister #1110 Siobhan - AKA Liza-Jane (my farmgirl name), wife to my best friend, Trent, and mommy to Camden (11/28/05) and Bennett (7/11/07). and Truman (7/28/09) |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Nov 11 2010 : 12:01:15 PM
Darlene, thanks for asking about Mom. She is recouperating physically just fine, but her memory is failing a little more. We go over future appts & goings-on just in normal conversation, so that I know she stays current.
I feel privileged to be in the midst of Christian sisters. I know that we all love the Lord, pray & spend time with Him to our varying degrees, & may keep problems holding them close to our heart, afraid to share with others, besides the Lord, so we look as though we have it together. I do not have it together. When things affect my children, my heart feels like it is in a blender. I just got a text from my son Joel, to get back to praying for his job. We all may have issues like that, and it is only to my Christian friends that have the straight source to the Answer that I can turn to for earthly help. If you have an extra 30 seconds or so, could you please pray for Joel, and that God will take his heart and lead him in the path he should go. I would really appreciate that.
Siobhan, when I read your post after getting the text from Joel, you mentioned the Walking by Faith ministry. Just those words gave me a glimmer. Thank you when you didn't even know it!
Bless all you ladies and may God give you the desires of your heart as you seek Him.
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
13684 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
13684 Posts |
Posted - Nov 11 2010 : 12:25:26 PM
Siobhan, My hubby and I have been doing Christian music together since we've been married (going on 42 years next month). We met at a Bible College in Phoenix and were both in the chorale. After we married we got involved in Christian music groups. I was pianist and sang with 8 men (I sang "1st Tenor) and my hubby with with a different group of men that sang bluegrass style Christian music. Eventually he and I teamed up with one of the basses I was singing with and his wife and formed a quartet. After we moved back to Colorado he and I did a LOT of singing and traveling, hauling our two little kids and sound equipment around in a Datsun station wagon. I can't believe we did that!!!
But we were invited to small, out of the way places where our ministry was NEEDED and VERY MUCH appreciated. We then found another married couple and put together another quartet . . did that for a while. But eventually settled into doing P&W in churches. We are on indefinite sabbatical for now . . while we wait on God!!.
But I have been the Director of Music in churches, led adult, teen and children's choirs. Have taught piano since I was 16 years old and started teaching voice and music theory along the way as we got more involved in Christian music. My hubby is not a trained musician but he has the ear for it and can sing harmony parts as well . . he doesn't play any instruments although as aspired to play banjo and guitar. But he certainly has the HEART for WORSHIP!!!!
The song "Heart of Worship" has a very personal meaning to me, becoming popular when I was dealing with some awful, awful, awful church and "Christian" inflicted pain. I was also led to read a book written about women in church leadership and another one on abuse in the church.
Anyway, I say that all to say that I KNOW the healing, restorative, comforting and strengthening mercy and grace that only God can give!!!! And His LOVE . . . . INDESCRIBABLE!!!!!!!! For by His Grace . . CJ
..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665
From my Heart -
From my Hands -
From my Hubby - |
True Blue Farmgirl
1333 Posts
Battle Creek
1333 Posts |
Posted - Nov 11 2010 : 12:42:42 PM
Claudia, you bring up such an important topic and that is, being able to be honest with our "family" that God has placed in our lives for such a time as He has so perfectly planned out. I believe we truly need each other. We are the body of Christ and we are not made to work as an island unto ourselves. I'm so glad that I have found a safe place among my believing sisters here that I can be open and honest and share the true feelings of my heart whether they be feeling of joy, sadness, jealousy, anger...whatever. We need to be able to confess those things to each other and share our praise reports because we never know when our confession will lead to someone else's confession and their freedom, know what I mean? I love to bring others requests before the Father because I know first hand that He is faithful and good. And I love that I can share my struggles or needs and that I can count on you all to be faithful in your prayers for me. Every time I put on the little girly apron that CJ made for me when I was having a few sad days a few months ago I remember how you all gathered around me with encouragement and prayers and didn't judge me for the dealings of me heart. I truly appreciate ( and have missed terribly) my family here. When we open up our hearts to allow God to work in AND through us I believe we will see great things happen!
Darn phone is about to die. I'm saying a prayer for your son right now but I don't have he battery power to write it all out. Know I am standing with you!
Farmgirl Sister #1110 Siobhan - AKA Liza-Jane (my farmgirl name), wife to my best friend, Trent, and mommy to Camden (11/28/05) and Bennett (7/11/07). and Truman (7/28/09) |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 11 2010 : 8:27:22 PM
I just said a prayer for Joel, Claudia - and I will continue to pray! Please keep us posted.
Siobhan - that was beautifully said. And very, very true. I am so grateful to have all of you. One thing I always say is how happy it must make God to bring His kids together! How amazing to have such a wonderfully faithful family of loving sisters! To be brought together by our Father like this is such a blessing!
- Nini
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Nov 12 2010 : 09:35:44 AM
Loved reading the recent posts ladies. I have been out of the loop lately but hope to get on here and check out the posts more often! I hope to get to a Women of Faith one of these days myself. Everyone have a blessed day!! Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
106 Posts
106 Posts |
Posted - Nov 12 2010 : 09:42:13 AM
AMEN!! Farmgirl Christian Sisters!!!
Love Each Other |
True Blue Farmgirl
1183 Posts
Deer Park
1183 Posts |
Posted - Nov 12 2010 : 12:14:09 PM
Thank you for those prayers for Joel. I pray that God not only does some marvelous things in the physical realm, but also digs deeply in the earth of his heart. Because you are praying for Joel, may God bless you a hundred fold.
One thing I am reminded of when one of my children is in pain...God is a parent too. When I was a single parent raising teens, I remember talking to God as I hung the clothes & saying why do the kids seem so distant. I had that immediate knowing answer (complete thought)all at once letting me know how many millions of His children through the centuries, have ignored Him, blasphemed Him, cursed Him, done horrific arrogant things using His Name, & that He cries as He did over the city of Jerusalem. We have a Father who knows that no matter what is going on in our child's matter how old they are, HE KNOWS. He is also there with them (as kids), & with us (as parents) & has promised to never leave us or forsake us.
I want to take this opportunity to let you know how very much I appreciate you, as your sister in Christ and a sojourner on this road.
Buffypuff/ Claudia Farmgirl & Sister #870
"Half of success is the assurance of support along the way." cr
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Nov 12 2010 : 1:21:06 PM
Claudia - that is so true. When my son was little, my sister-in-law, knowing how nervous I was to let him go off unsupervised to another friend's home (meaning, without me...his buddy's Mom was there), reminded me that God loves him even more than I ever could, and that God is ultimately in control. She told me if I believed in God, and truly trusted Him, then I would know that even when I wasn't with him, God was there. He doesn't leave or forsake us. He loves us so much that he sent His only son to save us. Her words have resounded in my mind whenever I have had to let the apron strings a little bit more loosely, as my son has grown. It's still hard, but I just keep talking to God, reinforcing my faith in His love for my son. I am in no way ready for him to drive or to take his first job, or to even go off to college. But when the time comes, I'll be pressing into Him, trusting Him and talking to Him until He gets cauliflower ear! LOL!
And earlier this morning, I was reading Mother Angelica's devotions concerning the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. Her words really hit home for every Christian. Her meditation included how Jesus must've felt as He was beaten and broken; as He was spat upon, mocked, abused, tortured, acursed. That should have been me - I should have suffered that eternally, but He stepped in my place. Oh! When you think that He had the power to say "STOP!" and yet His love for us in our pitiful, lost state, moved Him to look beyond our spiritual filth and squalor, to reach out into the darkness, suffering every pain possible to rescue us. I just cry. He took everything we deserved, and everything we were giving to Him, all to save us... It just makes me cry. Our God would go to the depths and breadth and ends of the earth for us, never letting one of us be lost; wanting so badly that not even one of His own should suffer the firey depths of eternal hell and damnation - and eternal separation from Him - that He would take it all. He took it all. All. That is love. That is the depth of our Father's love. How can I not give Him my life? How can I not examine my thoughts, words and deeds? How can I continue to sin and harm Him in that way? The greatest loves we have ever experienced in this life are just a mere foreshadow of the all-encompassing love of God for us. I want it all. All.
One day I was at Target, looking through the magazine rack for a favorite publication. This young girl and her boyfriend walked up beside me and started laughing at a comment of faith that had been published on one of the covers in the selection. She said, "How stupid. I just don't get it. How on earth can anyone really believe that crap?" And the two of them went on and on, laughing, mocking. I stood there stunned. Utterly speechless. My heart was pierced and I just stood there stunned, tears flowing. I literally couldn't speak. I prayed that God would give me the words to reply to them in love, but nothing came. Not even one Scripture. I didn't say a word, and I was so ashamed of myself. I have often thought about that day. Why didn't God quicken something to me? Why didn't I suddenly recall scripture? Why didn't the heartfelt words that usually flow from my inmost being not well up to overflowing and splash life-giving water over onto those two unknowing children of God? Would God forgive me? HOW could He EVER forgive me? Their emptiness was so profound. So, so profound. And I couldn't seem to speak. The more I pondered the whole scene, it suddenly dawned on me how Jesus must've felt, standing before the Sanhedrin. His heart must've been broken - here he was, God incarnate, here to save us, to give everything for us. And they didn't see. They mocked, they bruised, they pierced, but they never saw. How much pain that must have brought to Him! Then it also occured to me: there really could be unsaved people in this world! Was that truly God's will that not all be saved? I can't even fathom it! The Bible says that He died once, for all. How can this happen? It is a choice people are making. Call it arrogance, pride, indifference. It's still a choice. And yet, a choice, perhaps... but how many simply don't know? How many simply do not understand or misunderstand? If we don't tell them, if we don't pray for them, who will? Wasn't one sin of Cain caught in his comment, "Am I my brother's keeper?" Yes! We are! One thing Mother Angelica always has taught is that we need to love someone enough to tell them the truth - even if they don't want to hear it. The pain of the truth is a mere pinprick compared to eternal damnation. And yet, how can I, the person with a log in my eye, tell someone else about the splinter in theirs? And then again, many "keepers" came into my life and watched over me, shared the truth, and called me to the carpet when I needed it, despite their faults and weaknesses. It wasn't supposed to be about them at the time - it was about me! I thank God for the people He has sent into my life to serve as my keepers... and teachers... and prayer warriors. I am a sinner, but thank GOD I am saved! Everyone needs this, too. God give me the courage, wisdom and strength...
Although I failed God miserably that day, I know that He is using it for good. I continue to pray for that couple, of course. But my greater mission is to pray for the whole world. Everyone. No exceptions. God can do anything. Anything. So, I'm praying that all hearts and mind are opened to Him; that all evils are brought into the light so that people will truly know and understand. That people will turn to our Heavenly Father, realizing their sinful state and how lost they are, begging for forgiveness and to be cleansed and filled with the Holy Spirit. I pray that the world will know, respond and be saved. And most of all, that each of us will live our lives for the greater glory of God.
Will anyone of you stand with me in this prayer? I know it's a tall order...but what is too tall for God? :) I'm believing in Him and watching for the miracles!
Please forgive me if I just made your head ache - I just really needed to share.
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Farmgirl Sister #1974 |
Farmgirl Legend/Schoolmarm/Sharpshooter
13684 Posts

CeeJay (CJ)
13684 Posts |
Gathered Up: Christian farmgirls?  |